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She was not gonna be mine. Not now. Not ever. It was so clear to me now.

Allison was now happy together with that guy. What was his name again? I knew it began with the
letter E. I really couldn’t remember it though it was a simple name. Maybe I was unconsciously evading
it as if knowing his name would make everything so real.

I was not over her yet. I couldn’t just forget all this pent-up emotions. There were so much to give yet
I knew they were unaccepted. I had never seen Alli’s face glow like that when she was with me.

I could never take that away from her. That was the only thing to do: to watch my love walk away from
me to be with someone who would make her happy. I loved her too much to let her suffer and be sad.

Besides, that was what I have always wanted to do. I wanted to put that smile on her face but I
guessed I couldn’t do that. That guy already did that for her. Now, I just needed to erase all of these

God! Why do I love her so much to the point of letting myself deprive? But I was her prisoner, her
slave. I was created to obey her, so I believed. My whole body ached to follow her every wish.

This made me laugh. I must be really sick. If I didn’t know better I might even consider myself as a
masochist. But I loved her too much to let her go yet I needed to let go.

This was like being sentenced to death and the only choice was between fire and ice. I had to choose
for there was no escape. I had to choose between two means yet the end would still be the same. It
was still a lose-lose situation on my part yet not on her part.

I could choose to be her friend and it would be favorable for her. And I know I would choose this path.
But I would make sure it was for real this time.

To do that, I must forget all my ‘more-than-friends’ love for her. I must be a man. I would show her.
Plus, she needed me more as a friend and I could give her something that the ‘E’ guy couldn’t ever
give. I mused with this idea.

I suddenly stopped my train of thoughts. Goodness! I’m obsessed. I must stop this.

I was confusing myself more. I had to stop thinking and start acting. This was what I decided. There
was no turning back now.

I walked away as I slipped the letter saying goodbye under her door. I was going to be a new guy when I
come back. That was what I promised her in the letter and that was what I was going to do.


I could smell the sea water from the train window. Ah, I was now close to my destination. I closed my
eyes for a while. They still stung from lack of sleep.

The train approached my stop. I quickly gathered my things. I got my pack back and a small suit case. I
didn’t have many things and it was more convenient this way.

As I got out from the train, a light breeze welcomed me. I inhaled deeply. My throat welcomed the
slight salty taste of the air. I just loved the breeze here.
I directly went to the hotel where I was booked to stay for two weeks. I chose the farthest room in the
left wing of the hotel. It was the same room where I stayed two years ago. It was like any other hotel
room you could find beside the sea. Except that this room held one especially characteristic.

This room was closest to the sea. Its location made it special. I felt closer to nature this way. It made
me calm. I dropped my bags on the floor. I changed into my summer clothes: white t-shirt and leaf-
printed shorts.

I made my way to the beach. I couldn’t wait anymore. I hadn’t been here for two years. This place was
nostalgic and I wanted to visit the beach again.

I could feel the grainy texture of the sand on my feet. The warmth of the sun rays felt good against my
face. This was what I needed.

It was just the place to think things thoroughly. I considered this place as something where I could find
new things at the same time lose things I didn’t need. How ironic. But this was what I thought and felt.

Nothing mattered anymore when I face the sea. I allowed myself to be taken in the vastness of the
body of sea water. I couldn’t wait any second.

I rushed to the sea. My skin prickled as it touched the cold water yet that didn’t stop me. I was too
excited. A big wave was coming in my way. My hair stood as my excitement was peaking up.

Be ready, here I come. I challenged the nature. I could feel my eyes glinting.

I crouched as the wave came near me. Only a bit more, I thought. I couldn’t wipe off the smile from
my face as I watched the wave grew nearer. When the wave was three feet away, I sprang to meet it.

The impact was amazing. I dove inside one of the biggest wave found in the beach. Though it was not
as big as could be found in famous surfing spots, this wave was sufficient enough for me.

I waited for more waves. I dove in four to five more waves until I could no longer jump. I had my fill. I
let the waves carry me to the shore. I loved floating second to diving.

