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Suppose you want to display all files and directories in a directory, including hidden or system files. To
specify this display, type the following command:

dir /a
Suppose you want DIR to display one directory listing after another, until it has displayed the listing for
every directory on the disk in the current drive. Suppose also that you want DIR to alphabetize each
directory listing, display it in wide format, and pause after each screen. To specify such a display, be sure
the root directory is the current directory and then type the following command:

dir /s/w/o/p

MS-DOS records the current date for each file you create or change; this date is listed next to the filename
in the directory.

DATE [mm-dd-yy]
Sets the date you specify. Values for day, month, and year must be separated by periods (.), hyphens (-), or
slash marks (/). The date format depends on the COUNTRY setting you are using in your CONFIG.SYS
file. The following list shows the valid values for the month, day, and year portions of the mm-dd-yy
mm 1 through 12
dd 1 through 31
yy 80 through 99 or 1980 through 2099

To set your computer's clock to 1:36 P.M., use either of the following commands:

TIME 13:36
TIME 1:36p

To format a new floppy disk in drive A using the default size, type the

format a:
To perform a quick format on a previously formatted disk in drive A, type the following command:

format a: /q
To format a floppy disk in drive A, completely deleting all data on the disk, type the following command:


format a: /u
To format a 360K floppy disk in drive A and copy the operating system files to the disk to make it a system
disk, type the following command:

format a: /f:360 /s
To format a floppy disk in drive A and assign to it the volume label "DATA", type the following command:

format a: /v:DATA

To copy the MS-DOS system files and command interpreter from the disk in the current drive to a disk in
drive A, type the following command:

sys a:
To copy the MS-DOS system files and command interpreter from a disk in drive B to a disk in drive A,
type the following the command:

sys b: a:

The following example sets the command prompt to display the current drive and path followed by the
greater-than sign (>):

prompt $p$g
The following command displays a two-line prompt in which the current time appears on the first line and
the current date appears on the second line:

prompt time is: $t$_date is: $d

If your system has only one floppy disk drive, drive A, and you want to compare two disks, type the
following command:

diskcomp a: a:

The following command copies a file and ensures that an end-of-file character is at the end of the copied

copy memo.doc letter.doc /a

To copy the NOTE.TXT file from the current drive and directory to the directory MYNOTES, and to
prevent MS-DOS from prompting you before overwriting the destination file (if it already exists), type the
following command:

copy note.txt mynotes /y


To copy a file named ROBIN.TYP from the current drive and directory to an existing directory named
BIRDS that is located on drive C, type the following command:

copy robin.typ c:\birds

If the BIRDS directory doesn't exist, MS-DOS copies the file ROBIN.TYP into a file named BIRDS that is
located in the root directory on the disk in drive C.
To copy several files into one file, list any number of files as source parameters on the COPY command
line. Separate filenames with a plus sign (+) and specify a filename for the resulting combined file, as the
following example shows:

copy mar89.rpt + apr89.rpt + may89.rpt report

This command combines the files named MAR89.RPT, APR89.RPT, and MAY89.RPT from the current
drive and directory and places them in a file named REPORT in the current directory on the current drive.
When files are combined, the destination file is created with the current date and time. If you omit
destination, MS-DOS combines the files and stores them under the name of the first specified file. For
example, if a file named REPORT already exists, you can use the following command to combine all four
files in REPORT:

copy report + mar89.rpt + apr89.rpt + may89.rpt

You can also combine several files into one by using wildcards, as the following example shows:

copy *.txt combin.doc

This command combines all files in the current directory on the current drive that have the extension .TXT
into one file named COMBIN.DOC, also in the current directory on the current drive.
If you want to combine several binary files into one by using wildcards, include the /B switch, as the
following example shows:

copy /b *.exe combin.exe

This prevents MS-DOS from treating CTRL+Z as an end-of-file character.
CAUTION: If you combine binary files, the resulting file might not be usable due to internal formatting.
In the following example, COPY combines each file that has a .TXT extension with its corresponding .REF
file. The result is a file with the same filename but with a .DOC extension. Thus, COPY combines
FILE1.TXT with FILE1.REF to form FILE1.DOC. Then COPY combines FILE2.TXT with FILE2.REF to
form FILE2.DOC, and so on.

