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TASK 1 a
TASK 1 b
TASK 3 a-c
TASK 3 d-e
BIBLIOGRPAHY (references)


Table of contents




This assignment main topic is on aircraft servomechanisms and they play a major role in the functioning of the
aircraft systems. The control systems have improved very significantly over the course of the last few decades
and this has ended up in the creation of the modern aircrafts which are superior to the older versions in every
aspect. These aircraft control systems have various applications in the aircraft for example the autopilot systems
and the auto throttle systems. These systems rely heavily on the accurate and immediate response from the
servo mechanisms that are used.
The task 1 of the assignment revolves around the basic meaning of servos and what they do and their types and
characteristics that makes them unique. They can be represented in the form of block diagrams and have some
basic components and how they differ slightly based on the kind of servo. Then there is a part where an aircrafts
control surface makes use of the servomechanism and the components used with in. essentially every modern
aircrafts control surfaces comprises of the same parts and servos with some minor differences (but in the end the
function is the same) which are made use of in the autopilot system which controls the trajectory of the aircraft
which then relieves the pilot and copilot of tiresome jobs in which they can make errors. The autopilot makes
almost no errors and does a better job than the pilot.
Task 2 of the assignment is on remote position control which is just like the servo control systems and it also has
a block diagram and each block has a transfer function. All the blocks transfer functions in the end are combined
to give a shorter and simpler transfer function that is easier to work with.
Task 3 is the study of the basic theory of position control with speed feedback. It is a closed loop system with a
negative feedback signal from the output of the tachometer generator which is proportional to the speed of the
motor. The frequency is varied and the corresponding Vout is recorded in a table which is later used to get bode
and nyquist plots by first getting a transfer function out of the measured values. The gain and phase margins from
these are used to figure out if the system is stable or not.
And finally there is the Gantt chart which shows the overall time that took for each task to be completed over the
entire length of time since the assignment was given till the end date.



TASK 1 a
Servo Control System a servo control system is one of the most important and widely used types of control
systems. The purpose of a control system can be numerous of which some are (regulation) maintaining the speed
of motor within certain limits. They can make the speed of a motor variable for example and operate based on a
set of already programmed values. This is known as reference tracking or set point.
Advantages of Servo Control System are that they are on a continuous duty, can be reversible. Their speed is
directly proportional to the voltage applied and is very efficient as no power is needed to hold a static load in
Servomechanisms react to an input control-signal by making an output actuator to act out a required function.
Servomechanisms control the working of electronics, computers and mechanical parts. Computers can said to be
the brains; servomechanisms could be the muscles that carry out the actual work. Servomechanisms can utilize
electronic or hydraulic or mechanical devices to control power. Servomechanism allows an operator to perform
dangerous work at a distance and these are used to manipulate large objects with fingertip control.
The simplest kind of servomechanisms is open loop servos and has no feedback (output values). These kinds
cant ensure that instructions have been reached and cant automatically do error corrections. But when error
feedback is added into it is known as a closed loop servo. This kinds output is sampled constantly and its values
are constantly compared with input values. Any difference between them (input and feedback signal) is said to be
an error that is automatically corrected. Closed-loop servo systems cancel differences between input instructions
and output immediately and automatically.
A closed-loop servomechanism is designed to recognize and minimize differences between input instructions and
output results by generating an action that decreases error.
Servomechanisms are made up of three basic parts a motor with a feedback device as well as control board. The
servo bandwidth shows the ability of the servo to take on rapid changes in the input.

Fig 1.1 : Closed Loop Systems Diagrammatic Presentation



The automatic systems response is quicker as well as accurate than a human operator. Another advantage is that
the automatic system saves up in manpower.
The key important features of the closed loop system below are:

The feedback of information concerning the behavior of the load.

The comparison of this information with the behavior demanded by the input.
The production of an error signal proportional to the difference between the desired behavior and the

actual behavior.
The amplification of the error signal to control the power into a servomotor.
The movement of the load by the servomotor in such a direction as to reduce the error signal to zero,
at which point the output is the same as that demanded by the input.