I carried myself lazily back to shore. I lay flat on my back on the sand. The sun was barely above the
head. I let my body soaked by the sunlight. I needed a little tan. I was beginning to get a little pale.

Ah, this is life. I was enjoying the heat and the breeze when my eyelids felt heavy on my eyes. The sea
waves served as my lullaby until I really fell into slumber.

By the time I woke up, it was twilight. My body moved on its own back to the hotel. It had become a
habit to think about my health.

It was just rational to think that way so I believed. I couldn’t do anything if was sick.

When I was nearing the hotel, I saw a lady in a hot pink bikini with two guys. She was laughing and the
breeze was blowing her hair away from her face. I noticed that she was pretty. She was a typical
brown-haired Latin American girl that could make your body turn hot. I smiled to myself. I still had my
own taste.

Then suddenly, the girl slapped the other guy. By then, I was near enough to hear their conversation.

“You bitch! Why did you do that? You’ll gonna pay for it,” the guy threatened as he grabbed the girl’s
arm hastily.
The girl tried to fight him off when the guy brought her down.

“Let me go, you perv son-#####,” the girl cried out.

I couldn’t just watch. I thought at the time at it was really on my blood to help damsels in distress. I
grabbed the guy’s arm and wrestled him off the girl. It was not hard to do that since I learned martial
arts since I was a kid.

“What the h--. Let me go you ass-h###!” With that, I pushed him toward the other guy away from the

I helped the girl up while trying to cover her up away from the two guys.

“Son-#####! Why don’t you just stick your nose in your own business?” the guy bellowed, obviously
angry with my intercession.

“I’m sorry but when I hear a girl cry I can’t help but make it my business,” I said coolly. I really had
this habit: trying to be the cool guy in these tough situations.

“Ooohhh~ But the girl wants it too. She has been flirting with us since earlier. She is just bitching us
when we finally giving her what she wants,” the other guy sneered. He looked like one of those hungry
maniacs you could see on television.

Then suddenly the girl flew to the guy scratching his face. She was wild, I mused. But I intercepted
between the two parties before the guys tried to hit her.

I chased the two guys away. It was easy to do that. They were just trashes with no experience; all talk
and no action.

By the time I went back, I saw the girl was on her knees. She was obviously shaken by what happened.

“Hey, are you alright? The bastards are gone now so you don’t have to worry,” I said as I crouched near

She just looked at me with clear hazel eyes. I couldn’t read her mind. I didn’t know what she was
trying to do.

“Um, are you okay miss? Should I bring you to a clinic?” I tried once again.

“You don’t need to do that. This place is enough,” she said with a faint smile.

My perplexed look perhaps hinted her that I was lost at her words. She started opening her mouth yet
she closed it in that instant. It was clear from her tantalizing smile that she had changed her mind.

Then, she moved inches near me and placed her arm around my neck.

“Oh, you seemed at lost. This is what I mean,” she mused as she brought her lips to mine. She started
kissing me. It was gentle and sweet at first. Then her mouth worked through mine and it was what
could I say, aggressive.

I was caught unguarded that I unintentionally pushed her away as she had become more aggressive
than before.

“What was that about?” she shrieked at me. She had that wild look on her again.
“I should be the one asking that after you just attacked me,” I answered back as I sat down on the
sand. The events today left me even more tired but I tried not to show it to her.

It was clear from her expression that she didn’t expect that coming. But she quickly got her composure

“Well, well. I thought you were just bluffing earlier. You know, trying to be cute and innocent, trying
to get me laid… Yet, you really are…um, clueless. Or am I wrong?”

I didn’t know what she was really trying to imply but she was now starting to get into my nerves.

Well, I’m sorry if I saved you thinking you didn’t want to get laid. How I loved to say that but I knew

“Well, I’m sorry but you are wrong. I am just trying to help. So, if you’ll excuse me.”

Then I left her. I didn’t dare to look back. I just wanted to go back to my bed and sleep all the events
today away. My hands were already full as it was and I didn’t want to add something to it. I had enough
girls in my life.

