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Select one of the following options for Match Approval Level:

Two-Way: Purchase order and invoice quantities must match within

tolerance before the corresponding invoice can be paid.

Three-Way: Purchase order, receipt, and invoice quantities must match

within tolerance before the corresponding invoice can be paid.

Four-Way: Purchase order, receipt, accepted, and invoice quantities

must match within tolerance before the corresponding invoice can be paid.
If you enter an item, the default value for this field comes from the item
information at the organization level. If not defined there, the default comes
from the item information at the master level.
If you do not enter an item, the default is from your Purchasing Options.
See:Receiving Controls, Options, and Profiles.
2. Select an Invoice Match Option:

Purchase Order: Payables must match the invoice to the purchase


Receipt: Payables must match the invoice to the receipt.

Choose Receipt if you want to update exchange rate information on the
receipt or if you want youre accounting to use exchange rate information
based on the receipt date. (If you use Periodic Costing, you must match to
the receipt to ensure accurate cost accounting.)
The Invoice Match Option defaults from the Supplier Sites window. You can
change the Invoice Match Option on the shipment until you receive against
the shipment.
The Invoice Match Option and the Match Approval Level are independent
options. You can
perform whichever Invoice Match Option you want regardless of the Match
Approval Level.
For example, you can set a PO to any one of the following examples:


2-way/Purchase Order
3 way/Purchase Order
3 way/Receipt

The Invoice Match Option determines what document you can match the
invoice to.
In #2 & #4 If I do not create a Receipt for these POs and try to match the
invoice to the PO, the system will error with:
APP-SQLAP-10655: You cannot match to this document. You can match only
to the document (purchase order or receipt) specified by the Invoice Match
option on the purchase order shipment. Either matches to the specified
document, or updates the Invoice Match option for the shipment and then
completes this match.
The Match Approval Level determines what if any type of hold will be placed
based on the Invoice Tolerance setup.
So let's say we create a PO like #3 PO#5051 - 3 way/Purchase Order,
however, we do not receive the
PO. In this case we will receive a qty hold because we have the PO set to 3
way matching.
'Purchase order, receipt, and invoice quantities must match within tolerance
before the corresponding invoice can be paid.'

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