Falcon7 Manual

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Falcon 7
Strategy- Design and Scanning

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission
of Reliable Software System Pvt. Ltd.

August 2013

Falcon7 Manual


. 4


Working with Falcon7 .. 5

List of Different Menus


... 6

Exchange Master
Change Data Mode (Live)
Load Intraday History
Download Daily files
Update daily file
Download Intra files
FII DII Activity Data
Find if any Data is missing
Find Missing Intraday Data
Period wise Data for Scrip
Trading Calendar
View Corporate Announcement
Scrip Information
View Period-wise Data for any scrip
View Unadjusted Daily data for any scrip

Desktop .. 26
Load Desktop
Save Desktop
Set Full Screen Mode
Minimize All Windows
Minimize Windows (Except charts)
List of Windows
Show All Windows
Close All Windows

Watches . 32
Market Watch
Tick Watch

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Events Tracker
Index Watch
Stock Watch
Pivot Watch
Spread Watch
Option Watch
Option Calculator
Scrip Tick List
Company Tick List
Derivative Summary
Derivative OI Report

Chart .. 58
New chart
Chart Setting
Tool Setting
Customize Hot Keys
Auto Skip
Visual Scan
Tile Horizontal
Tile Vertical
Save Page
Load Page
Close All
Group Chart

Scan .. 73
Signal Scan
Signal Tracker
Summary Scan
Alerts Tracker
Market Summary
Group ADS Watch
Group Movers
Scrip near 52 week High
Scrip near 52 week low
Group ADS Watch
Day Group ADS Watch
Intraday (Bar) Group ADS Watch
Intraday (Bar) Group OI Watch
View ADS/Index Records

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Trading .. 87
Exchange Margin requirement
Strategy Settings
Fine tune Strategy Parameters
F7 Signal Interface



Application Settings
Access Right Management (ARM)
 Password security
View ARM Details
FTP Setting
Login Connection
My Details
My Subscription
My Bills
My Suggestions
Create Local Users
Logoff Main User
New Personal Group
Merge Groups
Analyze My Trades
Set Backup Options
Restore From Backup
Scrip Maintained by me

Help .... 110

About F7Net
Whats new?
Error Log
Software Stress Report
Capture Desktop
Take Online Support
Chat with Support/ Sales Staff
Training Request
Reliable Software Home Page
Extension Help


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Falcon7 Manual

Strategy Design and Scanning
Falcon7, A software useful for traders or someone trying their hands on trading. Falcon7 a software,
which provides data for BSE, NSE, MCX ,NFO,MCF,NOP,NCO,BOP,MCO,MCE,MFO,BCF and many more.
User can also get Historical Intraday data and can load numbers of tick level data. It can handle multiple
exchanges /segment in single application.
Falcon 7 is no-non-sense technical analysis software. This software provides users ton of benefits.
User can instantly switch between periods from a tick chart to minute /daily/weekly/Monthly /
Quarterly/ Yearly charts. You can also open numerous charts at a time to view on different scrips. You
can also keep a track on stocks opening with high, lows. This software provides several popular
indicators. You can also see pivot, support and resistance reports. This software provides several studies
and signal to apply on desired scrip in appropriate way to earn bundle of profit.
User must get subscription to Falcon7 to get these benefits.
Falcon7 most appropriate Technical Analysis Software developed for Indian Stock Market.


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Working with Falcon 7

There are eight menus in Falcon7 each serving significant role. There are many Menus consisting of submenus for different operations.
Different Menus are:




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Data Menu is provided with numerous sub-menus. The Data Menu mainly concentrates on option
related to DATA.

>> Exchange /Segment Master:

This section consist List of Domestic and International Exchange. User must have subscription to that
respective exchange to get those benefits.
While if user is having just ONE LIVE CERTIFICATE of any one segment or Trend7 Subscription. Then the
user is authorized to Download Daily files of all Exchange Data, Currency and International Exchange.
But to get benefits of Intraday Data, user must get subscription for this too. User must note that, there is
separate certificate for International Exchange.
User can check their subscriptions from Personal  My Subscription.


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This Exchange/Segment Master helps user to select Downloading Intraday option and Downloading
Daily files options for desired Exchanges. User must note, checking Active option is requisite to
Download Intra, Download Daily or both. Checking on Ignore Sat allows ignoring Saturday as per the
trading calendar.

At the end of the form, user is provided with two buttons:

Cancel: This Cancel out the changes made.
Apply: This Apply the changes made.

>>Exchange / Segments:
This Segment displays Markets Start and End Time.
User can set different Start Time and End Time to different exchanges by editing to respective exchanges
For Instance, if user wants to check in Real Time Trading for NSE Nifty Index and BSE SENSEX where 9:00
AM to 9:08 AM is Pre-open slot.
Pre-open slot where prices are decided. While if user wants these prices to get reflect in market then
he/she should set the timing at 9:00 AM, else open price gets adjusted on after that.
In Display Pane, Exchange will list out Domestic and International Exchange with Start and End Time
which can be edited.
RoundTo: This option Round-Off 30 Minutes average to nearest figure you have settled to.
Default: This option helps to apply default units to the form.
IgnorePrior To: This option ignores prior to the value stated and adjustments are made to last candle.

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At the end of the form, user is provided with two buttons:

Cancel: This Cancel out the changes made.
Apply: This Apply the changes made

>>Change Data Mode

This function helps user to change data mode. Two modes are available for user:
Live Data: Helps to Run Live Data.
Replay Data: Helps to Replay Previous Data.
How to Replay a file?
 User must have T2 file of that day in order to play previous days Intraday Data.
How to get T2 files?
 User can get T2 file list from, Data  Download Intraday files  By selecting Server 3.
Once User have downloaded essential T2 files as required for changing Data mode to Replay action,
then he/she must restart application for applying necessary actions.
After application restarts, user will get a list to select desired T2 files to replay.
Then on selecting T2 files, user must click on set to imply that action and then play button to replay
that particular days real time market. User can also handle speed tracker with notch. Dragging or sliding
notch at right side will result in increase and sliding on left hand-side will decrease its speed.

This runs live



Replay previous

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>> Live Data Connections:

This utility helps user to establish Live Data Connection. On selecting this, two windows gets opened
Message Handler and F7Net Broadcast window. Each window plays significant function:
Message Handler:
This window has two tabs: Summary and Message flow.
Summary tab This displays numerical values for Count, Received Bytes, Data Size, Write count, Data
size, Read Count, Message number, Data Time, Sequence number and Reject Bytes.
There are two checkbox Show and Process.
On checking on Show, information in respective fields gets displayed.
Message flow tab- This tab displays the status of filter messages of Broadcast. This has two checkbox
Show In and Show out.
Checking on Show In displays tick data of that particular time rolled in.
Apply checkbox: This allows you to apply the changes made. While Clear button will clear outs the data
displayed in display panel.

F7N F7Bcast3 TCP:

F7Net Broadcast3 TCP has three main tabs that plays significant role. The three main tabs are: TCP,
Dataflow and Logs.
TCP tab- This tab looks after Transmission control protocol. This tab looks after detail of connection
>> Load Intraday History
This utility helps to load previous days intraday data. User can set date accordingly, based on numbers
of days or from Fix Start date.
Days: Selecting this option user can set numbers of days for which he/she wants to load the intraday
Fixed Start Date: Selecting this option user load intraday from particular date.
Load Data for Last: By setting numbers of days to load intraday data.
New Start Date: On setting this new start date, intraday files will be set from so on.
Current Start Date: This is the date from which intraday files are already set.
Todays date: Date on which setting is made.
Set: On clicking this, it applies the changes made.
In case if numbers of days are reduced, then user have to restart the application to load that number of


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Load History
for fixed

Falcon7 Manual

Load History
form fixed
particular date.

>> Download Daily files

On selecting appropriate and desired type of Exchange files in Exchange Master. Those Exchange type
files of Daily download will be available through this form. The List of Exchange type gets displayed in
List Box at right side of Download-Daily files dialog box. In this utility, user is provided with three servers.
Each Server is assigned respective task to carry out.
Server 1: This is Primary Server, its connected to www.reliable.co.in
Server 2: This is Back-up Server, its connected to www.reliablesoftware.co.in
Server 3: This is GoDaddy Server. This server is of great use. All daily files are uploaded on daily bases on
this server. While, these server acts as Back-up to retrieve data in case of loss. If any single file or list of
files gets down or corrupt due to some or other reason, than files from this server will act as Backup.
On choosing appropriate Server, user can precede a step toward Downloading-Daily Files.
Only New Files: On checking this option, user allows only new files to download further.

Select appropriate Server

List of Exchange


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Setting Tab:
This Tab is provided with three options:
 Auto download on application start: On checking on this option, downloading start
automatically each time application is started.
 Auto download new files every 30 Min: On checking this option, downloading for new files
starts automatically on every 30 Minutes.
 Auto download on application close: On checking this option, downloading starts
automatically each time before closing application.
 Load From: User can start downloading files from particular date.
 Check file Size: Checking on this option allows to check size of the file.
 List box: This List out the types of exchanges, user is subscribed to.
Get File List:
This displays list of daily files including master files of all respective Exchange for which user is
subscribed to. The list is populated with information related to Type, File, Size, DateTime.
Mark All: Clicking this option will mark all files listed in Get File List.
Un-Mark all: Clicking this option will unmark all files listed in Get File List.
Mark Master: Clicking this option will mark all Masters file listed in Get File List.
Download Files: By clicking on this after selecting list of needful files, user can download files through
this option.
Stop: By clicking this, user can stop Downloading action in between.
Log Tab: This Tab displays the information about Connection Status.

>> Update Daily files

This utility helps user to update the downloaded EOD files. The Update Daily Files dialog box provides
few options such as:
Refresh: This will refresh Display Pane.
Update: This option allows user to update the files in Display pane.
Delete files after update (checkbox): This will delete files from Import folder after extracting.
And the Display Pane will display names of downloaded files.


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By checking
here it will
delete files
from Import
folder after

Falcon7 Manual

Display pane will

display list of files
to update.

This is Progress
bar, which shows
progress of files

>>Download Intra files:

On selecting appropriate and desired type of Exchange files in Exchange Master. Those Exchange type
files of Intraday download will be available through this form. The List of Exchange type gets displayed in
List Box at right side of Download-Intra files dialog box. In this utility, user is provided with three servers.
Each Server is assigned respective task to carry out.
Server 1: This is Primary Server, its connected to www.reliable.co.in
Server 2: This is Back-up Server, its connected to www.reliablesoftware.co.in
Server 3: This is GoDaddy Server. All intra files are uploaded on daily bases on this server. While, these
server acts as Back-up to retrieve data in case of loss. If any single file or list of files gets down or corrupt
due to some or other reason, than files from this server will act as Backup. On choosing appropriate
Server, user can precede a step toward Downloading-Intra Files.
Only New Files: On checking this option, user allows only new files to download further.
Setting Tab:
This Tab is provided with three options:
 Auto download on application start: On checking on this option, downloading start
automatically each time application is started.
 Auto download new files every 30 Min: On checking this option, downloading for new files
starts automatically on every 30 Minutes.
 Auto download on application close: On checking this option, downloading starts
automatically each time before closing application.
 Load From: User can start downloading files from particular date.
 Auto Select T2 file, if new: On checking this New T2 files (Intra files) starts downloading.
 Delete zip Files on Download: On checking this option, deletion starts automatically for zip
files which are downloaded.
 Check file Size: Checking on this option allows to check size of the file.
 List box: This List out the types of exchanges, user is subscribed to.


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Get File List:

This displays list of daily files including master files of all respective Exchange for which user is
subscribed to. The list is populated with information related to Type, File, Size, DateTime.
Mark All: Clicking this option will mark all files listed in Get File List.
Un-Mark all: Clicking this option will unmark all files listed in Get File List.
Mark Master: Clicking this option will mark all Masters file listed in Get File List.
Download Files: By clicking on this after selecting list of needful files, user can download files through
this option.
Stop: By clicking this, user can stop Downloading action in between.
Logs Tab: This Tab displays the information about Connection Status.
Select appropriate Server

List of Exchange
user subscribed for.

This utility helps user to get NSE ADS DATA.ie. National Stock Exchange Advance /Decline /Same data.
Through this user can keep a view on Scrip that has experienced advance, decline or no change. This
function is also available in form of study under market breadth category which can be plotted on chart
for further analysis. On selecting this option user will see data populated in Display pane:
Date: Date of displayed data.
Advance: Current days close is above previous days close.
Decline: Current days close is below previous days close.
Same: Current days close is same as previous days close.
Total Stocks: Total number of scrip in NSE that traded on that particular date.

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Adv Pcnt: Percentage of those scrips that advanced out of total.

Dec Pcnt: Percentage of those scrips that declined out of total.
Same Pcnt: Percentage that experienced no changes out of the total.
This utility helps user to get BSE ADS DATA.ie. Bombay Stock Exchange Advance /Decline /Same data.
Through this user can keep a view on Scrip that has experienced advance, decline or no change. This
function is also available in form of study under market breadth category which can be plot on chart for
further analysis.
On selecting this option user will see data populated in Display pane:
Date: Date of displayed data.
Advance: Current days close is above previous days close.
Decline: Current days close is below previous days close.
Same: Current days close is same as previous days close.
Total Stocks: Total number of scrip in BSE that traded on that particular date.
Adv Pcnt: Percentage of those scrips that advanced out of total.
Dec Pcnt: Percentage of those scrips that declined out of total.
Same Pcnt: Percentage that experienced no changes out of the total.

>>FII DII Activity Data:

This utility helps user by displaying data related to Foreign Institutional Investor and Domestic
Institutional Investor. User can also get graphical view of FII DII Activity Data.
Graph: It shows graphical representation. On selecting any of the option will display respective results.
(FII+DII) NET: The Graph will display combined values of Net FII shares + Net DII shares
FII NET: The Graph will display Net values of FII Shares
DII NET: The Graph will display Net values of DII Shares
(FII+DII)Buy: The Graph will display combined value of shares bought by FII and DII
(FII+DII)Sell: The Graph will display combined value of shares Sold by FII and DII
FII Buy: The Graph will display Total values of shares bought by FII Net
DII Buy: The Graph will display Total values of shares bought by DII Net
FII Sell: The Graph will display Total values of shares sold by FII Net
DII Sell: The Graph will display Total values of shares sold by DII Net
By clicking on title of the column, user can sort respective columns.


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Graphical Representation of FII DII

Activity Data

Tabular representation of
FII DII Activity Data

>>Find if any Data is missing

This utility helps user to find missing data by using different options available in form.
User can select required options from Option Grid .
Compare 2 Scrips for Missing data: This can be used to find missing data by comparing two scrips.
Compare Scrips Data with Exchange Calendar Data: This can be used to find missing data by comparing
Scrips data with Exchange working days.
Compare Scrip Data with Exchange ADS Data: This can be used to find missing data by comparing scrips
data with Exchange ADS Data.
Compare Exchange ADS Data with Exchange Calendar data: This can be used to find missing data by
comparing Exchange ADS Data with Exchange Calendar.
Show Days with No Delivery Data: This will help to view days with missing delivery data
User need to select two scrips to compare with different options.
Select scrip 1: Click to Select Scrip 1
Select Scrip 2: Click to Select Scrip 2
Show missing Days: This will find missing days.
Data grid: This will show details of missing data.
It will consist of:
Start Date: Starting Date of selected Scrip / Exchange.
End Date: Date on which data last received of selected scrip.
Missing Bar Count: This will show missing bars found for selected scrip.
Extra Bars: this will compare extra bars in selected scrip with second selected scrip.
Display pane will have two partitions. One will display missing details of Scrip 1, while other will display
information of Scrip 2.

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Data Grid
showing missing
bar count

Display Panel of
Scrip 1

Display Panel
of Scrip 2

For Instance user uses Compare 2 Scrips for missing data .

Between Scrip 1: Reliance Media work Limited
Scrip 2: Tata Communication ltd
Information gets displayed in Data grid and display pane.

>>Find Missing Intraday Data

This utility helps to find missing data of particular scrip. If there are any missing data of that particular
scrip, out of numbers of days that you are checking? Then the available file column in Display pane will
flash message Missing Intra Data with particular date on which Intraday Data is missing.
But user needs to make primary setting to get this function work.
Select Scrip: This option will help to scrip whose missing intraday data needs to be found.
Use Rolling Data for Active Series: User must check this, to enable display of rolling data for the currently
selected scrip.
Find Missing Intraday Data for Last_Days: Number of days need to be set by scrolling to populate the
field with the number of missing intraday data you want to view.
Check Intra Data: This option enables display of missing Intraday data
On selecting this option user will see data populated in Display pane:
Data Status: If this checkbox is ticked then data is available otherwise it is unavailable.
Date: Displays date on which data is missing.
Available Files: Displays list of available intraday files.
Record Count: Numbers of records in file.


