Sample 1 - Describe An Afternoon at The Bus Station

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Sample 1 - Describe an afternoon at the bus station

It was two oclock in the afternoon. I was heading towards the bus station with Mohan after Mrs
Wongs extra class. The sun was beating mercilessly on my back and I could feel my sweat
trickling down my spine. I have often wished that my mother would allow me to ride a
motorcycle to school. She says that I am not ready but we both know that she is terrified that a
car would knock me down.
When I reached the bus station, it was nearly empty except for a handful of boys. Mohan and I
strode to a bench near the stationmasters office. I could feel the tension on my shoulders as the
straps of my school bag ate into my shoulder. Where is the bus? I sighed to myself. An elderly
woman came and asked me where I was going. She started a conversation but gave up after my
monosyllable answers.
Suddenly, someone shouted and I saw a bus swerved into the station. I got up, thankful for the
chance to escape from the woman. . It was Mohans bus. The group of boys were jostling each
other to get into the bus. Masuk! Masuk! shouted the conductor but nobody seemed to be
moving. The black fumes made me nauseous. All of a sudden, people started appearing from all
directions to board their bus. In no time, the passengers were packed like sardines in the bus. It
started to move, leaving some unfortunate passengers behind. I waved at Mohan when I noticed
him dangling on the steps of the bus. The bus swerved out of the station again. It left another trail
of black smoke.
I decided to go to Panjangs ice stall. The iced sugar cane juice soothed my parched throat as I
sipped slowly, all the while keeping an eye on the bus. Then I saw the bus heading towards the
station. I paid for my drinks. See you tomorrow, I waved to Panjang.
Once more, the crowd began to swell near the bus. I noticed that the elderly woman was being
shoved around by the boys. She started hitting them with her umbrella. Then, I saw Raja, my
classmate at the back of the bus. I hurled my bag through the window and he caught it. By the
time I got into the bus, it had already started moving. I got into my seat and told myself that I
must really try to convince my mother about the motorcycle again.
sample 2 cell phones
Cell phones have lost their meaning over the years. These small devices were once developed to
get in contact with someone else in case of emergencies, and now talking on the phone while
driving has turned out to be a way of life for millions of American drivers. More than 85 percent
of the 100 million cell-phone subscribers frequently talk on the phone during driving.
( Talking on the cell phone while driving should be illegal, because of
the dangers they cause. Driving while using the cell phone is one of the major problems here in
the US. Cell phones should not be used while driving. This matter is too dangerous to let it go
According to the essay, Yes, Prohibit Their Use, which appeared on the congressional quarterlys

web site on March 16, 2001, the Harvard Center for risk analysis printed a study in 1999. They
appointed a crash risk factor to using cell phones. In the summer of 2000 it came out to 450 to
1,000 fatalities each year. The NHTSH says that for every fatality, there are 666 property-damage
and injury-producing crashes. There are about 300,000 and 650,000 different crashes due to cell
phones! This same essay states that Japan is one of the 14 countries banning the use of handheld
cell phones while driving. The accidents caused by the use of cell phones dropped by 75 percent
the next month, proving cell phones are not necessary parts of the driving nature.
There are major dangers connected with driving and cell phone use. Drivers have to take their
eyes off the road while dialing. Also, drivers can get so deep into their conversations that their
ability to concentrate may be dangerously limited. This jeopardizes the safety of the people
inside the vehicle, and the pedestrians outside. In order to drive safely, the driver should be able
to put 100% of his or her focus on the road. Cell phones are simply a huge distraction while
It is understandable that there are some cases where the use of a cell phone is needed. In these
cases, I agree with the author of Yes, Prohibit Their Use, the driver should pull-over somewhere
safe to use the phone. If someone receives an incoming call, he should wait until the car has
come to a complete stop. Then he should proceed to use the phone. If he feels that the emergency
is urgent enough to take action right away, then the person should use the hands free headset.
Only in emergencies should cell phones be used.
Some people argue that there are other distractions other than cell phones. While using a cell
phone when driving may not be the most unsafe distraction, studies prove that it is the most
common cause of car crash accident, and common cause of death here in the US.
The use of cell phones while driving should be banned in Philadelphia, because many people die
due to distraction of cell phones. Cell phone distraction causes 2,600 deaths and 330,000 injuries
in the United States every year. ( Another reason to not use
the cell phone while driving is devastating the many lives of the victims and their families in the
case of an accident.
When driving, cell phones should not be allowed. Help the statistics decrease not increase.

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