II. Lizie

Ummm…They would be my new targets. But wait, could I really be able to take the two of them? Oh
well, I couldn’t find out if I wouldn’t try.

Besides, it would be a waste to let this pass. The two of them looked kinda cute: one brown haired
macho guy and one blonde hottie, just my types. I saw them getting ready to leave.

It is time to make my move.

“Hello guys, mind if I join you?” I said this with my most seductive smile.

I saw the macho guy glanced doubtfully to his companion. Oh no, I won’t let you escape. I leaned to
table and turned my body a little bit so they would have a clear view of my fabulous bust.

“S-sure.” Perfect! The hottie bit my bait first. Anyway, how could I blame him? No one could resist an
attractive woman such as me.

But I was not through yet. I was going to make him unable to break through my spell. Before I took the
seat in front of them, I gave the blonde hottie one of my killer smiles. His was in a daze. Good, it was
just going according to my plan.

“So, what are you having?” I said in my most pleasant voice as I leaned closer to peek at their glasses.

“We are having martinis. You want one? It would be on me,” the blonde offered.

“Oh, I don’t think I should drink. My alcohol tolerance is really low.” I bit my lip a little bit as I looked
at him between my eye lashes.

“But I think a drink wouldn’t be so bad. Come on, just have one.”

“Ummm…okay, if you insist.” I shrugged my shoulders a little bit knowing it would make my breasts
fuller because of my bikini. I could see I had the effects I wanted. The blonde’s eyes were all over my
bust and I saw the macho guy glimpsed at them as well.
Oooohh… Playing hard to get I see. I wonder how long can you last.

“Okay then, I’ll get you a drink. Wait here.” I could see that his eyes were still on my breasts. He was
now totally mine. That was too easy.

As soon as the blonde guy turned his back to go to the bar, I turned to macho guy.

“So, what do you do for fun?” I asked him as I rested both my hands on the table.

I saw him glimpsed at my breasts again before he answered.

“Well, what else do you do in the beach?” he answered sarcastically.

I laughed as I put my elbows on top of the table and rested my chin on my hands.

“I’m hoping you will answer me seriously. You see, I’m a little bored and I want to do something…
exciting,” I said it with a little spice.

“Exciting? Then you should come with us,” the blonde guy said as he walked toward us. I noticed he
was carrying three drinks: two glasses of martinis and one glass of manhattan, I presumed.

“Oh? So, what do you do?”

“Well, you’ll find out is you come with us,” he winked at me as he placed the drinks on the table.

“The queen of drinks for you,” he said gallantly as he pushed the glass toward me.


We drank our drinks and I followed them to where they usually do their thing. I was beginning to be

“Hey, what do you really do?”

“You’ll see when we get there. You’ll have fun for sure,” the macho guy smirked.

“You better make sure of it or I’ll be very disappointed,” I teased.

“Well baby, why don’t I show you a little part of it?” the hottie said as he grabbed my butt.

He caught me unguarded and by reflex, I slapped him hard on his face.

“You bitch! Why did you do that? You’ll gonna pay for it.”

Bring it on, you poor excuse of a man! I thought as I prepared for his attack. He grabbed my arm to the
point that it really hurt. As I was about to show him my moves, he brought me down.

I was desperately fighting him off by now. When I screamed for him to release me, someone grabbed
him and pulled him up away from me.

I really couldn’t remember anything else. I only had flashing memories of me scratching the bastard’s
face, the mysterious guy punching them and the cowards scramming away from us.
The mysterious guy was my knight in shining armor if I may say but the thing was he was not wearing
any body armor. He wore a plain white t-shirt and simple leaf-printed shorts. He was really nothing
worth noticing.

Yet there was something about him that caught my attention. I couldn’t pinpoint if it was his wide and
strong shoulders or his soft brown hair or his powerful punch and stance or his manly scent.

He was kneeling close to me by now. He was talking to me yet I couldn’t hear him. All I could see was
his bright emerald eyes. I was drowning in them. God, it is him.

The world seemed to move 90% slower than usual. Yet his worried deep rich voice brought me back.