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>> View Period-wise Data for Scrip

This utility helps user to view period-wise data of selected scrip. User has to select desired scrip with
required Time-frame. He/she can also set a particular date to load and view period-wise scrip.
There are few buttons through which user can explore more functions:
Show: This will give data for selected scrip
Studies: Through this user can add new studies or load already existing one from study manager.
Export: This will export data to Excel sheet in .CSV format.
User can also save or load previously saved file.
The display pane displays detailed information of that scrips Open, High, low, close, Total Qty, Total
value, Trades, OpenInt, DelQty and etc.

Scrip can be

Required Time-frame or
period can be selected

Display pane will

display whole
information about
that scrip.

Show-This will display data.

Studies- User can apply studies.
Export- Data can be exported to
.csv format.
Save file allows user to save file
while load file allows you to load
previously saved file.

>> Unadjusted Daily Data for scrip

This utility helps user to view unadjusted data. Unadjusted data means Non-adjusted data to Rights,
Bonus or split declarations.

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Select Scrip: Allows user to select required scrip.

Load from: This allows you to load data from specified date.
Date drop-down box: Through this date can be selected.
Show: This will display unadjusted Daily data for selected scrip.
Export: This will export data to Excel sheet in .csv format. While the display pane will consist Total
Quantity, Total Value in Crores, Trades, OI, DelQty information and etc.
User can select
required scrip

This will display data

in display pane.

Date to be selected to
load data from that
particular period.

This will display complete

information of Average
rate, Total Qty, Total Value
in Crores and etc.

>> View Trading Calendar:

This option helps user to view Exchange wise Calendar with working days and holidays.
Display Pane consists of:
Exchange Types of Exchange
Date Dates are displayed
Status- Shows working status of Exchange
Blank column: Working days
Ho: Holiday (Saturday and Sunday)
EH: Exchange-defined Holidays (Festivals, Important days, etc)
CT Customize time


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Type of Exchange
can be selected

Calendar Status:
EH: Exchange Holiday
Ho: Saturday/Sunday

>> View Corporate Announcement

This utility helps user to view Right Bonus Split Dividend information. Through this function user can
check corporate information by selecting required time-frames.
User can select required period option from drop-down option like:
 Latest Announcement
 Last 1 Week
 Last 15 Days
 Last 1 Month
 Last 3 Months
 Within Specified Period. This option will allow user to select required time-frame from the dropdown through
There are two buttons which allow user to operate more on this:
Search: This will search the corporate announcement for selected time-frame.
Reset: This will reset the data populated in the display panel.

>>Scrip Information
This utility provides Scrips Information.
Select Scrip: Clicking on this, a dialog box will appear. Through which, user need to select type of
Exchange and then desired Scrip.
Scrip Information is sorted into four Tabs:
 Scrip Information: This covers the basic information related to Scrip. It consists of Name, Type
of Exchange, Scrip number, Industry, Years High, Years Low and etc.


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 RBS History: This covers information related to Right/Bonus/Split History. It consists of Date,
Category, Factor Description and etc.
 Previous EOD: This covers information related to previous end of the day. It consist of Previous
Open, Previous High, Previous Low, Previous C lose and etc.
 Current OHLC: This covers information related to current Open, High, Low, and Close. It consist
information related to OHLC, Resistance, Pivot, Support and etc.
Option to Select Scrip

Explore Tab
to get more

>> More

>> Download Full Set

This function helps you to download complete set of EOD data. This will allow you to download data
from 1st trading day to the current day.
Users can Download Full set of data from Server drop down which gives two options: Server 1 or
Server 2.

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Where, Server 1 is primary Sever connected to www.reliable.co.in and

Server 2 is backup Server connected to www.reliablesoftware.co.in .
This consists of two tabs: File List and Logs.
File List displays list of zip files of different Exchanges he has subscribed to. The display panel consists of
several fields like:
Select This provides option to check or un-check the files.
File: This displays name of the file.
Date Time: This displays date and time of zip file.
Size: This shows the size of the file.
Delete Files on Download (checkbox): Checking on this option will delete zip after extracting.
Mark all: Clicking on this will mark all the files listed in display panel.
Unmark All: Clicking on this will unmark all selected files from display panel.
This will display
list of files

This will start

downloading files
as selected.

Display pane will display

zip file from type of
exchange, Date Time
and size.

Server can be

Get File List and Download Files are two important buttons.
Get file List: Through this button user will get list of files of past 11 to 12 months.
Download Files: This button will initiate downloading process.
Stop: Clicking on this will stop downloading process.


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>> Convert Intraday History to New Format

This function helps user to convert files from .T13 extension to .T30 extension. This conversion helps to
improve speed of processes. The time of conversion keeps varying from system to system with different
Convert: Start conversion on clicking this.
Refresh: Click to refresh data
View List Tab: User has to select files from this tab.
All Data: This helps to convert data displayed in display pane
Load Data for Last: This helps to specify numbers of days for which data need to be converted. Green
Tick: Select all files
Red Tick: Deselect all files.

How to do Data Conversion?

This option allows user to convert one-time conversion of one data file format to another resulting
into enhancement of speed. Conversion of data is done automatically, on completion DONE status
will be shown in the menu. While the files which are not converted will be converted to D8 format
There are few steps to follow such as:
User has to click on the corresponding conversion form in the Daily menu.
In the form, a button for converting the remaining files will show up.
A message gets displayed in the form telling you the approximate time consumable for converting
files depending on your systems configuration.
By clicking on enables conversion, unconverted data files whose conversion progress can be viewed
in the display grid.
Once when conversion gets completed, the status gets updated to Converted.

>> Convert T2 File to New format

This utility helps user to convert T2 files to T30 / T50 format or T35/T55 format. Generally T2 files are
stored under Falcon folder  Intra folder. Intra folder will contain all lists of T2 files.
This T2 file consist records of all scrip of different exchange for which user has subscribed to.


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Through Select button, user has to select .T2 file of particular date that he wants to convert to
T30/T50 or T35/T55 file format. Once user have selected required file, then by clicking on Load T2 file
whole data will be processed.
The scrip under BFO and BOP will be converted to T50 file format and NSE will be converted to T30 file
On completion of compression, types of files T30/T50 or T35/T55 are created as per the selection.
Intra Path: This displays location where converted files are stored.
Format grid: This grid provides two options to convert T2 files to T30/T50 format or T35/T55 format.
Type grid: This grid provides two options to save compressed files either in Scrip-wise or Date-Wise type.
Output grid: This grid provides two options to save either in Zipped format or unzipped format.
Link Data Tick Time Grid:
This has two options to check for: Above Tick Time and Below Tick Time.
Repair Data: This will serve as backup in case of any loss. This will check the data within selected T2 file.
On Loading T2 file, Number of records gets displayed. Total number of records processed gets displayed
in display panel.
Few steps to follow, for converting .T2 files to T30/T50 file format or T35/T55 file format are:
Step 1: On loading .T2 file, user has to select an option from Format, Type and Output.
 On selecting format T30/T50 file, Type as Date-wise and Output as Unzipped option datewise folder gets created in Intra folder under Falcons main folder.

 For Instance, Date-wise folder gets created 130716Mfile where 13-07-16 (yy-mm-dd) stands
for date while M-stands for Exchange initial (MCX).


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 Within Date-wise folder, a folder of scrip number from 0 to 9 gets created.

Step 2: On selecting T35/T55 file as format, Scrip-wise as type and in zipped format option under
respective grids for compressing files.

 Type of Exchange file gets created for which user has subscribed.

In such type of Exchange file folders of scrip number from 0 to 9 get created, within which zip folder
of particular date gets stored under respective folders.


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This compressed file is in T35/T55 format which on extracting creates T30/T50 files.
>> View Import History
This function helps user to view Import history from this form.
User can view Import history with different type of Exchange selected as per his need.
Exchange Drop down: Type of Exchange can be selected.
Load From: On specifying date, data can be loaded.
Display Pane consists of:
Exchange: Type of Exchange
Date: Date of the Data
Status: Status of data Import.
File Name: Name of imported files.

>> View Exchange wise Data

This option helps user to get information related to Domestic Exchange and International Exchange. This
form displays information of different Exchange with respect to its Start Time, End Time, GMT Start
Time, GMT End Time, Break Time if any, Sorted in group of Basic or Advance , Source, Port and type of
currency in which its trading takes place.
>> Restart
This utility helps user to restart this application. On changing some setting or implying few users need to
restart this application.
>>Exit: This utility helps user to close application of falcon7 on which he is currently working on.


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Desktop Menu is provided with numerous sub-menus. This menu mainly concentrates on setting related
to desktop.


This utility helps user to load all saved files from this form.
For Instance, user has opened number of charts and has applied different studies for different charts.
He/she have also opened Market watch or Tick watch to study the related parameters accordingly. On
this step its advisable to save desktop, in order to avoid any loss.
This function runs into help at this step, with this user can load all saved files from this window.
This form has two tabs:

Local Files and

Published Files

Local Files:
This displays all files which are saved by the user himself. User can make this file available for other user
by Publishing.
User need to make minute efforts to get this task done. All he/she needs to do is select required file and
then click on Publish button.
Published Files:
This displays all files which are saved by the users and published on Reliable Server. User can add those
Published Files on their desktop with this option.

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On selecting required Published Files from list displayed in that window. User can apply that required
desktop to his desktop.
Apply: Clicking on this will Load file.
Cancel: Click on this will cancel out your setting.
Publish: Click on this will save file on Reliable server from where other user can also access it.
Delete File: Click on this will delete selected file.
Rename: Click on this will allow you to rename file.

Saved files

Display files published

on Reliable server

Through this utility user can save wanted desktop created by applying studies, Watches, graph or so.
For Instance, user has opened number of charts and has applied different studies, Watches or so. He has
also opened Market watch or tick watch to study related parameters of different scrips. At this step,
this option runs into help. User can save whole desktop as he has arranged on screen.
There are few text fields that need to be filled by user:
Filename: Name should be assigned to a file.
Drop-down list: This will display names of files which are already saved.
Security File: This helps to implement security over the file created. The security of transferring or
sharing this file can be managed through Personal  Access Right Management. Through this option
user can assign access right for that file to the user.
There are three buttons which allows user to work accordingly:
o Save: This will help you to save desired desktop.
o Cancel: This will cancel out the changes and will close the changes.
o Published: Click on this will save file on Reliable server from where other user can
also access the saved desktop.


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User has to assign name for

the file he want to save.

Save- Save desired desktop

Cancel- Cancel out settings
Publish- Save files on Reliable server, so that
it will be useful for other user also.

Security for the file can

be implemented
through this.


This utility helps user to switch the mode of screen from Normal to Full Screen.With this user can view
charts, watches or Tick list in Full screen mode. User can exit this mode to switch over Normal mode by
again going through series of click Desktop  Set Full Screen Mode.
This utility helps to minimize the Falcon screen. The working procedure of this option is same as the
Minimize button on Title bar.
This utility helps to minimize all Windows that are present on screen. All charts, Watches or list gets
restored to the bottom of the screen, from where user can switch to open any desired window.User can
also minimize all lists of Windows present on screen, with a single step by pressing F6 Button.
This utility helps to minimize all Windows that are present on screen, but except charts. User can
restore Market watch, Tick Watch or all sort of Watches or so with this option only to view charts.User
can just press Shift + F6 from keyboard to apply this service on screen.
This utility helps to List out all Windows that are opened on screen. On selecting this user can be able to
view list of units opened within the application.


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For Instance, User is handling Daily trading with different scrips. He /she have also opened Market
Watch or Tick list of that particular scrip to view up and down in that particular group.
List of Window helps user at this point of time by listing names of Windows opened at that point of
User is also provided with two buttons:
OK: On selecting required Window from list, clicking on OK will open that window.
Cancel: This cancels out the list of Window


This utility helps user to view all Windows that are present on screen. User can also opt for this function
by simply clicking on F7 button.


This utility helps user to close all units of Windows opened within the application. This function helps to
close all windows with single click.


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Watches Menu is provided with different sub-menu. This Watches Menu mainly concentrates on setting
or maneuver related to different watches.

This utility helps user to get detailed updates of different Exchange.
The Name of this menu is derived from its function itself; user can have overview of whole market by
selecting desired group of scrip or single scrip with this option. Market watch gives detail tick update of
selected set of scrip.
This Window has a series of buttons at top on the title bar of Market Watch:
H: Click on this, will hide setting option.
U: Click on this, will unhide setting option.
E: Click on this will, add Equity of any category.
G: Click on this will, select group of securities.
User is provided with numerous options to add individual scrip or group of scrips or make required


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Scrips can be

Futures can be

Groups can be

Add Futures:
Clicking on this, Select Future window will be available. User can filter type of Exchange NFO, NCF,
MCF, and MCX. Further changes should be made accordingly by user.
Indices: This enables all indices in the scrip through drop down list.
Rest: This enables all other scrip in drop-down list.
Symbol: Allows you to choose particular symbol.
Drop-down List: User can make a choice between Equity and Currency Scrip depending on the exchange
type selected.
Grid: The grid consists of Expiry: Current, Near and Far.
CURRENT: Selecting on this will give list of scrips expiring in the current month.
NEAR: Selecting on this will give list of scrips expiring in the near month.
Far: Selecting on this will give list of scrips expiring in the Far month.
Show: This will display selected option option contract in the display pane.
Append: This will append the scrip to the scrip in the display pane.
User is provided with three buttons at the end of Select Future form:
Clear: This will clears display pane populated with scrips.
Apply- This will apply selected action.


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Add Scrips:
This allows you to add individual scrip to your Market watch.
This Window has a series of buttons at top on the title bar of Add Scrip.
R: Click on this, will display recently viewed scrips.
N: Click on this, will display Nifty Scrips
B: Click on this, will display BSE Sensitivity scrips.
Exchange drop-down: This allows you to select type of Exchange needed.
Inside: Checking on this will display all the scrips having the letter that you have typed.
For Instance, if you type ABB and tick on checkbox inside. Then all scrips having names beginning with
ABB as well as those having this letters ABB in between or at the end of their name will be displayed.
Active: Check on this will display only those scrips which are active on the basis of letters you have
Display Pane: This will display list of scrip in format specified.

Add Group:
This will allow you to select group of scrip and add it to Market Watch.
Exchange Type Drop-down: This allows selecting type of exchangeo Exchange Defined-defined by the exchange.
o User defined Groups already saved by the user
o Industries List of Industries.
Exchange Drop down: This consist list of exchanges.
This Window has a series of buttons at top on the title bar of Add Groups.
N: Click on this, will display Nifty Scrips
B: Click on this, will display BSE Sensitivity scrips.
Enable Drag Drop (checkbox): Checking on this box allows you to drag and drop individual scrips.
Save as Group: This allows saving group as file.
Load: This allows you to load a file.
Save: Click to save file.
Pause: Click to pause data flow.
Clear: Click to clear out data.
Color entire row using: This will color entire row based on drop down as selected. There are few option
available on drop down are:
Pcnt Change: This colors entire row based on Percentage Change.
Last Rate: This colors entire row based on Last Rate.
BidRate: This colors entire row based on Bid Rate.
BidQty: This colors entire row based on Bid Quantity
OfferRate: This colors entire row based on Offer Rate.
OfferQty: This colors entire row based on Offer Quantity.
Apply Up/down Colors (checkbox): On checking this option, it will color scrip name, PcntChange and Last

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Number of digit after decimal: With this option you can select numbers to appear after decimal between
2 to 5.
While on selecting appropriate option with parameters, it will display tick data of selected market/
User can find several other functions on right-click:
Open Scrip List: Through this user can open required scrip.
Save Scrip list: Through this user can save Scrip list.
Add Scrips (INS): Through this user can add required scrip in Market Watch to get detailed updates.
Add Alert: This initiates Alert window, through which user can set Alerts.
Add group: This option allows user to add group in Market Watch.
Arrange Scrips: This option allows user to arrange Scrip in order as he needs.
Always Sorted: This option allows user to sort scrips
Show related scrip: This option allows viewing scrip related to that particular scrip.
Scrip Derivative Chain: This gives detail tick updates of any option scrip of Call and Put trades.
Enable Drag and drop: This option allows user to open scrip on chart by drag and drop.
Hide/Unhide Setting Panel: This will hide or unhide the setting.
Remove Scrip: This will remove or delete the scrip from Market watch.
Remove All Scrips: This will remove all scrip listed in Market Watch.
Standard Column: This option allows user to select Cash, Futures and Option Columns.
View Scrip Tick list: This option gives tick-by-tick updates.
Statistics: This option helps to get statistical data of scrip and their behavior.
Rank: This option allows user to add or remove rank for particular scrip.
Column selection: This option allows user to add or remove fields as per his/her needs.
Column setting: This allows user to save or load previously saved column settings.
View records (Ctrl + V): This displays entire information of the scrip selected.
Width according to data length (Ctrl +D): This arranges the width according to data length.
Grid setting: This allows user to change grid, color & font settings.
Search: This allows user to search for records.
Filter: This option allows user to filter by several methods like manually, selection, AND filter, OR Filter
Save as: This option allows user to save record as HTML (*.htm), CSV (*.csv), Tabbed (*.txt), Dataset
Run Query: This allows user to build and execute SQL query.
[Note: Pro user can build + execute query, while other can only execute query.] On selecting Run
Query, user can build and execute desired query to extract required data.
Below dialog box gets opened, on choosing Run Query option.
This form has two display panes: the upper one that displays the result of query created and the lower
one to write SQL query.
There are few set of buttons provide few functions like:
Load: This allows user to load previously saved Dataset query.
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Query tab provides user to create query.