copy *.txt + *.ref *.doc

The following COPY command combines first all files with the .TXT extension, then all files with the
.REF extension into one file named COMBIN.DOC:

copy *.txt + *.ref combin.doc

Copying information from the keyboard
The following COPY command copies what you type at the keyboard to the OUTPUT.TXT file:


copy con output.txt

After you type this command and press ENTER, MS-DOS copies everything you type to the file
OUTPUT.TXT. When you are finished typing, press CTRL+Z to indicate that you want to end the file. The
CTRL+Z character will appear on the screen as "Z". You can also end a COPY CON command by pressing
the F6 key. When you press F6, it generates the CTRL+Z character, which appears on the screen as Z.
The following example copies information from the keyboard to the printer connected to LPT1:

copy con lpt1

Suppose you want to change the extensions of all the filenames in the current directory that have the
extension .TXT; for example, suppose you want to change the .TXT extensions to .DOC extensions. To
make this change, type the following command:

ren *.txt *.doc

To rename a file named CHAP10 (on drive B) to PART10, type the following command:

ren b:chap10 part10

The newly renamed file PART10 remains on drive B.

To delete the CAT.TMP file from the TEST directory on drive C, you can use either of the following

del c:\test\cat.tmp
erase c:\test\cat.tmp
To delete all the files in a directory named TEST on drive C, you can use either of the following

del c:\test
del c:\test\*.*

The following command specifies that UNDELETE is to recover all deleted files in the current directory
one at a time, to prompt for confirmation on each file, and to use the highest available level of delete

The following command specifies that UNDELETE is to recover all deleted files with the .BAT extension
in the root directory of drive C, without prompting for confirmation on each file:

undelete c:\*.bat /all


The following command loads the memory-resident portion of the UNDELETE program into memory,
creates a hidden directory named SENTRY, and specifies that UNDELETE move files you delete on drive
C to that directory:

undelete /sc
The following command loads the memory-resident portion of the UNDELETE program into memory and
creates a PCTRACKER.DEL file to track up to 400 deleted files on drive C:

undelete /tc-400

Suppose you want to create a directory on the disk in the current drive and use the directory to store all
your tax information. To create a directory named TAXES, type the following command:

mkdir \taxes
You could also type this command with the same results:

md \taxes
Now suppose that the TAXES directory is the current directory and that you want to create a subdirectory
of TAXES named PROPERTY. To create the PROPERTY directory, type the following command:

mkdir property

Either of the following commands changes your current directory to the directory named PRIMETIME:

chdir \primetime
cd \primetime
Suppose you have a directory named SPECIALS with a subdirectory named SPONSORS. To change your
current directory to \SPECIALS\SPONSORS, type the following command:

cd \specials\sponsors
Or, if your current directory is \SPECIALS, you can use the following command to change to the

cd sponsors
To change from a subdirectory back to the parent directory, type the following command:

To display the name of the current directory, you can use CHDIR or CD without a parameter. For example,
if your current directory is \PUBLIC\JONES on the disk in drive B, type CHDIR to see the following



If you are working on drive D and you want to copy all files in the \PUBLIC\JONES and \PUBLIC\LEWIS
directories on drive C to the root directory on drive D, type the following commands:

chdir c:\public\jones
copy c:*.* d:\
chdir c:\public\lewis
copy c:*.* d:\
If, instead, you want to copy all files in the \PUBLIC\JONES and \PUBLIC\LEWIS directories to your
current location on drive D, type the following commands:

chdir c:\public\jones
copy c:*.* d:
chdir c:\public\lewis
copy c:*.* d:

To delete a directory named \USER\SMITH, first ensure that the directory is empty, as in the following

dir \user\smith /a
MS-DOS should display only the "." and ".." symbols.
Then, from any directory except \USER\SMITH, type the following command:

rmdir \user\smith
You can type the following command with the same result:

rd \user\smith

The following command specifies that MS-DOS is to search three directories to find commands (the three
paths for these directories are C:\USER\TAXES, B:\USER\INVEST, and B:\BIN):

path c:\user\taxes;b:\user\invest;b:\bin
To display the names of all the subdirectories on the disk in your current
drive, type the following command:

tree \
To display, one screen at a time, the files in all the directories on drive C, type the following command:

tree c:\ /f | more

To print the same list that the previous example displayed, type the following command:

tree c:\ /f > prn


Suppose C:\LETTERS is a directory. To move the files ED.TXT and SIGRID.TXT from the current
directory to the LETTERS directory on drive C, type the following at the command prompt:

move ed.txt,sigrid.txt c:\letters

To move the BILL.TXT file from the current directory to the LETTERS directory on drive C and rename it
ANN.TXT, type the following at the command prompt:

move bill.txt c:\letters\ann.txt

To rename the THISYEAR directory on drive C to LASTYEAR, type the following at the command

move c:\thisyear c:\last year

To delete the TEMP directory on drive C, including all files and subdirectories of the TEMP directory, type
the following at the command prompt:

deltree c:\temp

To find out how much data is stored on drive C and how much space is still free, and to check the disk for
errors, type the following command:

chkdsk c:
CHKDSK pauses and displays messages if it encounters errors.
To redirect the output of CHKDSK to a file named STATUS, type the following command:

chkdsk a: > status

Because the output is redirected, MS-DOS does not repair errors it encounters during the check; but it
records all the errors in a report file. Afterward, you can use CHKDSK with the /F switch without
redirection to correct any errors noted in the status report.

To check and fix the current drive, type the following:

Suppose that DriveSpace is installed, but is unable to mount your compressed drive because of problems
with the drive. The drive's compressed volume file is called DRVSPACE.000 and is located in the root
directory of drive C. To repair the volume file, type the following:

scandisk c:\DRVSPACE.000
The DriveSpace volume file must be located in the root directory of the drive.


To check both drive C and drive E, type the following:

scandisk c: e:
To check all your drives, type the following:

scandisk /all
This will check all your hard disk partitions, in addition to all mounted DriveSpace drives (if DriveSpace is
Suppose you created an Undo disk, did not change the contents of the checked drive since you created the
Undo disk, and placed the Undo disk in drive A. To undo the changes made by ScanDisk, type the

scandisk /undo a:

To determine whether UNFORMAT can restore a formatted disk in drive A, type the following command:

unformat a: /test
To restore a formatted disk in drive A, listing all files and subdirectories, type the following command:

unformat a: /l

To load DEFRAG into conventional memory and specify that DEFRAG sort files according to the date
they were created, from latest created to earliest created, type the following command:

defrag c: /f /sd- /skiphigh

This example fully optimizes drive C, but slows DEFRAG

To start MSAV using a black and white color scheme, and to specify that MSAV check all drives except
drives A and B, type the following command:

msav /bw /a
To write a simple batch program named VIRUS that supports the MSAV exit code and the /S switch to
scan the current drive, you can type the following commands by using MS-DOS Editor:

echo off
rem Smith's msav command
msav /s /n
if errorlevel 86 goto virus
if not errorlevel 86 goto none


echo MSAV has detected a virus on your current drive!

goto exit
echo MSAV found no viruses on your current drive.
goto exit

To specify that VSAFE not check for formatting that could erase all data on the hard disk, that VSAFE
warn of attempts to write to the boot sector of a floppy disk, and that ALT+T be assigned as the hot key to
display the VSAFE screen, type the following command:

vsafe /1- /7+ /At

To specify that VSAFE not check for formatting that could erase all data on the hard disk, that VSAFE
warn of attempts to write to the boot sector of a floppy disk, and that ALT+T be assigned as the hot key to
display the VSAFE screen, type the following command:

vsafe /1- /7+ /At

Starting the MSD program
If you wanted to examine some of the technical information about your
computer before calling Microsoft Product Support Services, you would start
the MSD program by typing the following at the command prompt:

The MSD program has an interface that makes it easy for you to access detailed technical information
about your computer.
Creating a report
Before calling Microsoft Product Support Services, you could create a file called COMPUTER.TXT that
contains a detailed technical report about your computer. To do this, you could type the following at the
command prompt:

msd /p computer.txt
The COMPUTER.TXT file would contain the information about your computer.
If you want MSD to create a detailed report about your computer and you wanted the report to include such
information as your name, company, address, and phone number, you would type the following at the
command prompt:

msd /f computer.txt
The MSD program will prompt you for the information.