“…should I bring you to a clinic?” he said. God, it is really him. He’s back.

You don’t need to do that. This place is enough. I thought naughtily and it made me smile. I may have
thought loudly since he looked confuse. Oh well, there is no helping it. I tried to explain yet when I
saw his sexy lips moved, my body was being sucked into it.

I may have said something to him yet I couldn’t remember. All I could recall was the feeling of being
empowered by that strong feeling. I could still feel his cold yet soft lips. It was gentle and sweet that I
couldn’t help wanting more. I was mad with longing. I was getting into it when he suddenly pushed me

“What was that about?” I shrieked. How dare he take that pleasure away?

“I should be the one asking that after you just attacked me,” he answered back.

I was dumbfounded for a split second. With this, I was finally back to my senses. God! Why did I do
that? So shameful! I need to cover it up. He must not notice. I must look convincing.

“Well, well. I thought you were just bluffing earlier. You know, trying to be cute and innocent, trying
to get me laid… Yet, you really are…um, clueless. Or am I wrong?” That should do it. God, let him
leave now.

“Well, I’m sorry but you are wrong. I am just trying to help. So, if you’ll excuse me.” He left then
without looking back.

I watched him as he walked away from me. I felt cold as the wind passed me yet I could still feel his
lips and his warmth. Darn! I almost lost it there. Just seeing his face really pulled a string in my head
that would make me do crazy things.

I continued watching him until I could see him no more. It was really him. He was now back but I
should be more careful next time. I must not lose it anymore.

I turned away and I slowly walked to the path leading to the forest.

III. Jaden

I had a terribly unusual encounter yesterday. I wonder what had gotten into her. Oh well, it was none
of my business. It was not like I would see her again. I lingered on that thought for a split second when
I reached the bar nearest to my hotel. What happened last night was definitely not helping my
I entered the bar. It was not so packed, just like how I like it. I don’t usually go to bars yet I dreadfully
needed a distraction. I somehow know the basics when it came to these places at least.

I approached the counter and ordered a tonic. I tried to act cool while sipping a little on my glass. I
felt the liquid turned into fire in my esophagus as it flowed straight to my stomach. I welcomed that
feeling. It was surprisingly soothing me.

It made me feel a little better. I sipped more until I felt a whole lot better than before. This time, I
tried to look at the place. It was not so bad for a bar near the beach. I also liked the music played. It
was fast yet the rhythm was just so right.

My eyes wandered from the disco ball to the DJ to the dance floor then back to the DJ. I also noticed
the people dancing on the dance floor changed their tempo as the music changed. I loved the
atmosphere. It was full of energy and life. It made me forget everything else for a while. Little by
little, I was starting to enjoy it.

As the music changed again, a girl had conquered the dance floor. She was wearing jeans with a white
flank top and an ash-colored jacket. She was starting to dance together with the beat. She danced with
grace and power. She was letting herself lose to the music and its rhythm.

She was like catching a fire. No, she was like fire herself. She was beautiful, captivating, and full of
passion yet radiating danger and excitement at the same time every time she moved. I was enthralled
as I watched her dance. She was so good. I couldn’t take my eyes of her.

Just then, she turned and our eyes met. She had these striking hazel eyes that would even make a
guy’s knees weak. Luckily, I was sitting. I instantly looked away. It was still rude to stare at people. I
started to sip on my glass again when I realized that I already finished my first glass.

I turned to the bartender and ordered for another glass when a hand covered mine.

“Make it two please,” she said as she winked at me. She sat next to me then. “It is okay, right?”

I was surprised but I recovered instantly. “Y-yeah.”

“You liked me dance? I saw you looked at me,” she said bluntly as she flashed a confident yet seductive

“Oh, so you had noticed. Sorry about that but you are so good. I have never seen anyone dance like
that,” I tried to smile back. I don’t know if it was the right thing. I was not really good at flirting.
Flirting? Wait. I was trying to flirt? No, that must be due to the tonic I drank.

I was still in the process of brainwashing myself when our drinks were ready. She quickly picked the
two glasses with both her hands. She handed me my drink as she raised her glass.