Save: This allows user to save Data set query. On assigning required Filename and then clicking on
Save will successfully save the file.

Cancel: This will cancel out the settings made.

Publish: This will save the file on Reliable server, so that other user can subscribe for that particular Data
Set Query.
Edit Query (checkbox): If this option is checked, then user can edit the SQL Query created.
Execute: This will execute the query created.
Query help: This option will help user with basic information about Syntax and function of SQL.
Save as Group: After assigning name, then clicking on Save as Group. User can save group created.

>>Tick Watch
This utility helps user to filter tick update on group of scrips through this form.

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This is the only sub-menu that allows user to apply conditions or expression with help of different
operands on set of group and examine accordingly.
There are few buttons at the top of this dialog box:
H: This will hide setting options
U: This will unhide setting options
S: This will Start/ Stop the watch
P: This option will pause the data flow in Market watch.
Set Group checkbox: This option will help to get data only on specified group of scrips
Set Group (button): This option allows user to select group from desired type of exchange.
PClose: This will allow you to set rate range filter.
From: This filed allow user to enter start value of range.
To: This field allow user to enter end value of range.
Last traded on/after: This allows you to set last trading day filter
Date drop-down box: This allows you to set last trading day filter.
Last days Turnover: This allow you to set filter of last days turnover of scrips in crores
Tick Qty: This will allow you to set tick quantity filter
Tick Value in Lakhs: This will allow you to set filter for total value of tick
Condition: User can create preferred condition from option button. The option button is helpful to
create condition as needed by using different Variation and different operands. The created condition
can be verified by clicking on VERIFY button. On clicking Append button user can add created input
expression with already existing ones.
Expression Name: Name can be assigned to load that particular Expression in future.
Save: This will allow user to save new expressions.
Load: This will allow user to load new expression for future use.
Apply: This will apply the created expression.
There is Condition grid which provides three options:
Satisfy One: It should satisfy at least one condition
Satisfy All: It should satisfy all condition
Ignore: It will ignore, none of the condition need to be satisfied
Expression: User can create expression from option button.
Show Expr1: Select expression 1 from drop down or option button.
Show Expr2: Select Expression 2 from drop down or option button.
Max Records: This will display Maximum records to be displayed in Window
Watch Name: Name for watch can be assigned
Color Entire Row: Checking on this will color entire row as per the colors selected in main settings.
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This form has few buttons to operate, such as:

Load: This will help to load data
New: This will help to create new file
Save and Apply: This will help to save and apply settings
Start: This will help to start tick watch
Clear: This will clear all records in display pane.
Save as group: This will help to save created summary in groups.
Show Blotters: This is very unique and needful feature. This function gives graphical representation of
ticks. There are three types of graphs:
First graph represent LastRate,BidRate and OfferRate.
Second graph represent Values in Lakhs in bubble diagram where blue bubble depict Buy value and red
bubble depicts Sell value.
While third graph represent Open Interest graph.
The display pane will consist of several fields. These fields can be added or removed by selecting or unchecking options from right clickU column selection.

Group can be set

through this

Tab option to
create condition
Expression can
be created

Blotters graph
can be viewed


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>> Event Tracker:

This utility helps user to track by setting events on specified group of scrips through this form. User can
find few buttons on top of this form:
H: This will hide setting options
U: This will unhide setting options
S: This will start Event Tracker.
There is only one tab to work on:

Filter & Events:

Name: User can assign desired name for event.
Set Group: This function will help user to set group by selecting required scrip.
Pclose: This allows user to set a range filter.
From field: Enter start value of range
To field: Enter end value of range.
Last Traded on/after: This allows user to set last trading day filter.
Date drop-down box: User can set required date for last trading day filter.
Last days Turnover: User can set filter of last days turnover of scrips.
Number field: This allows user to enter values in crores.
There are few buttons available for user to carry out different operations:
Highlight Top Row: If this is checked, it will highlight top row.
Popup on Event: If this is check, even when you have minimized Event tracker it will pop up on event
All (Green tick): This will select all.
All (Red Tick): This will deselect all.
New: This will set up new event tracking settings.
Load: This will load any previously saved Event tracking setting file.
Save: This will save settings.

At the top of this form at right side, there are lists of events defined. Each event plays a crucial role to
trace out the high or low of different scrip.

Gap-up: Current open is higher than the previous days high.

Gap down: Current days open is lesser than the previous days low.

Filled Gap-up: Current days low is same or below the previous days high

Filled Gap-down: Current days high is same or above the previous days low.


52 Week high / Low: This will display the scrip High/low that occurred in 52 weeks.
Days high: Last rate is high rate of the day.


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Days low: Last rate is low rate of the day.

Break Previous Days high: High of the bar is greater than the previous days high.

Break Previous Days low: Low of the bar is less than the previous days low.

Volume>Previous Days low: Current days volume is greater than previous days

Cross above VWAP: Price Line has crossed beyond Volume Weighed Average Price

Cross below VWAP: Price Line has gone down below Volume Weighed Average Price

Breaking Resist 1- Price Line has crossed beyond resistance 1.

Breaking Resist 2- Price Line has crossed beyond resistance 2.

Breaking Resist 3- Price Line has crossed beyond resistance 3.

Breaking Support 1- Price Line has crossed beyond Support 1.

Breaking Support 2- Price Line has crossed beyond Support 2.

Breaking Support 3- Price Line has crossed beyond Support 3.

Cross above Pivot: Priceline has crossed above Pivot.

Cross below Pivot: Priceline has crossed below Pivot.

OI Inc: Open Interest has increased

OI Dec: Open Interest has decreased

No Buyers: No buyers for an offer price in a scrip.

No seller: No sellers for a bidding price in a scrip.

Larger Bid: When Bid volume is greater than or equal to 500 or 5% of total volume
whichever is greater.

Larger Offer: When Offer- volume is greater than or equal to 500 or 5% of total volume
whichever is greater.

Large Trade- Tick quantity greater than or equal to 500 or 2% of total volume, whichever
is greater.

User must note that top row of events column will be highlighted with its corresponding color, showing
triggered events.
Display pane consists of Scrip Name, Last rate, Data Time, Type of event Bull or Bear.
It will also consists of Industry type, Rank, Scrip number, Message which describes event, event number
in accordance with number of events that have occurred and been displayed.


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User can save moving events in the form and can also Publish which will enable uploading selected
events file to server.
Groups can
be set

Events defined.
Each event plays
significant role

Color can be
(Black, White)

>> Index Watch:

This utility helps user to get updates upon each tick using this option. This option filter index updates.
There are two display panes:
The upper display Grid displays:
Index Name of Index
IndexValue- Indexs last rate (in lakhs)
PcntChange- Change in index values in terms of percentage.
Change- Change in index value from previous day.
Updated Time: Time at which corresponding changes in index values were observed

While other grid displays

Exch: Type of Exchange
Advance: Current days close which is greater than the previous days close.
Decline: Current days close which is lesser than the previous days close.
Same: Current days close and previous days close are same.
Total: This lists sum of total of Advance, decline and same

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AdvTOver: This lists advance turn-over.

DecTOver: This lists decline turn-over.
SameTOver: This lists same turn-over.
TotalTOver : This lists total turn-over(in lakhs).
Green /Blue color represent positive rate change when compared to previous days rate.
Red color represent negative rate change when compared to previous days rate.

There are two type of stock watch S&P CNX Nifty and BSE SENSEX securities. This utility is of great use
for user, through this function user can keep watch on Nifty and SENSEX stocks. They can compare
between current and previous rate.
User must have subscription of respective ones to get benefits of this stock watch.


This gives detailed updates of Nifty Stock watch.
It is also useful to figure out the stocks that are dragging Nifty Index up or down.
At the top of Nifty Stock Watch, bit information is displayed about:
Prev Nifty: Previous rate of Nifty
Actual Nifty: Current and actual rate as released by Exchange.
Nifty Calculated: Nifty rates as calculated by software.
Difference: Difference in Nifty Rates as calculated by Software. (I .e. Nifty Calculated Actual Nifty)
While in Display pane, it displays Nifty updates:
Scrip Name: Short Scrip Name.
Last Rate: Last traded rate is displayed
Nifty Contribution: These are contribution of scrip to Nifty index in points. These are assigned as per
weight to scrip by exchange.
Nifty Change: Change in Nifty contribution.
%Nifty Change: Percentage change in Nifty contribution.
Click on any scrip in the record will display its respective chart in background.


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User can get all updates of all securities listed in SENSEX STOCK WATCH, through this form.
At the top of SENSEX Stock Watch, bit information is displayed about:
Prev SENSEX: Previous rate of SENSEX
Actual SENSEX: Current and actual rate as released by Exchange.
SENSEX Calculated: SENSEX rates as calculated by software.
Difference: Difference in SENSEX Rates as calculated by Software. (I .e. SENSEX Calculated Actual
While in Display pane, it displays SENSEX updates:
Scrip Name: Short Scrip Name:
Last Rate: Last traded rate is displayed
SENSEX Contribution: These are contribution of scrip to SENSEX index in points. These are assigned as
per weight to scrip by exchange.
SENSEX Change: Change in SENSEX contribution.
%SENSEX Change: Percentage change in SENSEX contribution.
Click on any scrip in the record will display its respective chart in background.

>> Pivot Watch:

Through this Watch user can get Pivot, Support and Resistance data for any group with this form.
How pivot value is calculated?
 Pivot Value is calculated by summing the value of High, low and close.
Users have to select a group by defining type of Exchange and selecting required Index.
Auto Refresh: Set auto refresh of data.
Timer: Set Timer for auto-refresh.
Refresh: By clicking on this, it will refresh manually.
Report base: Need to set base for data Today/Tomorrow.
Rate: Show actual pivot values.
Difference: Shows values in term of difference when compared to PClose.
Percentage: Shows values in terms of percentage as compared to PClose.
Then in Display Pane,
Scrip Name: This will display short scrip name.
PClose: This will display previous days close. While for tomorrow in Report Base, base is taken as last
Last Rate: Rate in Last trade
Support3: Support 3 value = L-2+ (H-P)
Support2: Support 2 value= P-(H-L)
Support1: Support 1 value= (P*2)-H

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Pivot: Pivot value= (H+L+C)/3

Resistance1: Resistance 1 value= (P*2)-L
Resistance2: Resistance 2 value = P+ (H-L)
Resistance3: Resistance 3 value = H +2(P-L)
Industry: Name of Industry.

Groups can be set

Setting Timer for


Set base for DataToday / Tomorrow

Rate- Actual Pivot values

Difference show difference
compared to PClose
Percentage-show % compared to


This utility helps user to view spread of various contract through this form.
Exch: This will allow user to select required Exchange.
Rate: This will allow user to select the rate. The rate can be Last, Average or PClose.
User need to select any one option from Compare grid:
Current Near: This will compare current months value with near months value on basis of rate
Current Far: This will compare current months value with Far months value on basis of rate selected.
Near far: This will compare near months value with far months as per the rate selected
Cash current: This will compare cash value with future current value as per the rate selected.
Cash near: This will compare cash value with future near value as per rate selected.
There are also several checkbox which performs essential action on form:
Show Rate: This will show rate for all contracts selected.

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Show Expiry Date: This will show expiry date for the contracts.
Days to expiry: This will show days left for expiry.
Show OpenInt: This will show open Interest
Show Rs. Diff: This will show difference in Rupees.
Show Pcnt Diff: This will show difference in percentage
While display pane will consist of columns as per the option selected in compare Tab.

Select type
of Exchange

Select Rate.
The rate can be Last,
Average or PClose

Display Pane consist of

several field


This utility helps user to view detailed tick updates of any option scrip of call and Put trades.
User is provided with series of button at top of this form:
H: Hide setting
U: Unhide setting
F: Add Futures securities
O: Add Option securities
E: Add equity of any category.
There are also several buttons to work with:

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Add Scrip: This will add scrip to the form

Add futures: This will add future securities
Add Options: This will add option securities.
Load: This will load scrip list
Save: This will allow you to save scrip list
Pause: This will allow you to halt scrip list.
Save as Group: This will allow user to save as whole group.
Spot Type: Allows selecting any spot Type Future or Cash.
DataLine: Allows to select any DataLine Avg Rate , Last , Pclose , Open
Risk free% - Display the interest rate of option contract
Volatility: Display the variation in price of stock as per market flow change
Visualize: This will show graphical watch option scrip
Add Scrip- Scrip can be added
Add Futures- Futures can be added
Add option- Option securities can
be added.

This will show graphical

representation of watch

Select any Spot Type between Future and Cash. Riskfree %

is interest rate of option contract. Select any DataLine
between Average Rate, Last, PClose and Open.
Volatility display variation in price of stock as per market flow

Display Pane consists of several tick data of selected market / group. There are several fields in Display
pane like Last Time, Scrip Name, Company number, Change, Percentage Change, Last, Last Qty, Open,
High, Low, close, PClose, POpen and many more fields.


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This utility helps user to work-out on an option calculator and to understand how options are priced.
Through this function user can also change values and parameters which affect option price and import
parameters which are mostly set as asset parameter.
There are two options available: Greeks/ Price and Implied Volatility
Greeks / Price: This option helps to display Greek call and put option with their values in display grid.
Implied Volatility: This enables to display implied volatility value in display pane.
Load: This will allow user to load saved data.
Save: This will allow user to save data.
Clear: This will clear out the data populated in display grid.
Export: This will export the data into local machine in .CSV format (Excel).
There are four different grid through which user has to select appropriate option.
Setting Grid: This grid displays Information related to option scrip as selected by user some are as
Symbol: This will display symbol of selected option scrip.
Strike price: This will display strike price of the option scrip.
Option Type: This will display option type .i.e. Call / Put.
Expiry date: This will display expiry date of the contract.
Option Scrip: This will initiate Select Option dialog box through which user can select required option.
Input Grid: Through this grid user have to set appropriate values.
Spot rate: User need to make selection between Future rate and cash rate.
Rate drop down: This allows user to select option between Average Rate, Last Rate, PClose rate and
Open Rate.
Future Rate: This will display changes in future price of futures stock.
Cash Rate: This will display change in cash rate of Call/Put options.
Strike Price: This will show the current price of option scrips.
Day2Expiry: This will show number of days left for option contract to expiry.
Risk Free%: This will display interest rate of option contract.
Volatility: This will show variation in price of stock as per market flow change.
CALL grid: This will consist of all information related to CALL Option contract
Theoretical: This will display theoretical value of CALL option contract.
Actual (checkbox): This will display actual value of call option.
Implied Volatility: This will display Implied Volatility of CALL options.


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PUT grid: This will consist all information related to PUT Option contract.
Theoretical: This will display theoretical value of PUT option contract.
Actual (checkbox): This will display actual value of PUT option.
Implied Volatility: This will display Implied Volatility of PUT options.
Display Panel:
The data will be displayed in two columns Greeks and Values.
The Data displayed in brackets indicate negative values.
By Clicking on Price/Greeks user can get updated values of Delta Call /PUT, Theta Call / PUT, RHO Call /
PUT and etc.


This utility helps user to get Tick-by-Tick updates through this window. Unlike rest of Watches this menu
requires minimum information from user.
Select Scrip: This will allow user to select scrip.
Initially show Previous Ticks: On checking this user can get previous Ticks from commencement of
trading scrip.
If Trade Qty: Through this data gets filtered on specified quantity.
Operator drop-down list: This allows user to select required mathematical operator based on which
result will be generated.
Input Text field: Allows you to enter quantity for filter
The records get displayed in descending order of occurring ticks. Most recent ticks will appear on top
while past tick will appear below that. Blue / Green color record entry will consider Buy trade while red
will indicate sell trade. User can also change color by changing setting through: Personal  Main
Settings  Grid Settings.


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Select desired

Data gets filtered on

specified quantity based on
mathematical operator result
will be generated.

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User will get

previous tick from
beginning of trading.