A servomechanism can be operated continuously as any kind of output variation than that of the demanded input
automatically creates a difference between output and input and an error signal is generated. The error signal
initiates correcting action.
There are 2 types of servos:

Position control servos: They are used for controlling the angular or linear
position of a load.

Speed Control Servos: They are used for control over the speed of a

Servos can also be differentiated by the feedback control systems:

Type 0 servos: the output has a constant value with a constant error signal when they are in
steady state conditions

Type 1 servos: the output has a constant value with null error signal, but a constant rate of
change of the reference implies a constant error in tracking the reference when in steady

Type 2 servos: the output has a constant value with null error signal. A constant rate of
change of the reference implies a null error in tracking the reference. A constant rate of
acceleration of the reference implies a constant error in tracking the reference.


The Boeing 777 is a heavy jet plane that was the first to be engineered to fly with servomechanisms
to manage all major flight-control functions. The design of this revolutionary plane is based on the fly
by wire system (FBW). In a normal flight a digital signal sends the instructions of the pilot electrically
to control the servomechanisms that position the planes control surfaces to whatever desired.
High-performance airplanes such as the Boeing 777 need special servomechanisms known as flight
control systems to rectify the performance instabilities that if not fixed would compromise the safety
of the aircraft and its passengers. The aerodynamic designs of the aircraft that optimize its
performance can also cause instabilities that are much too hard for a pilot to bring under control (like
the swept back wings).
A plane could have a tendency to pitch up and down uncontrollably or possibly yaw back and forth
under some conditions. These two instabilities may also even combine with a different problem
where the plane begins unpredictably roll. Sensors present within the system called accelerometers
detect these oscillations well earlier than the pilot and servomechanisms generate the right amount
of movement from control surfaces needed to stop the unwanted movement. The servos that carry
out these actions are known as pitch, yaw and roll dampers. Their main function is to smooth out the
planes performance. Without a servomechanism flight control systems would be impossible and
The yaw damper is, in simplest terms, an "autopilot" for yaw. When engaged, it operates the rudder. Its primary
goal is to counteract the typical Dutch roll aerodynamic mode of many aircraft. It also helps keep turns
coordinated by automatically providing the necessary rudder inputs to avoid slipping/skidding in a turn. Yaw
control is accomplished by a hydraulic powered rudder and a digital yaw damper system. The yaw damping
functions are controlled through the stall management computers (SMYD). The yaw damper is consisting of main
and standby yaw damper. Yaw damper systems are controlled by the (SMYD), the SMYD computers receive
inputs from the ADIRU, and both control the wheels and the yaw damper switch. SMYD also provides yaw
damper inputs to the main rudder power control unit (PCU). And the yaw damper is capable of preventing Dutch
roll, gust damping and turn coordination.
It contains yaw rate sensors and a processor that generates a signal containing information related to the position
of rudder to an actuator connected to it. Damping the Dutch roll mode in an aircraft is carried out by control
surfaces. Yaw dampers use the yaw control surfaces, the rudder to dampen the Dutch roll mode oscillations. An
alternative damper is uses roll control surfaces such as spoilers or ailerons to dampen the Dutch roll mode. One
parameter of motion; multiplying the derivative function by a proportional gain; and adding the result to the
damping signal.



