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PU12 Physics Question Bank Wave Optics

Note: Question which are highlighted with yellow colour are important
Introduction, Huygens Principle, Reflection and refraction of plane waves using Huygens

Name the scientist who first proposed the wave theory of light.
Sol: Christian Huygens.


What is the reason to believe that light is a wave motion?

Sol: Light undergoes interference, diffraction and polarisation which can be explained on the
basis of wave nature of light.


Define the term wavefront.

Sol: A wave front is the locus of all points (particles) in a medium which are vibrating in same
phase. It is a surface of constant phase.


How is the direction of a ray related to a wave front?

Sol: The direction of a ray is normal to the corresponding wavefront.


What is the phase difference between two points on a wavefront?

Sol: Zero (There is no phase difference)


What is the geometrical shape of the wavefront of light diverging from a point source?
Sol: Spherical


What type of wave front is received if light is coming from a very distant point source?
Sol: Plane wave front


What type of wavefront is obtained by a light source in the form of a narrow slit?
Sol: Cylindrical wavefront


What type of wavefront is realised when aplane wavefront (plane wave) passes through a prism?
Sol: Spherical wavefront.

10. What is the shape of the wavefront when a plane wave gets reflected from a convex mirror?
Sol: Spherical
11. What is the shape of the wavefront when a plane wave gets reflected from a concave mirror?
Sol: Spherical
12. Which type of source of light gives rise to cylindrical wavefront?
Sol: A linear source of light gives rise to cylindrical wavefront.
13. What are secondarywavelets?
Sol: These are wavelets emanating from the secondary sources of disturbance on the wavefront.
14. Who predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves?
Sol: James clerk Maxwell.

PU12 Physics Question Bank Wave Optics



State Huygens principle.

Sol: According to Huygens principle each point on a wavefront is a source of secondary
disturbance and the secondary wavelets emanating from these points spread out in all directions
with the speed of light. The forward envelope of the secondary wavelets at a later time gives the
new wavefront (new position at that time).


A light wave travels from air to glass. How will the following be affected (i) energy of the wave?
(ii) frequency of the wave?
Sol: (i) Energy of the wave decrease as part of the light wave is reflected (back into air)
(ii) Frequency of the wave remains the same.


When a monochromatic light incident on a surface separating two media both the reflected and
reflected and refracted light will have the same frequency as the incident light frequency. Explain
Sol: Reflection and refraction arise through interaction of incident light with the atoms of the
medium. These can be treated as oscillators which take up the frequency of the light incident and
undergo forced oscillations. The frequency of the light emitted by a charged oscillater equals its
frequency of the reflected and refracted light equals that of the incident light.


When monochromatic light travels from one medium to another its wavelength changes but
frequency remains the same. Explain.
Sol: Frequency is the characteristic of the source while wavelength is characteristic of the mediu.
When a monochromatic light travels from one medium to another, its speed changes and
correspondingly its wavelength monochromatic light travels from one medium to another, its

speed changes and correspondingly its wavelength also changes but the frequency V

remains the same.


Who proposed electromagnetic wave theory. Who first detected electromagnetic waves?
Sol: James clerk Maxwell proposed electromagnetic wave theory. Heinrich Hertz producted and
detected electromagnetic waves (radio waves) for the first time.

PU12 Physics Question Bank Wave Optics



What is a wavefront? Draw the geometrical shape of the wavefronts when (i) light diverges from
a point source and (ii) light emerges out of a convex lens when a point source is placed at its
Sol: A wavefront is the locus of all points (particles) which are in phase at any instant. It is a
surface of constant phase.


State Hyygens principle and using the same explain the geometrical construction of spherical
Sol: Huygens principle: Each point on a wavefront is a source of secondary disturbance. The
secondary wavelets starting from these points spread out in all directions with the speed of the
wave (light) the forward envelope of these secondary wavelets gives the new wavefront at a later
Consider a spherical wave front with O as centre moving towards right. Let
PQ be a portion of spherical wavefront at time t 0. Each point on PQ is a

source of secondary disturbance which travels with the speed v of the waves
in the medium. To find the shape of the new wavefront at t T . The new
wavefront RS also is spherical with point O as centre.