User can get graphical

representation in
Blotters technique.

This shows 3D
representation with Xaxis as Time scale, Y-axis
as Quantity and Z-axis as
Price scale.

Show Blotter:
This Blotters utility is of great help. Through this, user can have graphical representation of Buy and
Sell trades.
This function will help user to get graphical Blotter representation. Blotters will have tick representation.
This section of Blotters will have two graphs, first graph representing Last rate, bid rate and offer rate. In
this Last Rate is plotted as line, Bid Rate as blue dots and Offer Rate as red dots.
And second graph represents Values in Lakhs. This graph is represented in bubble diagram; size of the
bubble also plays a significant role. In this graphical representation, red bubble means sell value and
blue means buy value.
The third graph represents Open Interest. This graph appears only if the value of OpenInt is non-zero.

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First graph
represent Last
rate, bid raw
and offer rate.
Second graph
Values in

3D view:
This function helps to get 3D view where X-axis represent Time, Y-axis represent Price while Z-axis
represent Quantity. The 3D graph is illustrated in three different colors where green color stands for
trade and quantity, blue for bid rate and bid quantity, red for offer rate and quantity for particular scrip

Quantity of
the traded
of that scrip

Time at
which scrip
was traded

Price range
of that

Display Pane of Scrip Tick List consists of several fields, some are described below:
Time: Time of fetching data
B/S: Buy or Sell trade.
T in B/S column indicates Post-closing session or period in which no trading takes place. These records
are marked in WHITE.
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%Buy: Buy occurred in percentage.

%Sell: Sell occurred in percentage.
Rate: Last rate of trade
Qty: Tick Quantity
Val in Lks: Value in Lakhs (rate *quantity)
Open Interest: Pending Futures and Options trades
OI Chg: Change from previous Open Interest.
Tot Qty: Total quantity traded till now
BuyTradeQty: Numbers of Buy trades occurred
SellTradeQty: Number of Sell trades occurred
Rchg: This will show difference from previous ticks, where
Minus sign indicate negative change (decrease in price)
Positive sign indicates positive change (increase in price).


This utility is similar to Scrip Tick List, but the only difference is that, this option displays tick updates of
that individual scrip which is selected by user.
User must select required option from Cash, Futures and option to get result accordingly.
There are few options available such as:
Select Scrip: User must select required scrip.
Refresh: This will refresh the data displayed in display pane.
Clear: This will clear out all the data from display pane.
Stop: This will stop tick updating.
Maximum Records: Maximum number of Records to be displayed in Window.


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User can get graphical

representation in Blotters

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User can check multiple options

between Cash, Futures and
Options to load data related to
that accordingly.

Maximum records to
be displayed

Show Blotters: This shows graphical representation of ticks where blotters are represented into three
types of graph. The first graph represent trade where red small bubbles depict Offer rate and blue small
bubble shows bid rate.
The second graph represent values in lakhs, size of bubble also plays significant role. In this bubble
diagram red stands for sell value and blue stands for buy value. Greater the size of the bubble greater is
the value.
While the third graph represent Open Interest of that selected trade.


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First graph
shows offer
and bid rate.
Second graph
shows Value
in lakhs.
Third graph
shows Open
Time is
This utility helps user to get information on Futures and Options scrip through this form. Call and Put
must be separately applied in any underlying scrip.
Underlying scrip is base instrument from which derivatives products (Futures and Options) have been
User must have subscription to Future and Option segment to make available this option.
Select Scrip: This option allows user to select scrip.
Drop down: This list consists of Futures and Options in alphabetical order.
Clicking on N will list out scrips under Nifty.
User can view Derivative Summary report in Tabular and graphical form.
Show: Clicking on this, will display data in display pane.
Display Pane will populate data;
Date: This will display Date of data record.
Future Total quantity: This will display Total quantity traded for Futures scrip.
Future Total value: This will display Total value of futures trades.
Futures Trades: This will display Total number of Futures trades.
Futures Open Interest: This will display all outstanding Futures contracts for underlying scrip.
Call Total Quantity: This will display Total Call quantity traded for Options scrip.
Call Total Value: This will display Total value of call Trades.
Call Trades: This will display Total numbers of Call Trades.
Call OI: This will display all outstanding Call contracts.

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Put Total Quantity: This will display Total Put Quantity traded for Options scrip
Put Total Value: This will display Total value of Put trades.
Put trades: This will display Total numbers of Put trades.
Put OI: This will display all outstanding Put contracts.

This shows Graphical Representation of the data in derivative Summary. User is provided facility to set
back days through Test box, where he can enter numbers of days.
There are series of button available for user to carry out the function:
Setting: This allows you to hide / unhide right graph panel. Through this user can also change color of
respective graph accordingly. On selecting individual option displayed at right side, respective sub
graphs get displayed on Left display panel.
User has two buttons in setting section:
Mark All: This allows you to Mark all unselected options
Unmark All: This allows you to unmark all selected option
Load: This allows you to load any previous saved Derivative Summary setting file
Save: This allows you to save setting.
Close: This allows you to close Graph Window

This utility helps user to filter scrip from selected Exchange based on Expiry: Current, near and Far. User
can also try appropriate instrument like Future, Call, and Put.
User can try four different combinations to get reports:

Open Interest Rise with Price Rise.

Open Interest Rise with Price Fall.
Open Interest Fall with Price Rise.
Open Interest Fall with Price Fall.

Based on this different combination Derivative OI Report will be generated.

Exchange: Type of Exchange can be selected.
Expiry: The grid consists of Expiry: Current, Near and Far.
CURRENT: This will select scrips expiring in the current month.
NEAR: This will select scrips expiring in the near month.
Far: This will select scrips expiring in the Far month.
%Price Chg: This grid consists of three options: All, Price Up, Price down

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%OI Chg: This grid consists of three options: All, Price Up, Price down.
Save as Group: Clicking on this, will allow user to save as group.
Clear: This will clear out the data in display pane.
User can load
previously saved
Derivative OI Reports

User can select Exchange

based on type of Expiry:
Current, near and Far.

User can opt for different type of

combination between %Price Change and
%OI Change.


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Chart Tab is provided with numerous menus. The Chart Tab mainly concentrates on option related to
Charts settings.

>>New Chart
User can open a new chart through this option. Clicking on Select Scrip will display a dialog box to
select required scrip. The Exchange drop down will list out type of Exchange you have subscribed to.
On selecting required chart user can check the New chart checkbox to create new chart or un-checking
will result into overwriting of chart on previous opened chart.
This window consists of three buttons:
Cancel: This will cancel out all changes or setting made.
Apply: This will open new selected chart
Studies: This will display study selection grid. This grid will contain all Templates, Study files and
study for scrip files. On clicking on Studies tab, the label will change to No Studies.
Then clicking on studies will display, two tabs and display pane:
 Local Files
 Published Files Tab
Local Files:
This displays all files which are saved by the user himself.


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Published Files:
This displays all files which are saved by the users and published on Reliable Server. User can add those
Published Files on their desktop with this option.
On selecting required Published Files from list displayed in that window. User can apply that required
desktop to his desktop.
Apply: Clicking on this will Load file.
Cancel: Click on this will cancel out your setting.
Publish: Click on this will save file on Reliable server from where other user can also access it.
Delete File: Click on this will delete selected file.
Rename: Click on this will allow you to rename file.
Allow user to
apply Saved
or Published

Checking on
this will
open scrip
in New

>> Chart Settings

This utility allows user to make chart related changes from this option.
There are seven Tab each representing a role toward chart setting.
Display 1:
Display 1 consists of several options, user need to appropriately check essential options that are
Candle Style: User can set Candle type: Line, Bar,CandleStick or HollowCandle.
Show Volume: This enables display of volume
Show RBS: This enable display of Right/Bonus/Split
Show Gap Up/Down: This enables display of gap up or gap down
Show Day Separation: This enables separation of each day on chart
Show ToolBar: This displays toolbar on chart.
Studies Description: This enables display of Study description
Studies Parameters: This enables display of Study Parameters
Show ATP On Bar: This enables display of Average Trade price on each bar
Hide user text: This disables user text if inserted in charts
Bars: This sets number of bar to be displayed on chart
Minimum Bars: Minimum number of bar to be displayed on Chart
Display Bars: Maximum number of bars to be displayed on Chart

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Price: This will set Price setting

Logarithmic: This will display Price in logarithmic scale
Inverted scale: This will display Inverted scale
Chart Title: User can select various options from Chart Title. The selected option gets visible below the
chart title.
Time Scale: Two types of Time scales have been allotted:
Default: Shows chart values as per trades executed
Calendar: Show chart maintaining a gap for exchange holidays
Grid: This shows grid settings:
Horizontal Grid: This enables horizontal grid lines.
Vertical Grid: This enables Vertical grid lines.
Display 2
Display 2 consists of several options for managing setting related to margin, height and width.
Size: This will set size setting.
Apply to chart: This enables to make changes to current chart.
Maximize mode: Selecting this will apply default Maximum mode.
Custom Size: Allows you to set desired Width and Height
Chart Width: Allows you to change chart Width
Chart Height: Allows you to change chart Height
Reset: This allows you to revert to default setting
Point & Figure:
Point and Figure charts view trading in single continuous stream and ignore time. This form can be
opened by Right clicking  Change Period  Point & Figure (F).
Based on: There are two option Close and High, Low. User can select required level based on which
point & Figure chart need to be displayed.
Box Size: Specify the box size of Point & Figure chart.
Reversal Boxes: Specify number of reversal boxes to be displayed on the chart.
Color Tab
Color Tab consist of setting related to foreground and Background color.
(TOP)Display Pane: These shows available chart skin types.
(BOTTOM)Display Pane: Category consists of chart entity / parts while color of respective category can
be changed.
This Tab displays three buttons:
Save: Save setting
Delete: Delete selected skin
Refresh: Refreshes current form.
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Action Tab
Action Tab consist of setting related to action applied on chart.
Open new chart: This will always set new chart replacing chart that is already opened.
Retain Chart Period: This enables period to be maintained in all settings.
Auto save Template: This enables auto-saving Chart Templates.
Template Tab button: Click here to set auto-saving of template in a specified template file.
Clear: This will clear out the file selection made.
Auto save Studies: This enables auto-saving applied studies as new file
Add Scrip to Group: This will enable auto-saving of scrip user defined on pressing A.
Intraday Data: Selecting All will allow you to view fully loaded data. And a new provision is added
where user can specify number of last intraday data to be loaded on chart. This works as per calendar
days. This setting can be applied to individually or differently.
Show future bar: This enables to scroll for number of future Bars as specified by user.
Swipe Chart: This enables to move chart by pressing mouse button. The chart will move till the position
where mouse button is released.
Use mouse Wheel To: This allows you to set mouse wheel function.
Zoom: This enables mouse wheel function as Chart zoom.
Scroll: This enables mouse wheel function as scrolling chart.
Level on Daily
Level on Daily consists of setting related Pivot, Support and Resistance for Daily charts.
Select All: Allow you to select all options.
Resistance 3: This enables display of Resistance 3.
Resistance 2: This enables display of Resistance 2.
Resistance 1: This enables display of Resistance 1.
Pivot: This enables display of pivot.
Support 1: This enables display of Support 1.
Support 2: This enables display of Support 2.
Support 3: This enables display of Support 3.
Avg Traded Price: This will display Average Traded Price.
Mid point: This will display Midpoint.
POpen: This will enable display of previous days open value.
PHIgh: This will enable display of previous days high value.
PLow: This will enable display of previous days low value.
PClose: This will enable display of previous days close value.
30-Min Avg: This will enable display of 30-minutes average values
Level on Intra
Level on Intra consists of setting related Pivot, Support and Resistance for Intra charts.
Select All: Allow you to select all options.

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Resistance 3: This enables display of Resistance 3.

Resistance 2: This enables display of Resistance 2.
Resistance 1: This enables display of Resistance 1.
Pivot: This enables display of pivot.
Support 1: This enables display of Support 1.
Support 2: This enables display of Support 2.
Support 3: This enables display of Support 3.
Avg Traded Price: This will display Average Traded Price.
Mid point: This will display Midpoint.
POpen: This will enable display of previous days open value.
PHIgh: This will enable display of previous days high value.
PLow: This will enable display of previous days low value.
PClose: This will enable display of previous days close value.
30-Min Avg: This will enable display of 30-minutes average values
Smart ReCompute
This utility helps user, as chart gets recomputed on every tick that comes during live market. Smart
Recompute comes with two options:
 Compute after (Time) ms OR Compute After Bar Change:
This option updates chart on specifying required time interval. This is requisite option for Smart
 Change in Last Computed rate is >= (Time) of (Bid-Offer)
This option helps to check whether absolute difference between Last Computed Rate is greater than or
equal to number of times difference between Bid and offer rate.
This utility is provided with few buttons at the bottom of the form:
Apply to All: This applies the changes made to all charts opened in Window.
Apply: This applies the changes made to that particular chart only.
Save: This option allows user to save changes.
Load: This allows user to load previously saved charts settings.
>> Tool Settings
This utility helps user to make setting on form related to tools. This form has three tabs:
Display Tab
This setting looks after the display related setting of tool. User can customize color, Line style
accordingly as required.
Color: This option allows selecting color for tool.
Tab: This option allows customizing color through this.
Thickness: This option allows you to select appropriate thickness to maintain chart clarity.
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Line Style: This option allows you to select Line Style.

Extend Line Forward: This option enables Line tool extension forward.
Extend Line Backward: This option enables Line tool extension backward.
Accept Notes: This option enables chart notes.
 Above: Tick on this enables to display chart notes above tool
 Below: Tick on this enables to display chart notes below tool.
Auto Notes: This option enables display of auto notes on charts.
Visible: This option enables visibility of tools on charts.
Show Slope: This option allows you to display slope.
Show Title: This option allows to displays title.
Snap to Price: This option enables snapping of tool to High and Low bars. Snapping implies that
wherever you place the tool, it will be snapped to high or low of bars as per settings.
Start Point: This allows user to select starting point of snapping tool
 High: This allows setting start point of snapping tool to high of bar.
 Low: This allows setting low point of snapping tool to low of bar.
End Point: This allows user to select ending point of snapping tool
 High: This allows setting end point of snapping tool to high of bar.
 Low: This allows setting end point of snapping tool to low of bar.
Auto: This allows user to set snapping tool to automatic mode.

This option will

enable user to
extend line
forward or

snapping of
tool to High
point or
Low point
of bar.


This sets
snapping tool
to automatic

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Retracement Tab
Fibonacci Retracement is ratio used to identify potential reversal levels. Retracement level is used to
forecast extend of correction or pullback. Retracement can also be applied after a decline to
forecast the length of a counter trend bounce.
User can set 10 retracement levels accordingly as per his needs
User can edit percentage values by clicking on up and down. User can manage 1 to 10 levels of
Default: This option will help user to revert all changed percentage values to default values.
Show Values: This option will help user to view values on chart.
Show Percentage: This option will help user to view percentage values on chart.
Retracements till Price Scale: This option will allow retracing the line tool till the last bar.

Through this option

user can set 10
retracement levels
according to his

Extension Tab
This allows user to set extension percentage accordingly as per his needs.
User can set 10 extension levels on charts.
Percentages: User can edit percentage values by clicking on up and down. User can manage 1 to 10
levels of extension on charts.
Show values: This option will help user to view values on chart.
Show Percentage: This option will help user to view percentage values on chart.
Extension till Price Scale: This option will allow extending the line tool till last bar.
This form has two buttons:
Ok: This will apply all changes made in the form.
Cancel: This will cancel out all the settings made in the form

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Through this Extension

tab user can set 1 to 10
level of extension on

>>Customize hot keys

Customize keys are shortcut keys given for different function to use on charts. But how to use this
customize keys?
This allows user to use keyboard keys for short cuts as per his convenience instead of using mouse for
different options for that particular activity.
User can also edit different keys for different function.
Display Pane consists of:
Group: List of groups
Function: List of functions or options
List of hot-keys: This displays list of shortcut keys or hot keys, which can be edited.
This form is provided with few buttons:
Apply: This applies changes made
Cancel: This cancel out the setting made
Clear All: This will clear all hot-keys in key column
Save: This will save modified button
Default: This will reset the default short cuts keys
Load: This will allow you to load previously saved changes.
>> Auto Skip:
Auto Skip allows to pause the chart for few seconds as stated by the user.
Set Group: This helps user to select any group. The type of Exchange drop-down list will consist list of
exchanges for which user have subscribed to.
Pause for (Sec): This allows user to set seconds for which charts should be paused.
This form is provided with three buttons:
 Start: This will start auto skip process
 Pause: This will pause auto skip process
 Stop: This will stop auto skip process

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>>Visual Scan
This utility helps user to run visual scan using this window. This function shares its similarity with autoskip, but with only difference that those charts which satisfy conditions are only auto skipped.
User can select this option from Charts  Visual Scan to apply for all charts that are opened on screen
or Right click on chart  Visual Scan to apply for individual chart.
Visual Scan has three tabs:
Query Settings: This Tab allows setting query for visual scan
Group field: This displays selected group.
Tab button: This allows to select require scrip from desired type of Exchange for which user is
subscribed to.
Period: This will allow user to select required period.
Drop-down list: This will display list of signals.
Check for Last bars: This option allows entering number of last bars to be tested
Offset: This option allows excluding numbers of bars from last.
Output Group/Report: This Tab allows to change output setting for visual scan
Output Group: This option should be checked to generate an output group of scan results.
Text field: User can enter desired group name.
If Output Group exists: If this is selected, then it will verify the typed group name already exist or not. In
case if those groups match then, user has two option to check for: Overwrite and Append.
Overwrite: This will replace previous records with current result.
Append: This will add current result to previous records.
Charts: This Tab allows making chart display or pausing setting for visual scan
Show Chart: This option will help to view during scan.
Pause for: This option allows user to pause chart for few seconds as stated by user.
Output: This Tab displays result of scan.
Visual scan is provided with few buttons to work on different function.
Run: Clicking on this will help to start automatic scan.
Manual: Clicking on this will help to run manual scan
Auto: Clicking on this will help to run auto scan
Pause: Clicking on this will allow user to pause scan
Resume: Clicking on this will resume scan
Stop Scan: Clicking on this will stop scan
Report: Clicking on this will generate report of scan
Save: Clicking on this will save scan
Load: Clicking on this will load saved scan.


