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Linnea Millen

UWRT 1103
Professor Wertz-Orbaugh
March 29th 2016
Weekly Writing assignment 6
For this weekly writing assignment, I have been asked to demonstrate
how the work I have completed in class connects back to the Student
Learning Outcomes; otherwise known as SLOs. The SLOs include: Critical
reading, critical reflection, knowledge of conventions, composing process,
and lastly rhetorical knowledge. I believe that much of my classwork that I
have completed in this class reflects upon at least on SLO each. An example
of my work for the critical reading, in which critical readers analyze, and
piece together complex and hard to understand readings in order to take
away valuable knowledge, would be when I was researching for my Inquiry
proposal multimodal remix project. For this particular project I needed to
include a source from either JSTOR, or Project Muse which is a search engine
that only displays scholarly articles, reviews, books, and journals. When
researching I had to use my critical reading abilities to sift through loads of
articles, and analyze them in order to find facts that properly with my topic
of inquiry. It was very useful to build this skill because it is something that is
very important that I will be able to use for many other instances. Next
brings me to the SLO of critical reflection. Critical reflection is considered
the ability to be able to explain what your current thoughts are on a piece of

reading, as well as what they were when you were reading them. It is also
your awareness when working as a writing yourself and why exactly you
chose to write what you did. I can remember one instance particularly that I
used this SLO and it was after I had written my Pitch Assignment, and we had
to share to our group members what they had done correctly, and what they
should improve on. This, we wrote in their journals, and they did vise versa.
Then, once we all had written responses about other peoples work we had to
read what others had written about our work, and then respond on behalf of
what they said. I had to respond on how I though I had done on this
particular piece of writing and reflect on behalf of what my group mates had
said. The next SLO that I have come across while working in class would be
knowledge of conventions. The knowledge of conventions are as
Professor Wertz-Orbaugh calls the nuts and bolts of writing. This would
include things such as drafting and other techniques that have helped us a
writers. For this particular SLO I have worked on many pieces that could be
considered, but I have chosen one in particular which is the Inquiry proposal
along with its drafts (which include about 3). During the process of writing
my rough drafts, and then finally my final draft, I had to fine tune my writing
each time. I had to analyze the structure, the grammar, spelling, and much
more in order for it to be a finished piece that was worthy of being
considered my final draft. It was necessary for me to work out the nuts and
bolts of this paper in order for it to be a cohesive piece of writing. The next
SLO is the composing process. The composing is considered to be the

awareness of yourself while you are writing. As well as knowing that your
writing doesnt necessarily have to follow a template of certain formulated
process. For this SLO I believe the best showcase of this work is the ToonDoo
that I worked on. Though this seems somewhat miniscule because it was an
assignment where we made comics relating in some way to reading/writing, I
actually worked somewhat hard at creating something that would not only be
relatable to this class as a whole but also be aesthetically pleasing. More
specifically I made a comic about what was considered reading to young
children then vs. now. In the first part there is a mother asking her son if she
would go read, he says yes, goes to his room , and begins to read a book.
Now on the contrary in current time the mother does the same thing of
asking her son to read, and he says yes, however, when he goes to his room
instead of reading a book he begins to read text messages. Many people
who had milled around the class and saw my comic thought it was really
relatable. The last and final SLO is rhetorical knowledge. Rhetorical
knowledge is in sum how your writing works and how it affects the reader.
Does the reader understand what information was conveyed? It is also when
knowing when the appropriate time is to write a piece of scholarly writing
versus writing a less formal piece. One particular time I used this SLO would
be when I was doing research for my Multi Modal Remix Project. For this I had
to be able to distinguish between sources that were informative and in depth
enough to be able to use as a source for this project. It was even a bit
difficult at times because sources like USHMM were informative, however; did

not count as a valid source because the information on their website was too
broad and general.
Overall, meeting these SLOs has not necessarily been challenging,
however; it does require me to pay a little more attention to the specifics of
what I am doing while I am working on a project, and other tasks within this
class. I think that the semester I have excelled in the process of reflection
and composing. Through working with our group I have been able to receive
a lot of feedback on the work I am doing while also helping people out in
these same areas. However; on the contrary I still have a little bit of trouble
particularly with choosing which sources are legitimate while others are not.
For so long while I attended high school we were told that the internet was
fair game (minus Wikipedia, of course) so now I am having to work a little
harder to find sources that my professors will actually consider. Other than
that I do not believe I have had a tremendously hard time with these SLOs.

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