The Yaw Damper System (servomechanism) is engaged by a switch on the flight control module through the AFC
accessory unit (or IFSAU). When the system is engaged, a rate gyro in the coupler senses yaw rate of the
airplane. The yaw rate signal is processed to generate a command to the rudder power control unit which moves
the rudder. The signal is translated from electrical to mechanical in the rudder power control unit by a transfer
valve. Position feedback is accomplished by an LVDT. A position indicator in the flight compartment indicates
rudder movement corresponding to the yaw damper inputs. There is no feedback to the rudder pedals since a
series hydraulic actuator is used in the power control unit.
The Yaw Damper System also have a yaw damper engage switch and warning annunciator, a yaw damper
coupler, a yaw damper engage solenoid, transfer valve and position transducer on the rudder power control unit,
and a yaw damper rudder position indicator. Yaw damper components are located in the flight compartment, in the
electronic equipment area, and in the lower portion of the vertical stabilizer. The Yaw Damper coupler provides
rudder deflection commands to compensate for movement about the yaw axis. The Yaw Damper engage switch is
used to place the Yaw Damper system in the operating mode. The Yaw Damper warning annunciator indicates
that the system is not engaged in the operating mode. The Yaw Damper rudder position indicator displays rudder
movement induced by Yaw Damper coupler commands.
The yaw rate gyro senses oscillations in the yaw axis. The signal is filtered, programmed by the ADC for changes
in speed, and amplified. It is then applied to the transfer valve. The transfer valve ports hydraulic pressure to
move the Yaw Damper actuator. The Yaw Damper actuator output is summed with rudder pedal input to move the
main actuator which controls the rudder. As the Yaw Damper actuator moves, the LVDT supplies the feedback
signal to cancel the signal from the yaw rate gyro. When the oscillation stops, the feedback signal returns the
rudder to the original position. The feedback signal is also applied to the position indicator; however, during
normal operation, the signals are of insufficient value to be monitored by the position indicator.

FIG 1.2: A block diagram representation of a yaw servomechanism


TASK 1 b
An autopilot is a system that is used to control an aircrafts motion without needing a continuous control and
observation by an operator. Autopilots aid these operators in the aircraft control and let them concentrate on more
important details, like monitoring the systems, the weather and the trajectory. The autopilot systems have evolved
very significantly over the course of time, autopilots initially were able to hold a certain attitude but the more recent
autopilots are able to carry out landings automatically while the pilots can monitor the operation taking place
ensuring everything runs smoothly.
An autopilot of single axis type is able to control the roll axis while two axis types can control the roll and pitch axis
and some may get signals from on board radio navigation systems that give automatic flight guidance from when
the aircraft takes off until just before landing. Then there is the three axis autopilot which can control pitch, roll and
yaw axis
Autopilot can be engaged during takeoff, climb, cruise, descent and approach excluding taxi and takeoff however
some modern aircrafts incorporate those too. Auto land is basically the autopilot controlling the aircraft to keep it
centered to the runway and this can be used in situations like bad weather where there is very low visibility.
There is also another system called stability augmentation system whose function is to stabilize the aircraft and
ensure smooth motion by controlling the flight surfaces and the SAS is also commonly known as the yaw damper
which is used to eliminate the Dutch roll caused by gust and the swept back wings of the aircraft. The yaw damper
can be integrated into the Autopilot system or it can also be a standalone system.
The aircraft I have selected is the gulfstream G450 shown below (FIG 1.3) along with a basic diagram that
represents how roll, pitch and yaw are controlled by the autopilot commands (FIG 1.4).



The G450 autopilot is conjoined with primary flight controls using electric servos that displace parallel cable
linkages to the (hydraulic) actuators. Each and every flight control surface uses a (LVDT) Linear Variable
Displacement Transducer that is able to give an electrical signal which is directly proportional to flight control
surface displacement from neutral. The LVDT produces a signal which sends feedback to the autopilot so that it
can position the flight controls accordingly and also communicates control surface position for display on systems
and synoptic windows by connections with (MAUs) Modular Avionics Units.
Ailerons and elevators have a certain thing called trim tabs which are used to position flight controls in accordance
with aerodynamic forces so that they can reduce the effort needed to bring the aircraft back to the wanted steady
state position making it more efficient.
Unlike the ailerons and elevator the rudder doesnt have a trim tab, although it does have a mechanical trim input
that is used to reset the rudders neutral position. This mechanical trim utilizes the hydraulic actuator to place the
rudder just a tad bit into the wind stream in whichever direction needed to compensate for the induced yaw.
Secondary flight controls comprise of spoilers, wing flaps, yaw damper and a horizontal stabilizer. They can be
integrated to be able to operate side by side with the operation of primary flight controls.
The aircraft flight controls system incorporates safety features that consist of a stick shaker warning as well as a
stick pusher stall prevention actuator and a gust lock that ensures no damage to flight controls when the aircraft is
on the ground