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If user wants to save this whole analysis, then they are provided with Save Analysis function. Later, if
he /she want to load the same query then clicking on Load Analysis will help him/her to load required
visual scan.
>> Synchronization:
This utility helps user to synchronize all opened charts. User must select appropriate options
Scrip: If this is check, then this will set scrip synchronization on all opened charts.
Period: If this is check, then this will set period synchronization on all opened charts.
Chart Setting: If this is check, then this will set chart setting accordingly as per user selection.
Skin: If this is check, then user can set desired skin on all opened charts.
Study: If this is check, then user can apply essential study on all charts.
Mark All: This helps to mark all options
Unmark All: This helps to unmark all options
User can select or deselect charts from Display pane.
Synchronize form has two buttons: Apply: This will apply the changes made.
Cancel: This will cancel out the changes made and close the form.
This utility helps user to get Tile view of all charts opened on screen. User can view several charts in Tile
form by pressing combination of Ctrl + T. To zoom any particular chart, user need to Press Z on that
particular chart.
>> Tile Horizontal
This utility helps user to get Horizontal Tile view of all charts opened on screen. User can view several
charts in Horizontal Tile form by pressing combination of Ctrl + H. To zoom any particular chart, user
need to Press Z on that particular chart.
>>Tile Vertical
This utility helps user to get Vertical Tile view of all charts opened on screen. User can view several
charts in Vertical Tile form by pressing combination of Ctrl + V. To zoom any particular chart, user need
to Press Z on that particular chart.
>> Save Page
This utility helps user to save whole page.
In this, a page may consist of several charts opened with different time frame.
User has to fill in few text fields to save the chart pages created.
Filename: Name for file must be given
Drop-down list: This will list out already saved filenames


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With this form user is available with three buttons:

Save: This will save your setting.
Cancel: This will cancel out your changes and close window.
Publish: this will save file on Reliable server from where other user can also access it.
>>Load Page:
This utility helps user to load page as required by user.
This form has two tabs:
 Local Files and
 Published Files
Local Files:
This displays all files which are saved by the user himself. User can make this file available for other user
by Publishing.
Published Files:
This displays all files which are saved by the users and published on Reliable Server. User can add those
Published Files on their desktop with this option.
On selecting required Published Files from list displayed in that window. User can apply that required
desktop to his desktop.
Apply: Clicking on this will Load file.
Cancel: Click on this will cancel out your setting.
Publish: Click on this will save file on Reliable server from where other user can also access it.
Delete File: Click on this will delete selected file.
Rename: Click on this will allow you to rename file.


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>> Group Chart

 New Group Chart:

This utility helps user to make group of charts from different Exchange and apply changes accordingly.
Set Group: This allows user to select a group of scrips
Period: This allows user to make period selection.
Data period drop-down list: This allows user to select data period intraday / Daily/Weekly/
Monthly/Yearly. This defines X-axis of the chart.
Exchange: This will display type of Exchange to which selected group belongs.
Scrip Count: This will display number of scrip in selected group.
Add Study: This will add study as a data line.
Data Column: This will allow user to select data column from provided list.
Date: Load date according to specified dates
From Date: Select start date for loading range
To Date: Select end date for loading range
Days: Load numbers of days as specified
Base: This allows to select where your base want to be
 The first or last value
 Scrips lowest or highest value
 Specific date
Specific Base Date: This allows user to select date for specific data base
Show Scrip name: Selecting this will display scrip names on group charts
Show Legends: Selecting this will display scrip name, analytic graph line, color and also option of hiding
and un-hiding graph lines.
 Left- Allows to set legend to left side of group charts
 Right- Allows to set legend to right side of group charts


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Width- Width can be changed by selecting values from drop-down box.

Style- Style can be changed by selecting values from drop-down box.
This form has three buttons:
Apply: This applies changed settings on group chart.
Save: This saves changes made on group chart
Load: This will load any saved group chart settings.

User can select any data column

from OpenLine, Highline,
CloseLine and many more options.

This allows user to set

specific date till
particular end date for
loading range.

User can set base with first or last

value, Highest or Lowest value or
with specific date.
 Save Page:
This utility helps user to save page of the group chart created where a page can consist of
several charts with several studies applied on it. User can assign a filename and can save or
publish it.
 Load Page:
This utility helps user to load previously saved files. User can load files from Local files the files
saved on local machine or Published files where user has subscribe for others page or so.
This will tile all the group charts.

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 Tile vertically
This will vertically tile all the group charts.
 Close all:
This will close all the group charts.

Re-Number Charts
This utility helps to sequentially number charts that are opened on screen. If any chart is closed, than
this function helps to sequentially number charts that are opened on screen.
Hide All
This utility helps to hide only charts that are opened on screen. This option is applicable for hiding only
Unhide All
This utility helps to unhide charts that were previously hide on screen.
Hide Rest
This utility will hide rest of group charts, watches or graph which are opened on screen.


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Scan Tab is provided with various menus. Scan Tab mainly concentrates on options related to

>>Signal Scan
This utility helps user to scan group of scrip with defined set of condition. User can also add studies and
signals on this scan. Results are generated based on satisfying scrip in this form.
Load: This will load previously saved signal scan query.
New: This will start a new query
Edit: Checking on this will allow user to edit query. Its mandatory to check this option for changing
setting in Main and Define tabs.
Save: This will save the query, so that it can be used for future purposes.
Cancel: This cancel out the setting mode and enables scan running options.
Scan: This will help to run a scan.
Auto Scan: This will set an automatic scan where scanning will take place according to setting made in
setting Tab.
Signal Scan has three tabs:
This tab will help to define query parameter of Data period, Data loading, Group, filters, Signals and
Scan Name: User must assign a Name for new scan.
Purpose: User can give concise description of scan.

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Author: Users name should be assigned so that it will be in help for future reference.
Period: This will allow user to select time-period from drop-down list.
Seconds: This will allow user to add time-frame for intraday period.
Load intraday for Last: This will allow user to enter required time-frame, which will be consider for
calculation of applied studies and scanning.
Set Group: This will allow you to select a group. Then all scrip within that group will be scanned on
defined condition /signals, while the satisfied scrip will be displayed in Result Tab.
Refresh Data from server Before Scan: This will allow retrieving new files from server prior to scan.
Load group before every scan: Check on this, will allow you to load group before every scan.
Assume Same Start Time for All Exchanges: Check on this, will allow you to set same Start time for all
PClose: This allows user to set filter range of rate
From field: This allows you to enter start value of range.
To field: This allows you to enter end value of range.
Last traded on/ after: This allows you to set last trading day filter.
Last days Turnover (Cr) >= this allows to filter last days

Auto Scan:
This section helps user to select any one option:
On last Complete bar:
This option helps user to consider real time on bar formation while scanning
On Timer (last incomplete bar):
Through this user can define time in seconds for on-timer scanning.
This option allows user to consider last incomplete bar or real time bar for scanning.
On selecting this option it enables to consider Incomplete Bar (Last Bar), for scanning a query.

Condition grid:
This grid consists of three options:
Satisfy One: Selecting this will allows user to satisfy any one condition.
Satisfy All: Selecting this will allows user to satisfy all conditions
Ignore: Selecting this will allow user to ignore conditions

Send Results to:

Show Local: This will set whether result should be displayed in this window
Popup as alert: If checkbox is ticked, result of Signal Scan wills popup as alert.
Signal Tracker: This display Auto scan result in Signal Tracker window

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This Tab provides with single button Studies and Signal.

User can add conditions and signals for scan. On selecting this, Study Manager will be opened from
which you can load previously saved studies.
Select Time-frame from drop
down and can also set Seconds
on selection of Intraday option.

User can add Studies

(conditions) and
Signal through this.

User can assign his

Name as Author for
future reference.

On last complete bar Scanning will consider
real time on bar completion.
On Timer- Scanning will consider incomplete
last bar.

Append Record:
This is first check box in Result Tab. On selecting this, it will allow you to add current result to previous
scan results.
Auto Save as group: This option automatically save result as new group and keep updating that group
during auto scan.
Show: This grid provides option to display various data columns

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Price: This will display price for satisfying results.

Volume: This will display volume for satisfying results.
Studies: This will display values of applied studies for satisfying results.
Option column: This will display option values for satisfying results.
Expiry date: This will display expiry date for satisfying results.
Chart grid:
This grid consists of two options:
Set period of charts: Checking on this option will set the period on chart as per the setting made in the
Replace Chart Studies: This will allow you to replace chart studies on chart.
Export: This will allow user to import the data in excel sheet in .CSV format.
Clear: This will clear all records in display pane.

Export Data in Excel

sheet in .CSV format.

This provides preference to display

different data column like Price, Volume,
Studies, Option column and Expiry date.

This Tab helps to view history.
Show log: Check on this will show logs of scan
Clear: This will clear all results.
Signal Scan Display Pane will consist of Scan number, Scrip Name, Record Number, Data Time, Records,
Open, High, Low, Close Rate, Total Quantity and etc.


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>>Signal Tracker
This utility provides combined display of all occurring signals/condition that have been set in Signal Scan.
User can run multiple signal scan at a time.
Signal Tracker is provided with two tabs .I.e. Summary, Signals to explore more functions.
This utility has various options to check or uncheck at the bottom of the form:
Pop-up on Signal: On checking this, Signal tracker window will pop-up whenever signal / condition
Beep on Signal: On checking this, Signal tracker will give a beep on occurring signal /condition.
Color entire row: On checking this, top row of the tracker will be highlighted with corresponding color
showing the triggered event.
Show Chart: This will display published chart.
Customize Signal Display: This is new and unique feature. User can change font color with black
background and white background for different categories like Long, Short, BuyStopLoss, SellStopLoss
and etc. On selecting required color for different categories in appropriate background, user can click on
Apply button.
Summary Tab, Signals Tab and Messages
Tab to explore more options.

This is valid for those who

has subscribed others


User can change font

color through this

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Receive external: This is applicable to only those user who are subscribed to different studies. On
checking this, user will receive signal if he is subscribe to other users studies.
Template: Name can be given to template.
From Start: On checking this option, this allows you to load signals from beginning of market.
>> Summary Scan
This utility helps user to filter tick updates through this form.
This is the only sub-menu that allows user to apply conditions or expression with help of different
operands on set of group and examine accordingly.
There are few buttons at the top of this dialog box:
H: This will hide setting options
U: This will unhide setting options
S: This will Start/ Stop the watch
P: This will pause the watch
Set Group checkbox: This option will help to get data only on specified group of scrips
Set Group button: Clicking on this will dialog box to select group.
PClose: This will allow you to set rate range filter.
From: This filed allow user to enter start value of range.
To: This field allow user to enter end value of range.
Last traded on/after: This allows you to set last trading day filter
Date drop-down box: This allows you to set last trading day filter.
Last days Turnover: This allow you to set filter of last days turnover of scrips in crores
Tick Qty: This will allow you to set tick quantity filter
Tick Value in Lakhs: This will allow you to set filter for total value of tick
Condition: User can create preferred condition from option button. The option button is helpful to
create condition as needed by using different Variation and different operands. The created condition
can be verified by clicking on VERIFY button. On clicking Append button user can add created input
expression with already existing ones.
Expression Name: Name can be assigned to load that particular Expression in future.
Save: This will allow user to save new expression.
Load: This will allow user to load new expression for future use.
Apply: This will apply the created expression.
There is Condition grid which provides three options:
Satisfy One: It should satisfy at least one condition
Satisfy All: It should satisfy all condition
Ignore: It will ignore, none of the condition need to be satisfied

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Expression: User can create expression from option button.

Show Expr1: Select expression 1 from drop down or option button.
Show Expr2: Select Expression 2 from drop down or option button.
Max Records: This will display Maximum records to be displayed in Window
Watch Name: Name for watch can be assigned
Color Entire Row: Checking on this will color entire row as per the colors selected in main settings.
This form has few buttons to operate, such as:
Load: This will help to load data
New: This will help to create new file
Save and Apply: This will help to save and apply settings
Start: This will help to start tick watch
Clear: This will clear all records in display pane.
Save as group: This will help to save created summary in groups.
Show Blotters: This is very unique and needful feature. This function gives graphical representation of
ticks. There are three types of graphs:
First graph represent LastRate,BidRate and OfferRate.
Second graph represent Values in Lakhs in bubble diagram where blue bubble depict Buy value and red
bubble depicts Sell value.
While third graph represent Open Interest graph.
The display pane will consist of several fields. These fields can be added or removed by selecting or unchecking options from right click column selection.
>> Alerts:
This utility helps user to receive alerts whenever the specified condition are met on selected scrip.
Active: Check on this will help you to view alert.
Scrip: User can select scrip from type of Exchange he has subscribed to.
Period Drop-down: User can select required Period from the list Intraday, Daily, Weekly, Monthly,
Quarterly, Yearly, and Expiry.
User can also specify time in seconds, if Intraday is selected.
DataLine: User can select required input line from the drop down list.
For example: OpenLine, CloseLine , QtyLine etc.
Operator: User can also select required operator to apply on alerts.
Values: Enter a value or scroll-up/down to set the required value.
Message: User can enter Message that you want to view in the alert.
Popup: Checking on this will help you to get popup on the alert as and when the condition is satisfied.
Beep: Checking on this will produce a beep sound as and when alert occurs.
Continue To Check: This will help to continue checking for alerts.
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Send to Alert tracker: Checking on this will help send to alert trackers
Apply: Click on this will apply the setting made in this sub-menu
Cancel: This will cancel out the setting made in this sub-menu
User can view results in Display Pane of the selected scrip. User can also add or remove required or not
so required column, by Right clicking in Display Pane Column selection. Display Pane consists of:
Active: User can select to view pop-up of the alert
Scrip name: Name of Selected scrip will be displayed.
Period: Type of period will be specified
Sec: This will display seconds if specified in case of Intraday period is selected.
Condition: This will display the condition specified
Message: This will display message specified in the message field
TriggeredAt: This will display time at which alert occurred
SetAt: This will display time at which the alert was manually set.
ID: This will display unique ID generated by system in ascending order.

Select required
input line.

Select Period
from drop down.

User need to enter Message

that he want to view in alert.

Few buttons that are available are:

Load: This will help to load an already saved alert query
New: This will start a new query
Modify: This will help to modify or alter added alert query

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Remove: This will remove all the alerts.

Remove all: This will click to remove all alerts
Reset All: This will help to reset all added alerts
Save: This will help to save the query
Close: This will shut-down alert window
>> Alert Tracker:
This utility is similar like Alert. This will also display of all occurring signals/conditions that have been set
in Signal Scan.
Popup on Signal: If this form is minimizing, it will pop-up whenever signal /condition occurs.
Beep on Signal: A Beep will take place whenever signal / condition occurs.
Alert: Clicking on this will load Alert window, which receive alerts whenever the specified condition are
met on selected scrip.
Clear: This will clear out the changes made in that form.

condition or
Signals are

This will

>> Alert Advance:

This utility helps user to scan scrip for defined set of condition and derive alert result with this form. This
form shares its similarity of options and tab with Signal Scan.
Load: This will load previously saved signal scan query.
New: This will start a new query
Edit: Checking on this will allow user to edit query. Its mandatory to check this option for changing
setting in Main and Define tabs.
Save: This will save the query, so that it can be used for future purposes.
Cancel: This cancel out the setting mode and enables scan running options.
Active: Checking this use will be able to get active alerts.