“To my dancing,” she said a little louder. She then, clinked her glass with mine and whispered, “…and
to meeting you…my knight.”

I looked at her astounded. “Knight? What do you m--”

As I looked at her, I slowly recognized her. She was the girl from yesterday. She was that same crazy
girl who sucked out my life force. I didn’t know what to do. I drank my glass of tonic in one go. I put
down my glass and walked away.

But before I reached the door, someone grabbed my arm. I instantly faced that stranger.
“And where do you think you’re going? Don’t tell me you will let me pay for the drinks,” she said.

I was so ashamed that I walked pass her. I directly went to the counter and paid for the drinks. I didn’t
get my change in compensation for forgetting to pay. I directly get out from the bar.

When I was out, an arm slipped through mine. I looked at her. She was clinging to me like we were
great pals.

“Please let go. We are not friends,” I said callously. She let go of my arm as she perched her hands on

“Ooh… So cold. Don’t be like this. Just consider this as my compensation.”

I couldn’t listen to this crap anymore. After all she had done, I was not a fool to forgive her. She was
really detestable. She already made me feel like a fool for saving her, she insulted me and now she
humiliated me. What more would she do next? I turned my back from her and I started walking away.

“O-okay. I’ll say it properly. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for yesterday. I was not in the right state of mind.
You can say I was confused and afraid. So…so, will you at least let me make it up to you?” she said out
loud so I could hear from our distance. I was about three meters away from her.

I faced her totally caught unguarded. I didn’t expect this. She looked so dejected and guilty for what
she did. No, please. Just not that. It was too late. My heart was beginning to soften. I had really a
weak side when it came to girls. How I hated this trait in this kind of situations.

I looked at her directly. “Okay. I’ll let this go. I’m sorry also. I know I have been rude now but you
can’t blame me.”

She suddenly ran toward me. “Aye, aye captain. You’ll never regret this. Follow me.”

She brought me to one of those beach restaurants. It was basically a food store with tables and chairs
arranged on sand and the whole sea at the background.

“I’ll order while you get to pick where to sit. Okay? Oh, you don’t have to worry. It’s my treat.”

After saying that, she approached the lady who owned the restaurant. I tried to scan the place and
unconsciously approached a two sitter table that had the most beautiful view in the restaurant. I
traced my finger on the table while letting myself be swept by the calmness I felt from the place.

“Oh, you have a good taste. This is really a good spot.”

I jumped at the sound of her voice. She suddenly appeared behind me. She flashed me a warm smile.
Without waiting for any response, she sat on the chair.

“What are standing there for? Join me.” She flashed me another smile. I could hardly believe she was
the same girl.

I reluctantly sat on the other chair. I loved the place yet it was kind of odd having her as a company.
After everything she did, I thought it was just natural to feel this way. I watched her as she took the
rose from the vase.

She looked angelic and innocent as she smelled the fragrance of the flower. If I didn’t meet her
yesterday, maybe that would be my first impression of her. Yet unfortunately, it was not.
The food didn’t take long to be served. I admit the food was really good. It was kind of unexpected as
well as this new side of her. We talked about a lot of things. We talked about the beach, the places
around it, its lifestyle and many other things. By now, we were walking along the coastline while
drinking beer.

“So, tell me another thing about you knight?”

“Lizie, I have a name you know.”

She laughed at that. “Yeah, I know Jaden. But… knight fits you so well.” She teased as she drank from
her bottle.

“Well, I wouldn’t like it if I’m suddenly being called that in the crowd. Besides, it is weird enough in
this era.” I smiled with her. I shared her little joke.

“Okay, if that is what you want JADEN, but now, tell me more about you.”

“You’re really persistent. So, what more do you want to know? I already told you half of my life by

“Um…okay, tell me when your first time doing it with a girl?” she asked as she looked at me from her

“E-excuse me?” I suddenly stopped in the middle of my tracks as I looked at her.

“Ooh. What was with that reaction?” she giggled. “Come on, we are already mature enough for this.”