FIG 1.5 AND 1.6 The G450s autopilot cockpit display and control panel as well as the fight direction indicator


Pulleys and mechanical cables are the heart of the pitch control system which creates a direct link between the
elevators and elevators. Hydraulic boost is given by completely operational hydraulic systems. (HOPS) hard over
protection system constantly compares pilot input to hydraulic output so as to protect against either hydraulic
system from overloading the elevator control system. An electrically driven mechanical system provides pitch trim.
If direct mechanical movement is required the electrical system is disabled. The autopilots provide Mach trim and
this is done even when the autopilot is not engaged. The elevators are connected to the cockpit yokes, the yokes
are connected to one another using a mechanical torque tube and since they both are connected any one of the
yokes can control the movement of the elevator.
The hydraulic actuator and cables combine through the bell crank that transmits a rotary motion to the pulley in
forward and backward motion. The elevator actuator comprises of a single shaft that is powered by 2 piston
chambers (left and right hydraulic systems). One hydraulic system is enough to move the elevators but it is
normally powered by both of them. The elevator deflection range is 24 degrees up and 13 degrees down about a
pivot point that is connected to it using bell cranks and linkages.
To ensure that the elevators a working normally and maintaining correct position the hydraulic actuator is
monitored. This is done by comparing cockpit cable input and the corresponding output motion of the actuator. If
they (input and output) dont correspond the actuator hydraulic pressure is bypassed and this prevents any
movements of the elevator however the elevator could still be operated with manual yoke as they are
interconnected to the elevator.
When an input is sensed the input crank moves due to the differential motion, this motion is then transferred to the
servo control valve input lever and this in turn makes the hydraulic actuator to move to the selected position. The
actuator then controls the output crank which transfers the motion to the elevators via a series of idlers,
connecting push rods and cranks which are connected to the top part of the vertical fin. Every elevator is driven
individually by separate push rods which connect to a yoke-type crank at the top of the vertical fin.
Longitudinal control system receives autopilot servo input through the cable sector. a separate set of cables
leading from the longitudinal autopilot servo are linked to separate sectors to control the elevator. The autopilot
servo inputs are input and transmitted at the cable sector crank and thereby doing this they can deflect the system
to get the attitude desired about the pitch axis according to whatever selected by the autopilot. Any elevator
movement different from the selected position is stopped by HOPS which uses 8 switches to constantly observe
hydraulic and mechanical operation of the elevator
These switches are fixed on both sides of a bracket that is attached to the command input of the elevator actuator.
The four internal switches measure pressures to check if they are balanced. If pressure on one direction is larger
than the other, a signal would be generated and a message is generated for display on the Crew Alerting


System display in case of a hydraulic malfunction in a single system (left or right) side of the actuator displaces
the actuator shaft in an incorrect direction; the hydraulic pressure of the failed system is closed off. The HOPS is
powered by the Left and Right Essential DC bus.
The pitch trim engage and disengage switch is engaged automatically when the autopilot is engaged (to enable
autopilot trim). However the pitch trim wont disengage when the autopilot is disengaged, but must be selected off
with the switch.
A trim tab system is controlled by a duplex trim servo. This servo includes of 2 motors and each of them is driven
by an independent AFCS channel, two brakes, and a clutch. To drive the trim tab surface, a pulse width
modulated command is sent to the servo motor, while doing so engaging the clutch and applying the brake to the
cross-side channel. In every AFCS there are three functions that drive the duplex trim servo:
Manual Electric Trim: This gives direct pilot control of the trim tab surface via manual trim switches located on the
control wheel. It is active if autopilot is not engaged.

FIG 1.7: Block diagram that simplifies what the pitch control system is made up of

Mach Trim: This function is automatically initiated in the Mach region when autopilot is not engaged.
Autopilot Pitch Trim: This function is initiated when the autopilot is engaged to elevate the elevator servo loads by
control of the trim tab surface as a function of servo current.
The autopilots utilizes the elevator control to provide the airplane with Mach trim which is important because
during high speed flight the center of lift on the wing shifts back with increases in speed, causing a nose down
pitch moment called Mach tuck. The autopilot can electrically reposition the elevator trim to eliminate the nose
down force. Mach trim is an automatic function of the Flight Guidance Computers.
The Mach trim system basically anticipates the nose down pitch trim needed by comparisons of computed data
with air data for the wing and applies the right amount of elevator trim. When the autopilot is engaged it occurs
automatically by the autopilot elevator trim input to the elevator. When autopilot is not engaged, it is done
automatically from the autopilot to the elevator trim tab without any other autopilot functions.