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Alert Advance has three tabs:

Define Tab
This tab will help to define query parameter.
Scan Name: User must assign a Name for new scan.
Purpose: User can give concise description of scan.
Author: Users name should be assigned so that it will be in help for future reference.
Period: This will allow user to select time-period from drop-down list.
Seconds: This will allow user to add time-frame for intraday period.
Load intraday for Last: This will allow user to enter required time-frame, which will be consider for
calculation of applied studies and scanning.
Select Scrip: This will allow user to select scrip on which conditions / signals should be checked.
Refresh Data from server Before Scan: This will allow retrieving new files from server prior to scan.
Load group before every scan: Check on this, will allow you to load group before every scan.
Auto Scan: Through this section user can select any one scan option from the two available.
 On last complete bar: This option helps user to consider last complete bar for scanning.
 On Timer (last incomplete bar): On selecting this option, user can consider last real time bar for
scanning. The time-frame can be defined in Seconds by the user.
Through this option, user can consider last incomplete bar for scanning a query.
Scan Last record (s): This utility helps user to scan last number stated of records. User has to set desired
number of records to scan from last.
Condition grid:
This grid consists of three options:
Satisfy One: Selecting this will satisfy only one condition.
Satisfy All: Selecting this should satisfy all conditions.
Ignore: On selecting this user can ignore the conditions.
Send Results to:
Show Local: This will set whether result should be displayed in this window
Popup as alert: If checkbox is ticked, result of Signal Scan wills popup as alert.
Signal Tracker: This display Auto scan result in Signal Tracker window


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Result Tab
Append Record:
This is first check box in Result Tab. On selecting this, it will allow you to add current result to previous
scan results.
Show: This grid provides option to display various data columns
Price: This will display price for satisfying results.
Volume: This will display volume for satisfying results.
Studies: This will display values of applied studies for satisfying results.
Signals: This will display signals for satisfying results
Chart grid:
This grid consists of two options:
Set period of charts: Checking on this option will set the period on chart as per the setting made in the
Replace Chart Studies: This will allow you to replace chart studies on chart.
Clear: This will clear out all selection or changes made.
Log Tab
This Tab helps to view history.
Show log: Check on this will show logs of scan
Clear: This will clear all results.
Display Pane will consist of Scan number, Scrip Name, Record Number, Data Time, Records, Open, High,
Low, Close Rate, Total Quantity and etc.
>> Market Summary
This utility helps user to take a look at market in Summarized way.
There is Hide option H available at the top of Market Summary form, which will help user to hide or
unhide the setting part.
Summary Name: New name can be assigned to Summary scan.
Set Group: This allows user to select desired group.
Order By: This allows user to sort records in descending or ascending order.
Sort by: User can sort result from the drop down list as follows:
o Pcnt Change
o TotalQty
o TOverCr
o OpenInt
o PcntTotalQty
o %of PTOver

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OI PcntChg

Records: User can enter number of records to be sorted.

Auto Refresh: On checking this option, user can set auto refresh time from drop down.
Todays Turnover: On checking this option, user can set turnover of that day in crores from drop down.
User is provided with few buttons to operate:
Load: This will help user to load saved Market summary
New: This will help user to create a new Market summary
Save and Apply: This will help user to save and apply the changes made
Clear: This will help user to clear out the summary
Load Filter: This will help user to load any previously saved filter
Save Filter: This will help user to save filter created.
Save as Group: This will help user to save as group.
Display Pane of Market Summary consists of Short Name, %Chg, TotalQty, TOvercr, OI, % of
PrevdayTotalQty and etc.
By Right-clicking  Column selection, user can add or remove essential or unessential fields.
User can also run queries on the result generated through SQL Query.

User can sort records

in Descending or
Ascending order.

User can sort records with

different option like Pcnt Change,
TOver Cr, OpenInt, OI Pcnt Change
and many more.


User can set Turn over

with help of drop down.

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>> Group ADS Watch

This utility helps user to view Advance, decline and same values of desired group of any Exchange.
Add group: This will help user to select required group.
Remove Group: This will help user to remove selected group.
The display Pane consist of several field like Adv%, Dec%, Advance, Decline, Same, TOverCr and
PTOverCr. User can select or unselect required field from display pane by Right click Colum Selection.
>> Group Movers
This utility will help user to check graphical or Tabular view of any group of scrip with their respective
values. This Group Movers option gives user a better approach to study Price % Loss, Gain, Turnover,
+Momentum and Momentum.
Graphical and Tabular techniques have several sections:
Price % Gain
Price % Loss
Turnover (value in crore)
+Momentum (TO *%Change)
-Momentum (TO * % Change)
OI Gain (Value in Crore)
OI Loss (Value in Crore)
>> Scrip near 52 week high
This utility helps user to get detailed view of all scrip that are near 52 week high.
This helps user to analyze or scrutinize Exchange or Group of scrip that are near 52 Week high.
Exchange: Allows you to select exchange
Last rate within: Allows you to select the last rate within the specified range.
Turn over filter >=: On checking this, it will display only that scrip whose turnover is greater than the one
Auto: If this is checked, it will refresh the data automatically.
This can be saved as group by assigning name in the Text field.
The display pane will consist of Scrips name, Last Rate, 52 Week high, DiffPcnt, TurnOverCr.
>> Scrip near 52 week low
This utility helps user to get detailed view of all scrip that are near 52 week low.
This helps user to analyze or scrutinize Exchange or Group of scrip that are near 52 Week low.
Exchange: Allows you to select exchange
Last rate within: Allows you to select the last rate within the specified range.
Turn over filter >=: On checking this, it will display only that scrip whose turnover is lesser than the one
Auto: If this is checked, it will refresh the data automatically.
This can be saved as group by assigning name in the Text field.
The display pane will consist of Scrips name, Last Rate, 52 Week high, DiffPcnt, TurnOverCr.
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Trading Menu is provided with different sub-menu. This Trading Menu mainly concentrates on setting or
maneuver related to Margin requirement, Parameters related to Strategy setting and fine tune.

>>Exchange Margin Requirement:

The Exchange Margin requirement will display Margin and Member limit as prescribed by the Exchange
for particular symbol. User must get required subscription for type of Exchange. User can get Exchange
Margin requirement for BSE, NCF, NFO, NSE and MCX.

Margin Requirement BSE

On selecting Margin Requirement BSE user must set limit of filter on margin and also turnover value in
crores. User can also assign a name to save this particular requirement.
There are several fields available in Display Pane. One can also add or remove certain field by right
clicking on Display pane Column selection.
Display consists of Scrip, Margin 1, Margin 2, Total Margin, LTP, TOverCr, PTOverCr.


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Margin Requirement NCF

On selecting Margin Requirement NCF user can assign name to save this particular requirement as
group. User can apply filter.
There several type of filter available.

On selecting Enter filter manually, user can create condition by using different type of operands
available under sign section. He/she can also relate logical operator accordingly. The condition created
gets displayed in Text box under filter condition.
Add condition button: This allows user to add condition
Enter condition and OK: This allows user to finalize the entered condition as OK.
Clear all: This will clear out the condition made under filter condition text box.
Test: This will allow user to verify before applying the condition.
Load: This button has pictorial view of folder. This function allows user to load previously saved
Save: This button has pictorial view of floppy. This function allows user to save created condition.
Cancel: This will cancel out the setting or changes made.
OK: This will apply the conditions created.
There are several fields available in Display Pane. One can also add or remove certain field by right
clicking on Display pane Column selection.
Display consists of Symbol, ShortName, ExpMarginPcnt,SpanMarginPcnt , TotalMarginPerLot, TOverCr ,
PTOverCr, MemberLimit, Client Limit and etc.
Filter by Selection: This option allows filtering on selection made by the user.
Filter AND filter by Selection: This option allows user filter on selection made by the user by using AND
Logical operator.
Filter OR filter by Selection: This option allows user filter on selection made by the user by using OR
Logical operator.
Switch filter ON /OFF: This option allows user to ON filter option or OFF filter option.
User can also load previously saved filter by Load filter option.
By using vital filter necessary results can be generated.


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Margin requirement NFO

On selecting Margin Requirement NFO user can assign name to save this particular requirement as
User can use several type of filter.
This filter option shares its similarity with filter option, available in Margin Requirement NCF.

There are several fields available in Display Pane. One can also add or remove certain field by right
clicking on Display pane Column selection.
Display consists of Symbol, ShortName, ExpMarginPcnt,SpanMarginPcnt , TotalMarginPerLot, TOverCr ,
PTOverCr, MemberLimit, Client Limit and etc.
Margin Requirement NSE
On selecting Margin Requirement NSE user must set limit of filter on margin and also turnover value in
crores. User can also assign a name to save this particular requirement.
There are several fields available in Display Pane. One can also add or remove certain field by right
clicking on Display pane Column selection.
Display consists of Scrip, Margin 1, Margin 2, Total Margin, LTP, TOverCr, PTOverCr and Scrip Number.
Margin requirement MCX
On selecting Margin Requirement MCX user can assign name to save this particular requirement as
User can use several type of filter like those available in NFO and NCF.
There are several fields available in Display Pane. One can also add or remove certain field by right
clicking on Display pane Column selection.
Display consists of Symbol, ShortName, ExpMarginPcnt,SpanMarginPcnt , TotalMarginPerLot, TOverCr ,
PTOverCr, MemberLimit, Client Limit and etc.


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>> Strategy Setting

This utility helps user to make setting for Strategy Testing with this form. There are several tabs to make
desired changes.

Money Tab
There are three options available on selecting any one; rest of the options with their respective setting
gets disabled.
Fixed Position Amount: It is capital for taking position. I.e. Numbers of trades= (long or short position)
Fixed Position Risk: It is total bearable risk amount. I.e. numbers of trades= (long or short position
size)/stop loss value,
Where stop loss value = (entry rate *stop loss %) /100
Fixed Quantity (in lots): It is to test strategy based on fix lots or fixed quantity.
Long Position amount: This is capital for Long trade to be enabled for fixed position size.
Short Position amount: This is capital for Short trade to be enabled for fixed position size.
Long Position risk: This is capital for Long trade to be enabled for fixed position risk.
Short Position risk: This is capital for Short trade to be enabled for fixed position risk.
Quantity (in lots): This is to enter values of quantity in lots to be enabled for fixed Quantity (in lots).
Round Trip Transaction Cost: This is Percentage of earning that will be cut off as transaction costs. This
consists of Brokerage + Taxes.
Add Profit/Loss for Position size: On checking this option, this will add previous trades profit/loss to
current trade position.
Stop After grid consists of two options to check and enter respective values:
Net Loss%: This is the percentage of loss you can bear after specified number of loss while making trade.
Consecutive Loss Making Trades: This allows you to enter value in Number field. This halts trading after
specified number of loss-making trades.
Round Grid also consists of two options:
Quantity to nearest: This will round-off trade quantity to nearest multiple of specified number.
Rate to Nearest: This will round-off rate amount to nearest amount as specified.


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User must select appropriate option

between Fixed Position Amount, Fixed
Position Risk or Fixed Quantity.

On selection of Position Amount, Long Position

Amt and Short Position Amt should be checked
with required value.
On Selection of Position Risk, Long Position risk
and short Position Risk should be checked with
required value.
Accordingly for Fixed Quantity, Quantity in lots
should be entered.

User must enter ROUND TRIP

TRANSACTION Cost that consists
of Brokerage + Taxes.

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Duration Tab
This tab consists of setting related to duration part.
Start Bar: This enables setting for specifying number of days for back testing.
Start Date: This enables specifying date for back testing.
End Bar: This enables end bar of testing
End Date: This enables end date of testing.
Max holding Bars: The maximum number of bars for holding a trade.
In case, if profit target or loss limit is not hit, trade will get squared off after the specified number of
User can specify Start
bar or Start date for
back testing.

End date or End Bar

should be specifying for
back testing.

Stop Tab:
Compute Entry Stop and Target Based on grid consists of two options:
Entry Rate: Position should be taken as delay specified in strategy.
Signal Rate: Position should be taken on the bar on which signal appears.
Price High Line: Data column for calculating Long Position Trail Stop rate and target checking.
Price Low Line: Data column for calculating Short Position Trail Stop rate and target checking.


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Till Stop / Target is hit Ignore Opposite Signals:

If this option is checked, it will not square off the trade until the stop /target is hit. This help to whipsaw
while the trade is continued in either upward or downward direction.
Remember and Apply Opposite Signal (if any), after Stop /Target is hit:
If this is checked, it will avoid possibility of missing a rally in reverse direction. This setting will
immediately take the reverse trade of previous trade if there was an opposite signal just before previous
trade was squared off.
Intra Rules Tab:
No New Position Before: No new position will be taken before specified time.
No new Position After: No new position will be taken after specified time.
Close All Position At: All positions will be close at that specified time.
Ignore Saturday:
This option helps to Ignore Saturdays signal from trading. With this option user can either ignore
Saturdays trade to reflect in Profitability Report or include Saturdays trade with following intraday
rules set for Saturday.

Daily Rules:
This tab consists of setting to apply on Daily rules.
Close All Position: All position will be closed on day as specified in day field by user.

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Close All Position On Expiry Day:

All position will be closed on specified number of days from current day as specified by the user.
This form is provided with four buttons:
OK: This will apply the settings made.
Cancel: This will cancel out all settings made.
Load: This will load previously saved file.
Save: This will save setting as file.
>> Fine Tune Strategy
Through this utility user can optimize or Fine Tune Parameters.
With this utility user can Fine tune strategy which helps to analyze and predict price movement. This
also provides option to check the results in 3D-view with various graphical styles.
This utility helps user to optimize your strategy testing with the help of this form.
There are few buttons at the top of title bar:
H: This will hide the query setting panel
U: This will unhide query setting panel
Strategy Name: User can assign required Strategy Name.
Select scrip: User can select desired scrip under required type of Exchange.
Period drop-down list: User can select required Period from drop down options to Fine Tune on that
particular Time-frame.
Studies: This option allows user to add studies on selected scrip. Clicking on this option will open Study
Manager dialog box. User can also load previously saved studies or can also save created studies.
There are two tabs in Study Manager: Studies and Signals.
Studies: This displays list of studies added on scrip. These studies can also be modified, Replace,
Hide/unhide or removed. It also displays number of total studies added on scrip.
Fine Tune: This will allow user to fine tune settings. Clicking on this will open Fine Tune Setting dialog
box. The display pane gets populated with Range Name with their respective Current, Start, End
On selecting required Range Name user can apply the Fine tune settings.
Suggest Steps: This will suggest the optimum set values for selected parameters.
Apply: This will apply the changes made.
At the bottom of the Dialog box it will display number of Strategy Parameters, Study Parameters, Total
Calculation and Parameters to optimize.
Clear Fine Tune: This will clear out Fine tune settings made.
Strategy settings: This shares its similarity with strategy setting form.
Save Analysis: This allows you to save query settings

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Load Analysis: This allows you to load previously saved query.

Refresh after every numbers of records: This option allows user to enter number of records after which
set of data is refreshed.
Below this there is a grid which looks after settings related to X, Y and Z axis.
X-axis This represent Short term average.
Z-axis This represent Medium term Average.
Y-axis This will represent Profit.
Style: User can select desired style between Surface and Tower for 3D-view.
Tower Style: On selecting Tower option under style category, selection for Tower Style gets enabled.
There are several types available under Tower style Cube, Rectangle, Cover, Cylinder, Arrow, Cone,
Pyramid and Slant Cube.
Highlight XZ axis: This will highlight Short term (X-axis) and medium term averages (Y-axis).
Update 3DView: This will update the changes in 3D-view.
Refresh 3D-view: This button allows user to refresh 3D-view.
Hide Loss-making Combination: This option will check for parameters giving loss on an average and hide
them in profitability report.
Select Optimum Parameters: The optimum parameter can be saved by double-clicking the respective
row in report graph
Show detail: This will display profitability details.
The details are sorted into several tabs such as:
Summary- This displays information of long, short or total trades with their average and cumulative
profit and loss
Signal-wise- This tab allows user to make change. User need to select required options for X and Y:
X Exit date or Entry Date and
Y - Entry Rate, Exit Rate, Profits, Days, Potential, Drawn Down, Drawn Down%, Potential % and
Transaction Cost.
Apply: This applies the settings or changes made.
Todays Trade (checkbox): This allows you to load todays trade.
Show chart: This will show chart view
Reset chart-view: This will reset the chart view.
Chart Editor: Clicking on this will give Editing database chart Trade-wise dialog box. There are several
tabs that deliver different function.
Display pane is divided into two parts: Graph and tabular data.
The graph shows graphical view while tabular data section consist of several fields like Trade type, Entry
Rate, Entry Date, Exit Date, Exit Rate and many more. User can add or remove field by Right click
column selection.
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Time-wise- This tab displays time-wise information.

