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Detailed Proposal Form WT Type 1

What is your name?
What is the proposed title of your
Written Task?
Which part of the course does this
WT1 pertain to? Choose only 1
(Delete the parts you are NOT
addressing and keep the one you
For parts 1 or 2: What topic is the
focus of this task?
For parts 3 or 4: Which literary work
is this task on?
For parts 1 or 2: What is the source
text for your Written Task?
For parts 3 or 4: What aspect of the
work will your task focus on?
Please provide information about the
source you are using/aspect of focus
(the more specific the better). If you
have a link to your source, please
include that here.
What type of text will you create to
present your analysis?
*Remember that a formal essay is
NOT an acceptable text type.
The list to the right is not exhaustive.
You may select a type not listed here
(except for essay), if specified in
enough detail.


Part 1 Language and Cultural

Part 2 - Language & Mass Communication
Part 3 Literature Texts and Context
Part 4 - Literature - Critical Study

blog post
comic/political cartoon
Diary entries
Encyclopedia entry
Guide book
Letter (formal)
Letter (informal)
letter to the editor
magazine article

news report
op-ed piece
political ad
political speech
radio broadcast
series of tweets
set of instructions
Song lyric
text conversation
Travel writing
other (be specific)

Why have you selected this text

type? In other words, why does it
make sense to present your analysis
in this way?
What are the formal conventions
of the text type that you will
emulate? (You may need to do
some research to familiarize
yourself with the text type.) A
bulleted list of conventions is fine
for this question.
What is the intended audience and
purpose of your text?
In what social, cultural, or historical
context is your task set?
Learning outcomes

Select the learning outcomes that apply to the part of

the course your task applies to:
Part 1: Language in a cultural context Analyze how audience and purpose
If your task is based on Part 1, select
affect the structure and content of texts.
at least one of the learning outcomes Analyze the impact of language
that apply to your task

Part 2: Language and Mass
If your task is based on Part 2, select
at least one of the learning outcomes
that apply to your task

Part 3: Literature Texts and

Part 4: Literature Critical Study
If your task is based on Part 3 or 4,
select at least one of the learning
outcomes that apply to your task

How does this task achieve its

selected learning outcome for
language or literature?
How is the task intended to explore
particular aspects of the course? In
other words, what will you do in this
task to help explore language or
Questions/comments?? If theres
anything in particular you want me to
focus my feedback on, or if you have
questions, use this space to ask!

Demonstrate an awareness of how

language and meaning are shaped by
culture and context.
Examine different forms of
communication within the media.
Show an awareness of the potential for
educational, political or ideological
influence of the media.
Show the way mass media use language
and image to inform, persuade or
Consider the changing historical, cultural
and social contexts in which particular
texts are written and received.
Demonstrate how the formal elements of
the text, genre and structure can not
only be seen to influence meaning but
can also be influenced by context.
Understand the attitudes and values
expressed by literary texts and their
impact on readers.
Explore literary works in detail
Analyse elements such as theme and
moral values in a text

Use your proposal form as a basis for your rationale. You should have already provided
the necessary information in your proposal. Your rationale should explain:

how the content of the task relates to the part of the course you are studying,
how the task is intended to explore particular aspects of the course,
how the test type chosen lends itself to the task.
the nature of the task chosen, and
information about audience, purpose, and the social, cultural, or historical context in which the
task is set.

It should be 200-300 words in length and is not included in the word count of the paper itself.
The rationale should not only include knowledge about the text or topic studied, but also about
the formal conventions of the text type produced and how they relate to the aims of the task.
Word count: xxx
Works Cited
Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. New York: Penguin Classics, 2002. Print.
Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. New York: Washington Square Press, 1992. Print.
Vonnegut, Kurt. Slaughterhouse-Five. New York: Dell Publishing, 1969. Print.
Citing a website:
Schonfeld, E. (2010, May 3). Google throws $38.8 million to the wind [Web log post]. Retrieved
May 4, 2010, from
Satalkar, B. (2010, July 15). Water aerobics. Retrieved from
Citing an anonymous source from a website:
All 33 Chile miners freed in flawless rescue. (2010, October 13). Retrieved from
Citing images taken from the internet:
Galactic Collision. Digital image. It's the end of the Galaxy as We Know It. UC San Diego,
n.d. Web 15 Dec 2012 <>
Kailua Beach. Digital image. Auntie Barbara's Vacation Rentals, Kailus Oahu. Auntie
Barbara's Vacation Rentals, n.d. Web 7 Jan 2011 <>

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