(a) Use Hyygens geometrical construction to show the behaviour of plane wavefront
(i) passing through a prism. (ii) reflecting at a concave mirror.
(b) Name the theory of light which predicated that light travels faster in denser medium than in
rarer medium.
(b) Newtons corpuscular theory predicted that the velocity of light in rarer medium is lesser than
in denser medium.

PU12 Physics Question Bank Wave Optics


Sketch the geometrical shape of the wavefront (i) emerging from a linear slit (rectangular slit) (ii)
corresponding to parallel beam of light. (iii) converging beam of light.


Derive the law of reflection of light on the basis of Huygens wave theory of light.
Sol: Consider a plane wavefront AB incident on a plane reflecting surface MN . If V be the speed
of light in the medium and t be the time taken by the wavefront to advance from point B to C ,
then BC vt.
By the time the disturbance from B reaches C , the secondary wavelets from A would have
spread over a hemisphere of radius AD BC vt.
The tangent plane CD drawn from point C over this hemisphere of radius vt will be the new
reflected wavefront.
Let i be the angle of incidence and r be the angle of
From similar triangles ADC and CBA

Also AB CD


Hence BAC
i.e., i r
angle of incidence angle of reflection.
This is the law of reflection.



State Huygens principle. Using the geometrical construction of secondary wavelets, explain the
refraction of a plane wavefront incident on a plane surface.

Hence verify Snells law of

PU12 Physics Question Bank Wave Optics

Sol: Huygens principle: Each point on a wavefront is a source of secondary disturbance and the
secondary wavelets emanating from these points spread out in all directions with the speed of the

The forward envelope of the secondary wavelets at a later time will give the new

wavefront at that time.

Consider XY as surface of separation between a medium 1 of refractive index n1 and medium 2
of refractive index n2 such that n2 n1.
Let v1 and v2 be the speeds of light in the media 1 and 2 respectively such that v1 v2 .
Consider XY as surface of separation between a medium 1 and 2 respectively such that v1 v2 .
Consider a plane wavefront AB propagating in the direction PA (or RB ) incident on XY at an
angle of incidence .
i. If t is the timetaken by the wavefront to travel the distance BS then BS v1t
During the time the disturbance from B reaches the point S , the secondary wavelets from A
would have spread over a hemisphere of radius AQ V2t in medium 2. The tangent plane SQ
drawn from S will be the new refracted wavefront. Let r be the angle of refraction.
From the triangle ABS
sin i


From the triangle AQS sin r

sin i BS v1t

sin r AQ v2t


sin i v1

sin r v2

v1 n2

1 n2
v2 n1

1 n2

sin i
sin r

This is Snells law of refraction n1 sin i n2 sin r.





C : speed of light in vacuum.

PU12 Physics Question Bank Wave Optics



What are coherent sources?

Sol: Sources are said to be coherent if the waves emanating from them have a constant phase
relation (zero phase difference or constant phase difference) and same frequency.


State the principle of superposition of waves.

Sol: Principle of superposition of waves states that at a particular point in a medium, the resultant
displacement produced by a number of waves is the vector sum of the displacement produced by
each of the waves.


What are incoherent sources?

Sol: Two sources which emit waves which do not have a constant phase difference are called
incoherent sources.


State the conditions for two light waves to be coherent.

Sol: The light waves must be of same frequency and they should have zero phase phase
difference or a constant phase difference.


What is interference of light?

Sol: The modification in the distribution of light energy (intensity) due to super position of
coherent light waves travelling in almost the same direction is called interference of light.


Give a relation between path difference and wavelength for constructive interference between
tow light waves.
Sol: The path difference between the two light waves must be an integral of multiple of
wavelength for constructive interference i.e.., n n 0,1, 2,3.......


State the path difference between two waves for destructive interference.
Sol: For destructive interference the path difference between the two waves must be odd multiple


. ( wave length of light) i.e., 2n 1

n 0,1, 2,3.......

How does the fringe width in a youngs double slit experiment change when the distance
between the slits and the screen is doubled?
Sol: The fringe width gets doubled D


What is the effect on the interference fringes in youngs double slit experiment if the
monochromatic source is replaced by another of shorter wavelength?
Sol: The fringe width decreases

PU12 Physics Question Bank Wave Optics

10. In a youngs double slit experiment the separation between the two slits decreased. What will
happen to fringe width?

Sol: The fringe width increases.


11. In a youngs double slit experiment, the interference pattern is not detected when the two
coherent sources are for apart, why?