The display pane is divided into two parts: Graphical view and tabular.
The graphical part displays graphical view while tabular data shows Date, Qty, Time, Buy Rate, Sell Rate,
Profit and Details.
User can add or remove required fields from column selection option derived from Right-click.
Strategy Settings This displays the details of values applied in strategy settings with several tabs.
Ignored Signals This tab displays date and Ignored Signals.
Bar wise Data - This displays Period number, Data Time, Position and Cumulative Profit of Bar-wise Data.
Show Chart: This will help user to view chart.
Load report: Through this user can load previously saved reports.
Save report: This will help user to save the reports generated.
Zoom - : The size of the 3D-view can be reduced through this button.
Zoom +: This size of the 3D-view can be increased through this button.
Select Region (checkbox): On checking this, it allows user to select X and Y Range.
In order to get 3D-view, its essential that user must check on few options like Update 3D-view, Highlight
XZ axis.
Its also essential that user must select appropriate two inputs for Fine Tune.
The report is divided into three tabs:
Reports, 3D view and Average Profit & Std deviation

Reports: This shows combination and respective profits in tabular format.

3D view: This will show 3D view with X, Y and Z-axis. In this X-axis stands for short average, z-axis
stands for Long average and Y axis for profit.
Here in 3D graph dark blue part are more profitable combination of Data Inputs, light blue part
are combination of average, while more lighter part are the one which have scored low in

Average Profit and Standard deviation: This shows the graph of selected inputs. The parameters
are plotted against Average Profit and Standard Deviation.


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User should select scrip

to start with Fine tune

Checking on first sub option will

give loss on an average and hide
them in profitability report. While
selecting second option, which will
give optimum parameter.

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Total OHLC Data

gets displayed on
selection of scrip.

This section comes under 3D-view

X stands for short average,
Y stands for profit and Z stands
for Long average.

>> F7 Signal Execution Interface

This is very unique feature added in Falcon7. Through this utility user can try to implement different
strategy created by him/her. The created strategy gets added in F7 Signal- Execution Interface, user
must note its pre-requisite to change Send Mode to Exchange Mode from Strategy (Basic, Advance,
Advance Modified, Basic Modified). Also the Account code field should be named Simulated which is
Default Client code.
F7 Signal Execution Interface has four tabs: Strategy, Signals, Signals API and logs.
Strategy tab:
This tab displays list of strategy which are saved by the user. User must note, Strategy wont load in
Execution Interface if Paused field is check.

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There are other several fields that give detailed information of strategy created, some are listed below:
Strategy ID: This displays list of strategy Identification number with file extension, where first five initials
is strategy name, scrip name separated by dot.
Paused: Check on this will pause the strategy Execution Interface.
Send Mode: This display send mode that is set through Strategy (Basic, Basic Modified, Advance,
Advance Modified and Pro)
Scrip Name: This displays the name of scrip.
Period: This displays selected Time-frame.
Signal tab:
Its essential to check with appropriate option through this Signal tab.
There are four checkbox:
Long Signals: Check on this will allow Buy Signals.
Short Signals: Check on this will allow Sell Signals.
No New Position Before: User can set time through drop down. Such that no new positions of any scrips
will be taken before the time that is set
No New Position After: User can set time through drop-down. Such that no new position of any scrip will
be taken after the time that is set
Signal API:
This tab consists of two checkbox:
Show: Check on this will display all API signals.
Forward: Check on this will forward signal to trading terminal.
Clear: This will clear out the data populated in the display pane.
A text filed appears, which displays the destination on which file is saved.
Reset: This allows user to reset the settings.
Start Signals Server: This button initiates new window, which has several functions to operate.
User has to click on Start Server, to establish the connection and fetch signals. While Stop, will
terminate the connection with server. User has to again click on Start Server, to restart it.
List users: This will list out users Connection ID, Address, Connect IP, Start Time and etc.
Accept connection: Check on this will allow user to accept new connection.
Check Max: This will check the max records.
Log: This tab displays the status of connection.
Send Signals:
This window is initiated by pressing S button. Through this window, long, short and other types of
signal can be viewed under display pane.
This sends signals which can be tracked under Signal Tracker.

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Action grid: With this grid, user can select required kind of action from Long, Short, Long Exit or Short
A/C Code: This account code can be changed from F7 Signal Execution Interface.
This can be selected from Strategy (Basic, Basic Modified, Advance and Advance Modified).
Strategy Name: This is name assigned to the Strategy created.
User can validate the signals through Verify Signal.
User can lock the setting by checking on either of the option Rate or Change.
On selecting Rate, user can change Target Rate, Stop Rate accordingly. While on selecting Change,
user can select % or Rs from drop-down.
Number of Splits and Quantity must be set accordingly by user.
Auto-send in (ms) [checkbox]: On checking Auto-send action gets activated. On setting required time
frame, signals are generated accordingly.
Send Signals:
This will generate signals derived from the strategy created. While the signals will be displayed in display
panel under Signal tab and Signal Tracker.


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Personal Menu is provided with different sub-menu. This Menu mainly concentrates on maneuver
related to Personal settings, Users details, Bills, Subscriptions, Login Connection and many more.

>>Application setting:
The master setting of this software is made through this form.
Application setting has five tabs:

Application Tab
Starts up setting of this application are made through this tab.
Load Desktop on Start: This will load current windows on next start-up.
Full screen mode: This will help to open application in full screen mode
Open Chart on single click: This will help to open chart via a single mouse click.


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Default Chart Period: This will allow you to open chart as Intraday / Daily / Weekly / Monthly / Yearly /
Quarterly / Expiry.
Use % of screen area on chart: This option helps to specify how much portion of chart should occupy
when we tile them.
Width: Specify chart width
Height: Specify chart Height
Multi-monitor: This will auto-detect Multi-monitor
Retain auto scan selection: This will retain while loading desktop and individual scan.
Font: This will allow you to make changes related to font with their style and size.
Scrip selection: User can select scrip method.
Compact: This will enable scrip selection from all Exchange, Segments and groups.
Scrip From Group: This will enable to select group from defined lists.
Scrip Name: This allows short-listing scrip names based on:
Security grid: Through this security grid, user can change password of Access Right Management.
Initially, the password is Hardware ID user can change the password by clicking on Change Password.
At the very beginning of changing the password procedure user has to enter current password then
enter the password which user want to assign and then confirming the same password.
Change button helps to set the password. While Cancel will cancel out the settings or changes made.


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All setting related to EOD and data display are done from this section.
Load EOD Data From: This is mandatory option which must be checked. User after setting required date,
EOD data will be loaded.
Adjust RBS: This will display Right / Bonus / Split adjusted data.
Display Quantity in Mlot: This will help to select display quantity traded in Market Lots.
Display Open Interest in Mlot: This will help to select display open Interest of scrip in Market lots.
Use Rolling Data for Active Series: This will allow you to set rolling data series.
Display Future Expired Contract: This will display all futures expired contract provided with masters file
L6Expired.zip file of that particular Exchange.
Display Options Expired Contract: This will display all options expired contract provided with master file
L6Expired.zip of that particular Exchange.
Auto-shift to next expiry: On selecting this, it will allow automatic the shifting of expiry individual
futures or currency scrip to new expiry.
Auto-Shift Scrip to next expiry: This will allow to automatic shifting process of expiry of individual futures
or currency scrip to new expiry.
Update Base Variables: This will update base variable under futures and option contracts.
Fetch EOD Data from Server using: This will fetch EOD data from server depending on the option
selected between FTP (File transfer Protocol) and HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol).
Intra Tab
Show ADS Toolbar: On selecting this, it will display ADS Toolbar on the Main Window.
Show Indices Toolbar: On selecting this, it will display Indices Toolbar on Main Window.
Show Time in Indices Bar: On selecting this, it will display current time in Indices Toolbar.
New candle on day change: On selecting this, it will keep on displaying new candle on day change.
For Instance, if intraday chart of 15 minutes duration is selected the previous day at 3.20. Then market
gets closed by 3.30, and then remaining 5 minutes gets adjusted at start of the next day. I.e. a new
candle of duration 10 minutes will be formed.
Compute 30Min Average
On selecting this, it has two options:
 Based on Market EndTime: Selecting this will allow you to view 30 min average data in market
watch as per setting made in Segment Setting  End Time.
 Based on Last tick: Selecting this will allow you to view 30 minutes average data in market watch
based on last tick.
Always fetch todays tick: This will allow fetching that days ticks.
Maximum number of intraday ticks: On selecting this, it will allow you to display maximum number of
intraday ticks.

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Reconnect live data on inactivity (Sec.): If there is no live data being fetched then it will auto reconnect
to live data after specified amount of time.
Get intra for group on application start: This will fetch intraday data for specified set of group by user by
selecting required group from Set Group on start of application.
Get Previous Intraday Files from Server: on checking this, it will allow to fetch intraday history from
Notify On Receiving Intraday Files: On selecting this, it will display notification of downloading intraday
files next to software main menu when intraday history is loaded and scrip is changed.
Get data from:
This option will allow user to receive data from Server or T2 file. Anyone option can be selected from
this two.
Grid Tab
This section allows user to make grid related changes.
Local files: This will display grid related file created and saved locally by user.
Published Files: This will display all published file, files that were saved by different user related to grid
setting and published on Reliable server.
Refresh: This will refresh contents.
Apply: Clicking on this will Apply the changes made.
Publish: This will publish the selected file.
Delete file: This will delete selected file.
Rename: This will allow user to rename the file.
Font: This option will allow user to change font type and font size of the contents
Title Font: This will allow user to change font type and font size of title in application.
Category: This will display list of field of which color can be changed.
Color: This will allow you to change color of required fields as specified by the user with required
UP / DOWN / SAME Color specification: This will allow user to set background and font color. After
making required changes as per user needs, this will reflect in the entire application.
Background / Font: User can specify Background / Font color for UP/DOWN/SAME by clicking on
background button or Font button.
Default White: This option will help to change theme of entire application to White.
Default Black: This option will help to change theme of entire application to Black.
There are several checkbox top right corner of this form:
Indicator: On checking this, it will show record indication on left hand side.
Column Lines: On checking this, it will display column lines.
Row Line: On checking this, it will display row lines.
Row select: On checking this, it will show row selection.
Gradient for title: On checking this, it will show Gradient for title.
Data row Focus: On checking this, it will draw focus on selected row.

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Color Alternate Row: On checking this, it will color entire alternate row.
Preview: This will display preview of all changes made in the grid.
There are few buttons available for user which plays significant role. They are as follows:
Save As: This will save settings done.
Save as default: This will save all the settings and changes made as default.
Cancel: This will cancel out all changes made.
Apply: This will allow user to apply the changes made in the application.
Study Tab
This section will help user to make changes related to study.
There are several section in this tab, few are:
Show while adding study:
 Notes: This option will enable study notes.
 Draw style: This option will enable Draw style setting.
 Sub-Graph: This option enable sub-graphs
 Security: This option enables security settings.
Candle pattern recognition: This section allows recognizing candle pattern.
Trend Detection: Detection of trend can be done using this.
Use Average: This allows user to use averages between EMA and SMA.
Bars: This will specify numbers of bars on which average needs to be plotted.

There are two conditions available Above / Below Average: When close line is above or below the added average line, then it is
uptrend or downtrend.
 Direction of Average: Movement of average line in upward direction indicates uptrend and
downward direction indicates downtrend line.
Hammer / Hanging Man lower shadow 2 to 3 times real body: Any one candle pattern can be selected
if its size is more than 2 to 3 times the real body size.
Average body Size on Last Bars: Input number of bars on which average body sixe need to be calculated.
Long Body > Percent of Average Body: If the size of pattern body is greater than the percentage
Specified in field of average body, then it is said to be LONG BODY.
Short Body < Percentage of average Body: If the size of pattern body is lesser than the percentage
specified in field of averages body, then it is said to be SHORT BODY.


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There are two button provided in Candle Pattern Recognition:

Strict: This will allow user to get certain default parameters of previous fields.
Loose: This will allow user to get other default parameters of previously mentioned fields.
This form has two main buttons:
Cancel: This will cancel out the setting made in any tab.
Apply: This will apply all changes made in this form.
>> Access Right Management
This utility helps user to apply security on various level inside Falcon7. This function acts as guard toward
all the files. Access Right Management protects saved studies, desktop, Page, Charts, templates and
This utility will protect all files from unauthorized user. The Access Right management is divided into two
 Default security section
 Specified Hardware ID section
Default security section:
This section has two Hardware IDs: Local and Other User.
Local is Local machine on which personalized files of studies, charts, template etc are created. The
creator who has created the file is only the one who has rights to assign access rights.
There are two types of Access Rights:
 Load & Execute- With this user can only Load particular study file and execute it. But he cannot
make any modification within that.
 View & Edit - This access rights are rarely given to the user on situations only. This gives full access
to study file.
Expiry Date: This is validity period implemented by creator on study files.
Days Left: This shows days left for expiry of validity period.
Password: This shows extra validation or protection given to study files.
Two types of security can be assigned:
 Assign High security
 Assign low security
Assign High security, by this creators local machine gets additional validation due to randomly
generated password.
While in Assign Low security, password can be bypassed.
Other user is Others machine as name signifies. It does not have access rights as Local. It will have
access rights as assigned by the creator.
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Specified Hardware security section:

Through this section creator can assign access right, Expiry date and extra validation.
Hardware ID: This is unique alphanumeric key generated by system.
Client Name: This is name of the client. It also plays an important role.
For Instance, If Person X as Client name wants to extend his expiry date of the studies file for which he
has subscribed to, so it will be easy for creator to trace out the Client name to make changes
Load & Execute: This is access rights assigned by the creator where user will be able to load and execute
the study file but user cannot modify the changes.
View & Edit: This access rights are only given on situations. This provides full access to edit, load and
Expiry date: This is validation period implemented by creator on study files that he has transferred.
Password: This is extra validation implemented to assure protection from infringement.
There are few buttons that provides user more functions, to work on Access Right Management.
Delete: This allows user to delete unessential record.
Load: This helps user to Load study or security files.
Save: This allows user to save Access right file. User can also Publish the study file on Reliable server
so that other user can subscribe to that particular study to get access.

Load Hardware: This helps user to load Hardware ID.

Publish Hardware ID: This will help user to publish their own Hardware ID so creator can assign access
rights to the Published ID.


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>> Password Security:

This feature focuses to protect personalized files and other. This section will explore more on study part.
In order to apply security at different steps used within study, the owner or creator can lock individual
indicators, condition or signals. Its pre-requisite to enter code name and password. If creator wants to
give access to as many numbers of inputs within single or multiple indicators, a checkbox must be
checked and then entering correct password will allow user to edit parameters only.
User has to set two level of Password:

 Password: This is set by creator on his own system on which personalized files are created.
 Execution Password: It is a password shared between creator and other user. Without this
password, user will not be able to unlock the study to edit parameters or so.
On implementing such protection, the strategy created becomes more dynamic and flexible. The name
of indicators and parameters also gets protected.
Creator can assign Edit Right, for selected parameters, while locking other parameters. On transferring
such kind of personalized file, user must save security file armV4 (i.e. Access Rights Management)
under Falcon7 folder  Personal ARM Main User and the main Study file under Falcon7 
Personal  Main User.
On applying security level, the name of indicators will be visible like below:

On entering correct password, user is authorized to edit the parameters which are allocated by the
creator with Edit Rights.


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>> View ARM Details

Through this utility user can view Access Right Management file. This opens View ARM File details
dialog box. This View ARM File Detail dialog box consist of File name, Security file name, Load &
Execute, View & Edit, Expiry Date, Password , Days left and Reason.

>> FTP Setting

This utility helps user to publish files to their FTP using Falcon7, then through this MOSL Client Team can
be able to view and download these files.
On entering correct Server IP, User Name and Password user can proceed with file transfer.
FTP Setting consists of following options:
Server: User has to enter accurate Server IP, to initiate transfer protocol.
User Name: Every user has unique User Name.
Password: This is unique password set by the user for extra validation.
There are few buttons to work more on its functionality, such as:
Reset Default: If user has changed Server IP, Reset Default will set default IP address.
Cancel: This will cancel out the settings made.
Save: This will save the settings made of Server IP, User Name and Password.
Test FTP Connection: This checks the connection, and displays the status accordingly in display panel.
The display panel displays status of uploaded or published file on server.
>> Internet Setting
This utility helps user to make changes related to internet. Through this user can enable or disable
internet connection for Falcon7 application.


