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Water Footprint 02/22/2010

Generation function to evaluate the Water Footprint

p. Mario Cepeda

In this study, an analysis is exposed in the conformation of the functions that allow to deduce the water
You begins with the general presentation, already well - known; next the proposal is explained that it
already supplements the explored. In general the contribution says relationship with the introduction in
the original function of terms that involve to the whole spectrum of use of the hydric resource, in
synthesis it introduces the concept of efficiency in the use of the resource.

Present state

The general function for the evaluation of consumptions of water is:

Consumptions of H2O = ∑ qi * ( consumer ) - ∑ contribution ( recycled ) (1)

Among the consumers we have to the processes, human, services, then ( 1 ), transforms in:

Consumptions – H2O = ∑ C p + ∑ C h + ∑ C s - ∑ contribution ( recycled ) (2)

Other consumers can be the agrarian systems, miners, transport, etc; but all they already summarize them in
those described ( included the technical factors that affect to each scope, as being evaporation, transfer or
another ).
Understands each other that the processes where the hydric resource is used, it produces products of the most
varied nature.

For the industrial, business, agrarian, miner, buildings, home case, the functions that alone they express

∑ C i - ∑ contribution ( recycled ) (3)

are not complete since they lack an I finish that it indicates with which efficiency has been used the hydric
resource; in the case of the analysis of consumptions of water we have:

Consumptions – H2O = g { infrastructure that uses water, way of use of the infrastructure, localization,
thermodynamic of the infrastructure and energy, types of energy, productivity,
consumptions of water, products, users, environmental, recycled }
= g { consumptions of water, infrastructure that uses water, way of use of the
infrastructure, localization, thermodynamic of the infrastructure and energy,
types of energy, productivity, products, users, environmental, recycled }

infraestructure that uses water = j ( mechanical, electric, chemical parameter )

Water Footprint 02/22/2010

but EfH2O = h{ j ( p ), consumptions of water, way of use of the infrastructure, localization,

thermodynamic of the infrastructure and energy, types of energy, productivity, products,
users, environmental, recycled }

therefore, Consumptions –H2O = g { consumptions of water, EfH2O } - ∑ contribution ( recycled )

= z [consumptions of water ] + r [EfH2O ] - ∑ contribution ( recycled )

= A * ( consumptions of water + k * EfH2O - ∑ contribution ( recycled ))

-1, for recycled

A= 0, without consumption
+1, consumption

A = unitary factor of use of water, we assume value 1

C = consumption of water
EfH2O = efficiency in the use of the energy water

then Consumptions –H2O = Σ C i + k * EfH2O - ∑ contribution ( recycled ) ( 4)

The k * EfH2O factor, in many studies it is not considered, or it is rejected. The reason is that an algebraic
method didn't exist to determine the EfH2O (expressed in % ), with all the involved variables.

To make graphic this function type (4), we have:

m 3 H2O










10 2 10 3 25 4 50 5 60 6 70 7 80 8 90 9 10
100 11
100 12

Water Footprint 02/22/2010

As the efficiency in the use of the hydric resource increases, the consumption of water, goes diminishing until a
value in which is no longer possible more reduction.
You optimun has been reached ( 100 % ), we call it threshold of consumption of water, to decrease that number
is impossible.
Carried out the tests have concluded that the term k* EfH2O, has the following conformation:

k * EfH2O = - [( √ C i ) / 17]* EfH2O + log(EfH2O / √ C i ) (5)

√ : square root
log: bases 10 logarithm
then the water consumption is:

Consumptions–H2O= ΣC i -[( √ C i) / 17 ]* EfH2O + log(EfH2O / √ C i) - ∑contribution( recycled ) ( 6)

This result is a lot but exact in its physical, mathematician and precision content, already compared with the
well - known:
Consumptions –H2O = Σ C i - ∑ contribution( recycled )

Therefore the calculate of the Water Footprint we carry out with:

Water Footprint = {ΣC i -[( √ C i ) / 17 ]*EfH2O + log(EfH2O / √ C i ) - ∑ contribution( recycled )}

reference unit

To propose this function ( 6 ), for to replace to ( 3 ).


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