Sol: The fringe width becomes too small to be detected.


12. How will the intensity of maximum and minima change in a youngs double slit experiment if
one of the slits is covered by a transparent paper which transmits only half of the light intensity?
Sol: The intensity of maxima decreases and the intensity of minima increases.
13. What is the ratio of the fringe width of bright and dark fringes in the interference pattern in
youngs double slit experiment?
Sol: 1:1
14. Does interference phenomenon violate the law of conservation of energy?
Sol: No There is only redistribution of energy.
15. Give on example of interference of light observed in daily life.
Sol: Colours produced on a soap bubble is an example of interference of light at thin films.
16. What is the principle of interference in youngs double slit experiment.
Sol: The principle is division of wavefront.
17. State the conditions for constructive interference in terms of phase difference between two light
Sol: The phase difference between the light waves must be an even multiple of . i.e. 2n

n 0,1, 2,......



Two independent sources of light cannot be considered as coherent sources. Explain why?
Sol: Each source of light contains a very large number of atoms and light is emitted by these
atoms independently and randomly.

There will be no constant phase relation between the

emitted waves. The phase difference changes rapidly in unit time. Thus independent sources
cannot be coherent.

What happens to the fringe width and the angular separation of the fringes in Youngs double slit
experiment when the screen is moved away from the plane of the slits?
Sol: The fringe width is given by


As D increases ' ' also increases fringe width increases.

PU12 Physics Question Bank Wave Optics

The angular separation of the fringes is given by

and hence the angular separation remains


In a youngs double slit experiment, the source slit is moved closer to the double slit plane. What
is the effect on interference fringes? Explain.
Sol: Suppose s be the size of the source and S be the separation between source and the double
slit plane. The condition for interference fringes to be seen is

S d

: wavelength of light
d : double slit separation
When source slit is moved closer to double slit plane, S decreases. The interference patterns
produced by different parts of the source, overlap the pattern gets less sharp and may even

What will be the effect on the interference fringes in youngs double slit experiment when the
monochromatic source is replaced by a source of white light?
Sol: When white light is used instead of a monochromatic light the interference due to different
component colours of white light overlap. At the centre of the screen the path difference is zero
for all the wavelength. Hence the central fringe is white. On either side of the central fringe few
coloured fringes will be seen. The fringe closest on either side of the central while fringe is blue
(or violet) as the wavelength of blue (or violet ) as the wavelength of blue is smaller than that of
red while the farthest fringe is red.


What are coherent and incoherent sources of light?

Sol: Two sources of light which continuously emit light waves of same frequency with zero or
constant phase difference between them are called coherent sources.
Two sources of light which do not emit light waves with a constant phase difference are called
incoherent sources.


Show that the law of conservation of energy is obeyed during interference of light.
Sol: Let a1 and a2 be the amplitudes of the light waves from two coherent sources. In the
interference pattern the intensities of maxima and minima points will be respectively
I max a1 a2 and I min a1 a2

The average value will be

I max I min a1 a2 a1 a2


I av

I av a12 a22

If there is no interference between the light waves from the two sources then the intensity at
every point would be the same and equal to I

PU12 Physics Question Bank Wave Optics

I I1 I 2 a12 a22

This is the same as I av in the interference pattern.

Hence the law of conservation of energy is obeyed.



What is a sustained interference pattern? State the necessary conditions to obtain sustained
interference pattern.
Sol: The interference pattern in which the positions of maxima and minima of intensity (i.e.,
bright and dark fringes) do not change with time is called sustained interference pattern.

The two sources of light must be coherent emitting light of same phase or constant phase



The sources must be monochromatic having same wavelength and frequency.


The amplitude of interfering waves must be same for better contrast.


The sources must be narrow and close to each other.


The interfering waves must travel nearly along the same direction.


The interfering waves should be in the same state of (or plane of ) polarisation.

State two conditions for sustained interference of light. Draw the variation of intensity with
position in the intensity pattern of youngs double slit experiment.

The intensity is maximum at the centre ' O ' then at points where x is odd multiple of


intensity becomes zero indicating dark fringe and at points where x is an integral multiple of


, the intensity becomes maximum indicating bright fringes.

What is the effect on the interference pattern in a Youngs double slit experiment when

A light of smaller frequency is used?


The separation between the double slits is increased?