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There are few settings to be made such as:

Connection Type: This field provides two options 0-Direct and 1-Proxy.
0-Direct is by default.
Server: User has to enter IP address and Port number to establish connection.
By default Port number 80.
User Name- User has to enter User name only if its applicable.
Password User have to enter Password only if its applicable.
There are two buttons at bottom of Internet Setting:
Cancel: This will cancel out the settings made.
Save: This will save all changes or settings done.
>> Login Connection
This utility will provide all connection details. This form has three tabs:
TCP, Dataflow and Logs.
 TCP Tab:
This consists of Server IP with different server to establish connection accordingly.
It also has Server Port with appropriate Port 1 or Port 2 to proceed with proper connection.
Connect button: On clicking this, it will allow user to connect.
Disconnect button: On clicking this, it will disconnect the connection established.
 Dataflow Tab:
This will list out the details of Data In and Data out.
There are two checkbox which checks INFLOW and OUTFLOW of data.
 Log Tab:
This tab displays the status of connection.

>> My Details
This function consists of users Service and Personal detail.
The Service detail comprises of Product Name, Client ID, Hardware ID, Subscription Number and Unique
Node ID and Subscription Number.
While Personal detail encompasses Name, Company, Address, Mobile number, Email ID, Web Password
and Activation Code number as per Invoice.


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>> My Subscription
This form helps user to check for subscription for type of Exchange user has subscribed. This form
flashes Hardware ID and Status of subscription from Server.
The display pane of this dialog box consists of following:
Source: From where data is derived.
Feature: Type of Exchange subscribed.
Expiry Date: Date till application is valid.
DaysLeft: Remaining Days for expiry of product.
SubscriptionNo: This will display subscription number.
CertType: This will exhibit type of certificate.
>> My Bills
This utility will display billing details and status of user.
>> My Suggestion
This dialog box helps user to directly get help on Suggestion, Error or Observation. User need to fill
message and his / hers personal details. After filling required details, there are two buttons available:
Send: Clicking on this button will send Suggestion, Error or Observation to Support help.
Cancel: Clicking on this will cancel out the setting or changes made.
History Tab: This tab consist information of users Suggestion, Error or Observation with feedback and
Refresh: This Refresh button will refresh this form.
>> Create Local User
This utility helps user to create, delete and edit user for software.
The form is divided into two parts:
 User creation
 All user list
User Creation: This will display details of user selected on Right-hand side in All user List.
User Name: User name can be edited or entered.
Password: Enter / edit password.
Mobile number: Enter / edit password.
Email ID: Enter / edit Email ID
Reference number: Enter / edit reference number
Admin: On checking on this, administrator rights can be assigned to selected user.
Show Password (checkbox): Checking here will display password of all user in All Users List.
All User List: This consists of UserName and IsAdmin column.


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There are few buttons available for client to operate further on this:
New: This will add new user.
Modify: This will modify existing user
Save: This will save settings made.
Delete: This will delete selected user.
Cancel: This will cancel out the setting or changes made.
>> Log-off Main User
This function will help user to log-off as Main user.
>> New Personal Group:
This utility will help user to make new personal groups with this form.
Display Grid: This shows all user defined groups. You need to click on required option to select that. This
consists of:
Group Name: This will display name of group.
Exchange: This will display Exchange under which group was created.
Group code: This will display the code assigned by software.
Group Name: User can Type or edit group name.
This form also consists of few buttons and options to check.
New: This will add a new group.
Existing: Checking on this, changes to existing group can be made.
Show Members: By checking this option, user can view and add members to group.
Group Code: Software assigned group code number.
Group Name: User can Edit / Type group name.
Exchange: This will allow user to select Exchange for group.
Delete: This will delete group in Display Grid.
Save: This will help to delete group in Display Grid.
Cancel: This will cancel out the setting or changes made.
Display Grid of Group Members:
Sel: This will allow user to check or tick on scrip to select.
Symbol: Exchange defined scrip symbol.
Short name: Scrip short name.
Exchange: Type of exchange listed.
Add Scrip: This will add scrip to group.
Save: This will save changes
>> Merge Groups
This utility helps user to merge existing group with this form.
Group 1: By clicking on this button, user can select Group 1.

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Group 2: By clicking on this button, user can select Group 2.

Green Tick: Select all
Red Tick: Deselect all
Common: Check here to select members common in both groups.
Display Panes shows scrip in each group:
Select: Tick in checkboxes to select scrips.
ShortName: Name of scrips.
Exchange: Type of Exchange.
Group Name: User can assign name for output-group.
If Group Exists,
Overwrite: This will overwrite with previously saved ones.
Append: This will add-on with previous one.
Merge: This will merge groups.
>> Manage User Group Indices
This utility helps user to manage group of Indices.
In Order to examine set of Indices and their performance, User must select required group of Scrip on
which he want to supervise.
After selecting required group, all scrip under that group gets listed with Scrip name, Weight, Base Value
and Last Rate in display panel.
Once group is selected, he must save the group of Indices created.
After saving, the saved group of Indices gets displayed with Name, Start Date, Period, Seconds, Set Start
Value and Use Weight.
User can also add or append group of scrips or Individual scrip by Add Group Scrips button or Add
scrips respectively with the group of Indices created.
There are few set of buttons that allow user to make related settings.
New: This allows user to select new group of scrips.
Modify: This allows user to modify or make changes with setting related to scrips.
Delete: This allows user to delete saved set of Indices.
Save: This option allows user to save group of Indices.
Cancel: This will cancel out all changes made.
Initial Computation: After creating a group, the Initial computation saves this data file with the name
assigned to it.
Show Data: This will result in Index Data. This will open a Form Index Data Show.
This Form Index Data Show will open Data Index form. This will contain Total Weight, Index value list of
all scrips that are saved as set of Indices.
Add To Group: This allows user to add the set of Indices to Personal group.
Auto Refresh (checkbox): This option will initiate Auto Refresh with specified interval of Time frame.
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Period: Through this period drop down option user can select required Time-frame.
Start Date: This allows user to set date from which he wants to check.
Name: User can assign desired name for Group of scrip.
Add Scrip: This option allows user to add individual scrip.
Add Group Scrips: Through this option user can add Group of scrip in set of Indices.
Apply: This option allows user Apply the changes made.
Cancel: This will cancel out all the settings made.
Set Group: Through this user can select required group of scrips.
>> Compute User Group Indices
This utility helps user to compute set of Indices created.
The Display pane consist of several fields like Group Name, Index code, Period, Seconds, Group number
and process time.
There are few buttons at the bottom of the Compute Group Indices dialog box.
Manage Indices This opens Manage User Group Indices window.
Show data This displays Index value of all scrips.
Hide Data: This hides the data displayed on upper display panel.
Close This will close down the window of Compute user Group Indices.
Refresh This will refresh the data loaded on the form.
>>Analyze my trades:

Create Company:
User can create new company account or manage existing company accounts through this form.
Display Pane: This consists of Company ID and Company Name. User can click on company to select it.
This has few buttons to operate further:
New: Click to create new company.
Existing: This will modify existing company details.
Delete: This will delete company details.
Save: This will save your settings
Cancel: This will cancel out the changes made.
Accounts: This will help to create or modify existing Company Accounts.


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Create Account:
User can create accounts of existing companies with this form.
Company Name: User can select company name.
Display Pane: This display pane consists of following
Account Name: Name of Account
Broker: Broker specified for account
Relationship Manager: relationship Manager specified for account.
Trading Account: This will consist of Trading Account number.
Initial deposit: initial deposit specified for account.
Contact Number / Mobile Number: Owners contact number.
New: By clicking here, user can create a new account for your company.
Existing: User can edit details of existing account.
Account name: Enter / edit account name as it is mandatory field.
Trading Acc: Enter / Edit trading account number mandatory field.
Initial deposit: Enter / edit Initial deposit for Account
This form has few buttons to handle operation:
Delete: This will delete selected account.
Save: This will save created account.
Cancel: This will cancel out the settings made.
Trade Entry: By Clicking on this, user can make trades Entries for Accounts.
Enter Trades:
User can manage trade entries from this option.
User need to make few settings with this form.
Trading A/C: Select your account
Broker: Broker for account should be assigned
Account Name: Name of the account should be specified.
Show Expiry, Strike Price and Option Type: By checking on this user can view details.
Show individual Entry: This will enable Trade Entries creation or editing.
Delete All for A/c: This will delete all for account.
Display Pane consists of following fields:
Trade number: This will arrange in chronological number of executed trade.
Trade Date: This will display date of Trade execution.
Exch: This will display type of Exchange
Scrip: This will display name of scrip
Symbol: This will display scrip in which trade executed.
Buy/Sell Ind: Type of trade- Buy or Sell
Qty: Quantity of executed Trade.
Gross rate: Gross rate of executed Trade.

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Net Rate: Net rate of executed Trade.

Series: Name of series to which Scrip belongs.
There are few buttons available for user to carry out process:
New: This will make new Trade Entry.
Existing: This will help user to edit an existing Trade.
Sq Off: This will square off selected Trade Entry.
Trade No: This will display trade number of that particular scrip.
Buy/Sell: User needs to set type of trade.
Date: User needs to select date of your Trade
Exchange: Exchange of selected scrip.
Tab button: This will allow user to select desired scrip.
Qty: User needs to enter quantity for trade
Gross rate: User needs to enter gross rate
Net rate: User needs to enter Net rate.
Delete: This will delete changes made.
Save: This will save the changes made.
Cancel: This will cancel out the changes made.
On Right-bottom of this form: Scrip data like OHLC, Highest Price in day and lowest Price in day and
Series type gets displayed.
Portfolio Analysis:
User can analyze their trades through this utility.
User need to make selection accordingly:
Trading account: Select your account.
Broker: Select Account Broker.
Account Name: Name should be assigned to account.
From / To: Select appropriate start and end date for period filter.
Scrip filter: By ticking here records can be filtered according to specified period.
Report type drop-down: User needs to select type of report- Trades /Profit & Loss/Portfolio Summary.
Show Reports: This will show reports generated.
Display Grid- Trades report: This shows trade-wise report.
Several fields are displayed such as Trade no, Account name, Trade Date, Scrip, Exch Code, Buy/Sell, Qty,
Gross rate and Net rate.
Display grid- Profit & Loss: This gives execution and profit details of each trade.
Several fields are displayed Date Time, Account, and Scrip, Buy/Sell, Trade Qty, Match Qty, Rate, Profit
and Return%.
Display Grid-Portfolio Summary: this gives scrip wise summary of trading.

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Several fields are displayed such as Account number, L/S, Qty, Avg Rate, Current, Cost, Cost%, Market
Val, Market Val % and profit.
>> Backup Option
User can have backup of personal setting through this form.
Backup options: There are four methods offered in this form.
 No Backup: On selecting this option, it will never take any backup.
 Backup on Exit: Backup personal setting on existing from software.
 Every 15 min: It will take backup on every 15 minutes.
 Every 5 min: It will take backup on every 5 minutes.
Source Root Directory: This will display source file location.
Destination Root Directory: This will display backup files location.
Folder icon: On clicking on this, it will select backup files location.
Display Pane: This shows backup details.
This has two buttons to operate:
Save Setting: This will save settings done by the user.
Backup Now: This will backup at that moment.
>> Restore from Backup
User can restore backup files through this form.
Source Root Directory: This displays source files location.
Folder Icon: This will help to select backup files location.
Destination Root Directory: This will display backup files location.
Display Pane: This will display restore details.
There are two buttons:
Delete Selected: This will delete selected one.
Restore Now: Click to restore now.
>> Scrip Maintained by me:

Scrip Creation
This utility will help user to maintain own defined scrip.
User can create their own scrip or companies scrip which are not listed.
Display pane will consist of Scrip number and Scrip name.
User is provided with few buttons with text and number fields.
New: By clicking on this user can create new scrip.
Modify: By clicking on this user can modify created one.

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Delete: User can delete unwanted scrip created

Save: This will save scrip created
Cancel: This will cancel out the changes made.
EOD Data Entry
This utility helps user to modify EOD data. This option enables to modify the parameters listed in EOD
data column of any scrip.
Select Scrip: This allows user to select scrip.
Show: By clicking on this user can view scrip details in display pane.
There are few buttons available to operate:
New: This will create new record
Modify: This will allow you to modify existing data.
Cancel: This will cancel out the setting
Save: This will save the setting or changes made.
Delete: This will delete records created or modified.
Display Pane consists of following fields:
Date: Date on which trade occurred
Open: This will display Open value of that day
High: This will display High value of that day
Low: This will display Low value of that day
Close: This will display close value of that day
Value: This will display value traded on that day
Trades: This will display number of trades that have occurred on that day.
OpenInt: Open Interest. I.e. Pending Futures and Options trades
DelQty: Quantity delivered.


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Help Menu is provided with different sub-menu. This help menu mainly concentrates on help and
tutorial section for user.

>> About F7Net

This sub-menu helps user to know about Falcon7 Strategy, design and Scanning with contact
>> Help Tutorials
This covers a list of all options in the software with details described in brief. This also provides provision
to search for particular topic from list.
Display panel displays list of files.
Ok: Click to open selected help file from list.
Cancel: This will cancel out setting or changes done.
>> Whats New?
This utility helps user to know latest changes made and also newly features added with new versions.
Display Pane consist list of changes in every form. The form is non-editable. It helps user to have quick
view on new changes.


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>> Check for Upgrade

This option helps user to update your application with new version of Falcon7. This function can serve
great help for user.
Your version: This will display your current version of Falcon7 application you are working with.
Published version: This will display the version that has been released.
Display Pane: This will list out all new features related to charts, study, Market / option Watch and etc.
added in this version of Falcon7 application.
There are few buttons that provide functions like:
Click here to check whats New?
Clicking on this button will guide user to Whats new feature? on www.reliable.co.in .
Check Again: Check this will check whether you are using latest version or not. An Auto Update will
appear if you are using the latest version. Clicking on that will flash a message You are using latest
Download previous version: This allows user to download previous version.
Progress: This will show progress bar on downloading. In case of downloading fails, a message appears
which says, Software will be restarted in case of failure.
>> Revert To Previous Version
This utility helps user to switch to the previous version. But its essential that user must have .exe file of
the previous version.
>> Error log
This utility gets opened whenever user encounter any kind of error, while application is working. This
helps user by giving assertions, warnings and errors.
Display Pane consists of:
Error Date Time: It will display date and time in which error occurred
Build no: This will display version number.
Section: It will display option in which error occurred
ErrType: This will display type of error.
Message: This will display error description.
This form also consists of few buttons like:
Clear Screen: This will clear all error logs.
Clear Non-error Logs: This will clear all non-error logs
Previous Logs: Click to load an error file
Save as: This will save error log.
Delete: This will delete the error log.
Close application: This will close the application in use.
Popup on Errors: On checking this it will pop up on each error which occur when application is in use.


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>> Application Stress report

This utility helps user to generate report. It will display Application detail, user details, Certificate List,
Intraday History loaded for numbers of days, Intra history loaded from, list of charts currently opened,
list of windows opened with details of application settings.
This form is only provided with one button GENERATE REPORT. This will display complete report.
>> Software Stress Report:
This utility helps user to generate detailed information about whole application. Through generate
report user can get complete information.
This provides complete information about application and its version. It also provides detailed User
Information, Certificate List, Intraday history, Application setting, Charts.
The detailed information about User consist of Client ID, Hardware ID, Unique Node ID, User Name,
Company, Address, Mobile number, Telephone number, Email ID and etc.
While the Certificate list will list out entire type of exchanges to which he has subscribed to.
The chart consist list of charts opened on screen with their respective Time frame, visible bars and total
studies applied on charts.
>> Capture Desktop:
This utility helps user to capture image of the charts currently opened on screen. This function can also
be initiated by combination of keys Ctrl + P.
Choosing this option initiates a Window Photo Viewer dialog box. There are several options available
within Window Photo Viewer to edit on the snapshot captured.
There are several tabs like File, Print, Email, Burn and Open available which provide more functions.
File: This looks after file settings.
Print: This consist setting related to print.
E-mail- Through this user can send captured Image by the profile created by him.
Burn - Through this option user can burn the image on data disc.
Open This allows user to open captured image in Paint, Window Office Picture Manager or user can
also browse through different program.
>> Take online support
Through this utility user can take online help. Only secure connection should be established between
>> Chat with support/Sales Staff
This utility helps user to take guidance or help on any queries. User need to just fill in few details and by
submitting user can get help through this.
>> Training request
User can request for training for this particular application through this function.

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>> Reliable software Homepage

This utility helps user to directly land on www.reliable.co.in , home page. Through this user can
download, Request for Training or give suggestion and many more.
>> Extension help
This utility provides user extension help for various different categories. The display pane consists of
Category, Description and respective extension.
>> Restart
This function will help user to restart the application.
>> Exit
This function will help user to close down falcon7 application.


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