Right Time

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eoa A R B O N N E

In February of 2005, I walked away from teaching after 12 years.
I became a stay-at-home dad while my wife was continuing to build
her Arbonne business as an ENVP. I helped open an indoor base-
ball/softball facility in December and decided to give that up in
April to better support my wife’s business. In May, I was offered a
head baseball coaching position at a local high school and, at the
same time, started building my Arbonne business. I was building
two teams at the same time.

As my baseball team was starting its season in February, my

Arbonne team went into qualification for RVP. My Arbonne business
has allowed me to spend several full days working on the baseball
field while others are at their salaried jobs working indoors. I get
asked all the time if I miss teaching and I am sad to say I do not.
Kids are great and I enjoyed teaching, but how could I pass up the
rich warnol
Independent Consultant, Regional Vice President
opportunity to build a home-based business, go on field trips, stay R. Warnol Region; Phoenix, AZ
at home with my 2 year old and play on the baseball field?
Traditionally, coaches also have to teach, so I get to share my story
with every coach and umpire who asks, “What do you teach?”
quality is being committed to finishing no matter what. Some people
feel this is where motivation kicks in, but I see people who are deter-
The word “team” should be in the vocabulary of every network mar-
mined and do not know how to quit. These people have a passion
keter’s business. In order to be a team, several aspects should be
for everything they do. The last aspect of a team would be selfless-
present. One aspect would be signing the right players. If you are
ness — giving yourself to the team and using everyone’s qualities to
part of a team where each person cannot see themselves win and
succeed. Life is about obstacles. It is not what happens to us, it is how
they are just playing recreationally, then the team will fail or just get
we react to the things that happen to us. Attitude is everything.
by. You need team members who go hard at anything they do and
expect to succeed. When a team plays the game the right way and
This is where coaching comes into play. The coach in my Arbonne
plays the game for the team, good things happen. Another team
business is my wife, ENVP Holly Warnol. She is the reason my team
is moving in the right direction and the reason her team is success-
continued ...

Tanner, Kassidy
and Brayden. Rich and Holly in Naples, Italy, on the NVP 2005
Challenge trip.
AM Melinda Weible, Josh Greer, AM Christina Kitson, DM Dee Nortman,
Georgia Kerr, DM Dawson and Natalie Dopp, Rich and EMVP Holly Warnol.
s uccess strategy:

“ Find first-round picks.


ful. If you want to be the coach of your team, then you have to look
out for the best interests of the team. You look for ways to get the
team to the next level. If the team needs to practice more, then you
might have to meet more often. If the team is moving forward at a
good pace, then as a coach you step aside and let things move.
Some of the Arizona VPs at Arbonne’s “Annual Test Drive a Mercedes” Day.
Sometimes, as coaches we do not stay out of the way of the play-
ers who are born to lead. In the beginning, coaching is needed in
order to get players moving and encouragement is necessary.
Thanks to all my District Managers and Consultants who really make
As a man building a business, I was not trying to reinvent the wheel.
the team strong. Keep talking, and getting product out there, and
As men, we sometimes try — okay, most of the time we try — to do
you will reach your goals. Mom and dad, you will get there also;
it our own way. Being a man in this business should be no different
thanks for everything.
than being a woman. Your goal is to find people who would make
great teammates. I used my upline to help coach my team while I
To Ashley and Ginna: Your support is priceless. Ashley, thanks for

The testimonials in this story reflect the actual experience of an individual, are anecdotal only, and may be atypical.
went out for the first-round picks and team players. If you do not
being my kid’s best friend — there are more Hawaii trips included in
have a coach, find a teammate who can help coach. One of the
this. Jenny, Ruth, Dave, Candace, Jason, Mariann, Josh and nieces:
most important parts of recruiting team members is to find individu-
Thanks for always being there for my family. Kassidy, Tanner and
als who would make your team special. Find those you already
Brayden: Mommy still makes more, but daddy’s now helping her
have a relationship with, then tell them you have a business and
make more. I love you forever.
would love for them to do it with you, and how awesome they would
be at it. When you seek out someone who is married, meet as cou-
To Holly: You are awesome. I know my team appreciates you for your
ples. It is much easier to explain the business to both in the begin-
hard work and I appreciate you even more. No one really knows
ning, so they can help build the business together.
what happens behind the scenes and all the things you really do for
your organization. Thanks for all the coaching time you have spent
It may have taken me a little time to believe in the Arbonne business,
with my team and all the hours spent with us. I love you forevermore.
but once I saw the possibilities that this could bring to my family and
my family of friends, the decision to move forward was easy. If you
Lastly, I would like to thank David Davenport for keeping President
have a gift, it is more rewarding to share it with others than to keep
Rita Davenport sane and getting her to all the events on time. Well,
it for yourself. My family is thankful daily for the Arbonne business
somewhat on time. Thanks, Rita.
and what it has allowed us to do for our family and teams.

To my AM team: Thanks for all your hard work and push to each level.
To my first business partner: Amy, keep striving for your goal. To be
able to possibly fund your family’s mission trips is awesome. Christina:
Quit asking me why you, because you are an awesome business
builder and give more to this than anyone I know. To my cousin, Jill:
It is about time you jumped on board and used your talents. Get to
the top and get Sean home more. Melinda, Christina U., Tonya,
Maryanne, Lisa, Kelly, Debra, Amy P. and Kristen: Keep up your hard
work and you will soon be here, too.

Coach Warnol’s 2006 Rattler baseball team.

President Rita Davenport, Rich,
ENVP Holly Warnol, Dave and
ENVP Shannon Johnson, Gary
and ENVP Donna Johnson,
Pierre Bottiglieri and Chairman
& CEO Bob Henry at AIRD.
AM Debra Bergholtz, President
Rita Davenport, AM Kelly Jansen
and AM Jill McGrew.

E Y E O N A R B O N N E | JULY 2006

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