The entire apparatus is immersed in water

Sol: (i) The fringe width is given by


increases hence the fringe width increases.

as frequency becomes lesser, wavelength

PU12 Physics Question Bank Wave Optics


, As increases decreases


In water the wavelength decreases.

Since , the fringe width ' ' also decreases i.e., the fringes become narrover.



Give the theory of interference of light and obtain the condition for constructive and destructive
Sol: Let y1 a sin t and y2 b sin t
Where Y1 and Y2 are the instantaneous values of the electric field vectors of light at a point in the
region of superposition at any instant of time t. a and b are the amplitudes of the two waves
while is the angular frequency and is the phase difference between the two waves at the
point considered.
From the principle of superposition, the resultant electric field vector (displacement) at the point

y y1 y2

y a sin t b sin t a sin t b sin t cos b cos t sin

y a b cos sin t b sin cos t
Let a b cos R cos

b sin R sin
Then Y r cos sin t R sin cos cot

y R sin t
The resultant wave is also a harmonic wave of amplitude R and leads the first wave by angle .
Also R2 cos2 R2 sin 2 a b cos b2 sin 2

R2 a 2 2ab cos b2

R a 2 b2 2ab cos

For constructive interference:

The amplitude R and hence intensity at a point of superposition will be be maximum when

cos 1

0, 2 , 4 ,......2n
Phase difference 2n n

n n 0,1, 2,........
Corresponding path difference:


2n 1

PU12 Physics Question Bank Wave Optics

2n 1

n 0,1, 2......

Hence for destructive interference the phase difference between the interfering waves must be
odd multiple of while path difference must be an integral multiple of wavelength of light
For destructive interference:
The resultant amplitude R and intensity at the point will be minimum when

cos 1 or ,3 ,5 ,......... 2n 1

2n 1

n 0,1, 2,3,.........

Corresponding path difference:

2n 1

2n 1

n 0,1, 2,......

Hence for destructive interference the phase difference between the interfering waves must be
odd multiple of while path difference must be odd multiple of

Consider two coherent sources S1 and S 2 . Let p be a point equidistant from these two sources
such that S1 P S2 P. The waves from S1 and S 2 arrive at point P in phase. The displacement
produced by source S1 at P is Y1 a cos t

a : amplitude of the wave.

The displacement by S 2 at P.

Y2 a cos t
The resultant displacement by S 2 at P,

y y1 y2 2a cos t
Intensity is proportional to the square of the amplitude. Hence resultant intensity is

I 4I 0
Where I 0 is the intensity due to each of the source.
I0 a2

This is called constructive interference.

Consider a point Q for which

S2Q S1Q 2

the path difference between the

two wave from S1 and S 2 reaching Q is 2 and

corresponding phase difference is 4 . Then

y1 a cos t

PU12 Physics Question Bank Wave Optics

y2 a cos t 4 a cos t
Thus these two displacement are in phase and intensity will be again 4I 0 giving rise to
constructive interference. In general, for constructive interference the path difference between the
waves from the coherent sources must be an integral multiple of wavelength .
i.e. S1 p

S2 p n

n 0,1, 2,......
Suppose the path difference between the waves from S1 and S 2 at some other point R be 2.5
i.e., S2 R S1 R 2.5


The net displacement y a cos t a cos t 0
This results in zero intensity and corresponds to destructive interference.
In general for destructive interference the path difference between the waves from source must

be an odd multiple of

S1 P

S2 P 2n 1

n 0,1, 2...........

In general if y1 a cos wt due to S1

y2 a cos t due to S 2 at point A, then

The resultant displacement at A is
y y1 y2 a cos wt cos wt

wt wt
wt wt
y a2 cos


y a2 cos wt cos

y A cos wt where amplitude of the resultant displacement is A 2a cos

The intensity at the point is

I 4a 2 cos 2 4 I 0 cos 2
for constructive interference leading to maximum intensity.
The phase difference must be

0, 2 , 4 ,..... 2n
n 0,1, 2,........


PU12 Physics Question Bank Wave Optics

Corresponding path difference 2n 1

n 0,1, 2,..........

Define fringe Obtain an expression for the frings width in the interference pattern in Youngs
doubts slit experiment.
Sol: The distance between two consecutive bright fringes or two consecutive dark fringes is called
fringe width. Consider two slits A and B with a separation d .