“That is not what I mean. W-well, it is still uncomfortable talking about this with a girl. I mean, it is
really not a good topic even with guys. You’re not supposed to disclose these kinds of things,” I said as
I searched my brain for more excuses.

She laughed again. “I see. So, you never did it.” She beamed at me as she teased me with her eyes.

“I-I didn’t say that. I mean…T-that is…well, you see-“

She laughed for the third time. “Okay, I get it. You don’t have to be that flustered. Um…let’s see…”

She approached me slowly. She leaned a little toward me as she traced her index finger through my

“Well, do you want me to teach you?” she whispered through my ear in a naughty voice.

I felt heat crawled to my ears. Her breath felt hot against the cold breeze from the sea. I mustered all
the courage I had left to hold her arms and put a little distance between us.

“I think you already have drunk too much. Don’t you think?” I let out a nervous laugh.

“Oh, it’s that so?” she giggled again. Then she looked at me straight for a full second. I didn’t know
what she was thinking. She was really mysterious. Then she removed my hands from her.

“Let’s go back,” she said as she walked in front of me.

She was silent the whole time we walked. She just looked straight even though I knew she was not
seeing the things in front of her. When we reached the road, she began talking. She was back at being
talkative hours before. That was a total relief. It was awkward being with her in silence.
We talked in our way to my hotel. I didn’t even notice that we already reached it. I was to indulge
talking to her. It was fun being with her and all her stories. We stopped in front of the hotel I was

“Thank you. I really had fun tonight,” I said to her.

She laughed. “Don’t say it as if it is the last. Anyways, don’t mention it. Heaven knows it has been ages
since I have talked like that as well.” She beamed sweetly.

To be honest, there was really something about her. As I stared at her, I realized how attractive she
really was. Hold your horses there buddy. God, I must really be drunk. I quickly looked away from her
before I thought of any other things.

“Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you something.”

She leaned towards me and whisper, “It takes a barrel of beer to get me drunk, so what I said earlier, I
mean it.”

Then she looked at me. The moonlight touched her face and showed vividly those striking hazel eyes. I
couldn’t move for a split second. She suddenly leaned closer and pressed her soft lips unto mine. It
lasted for a full second and she suddenly ran waving away from me.

What I could remember from that night were the full moon, her sweet smile and the warm feeling that
her lips left on mine.

IV. Lizie

I giggled when I remembered what happened four nights ago. What am I? A little girl? I guffawed at
that. But I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t help teasing him. Even though I didn’t admit it, I really had fun
back then.

It was memorable. But it was just what it was, a memory.

I walked along the coastline. I liked walking after the mark of the waves. It was childish yet it still
relieved stress. I started raising my arms like an airplane. I walked a little faster and soon I started
gaiting. Then, I was practically running.

I was chasing the wind. I loved the feeling of the gushing airstream on my face, on my arms and on my
legs. I just loved all of it. It felt like I was flying though I was actually running. It felt that I owned my

This brought back a lot of memories. It felt so much like that certain time. Yes, that certain particular

I was still twelve years old back then. I was still as innocent as a bud yet to bloom. Too naive of the
world and what it could do to every individual; too excited for every adventure and too curious for
every little thing that moves.

If I could describe that time, it would be like the rising sun at four o’ clock in the morning when you
could see different colors spread wide in front of you. Different colors of different shades blended as if
they were in harmony. Those luminous lights were giving life from somewhere, fading away the cold
night sky.
Yes, it was like that. I was pretending to be a plane searching for a light house in the middle of the
night. I was searching endlessly until I saw that bright light.

The light reflected from a hand mirror with a young sunny figure beaming at me on top of the tree.
Together, we made a good partners-in-crime. We would play all day and would talk all night without
being tired of each other.

No one could separate us. Even our parents gave up and let us camp every single night the whole
summer. We would wear the same pair of shorts and shirts, eat the same flavor of ice cream and share
the same hair style.

My friend’s face had been imprinted in my memories. There was not a single day that I forgot my
friend’s smile and twinkling eyes. I could never forget that even the drastic change of my friend’s face
when the storm came into our lives.

