Exp 3

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To understand the concept of close loop control system

To study the response of a typical feedback control system
Hardware Requirements:

Second-order Plant Module (Plant)

PID Controller Module (Controller)
Dual-channel power supply (+12Vdc and 12Vdc)
Function generator
Accessories: BNC cables, T-connectors and power connectors

To obtain more accurate control, the output of a controlled signal y(t) should
be fed back and
compared with the reference input r(t). An actuating signal u(t) proportional
to the difference of the
input and the output must be sent through the system to correct the error.
Figure 1 shows the general
block diagram of a closed-loop system.

The closed-loop transfer function, M(s) of a closed-loop system can be

expressed as

where G(s) represents the plant (or process), and H(s) is the feedback

Feedback Controller
In this experiment, we implement a unity feedback control using op-amps.

Figure 2. Op-amp implementation of feedback control system

In the following exercise, the effects of applying a feedback controller to an

open loop second-order plant will be investigated.

Experiment 3-1: Feedback control system
1. Disconnected all cables/wires from the hardware module.
2. The power supply turn on and the voltage rating adjusted to +12Vdc for
channel-1, and
12Vdc for channel-2. The power supply is connected to the hardware
3. Turn on the function generator and set the output to 2Vppk square pulse
at frequency
4. The output of the function generator to Input A of the Second-order Plant
channel-1 of the oscilloscope is connected using T-connector.
5. Connect Output A of the plant to channel-2 of the oscilloscope.
6. Slowly increase the value of potentiometer R2 until the plant becomes
under-damped with
steady state error 1V (or 100%). Plot the graph.
If a high gain is applied to the feedback loop, it may saturate the systems
output. When this occurs, then
I. the 4-way dip switch to OFF position is set.
ii. The potentiometer Rp2 to minimum (counter-clockwise) is set.
iii. The corresponding dip switch to ON again (in this case, it is P) is set
IV. Slowly vary the potentiometer to avoid saturation
7. From the graph, determined

Maximum overshoot
Damping ratio
Delay time, td
Rise time, tr
5% settling time, ts

8. Next, the plant will be fed to a feedback controller (referred to Figure 2).
cables/wires from the hardware module are disconnected.
9. the output of the function generator to Input of the PID Controller is
10. Output A of the plant to Feedback of the controller is connected.
11. Output of the controller to Input A of the plant is connected.
12. Used T-connector to connected the function generators output (system
input) to channel-1

of the oscilloscope.
13. Used T-connector to connected Output A of the plant (system output) to
channel-2 of the

14. On the controller board, there is a 4-way dip switch which determine the
controller types to
be used:

Select P-controller by setting the PROP of the controller (dip switch = 1) to

ON. Other switches should be set OFF.
15. The values of potentiometer Rp2 (varying Kp) is adjusted to find the best
system response.
The graph plotted.
16. From the graph, determined
Maximum overshoot
Steady state error
Hence, calculate the following parameters:
Damping ratio
Delay time, td
Rise time, tr
5% settling time, ts
17. Compare the experiment results obtained in Step 7 and Step 16. Discuss
on the observation.

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