These two act as coherent

sources of light.
Let D be the distance of the screen from the plane of the slits. Let be the wavelength of the
light passing through the slits. At O the centre of the fringe pattern a bright fringe is formed.
Let P be a point on the screen at a small distance x from O, path difference between the waves
from A and B arising at P is BP AP

From le BNP : BP 2 BN 2 PN 2 D 2 x


AMP : AP2 AM 2 PM 2 D2 x

BP 2 AP 2 x 2 xd

x 2 xd
2 xd


also BP AP D .

As d is very small compared to D as P is very close to O.

D D 2xd
2D 2 xd
Path difference:


For a bright fringe to be formed at P, n



n D

Similarly the distance of the n 1 bright fringe from O is


xn 1

n 1 D

By definition, fringe width is xn 1 xn

n 1 D

n D D

n 1 n

PU12 Physics Question Bank Wave Optics

Similarly for a dark fringe to be formed at P1

2n 1

and xn

2n 1 D

It can be shown that in case of dark fringes also

The fringe width in interference pattern is




PU12 Physics Question Bank Wave Optics

One mark Questions

What is diffraction of light?

Sol: The phenomenon of bending of light around the corners of (edges of) small obstacles or
apertures and its spreading into geometrical shadow region is called diffraction of light.


State the essential condition for diffraction of light to occur.

Sol: Diffraction of light occurs when the size of the obstacle or aperture causing diffraction is
comparable to the wavelength of light.


What should be the order of the size of the obstacle or aperture for diffraction of light?
Sol: The size of the obstacle or aperture should be of the order of the wavelength of light used.


Give one example of the diffraction effect of light.

Sol: The colour pattern we see when viewing a CD (Compact disc) is an example of diffraction
effect of light.


Who discovered diffraction of light?

Sol: Grimaldi discovered diffraction of light.


Which nature of light explains diffraction phenomenon.

Sol: Wave nature of light explains the phenomenon of diffraction.


What is the condition for first minimum in case of diffraction at a single slit?
Sol: asin
Where a: width of the slit. wavelength of light

- angular position of the minimum.


Can longitudinal waves undergo diffraction?

Sol: Yes. All waves exhibit diffraction.


Why the centre of the diffraction pattern due to a single slit is of maximum intensity?
Sol: The wavelets from all the points of the diffracted wavefront interfere constructively as they
arrive in phase to give rise to maximum intensity.

10. State the condition for secondary maxima for diffraction of light at a single slit.
Sol: a sin 2n 1

n 1, 2, 3...

a = width of the slit. wavelength of light.

11. How does the width of cental maximum vary if the wavelength of light is reduced?
Sol: The width of the central maximum decreases.
12. Is the width of all secondary maxima same?
Sol: No. the width of secondary maxima decreases with increase in the order.
13. What is resolving power of an optical instrument?


PU12 Physics Question Bank Wave Optics

Sol: Resolving power of an optical instrument is its ability to resolve two closely lying point
14. Define limit of resolution of a microscope.
Sol: Limit of resolution of a microscope is the minimum distance of separation between two point
objects at which they can just be seen as separate points.
15. Define resolving power of a microscope.
Sol: It is the reciprocal of the minimum distance of separation between two point objects at which
they can just be resolved.
16. Define resolving power of a telescope.
Sol: The resolving power of a telescope is defined as the reciprocal of the smallest angular
separation between two point objects at which they can seen be as distinct.
17. How can the resolving power of a telescope be increased?
Sol: Resolving power of a telescope can be increased by increasing the diameter of the objective of
the telescope.
18. What is Fresnel distance?
Sol: It is the distance from an obstacle or aperature causing diffraction at which the diffraction
spread of the beam becomes comparable with the size of the aperature.
19. Give the expression for Fresnel distance.
Sol: Z f


a: size of the aperature : wavelength of light.

20. In a youngs double slit experiment light of wavelength comparable to the size of the slits is used
what happens if one of the slits is closed?
Sol: A single slit diffraction pattern may result instead of interference pattern.

Two marks questions


Do the phenomina of interference and diffraction obey the principle of conservation of energy.
Sol: Yes. The phenomena of interference and diffraction obey the principle of conservation of
energy. In interference and diffraction the light energy is redistributed. If the energy reduces in
one region producing a bright fringe. There is no loss or gain of energy.