That night had marked a deep crest inside my soul. The thunders felt so loud and clear. Flashes of
lightings strike everywhere. The wind was slashing my back with fierce whipping. The sky darkened
reflecting what was in my eyes as I felt my body went numb against me. I was slipping away.

I could hear crackles. I could hear rustling. I could hear splashing. I could hear echoes. Yet there was
this small single sound that I could hear clearly though it was so faint and vague. It was the sound of
someone crying.

“Lizie! Come back here. You’ll catch a cold when you continue running around in that state!”

I was back to the present, the reality. My trail of memories just stopped abruptly. I decided to go back.
There was no point in lingering.

As I made my first step, I realized that I was shaking. My knees gave up on me. I felt my chest heaved
as I take in air. My breathing was short and fast. I could feel sweat running down my spine and
forehead. I could feel my pulse vibrating and my heart pounding.

I was at my limit. I could not take it anymore. The world suddenly blacked out on me.


I could hear voices. I could hear footsteps and the floor boards creaking. I could hear the fan
propelling. I could hear almost every sound around me but what I could not hear was the murmur that
my doctors were talking about.

I strained my ears to listen more, to listen harder but not a single frequency of sound come from it.
Murmur. Before, the only meaning I know of it is light spoken inaudible words that people produce;
more like a whisper in other words. But now, I have gotten a new meaning. A murmur is a kind of a
warning that one has something wrong with one’s heart. It is not produced with the vocal cord but it
is produced by an abnormal sound of the heart.

I tried to look it up in Google and Yahoo many times but it still gave me what the doctors told me.
They told me that a murmur is only a sign or an indication but I shouldn’t worry since there is nothing
wrong with me. They said that murmurs could be normal sometimes.

Weird. It was normal I guess. But whenever I hear Grade I systolic murmur, it didn’t sound as benign as
the doctors claimed it to be.
It didn’t matter at all. Murmurs or none. I was not sick. I was totally a healthy nineteen year old.
Grandma and the doctors were just making fuss about nothing.

I got this heart murmur ever since that incident. Whenever I got too nervous or stressed out, I got
these murmurs. I didn’t think it was physiological at all. It was more of a psychological as my
psychologist once said and I believed him.

But today was Saturday. I couldn’t be in here contained while the world was having fun. I wanted to go
outside. I needed to go. I was the life of every party and life didn’t have any illness.

I started getting up from the bed. My head hurt a little. My body felt a little numb. This felt like having
a bad hung-over.

“Lizie! What are you doing? Go back to sleep,” grandma said while pushing me gently back to bed.

“Grand, I’m okay. Honestly, you worry too much.”

“Who wouldn’t? You fainted outside in the cold. Geesh. You’re still such a child,” she said as she shook
her head a little.

“I am not.” I started to protest.

“Yes, you are. Now, sleep for a while. If you really wanted to party that much then listen to me.”

“Oh, grand. Thanks.” I bent over to kiss her forehead. She stood up with a warm smile and went to the

That was grand. She was still the same as before. She always gave in to my wimps. She took good care
of me ever since my mom died and my dad had a new family of his own.

I think it is not so bad as to sleep for a while. After all, the night is still young.


Geesh, grand was such a fuss. I couldn’t get out earlier as I intended because she kept bugging me
about taking a jacket and medication. Anyways, enough of that. It is show time!

The party was just beginning. This party was one of the biggest parties thrown this year. This also
meant that many hot guys would be coming. If I would get lucky then I could get two or three new
boylets. Guys were the easiest prey you could find on earth.

There! New target locked on. I smirked as I approached a tall handsome guy. He was your typical Joe.
Not much of a face but I could sense an overwhelming charisma. He could be someone who could be
worth my time and effort.

“Hey, you alone? Mind if I join you?” I flashed him my seductive smile.

He smiled at me. Oh, such a genuine smile. Then, this would be easy.

“So…” I stared at him through my eyelashes.

“Bruce, let’s go?” another handsome guy approached the Joe. He looked at me for a split second and
looked at Joe askance.

