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Math 2163 Exam 3 Review

This is a review for exam III. Expect the exam to have a few questions on the same topics and of
similar difficulty. Show your work in the exam and include as much detail as possible. You may
use a reference card and a calculator. This exam will cover everything we learned until section 15.4
with emphasis on section 14.5, 14.6, 14.7, 14.8; 15.1 15.4.

Brief Outline
1. section 14.5: For a nonzero directional vector v, u = ||v||
is a unit vector and the directional
derivative of f with respect to the direction of v (or u) is

Du f (a, b) =

||v|| (a,b)

2. section 14.6: The general Chain Rule (page 829830) and the implicit differentiation using
the Chain Rule.
3. section 14.7: Definition of critical points, critical values, and the second derivative test. Given
a function, you are expected to know how to find its critical points and classify them as local
min./local max./saddle point.
4. section 14.8: You are expected to know how to find the local extreme value of a function
subject to a constraint by the method of Lagrange Multipliers.
5. section 15.115.4: You are expected to know how to compute (double and triple) iterated
integrals over a general domain once the description of the domain is given.
6. section 15.2 and 15.4: You are expected to know how to compute the area of a given region
in the plane via a double integral.
7. section 15.2: You are expected to know how to describe a vertically (or horizontally) simple
domain and compute the double integral using your description.
8. section 15.3: You are expected to know how to describe a (simple) solid region bounded by
planes in the space and compute the triple integral using your description.
9. section 15.4: You are expected to know when and how to use polar/cylindrical/spherical
coordinates to simplify your integrals. To that end, you must know the general formulas for
circles in the plane, spheres and cylinders in the space.
Exam Practice Problems
1. It is very important that you review all questions from written HW 7, HW 8, HW 9, and
HW 10. I suggest you work out the questions you missed.
Remark 1: HW 9 was covered in class.
Remark 2: HW 10 is due Wednesday, April 13, 2016. HW 10 will be discussed in Wednesdays
lecture hence late HW for HW 10 will NOT be accepted.
2. Example 6 on page 903.
3. Example 4 on page 901.

Math 2163 Exam 3 Review

4. Example 1 on page 898.

5. Compute the double integral of
f (x, y) = 1
over the domain D : 0 x 1, 1 y ex .
(Sketch the domain first!)
6. Compute the triple integral of
f (x, y, z) = x + y
over the region W : y z x, 0 y x, 0 x 1.
(Do the algebra carefully!)
7. Use the method of Lagrange Multipliers to find the point on the line
2x + 3y = 6
closest to the origin.
(This is an example we covered in class)
8. Suppose that z is defined implicitly as a function of x and y by the equation
xz 2 + y 2 z + xy 1 = 0.



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