Diffraction is commonly observed in case of sound waves while it is not easily observed for light
waves. Why? Explain.
Sol: Diffraction effect is observable only when the size of the obstracle or aperature is comparable
to the wavelength of the waves.
In case of sound waves, their wavelength is of the order of size of the objects around us. Hence
they get easily diffracted. But the wavelength of light is much smaller then the size of the objects
around us and thus diffraction of light is not easily observed.


PU12 Physics Question Bank Wave Optics


State with reason, how would the linear width of the Central maximum change if (i)
monochromatic yellow light is replaced with red light and (ii) the distance between the slit and
the screen is increased.
Sol: The linear width of the central maximum is given by W

2 D

wavelength of light.
D = distance between the screen and the slits.
a: width of the slit.
(i) since red yellow and W . The linear width of the central maximum increases.
(ii) W D
As D increases, the linear width increases.

Write the expression for the resolving power of a microscope and explain the symbols.
Sol: R.Pmic

2n sin

wavelength of light

semivertical angle.
n refractive index of the medium between the object and the objective.

Write the expression for the resolving power of an astronomical telescope and explain the
Sol: R.Ptel


Where d: diameter of the objective lens.

: wavelength of light

How does the resolving power of a microscope change upon (i) decreasing the wavelength of
light ? (ii) decreasing the diameter of the objective lens?
Sol: R.P

2n sin

(i) Resolving power R.P

. Resolving power increases as the wavelength of light is decreased.

(ii) R.P sin

On decreasing the diameter of the objective lens the semivertical angle decreases and hence the
resolving power also decreases.

Astronomers presser to use telescopes with large diameter objectives to observe astronomical
objects. Explain Why.


PU12 Physics Question Bank Wave Optics

Sol: Objective with large diameter has a greater capacity to gather light and to form bright image
of distant, faint stars. Also larger diameter implies greater resolving power since resolving power
R.P. is directly proportional to diameter of the objective

Give the basic difference between interference and diffraction.

Sol: Interference is the result of superposition of secondary waves starting from two wavefronts
originating from two coherent sources.

Three marks question.


Draw a graph showing the variation of intensity with diffraction angle in a single slight
diffraction experiment. Explain the distribution.
Sol: This graph represents the intensity distribution for
maxima and minima in the diffraction pattern with
diffraction angle
It has a broad central maximum at 0 of the incident
light. On either side, it has secondary maxima of
decreasing intensity at positions.

2n 1


a: width of the slit.

and minima at positions


Mention any three differences between interference fringe pattern and diffraction pattern.
Sol: Interference pattern

It has a number of equally spaced a alternate bright and dark bands (fringes)

All bright fringes are of same intensity.

Regions of dark fringes are perfectly dark providing a good contrast. Diffraction patter

It has a central bright maximum (which is twice as large as other maxima) followed on either
side by alternate dark and lesser bright bands.

Intensity of bright fringes decreases as we go around from central maximum.

Dark frings are not perfectly dark providing a poor contrast.

Five marks questions


Explain the intensity distribution in case of diffraction at a single slit and draw the intensity
distribution curve.
Sol: Consider a rectangular slit AB of width a illuminated by light of wavelength
Let a plane wavefront be incident on AB as shown. According to
Huygens principle all the points on the wavefront between A
and B acts as sources of secondary wavelets which move in the


PU12 Physics Question Bank Wave Optics

direction shown. The intensity at a point on the screen is the resultant effect produced by all these
secondary wavelets. The path difference between waves from A and B.
Reaching P is BN BN AP sin g If is small sin then BN a
Intensity of the central maximum:
The secondary wavelets from all the points between AB reach central point O in phase resulting
in maximum intensity. There will be reinforcement of infinite number of secondary wavelets. The
intensity has a central maximum at 0
Intensity of minima:
If the point P is such that the path difference between wavelets from A and B is . i.e.
BN asin , then the wavelets from A nad C and those from C and B suffer a path difference


, C being the midpoint of AB. These pairs of wavelets and all other pairs of wavelets from

the corresponding points in the upper and lower pair of parts will suffer a path difference


hence they interfere destructively resulting in zero insensity. Thus the second minimum is formed
at P. In general, the condition for minima (dark bands) is a sin n or a n where
n 1, 2, 3...

Intensity of secondary maxima

If the path difference a sin q

, then AB can be considered to be made up of three equal parts.