To display the attributes of a file named NEWS86 located on the current drive, type the following

attrib news86
To assign the Read-Only attribute to the file REPORT.TXT, type the following command:

attrib +r report.txt
To remove the Read-Only attribute from files in the \PUBLIC\JONES directory on a disk in drive B and
from files in any subdirectories of \PUBLIC\JONES, type the following command:

attrib -r b:\public\jones\*.* /s
As a final example, suppose you want to give an associate a disk containing all files in the default directory
on a disk in drive A except files with the .BAK extension. Because you can use <XCOPY> to copy only
those files marked with the Archive attribute, you need to set the Archive attribute for those files you want
to copy. To do this, you would use the following two commands to set the Archive attribute for all files on
drive A and then to clear the attribute for those files with the .BAK extension:

attrib +a a:*.*
attrib -a a:*.bak
Next, use the XCOPY command to copy the files from the disk in drive A to the disk in drive B. The /A
switch in the following command causes XCOPY to copy only those files marked with the Archive

xcopy a: b: /a
If you want XCOPY to clear each file's Archive attribute after it copies the file, use the /M switch instead
of /A, as in the following example:

xcopy a: b: /m
The following example copies all the files and subdirectories (including any empty subdirectories) from the
disk in drive A to the disk in drive B:

xcopy a: b: /s /e
The following example uses the /D: and /V switches:

xcopy a: b: /d:01/18/93 /s /v
In this example, only files on the disk in drive A that were written on or after 01/18/93 are copied to the
disk in drive B. Once the files are written to the disk in drive B, the XCOPY command compares the files
on the two disks to make sure they are the same.



You can create a batch program to perform XCOPY operations and use the batch IF command to process
the exit code in case an error occurs. For example, the following batch program uses replaceable
parameters for the XCOPY source and destination parameters:

@echo off
rem COPYIT.BAT transfers all source
rem files in all directories on the source
rem drive (%1) to the destination drive (%2)
xcopy %1 %2 /s /e

Suppose that several directories on drive C contain different versions of a file named PHONES.CLI, which
contains client names and phone numbers. To replace all of these files with the latest version of the
PHONES.CLI file from the disk in drive A, type the following command:

replace a:\phones.cli c:\ /s

Suppose you want to add new printer device drivers to a directory on drive C named TOOLS, which
already contains several printer device-driver files for a word processor. To do this, type the following

replace a:*.prd c:\tools /a

This command searches the current directory on drive A for any files that have the extension .PRD and then
adds these files to the TOOLS directory on drive C. Because the /A switch is included, REPLACE adds
only those files from drive A that do not exist on drive C.

Getting general program and memory information
Suppose your system has both expanded memory and extended memory. To display a summary of your
system's total memory conventional, expanded, extended, and upper and to display a list of programs
currently loaded into memory, type the following command:

mem /classify

To run MemMaker in batch mode and to direct it not to reserve any upper memory for Windows translation
buffers, use the following command:

memmaker /batch /w:0,0

To have MemMaker restore your previous system configuration, use the following command:

memmaker /undo
Suppose you use a disk-compression program. Your startup disk is drive C, but after the compression
driver starts, drive C becomes your main compressed drive. Your startup files are now on drive D. Because
of this drive-letter swapping, you would start MemMaker by using the following command:



memmaker /swap:d
This command specifies that the current drive D was originally the startup drive and contains your
Note: You do not need to use the /SWAP switch if you are using Microsoft DoubleSpace disk compression
or the Stacker 2.0 disk-compression program.


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