Basically the pitch control system is just another closed loop system where if the pitch varies from the reference
input provided by the autopilot computer a voltage signal is produced by the signal generator on the vertical gyro,
the voltage is amplified and fed into the elevator servo which is hydraulically actuated with electrically operated
valve. The servo then positions the elevator causing it to pitch about Y axis and achieving the desired pitch
attitude. Feedback by LVDT checks for error in the output and input elevator positions. The flight direction
indicator displays the angle of attack and aircraft position.

FIG 1.8: Block diagram that simplifies what the roll control system is made up of
Roll control is carried out by the spoilers and ailerons. The G450 autopilot servo is directly connected to the
aileron cables. The Trim forces can be eliminated by the trim tabs which are mechanically actuated on the left
aileron. Control over the roll is carried out by two outboard spoilers on both the wings which deflect on the down
wing thereby increasing roll rate. Just like the elevator the aileron hard over protection system (HOPS) blocks the
hydraulic power to the roll control system if the force links measure any difference in between the desired aileron
deflections which commanded and resulted output.
Both of the pilot and copilot control wheels are mechanically connected. And just like the elevator by displacing
anyone of the control wheels the push-pull rods as well as the bell cranks and cables are used to control the
control valve of the aileron control servo actuator. The aileron actuator mechanical input system is connected to
the flight spoiler system. Displacement of the control valve is induced by the rotation of the input and output
cranks about a common pivot. The valve is ported so that the output follows the input along with the motion of the
actuator housing providing follow-up (feedback). The relative motion of input and output levers is fixed to the
amount necessary so that enough valve displacement is done to meet maximum piston velocity due to a pin in
slot arrangement.


The actuator comprises of an input damper which gives a force directly proportional to the square of input velocity.
The aileron servo actuator is made up of 2 double-acting balanced cylinders which are supplied by individual
hydraulic systems (left and right).
Incase hydraulics fail to work, the primary flight controls will change back to manual operation. The actuator also
has cylinder bypass valves that open when the system pressure gets below 60 psi. Maximum aileron deflection is
11 degrees both up and down. For increasing the response time for roll commands, two out of the three spoiler
panels on each wing are mechanically coupled to the aileron control cable linkage.
Hydraulic actuators can be found on the back wing beam in between flaps and ailerons. The actuators receive
manual or autopilot control inputs and then proceed to position the ailerons in the desired direction. The actuators
of the aileron control system are similar to that of the elevators. Loss of a hydraulic system will not cause
problems since the remaining system is able to provide enough power for a full range of aileron displacement.
A single trim tab on the left aileron is positioned to decrease the control yoke forces thus maintaining a consistent
stabilized operation around the longitudinal axis.
The autopilot is incorporated into the cable linkage all the way through to the ailerons via an electric servo. The
aileron cables are wrapped around a drum which the servo drives. The autopilot servo rotates that drum thus
providing the cable with inputs so that the ailerons can be positioned. The G450 is has three spoiler panels on top
of the surface of each wing and they are powered hydraulically by actuators with 3,000 psi pressure from both of
the hydraulic systems. The maximum extensions of the spoiler are 26 degrees up from the neutral position.
The corresponding motion of aileron hydraulic actuators to the control inputs from the autopilot is observed by
force link mechanisms. The end of one section is connected to cable linkage control inputs to the actuator and the
end of the other section of this is connected to the actuator shaft output to the aileron. The electrical signal has a
one half second delay before initiating the hydraulic pressure bypass. Once this is done the lateral control shutoff
valves are latched to the bypass position. While the aileron HOPS is activated the hydraulic power isnt available
so the speed brakes or the ground spoilers cant be operated.
The aileron control system is also a closed loop system. This servo has a senor incorporating an attitude
reference (roll rate gyro) which is used to sense deviations from the reference attitude in the aircraft Y-Z plane.
Feedback (from LVDT) of the deviation signal to the ailerons can then be used to control the roll angle of the
aircraft. The autopilot will hold wings level and makes the pilots work easier for long flights.


