Exp 2

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To characterize second order system

To study the transient characteristics (eg. rise time, settling time,
overshoot) of second-order
systems by using the unit step-input.

Hardware Requirements:
Second-order Plant Module* (Plant)
Dual-channel power supply (+12Vdc and 12Vdc)
Function generator
Accessories: BNC cables, T-connectors and power connectors
* Note: There are two second-order plants in this module. The time constant
for the first plant (A) is
= 0.1msec, while second plant (B) is = 0.01msec. The rest of the
component values are identical.

Figure 1 shows various parameters marked on a typical unit-step response of
a control system:

Figure 1: A typical unit-step response of a control system

Delay time ,td
50% of its final value.
Rise time , tr
10 to 90 per cent of
Settling time ,ts
within a

: The time required for the step response to reach

: The time required for the step response to rise from

it final value.
: The time required for the step response to reach and stay

specific percentage (2-5%) of its final value.

Maximum overshoot
: Let ymax denote the maximum value of y(t) and yss
be the steady-state
value of y(t) and ymax yss. The maximum
overshoot is defined as
Maximum overshoot = (ymax yss)

Experiment 2-1: Unit step response of a second order control system
Plant A with = 0.01msec
1. All cables/wires from the hardware module are disconnected.
2. The power supply is on and the voltage rating to +12Vdc for channel-1,
and 12Vdc
for channel-2 are adjusted. Then, the power supply to the hardware module
is connected.
3. the function generator turn on and the output is set to 2Vppk square pulse
at frequency
4. the output of the function generator to Input A of the Second-order Plant
channel-1 of the oscilloscope (using T-connector) is connected.
5. Output A of the plant to channel-2 of the oscilloscope is connected.
6. the potentiometer R2 (varying system gain, K) and observe the changes in
the system
response adjusted.
7. the R2 is set to get an under-damped output with ymax ~ 8V (refer to
Figure 1). the result
and record down all the readings are plotted. From your graph, determine
Delay time, td
Rise time, tr
5% settling time, ts
Maximum overshoot
Steady state error
8. Based on equation (9), the damping ratio, is calculated.
9. Hence, determine the expected analytical values for td, tr, ts. ( Natural
frequency, n = 1/ =
10kHz ).
Do they match? Comment on your answer.

Plant B with = 0.01msec

10. Next, the plant to second plant (B) with time constant 0.01msec is
11. the potentiometer R2 (varying system gain, K) is adjusted and observe
the changes in the system
response .
12. the R2 is set to get an under-damped output. the result and record down
all the readings is plotted.
From your graph, determine
Delay time, td
Rise time, tr
5% settling time, ts
Maximum overshoot
Steady state error
13. Based on equation (9), the damping ratio, is calculated.
14. Hence, determine the expected analytical values for td, tr, ts. (Natural
frequency, n = 1/ =
10kHz ).

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