The waves from the corresponding points on the first two parts will have a path difference of


Hence they interfere destructively. Thus the intensity at the point considered due to first two
parts of the slit is zero. However the wavelets from the third part will produce some intensity at
the point giving rise to the first secondary maximum. In general a sin 2n 1

n 0.1.2.. is the condition for secondary maxima.

The diffraction pattern consists of central maximum followed by alternte minima and secondary
maxima on either side.


PU12 Physics Question Bank Wave Optics

One mark Question

What is polarisation of light?

Sol: The phenomenon of restricting the vibrations of the electric field vector of a light wave to just
one direction perpendicular to the direction of wave propogation is called polarisation of light.


Which type of waves show the property of polarisation?

Sol: Transverse waves show the property of polarisation.


Can longitudianal waves be polarised?

Sol: No. longitudinal waves cannot be polarised.


Do ultrasonic waves undergo polarisation?

Sol: Ultrasonic waves do not undergo polarisation as they are longitudinal.


What is plane polarised light?

Sol: The light wave in which the electric field vectors are restricted to a single direction (plane)
perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation is called plane polarised or linearly polarised


Which special characteristic of light is demonstrated only by the phenomenon of polarisation?

Sol: Transverse wave nature of light is demonstrated by the phenomenon of polarisation.


Which among the infrared waves, sound waves and radiowaves can be polarised?
Sol: Only infrared waves and radio waves can be polarised.


Is the sun light scattered by the molecules of the atmosphere polarised?

Sol: Yes, the scattered sun light is partially polarised.


Mention a method to produce plane polarised light.

Sol: Polarisation by reflection.

10. Name three properties which are mutually perpendicular in a plane polarised light.
Sol: Electric field vector, magnetic field vector and the direction of propogation of light wave.
Plane of vibration, plane of polarisation and direction of propagation of the light wave.
11. What is unpolarised light?
Sol: The light wave in which the electric field vectors (vibrations) are present in all possible
directions, in a plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation is called unpolarised light.
12. Give the representation of unpolarised light.


PU12 Physics Question Bank Wave Optics

13. Give the representation of plane polarised light


14. State Brewsters law

Sol: Brewsters law stares that, for transparent medium the refractive index of the medium is
equal to the tangent of the polarising angle of incidence.
15. What is meant by polarising angle of Brewsters angle?
Sol: It is that angle of incidence on a medium for which the reflected light is completely plane
16. Unpolarised light is incident on a plane surface of glass of refractive index n at an angle i. If the
reflected light gets totally polarised, write the relation between the angle i and refractive index n
Sol: n tan i
17. A ray of light is incident on a medium at ;polarising angle. What is the angle between the
reflected and refracted rays?
Sol: The angle between reflected and refracted rays is 90 .
18. Does the value of the polarising angle of incidence depend on the colour of light?
Sol: Yes
19. What are polaroids?
Sol: These are thin sheets of plastic containing long chain molecules which are used to get plane
polarised light by selective absorption.
20. Unpolarised light of intensity I 0 is passed through a polaroid. What is the intensity of the light
transmitted by the polaroid?

Sol: 0

Two marks questions


Explain why longitudinal waves cannot be polarised.

Sol: In polarisation, vibrations (eg.: electric field vectors) perpendicular to the direction of
propagation are restricted to only one direction. But in longitudinal waves vibrations occur only
along the direction of propagation but not perpendicular to it. Hence their polarisation is not


Light waves can be polarised while sound waves cannot be polarised. Explain why.
Sol: Light waves are transverse waves with vibrations perpendicular to the propagation direction
and hence they can be polarised.
Sound waves are longitudinal waves with vibrations only along the direction of propagation and
hence they cannot be polarised.


PU12 Physics Question Bank Wave Optics


Which of the following can be polarised (i) microwaves (ii) ultrasound waves? Give reasons.
Sol: Microwaves can be polarised as they are transverse electromagnetic waves.
Ultrasound waves cannot be polarised as they are longitudinal waves.


Distinguish between unpolarised light and plane polarised light.

Sol: Unpolarised light:
The light in which the electric field vibrations are present in all
directions in a plane.
Perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave, is called
unpolarised light. Plane polarised light.:
The light in which the electric field vibrations are restricted to a
single direction perpendicular to the propagation direction is
called plane polarised light.