Yaw control is carried out by the rudder of the aircraft. A hydraulic servo actuator receives inputs regarding
displacement of the rudder via the connections to the autopilot and converts it in into an equivalent hydraulic force
for operation. Additionally crank lets additional differential motion to aid in the inputs from the yaw damper.
Complete deflection of the rudder is only available at low speeds while it is limited at higher speeds. Trim forces
can be eliminated by a trim tab that is operated mechanically. A rudder HOPS shuts off hydraulic power to the
rudder if the force links measure a difference between the rudder deflections commanded and resulted.
The rudder position can be controlled by inputs from the pilot or copilot rudder pedals or by the autopilot electro
servos. The pilot and copilot rudder pedals are linked together by a common torque tube such that any of them
can control rudder. That common torque tube is connected to a single stranded wire cable loop by a bell crank.
Differential motions maximum valve displacement allows 1-1/2 degrees yaw damper authority from the selected
position chosen by the pilot. In case of a complete hydraulic failure, the free motion of 4 would exist between
input and output until the pin bottoms in the slot to drive the output crank.
The rudder actuator has one shaft with a piston chamber for both the hydraulic systems. Both hydraulic systems
can give up to 3,000 psi pressure to aid in the movement of the rudder surface. Internal regulator valves restrict
the output pressure of the pistons of the actuators to a maximum of 1500 psi. The output end of the actuators
shaft is connected to the rudder using linkages around the pivot point, it is also connected to the vertical stabilizer.
There is automatic compensation of the rudder for the yawing of the aircraft this is done by the yaw damper which
is part of the autopilot. The yaw damper is usually always engaged even when the autopilot is not in operation. To
engage the autopilot, the yaw damper has to be engaged as well, as the autopilot rudder commands utilize the
yaw damper circuits for rudder displacement. The processor of the autopilot measures any unwanted yaw
displacement by constantly monitoring the data from the IRUs. The amount of rudder displacement required is a
function of airspeed or Mach number.
The yaw damper function is a dual channel system. Only one yaw damper channel is enough for rudder control.
The active channel alternates on each flight segment (a function of weight-on-wheels) to increase system life. In
case the active channel fails, the standby channel will immediately take control of yaw damper system.
The yaw damper function gives a rudder input for the aircraft turn coordination given that the flaps arent set to
thirty degrees 30 degrees or more. The yaw damper will add 5 degrees of rudder displacement in the direction of
turn without pilot rudder input.
Autopilot control of the rudder is the same as the yaw damper although the amount of rudder displacement
allowed to the autopilot is greater like up to the 22 degree limit.
Swept wing aircraft cause Dutch roll. Yaw oscillations can be dampened by a restoring force from the vertical fin
however roll moments cant. Roll motions then become yaw motions and become difficult to eliminate.


This is made worse when the altitude is increasing; the situation grows worse as the mass of the wings increases
as with each oscillation there is more momentum. This is why limitation is required.
As airspeed increases the air load on the rudder surface increases accordingly. If the air load on the rudder
surface is equal to the hydraulic pressure output of the actuator, no more rudder displacement is needed. The
Monitor and Warning System software observes the aircraft speed as well as the angle of attack and rudder
displacement to generate a message alerting the flight crew when maximum rudder displacement is reached.
G450 depends on MWS to get maximum rudder deflection for a given airspeed including matching air loads on
the rudder surface with the hydraulic function of the rudder actuator.
The rudder can be deviated up to seven and a half degrees right or left with trim commands. Rudder trim is just a
mechanical movement of the trim wheel transmitted to a physical movement of the cables and actuator. Incase
rudder pedals or cables are jammed, the rudder trim cables can move the rudder by themselves.
The rudder movements are compared with the commanded position and are restricted by HOPS like the roll and
pitch controls, they comprise of eight switches to monitor mechanical and hydraulic rudder operation. Under
normal conditions, all four switches detect stabilized pressures as hydraulic outputs positioning the rudder are
balanced by air load pressures on the rudder surface acting against actuator pressures. The loss of rudder
hydraulic pressure prevents yaw damper and autopilot rudder operation.
Automatic hard over prevention is connected to the rudder boost actuator. Switches monitor inputs to, and outputs
from, the rudder actuator. If the inputs and outputs arent similar for more than 0.5 seconds hydraulic pressure to
the side affected is blocked off and a message is shown on the Crew Alerting System display. The HOPS is
electrically actuated and triggered. If electrical power is lost or if the rudder hydraulic shut off circuit breaker is
pulled the rudder hydraulic pressure will be restored.
The yaw control system is a very essential part of an autopilot as it cant be engaged without it. It detects
unwanted yaw really fast and accurately (with the help of yaw rate gyros) and automatically generates the
required output to cancel the effects before they make the aircraft unstable. The rate gyro sensors detects the
yaw and feedback is sent by the LVDTs just like for the roll and pitch control.

FIG 1.9 Block diagram for yaw damper control system


Task 2
Radar (remote position control system)
The Primary surveillance, used by air traffic control ground station, provides the ground station operator with a
symbol on the surveillance radar scope for every aircraft in the area; it is a reflection type radar system that
doesnt require a response from the aircraft. The secondary surveillance radar system uses an ATC transponder
with in the aircraft which is a transmitter or receiver which transmits in response to an interrogation from the
ground system secondary surveillance radar system. The aircraft transponder reply is in the form of a special
code which identifies that particular airplane on the scope. If the pilot receives instructions from the ground station
to do so, the ident button on the control panel is pressed. This causes the display on the radarscope to change
so that the ground station operator can be sure of the specific location on the radar scope. The transponder can
also transmit aircraft altitude information which can then be displayed to the ground station operator. The primary
and secondary surveillance radar antennas are mounted on the same rotating mounting and therefore both
always look in the same direction at the same time. The ground station monitors the airplanes altitude and
identification and computes its range bearing and airspeed. The altitude and identification of the airplane is
transmitted to the ground station by an on board transponder. This information is sent in response to interrogation
signals from a ground station.
However, once an aircraft is more than 240km (150 miles) out to sea, radar coverage fades and air crew keep in
touch with air traffic control and other aircraft using high-frequency radio.
It is convenient to consider radars composed of four principal parts: the transmitter, antenna, receiver, and display.
The transmitter provides the rf signal and sends it to the antenna, which causes the signal to be radiated into
space in a desired direction. The signal propagates (radiates) in space, and some of it is intercepted by reflecting
bodies. These reflections are radiated back to the antenna. The antenna collects them and routes all such
received signals to the receiver, where they are amplified and detected. The presence of an echo of the
transmitted signal in the received signal reveals the presence of a target. The echo is indicated by a sudden rise
in the output of the detector, which produces a voltage (video) proportional to the sum of the rf signals being
received and the rf noise inherent in the receiver itself. The time between the transmission and the receipt of the
echo discloses the range to the target. The direction or bearing of the target is disclosed by the direction the
antenna is pointing when an echo is received.
A duplexer permits the same antenna to be used on both transmit and receive. The antenna forms a beam,
usually quite directive, and, in the search example, rotates throughout the region to be searched.
After amplification, the error signal is fed to a tracking system that rotates the antenna using a motor to follow the
movement of the object which is basically its real-time position; that is, the antenna tracks the equisignal


direction. The distance out from the center of the display indicates range, and the angle around the display is the
azimuth to the target. The current position of the radar antenna is typically indicated by a line extending from the
center to the outside of the display, which rotates along with the antenna in real time.
The total Transfer function (tf) is basically output of the system (new position of the antenna) divided by the input
(desired position of antenna by operator or a computer). The radar system is a negative feedback system as it
relies on the error signal (error=input-output) to control the rotating antennas position accordingly until the
required position is obtained which will then give an error equal to zero where the antenna will then be stationary.
The diagram below in the forward loop the control algorithm (from the operator or a data computer), actuator (a
motor connected that rotates antenna), and plant (the actual antenna) can be said to be K1, K2 and K3
respectively where the transfer function (J) is equal to K1*K2*K3. In the feedback loop the sensor (transfers the
output position to be compared so get a zero error at the comparator) can be (L). Now for the total transfer
function (tf) = (J)/(1+JL)