Does the value of Brewsters angle depend on colour of light? Explain.

Sol: Brewsters angle depends on the colour of light.
We have n tan i p

i p depends on the refractive index of the medium (n) and n depends on wavelength of light or
colour. Hence i p depends on colour of light.

Indicate n a diagram the plane of vibration and plane of polarisation.


Three Marks questions


What is meant by plane polarised light? What type of waves show the property of polarisation?
Describe a method for producing a beam of plane polarised light.
Sol: The light in which the electric field vector of light waves vibrate in only one direction (plane)
perpendicular to the direction of propagation is called plane polarised light. Only transverse
waves exhibit the property of polarisation. A beam of plane polarised light can be produced by
using a polaroid.
When unpolarised light falls on a polaroid, only the vibrations parallel to the transmission plane
get transmitted and perpendicular vibrations are selectively absorbed. Hence the emergent beam
form the polaroid is plane polarised.


PU12 Physics Question Bank Wave Optics


What is a polaroid? How is plane polarised light obtained from it? How is it used to distinguish
between unpolarised light and plane polarised light?
Sol: A polaroid is a tin plastic like sheet containing long chain molecules which produces plane
polarised light by selective absorption.
When unpolarised light is incident on a polaroid

the electric vectors (vibrations) along the

direction of the aligned molecules get selectively absorbed. The direction perpendicular to the
transmission plane get transmitted. Hence the emergent beam is plane polarised (linearly
When unpolarised light is seen through a polaroid the intensity of light reduces by half due to
polarisation. But when the polaroid is rotated there will be no change in intensity of emergent
When linearly polarised light is seen through a polaroid and the polaroid is rotated then the
intensity becomes maximum twice and zero twice in each rotation. This change in intensity helps
in distinguishing between unpolarised and plane polarised light.

Explain with the help of a ray diagram how an unpolarised light can be polarised by reflection
from a transparent medium? Write the expression for Brewsters angle in terms of the refractive
index of denser medium.
Sol: An unpolarised light has two vibrations one parallel to the plane of incidence, (lines) and
the other component perpendicular to the plane of incidence
PQ: incident, unpolarised light. OR: reflected, plane polarised
QS : refracted, partially plane polarised light.

i p : polarising angle of incidence (Brewsters angle)

When unpolarised light incidents (PQ) on the transparent medium of refractive index n at
polarising angle of incidence (Brewsters angle) i p , the reflected ray (QR) is found to be
completely plane polarised and the reflected ray is perpendicular to the refracted ray (QS). The
electrons oscillating in the medium produce the reflected wave. The vibrations move in two
directions transverse to the refracted wave. As the arrows are parallel to the direction of the
reflected wave they cannot send energy along the reflected light direction. Hence the reflected
light consists of vibration perpendicular to the plane of incidence (dots) only and is completely
plane polarised.
Brewsters law n tan i p .
N : refractive index of the medium

i p : Brewsters angle.


PU12 Physics Question Bank Wave Optics


State and explain Malus Law.

Sol: Malus law states that when a beam of completely plane polarised light is passed through an
analyser (polaroid), the intensity of the transmitted light varies directly as the cosine of the angle

between the transmission directions (plane or axis) of polariser and analyser.

i.e. I cos2

I I0 cos2
Where I 0 is the intensity of the plane polarised light
from the polariser and Ao is the corresponding
amplitude. I is the intensity of transmitted light
emerging from the analyser.
Suppose their planes make an angle as shown, then
only the component A0 cos

is transmitted by the

analyser as it is parallel to its own plane of transmission.

Hence I K A0 cos KA02 cos2

I I 0 cos2 . I 0 KA02

Five marks questions:


State Brewsters law. Show that when a ray of light is incident at polarising angle on the surface
of a transparent medium the reflected and refracted rays are perpendicular to each other.
Sol: Brewsters law states that the refractive index of the medium is equal to the tangent of the
polarising angle of incidence.
From Brewsters law:

n tan i p

sin i p


cos i p

Applying Snells law for refraction at Q,

sin i p


sin r

From equations (1) and (2)

cos i p sin r sin 90 i p sin r

90 i p r
r i p 90

PU12 Physics Question Bank Wave Optics

From the diagram I p r

180 ip r
180 90

Hence reflected and refracted rays are mutually perpendicular


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