Fig 2.1 and 2.2 display block diagram for the radar rpc system


TASK 3 (a-c)
Following illustrations show the equivalent (Vout) outputs based on changes in the frequencies on the
oscilloscope. Then there is the table with the values obtained while doing the experiment.



F (HZ)


















The following illustrations are the part b

and c which was done in mat lab to obtain
the bode and nyquist plots
















TASK 3 (d-e)







Task 3 part (e)

For the transfer function in (c)
Gain Margin: Greater will the gain margin greater will be the stability of the system. It refers to the amount of gain,
which can be increased or decreased without making the system unstable. It is usually expressed in dB.
Phase Margin: Greater will the phase margin greater will be the stability of the system. It refers to the phase which
can be increased or decreased without making the system unstable. It is usually expressed in phase.
Stability conditions of a bode plot are given below:
For Stable System: Both the margins should be positive.
For Marginal Stable System: Both the margins should be zero. Or phase margin should be equal to the gain
For Unstable System: If any of them is negative. Or phase margin should be less than the gain margin.
The gain margin in our case is infinite in the case that the phase margin bode plot never crosses -180 degrees.
This means that the phase margin plot always remains above the -180 degree such a case the gain margin
will be infinite since there is no phase crossover frequency, and hence the corresponding gain margin cannot be


determined graphically. Infinite gain margin implies that the system is inherently stable. The closed loop system is
a first order the greater the gain margin, the more stable the system. As for the phase margin, it is positive and
finally it can be said that the system is stable.
For the transfer function in (d)
Nyquist Stability Criterion
No= number of open loop RHP (right hand plane) poles (in denominator)
Nc= number of closed loop RHP poles (in numerator)
Nq= number of clockwise encirclements of the -1 point
If a system is open loop stable (ie No=0) then closed loop stable if the nyquist diagram has no encirclements of
the -1 point.
If the system is open loop unstable then closed loop stable only if the nyquist diagram has no counter clockwise
encirclements of the -1 point.
For the second transfer function given it has 0 No and Nc but has an Nq equal to 2 by referring to the diagram on
previous pages. This value of 2 makes the second transfer function system be categorized as unstable.

GANTT diagram for the entire report and its time divisions





While working on the assignment I discovered a great deal about servo mechanisms and how they make a
system work so swimmingly in an aircraft and How each little component plays a major role in them to get them to
be what they are including how the block diagrams make it a ton easier to understand the servo control system
due to their basic representation of forward loop and feedback loop. Any aircrafts roll, pitch and yaw control is a
closed loop system and each of them are incorporated with the autopilot which use them to ensure a safe journey.
The gulf stream g450 has a large amount of safety precautions for the hydraulic actuation of all three roll, pitch
and yaw control systems with the help of HOPS which is an automatic system that alerts the flight crew in case of
any malfunctions occurring with the actuation of the actions carried out by the control surfaces which are provided
by the aircrafts autopilot.
By tracing the flow of data through a control closed loop system a basic transfer function can be found as
demonstrated in the second task. While the remainder of the assignment tasks introduces how one can create
their own bode plot and nyquist plot and then go on to identify if the transfer function in question of the system is
stable or not using certain criteria and the graphs gain and phase margins. The gantt chart was a fairly new to me
and quite easy to make using excel and shows the amount of time (days) I took to complete this assignment.
Overall this assignment made me realize how complex a system can get and how these systems could be taken
for granted even though they are an essential part to aircrafts which are what they are because of them.

BIBLIOGRAPHY (references)



The autopilot and servomechanism notes given on moodle.
My ASP assignment from last semester.

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