“Oh, it’s okay. She was just trying to talk to me.” Joe or Bruce told the other guy.
“I’m sorry but I’m with him,” he told me while giving me a sorry smile.

They went off holding hands to the dance floor. Then they started grinding against each other.

I couldn’t believe it. I just approached a slutty gay like him. I badly needed a drink. I needed
something to flush the disgusting taste of seeing those sluts.
I heard someone laughed from behind me. I quickly looked at that insolent person.

“Excuse me?”

He laughed again. “I-I’m sorry about that. I don’t mean to hear your conversation just now and I don’t
mean to l-laugh.”

He let out another stifled laugh. “I-I’m sorry again. I-it’s just so funny.”

Grrr! I swore I could have killed him right here right now. I gave him a cold stare and I was about to
turn away.

“Hey! Wait. Really, I’m sorry. Here, this will cool you down,” he said as he offered me a glass of

I was so frustrated that I snatched away the glass from him and gobbled it down in one go. It took a full
second before what I drank hit me. It was tequila. I felt like my throat was caught on fire by the time I
realized it. I immediately clasped both of my hands on my throat to somehow suppress the sharp
tingling feeling.

“Here, drink this,” he offered me a glass of water that I gladly accepted and took one long sip.

He laughed again. “Really. I didn’t think you’d drink that one that way.”

Then he stared at me. “You’re one freaking interesting girl,” he said with that glittering smile. I swore
it was gleaming. Maybe that was the reason why I didn’t see him bent down and kissed me.

I froze. This was the first time that I didn’t make the first move. Well, maybe not the first. But…but it
still surprised me. I planned to stare at him straight but the slutty part of me got the most part of my

Blame it to the night and the alcohol. Blame it to the heat. Blame it to that freaking glittery smile
because I was going to give in to this overpowering feeling. I wrapped my arms around his neck and
pulled him closer.

I slowly closed my eyes and gave him one long passionate kiss. I was about to broke the kiss when I
opened my eyes. What I saw then made me experienced how it was to be heated and then suddenly
submerged into ice-cold water.

I felt the blood drained from my face. I felt my heart raced so hard inside my chest that it was about to
explode. I felt my body shivered all over but none of these stopped me from breaking into a run.

“Wait! Please, just wait,” I called out as I chased after him. He wouldn’t stop. He wouldn’t hear me

God! Please help me out. Wait. Why am I doing this? Why do I desperately want him not to
I stopped going forward. This was better this way; way, way better. This time I could finally give up.
This would be the last. I would always remember your back and that expression. I would forever carry
them in my heart together wishing to carry away your pain together with them.

V. Jedi

The sea. I never had like it yet my feet dragged me here.

Ah! It was that smell again. I just hated the stinky tang that this place possessed. I hated the sand that
deliberately stuck to my feet and tried to blind my eyes. I hated the creatures that crept out of
nowhere. Almost everything was detestable and smelly. The only nice thing about this place was the
sound that the waves produced.

It was like my lullaby when I was a little boy. That was the only plus of this place. Maybe I felt
nostalgic of my childhood years; being here and all. That must be it. That must be the reason why I was
carried to this place.

I suddenly heard some glass breaking somewhere. Then a lot shouting came after. There came thud-
thud-thud sounds. Soon, I saw figures coming my way. I couldn’t see what those mass of colors were.
But as they came closer, I realized that they were people chasing a girl.

They were coming my way. Oh no! I shouldn’t be here. Why are they coming this way? Oh, man! I
began to run away from the ruckus. I didn’t want to get involved with such trouble.

Suddenly someone grabbed my arm. By reflex, I tried to pull away but the hand held fast. I saw it was
the girl.

“You’ve got to help me. Please, help me get out of here,” she said as she grabbed me and dragged me
into a run.

“Wait. I don’t want to get involve. And why do I need to help you?” I tried to reason as I was being

“Well, you’ve got no choice. They would think you are with me no matter how much you explain. Look,
I’ll explain later okay? We’ll settle it. Right now, we are in deep shit if they will catch us,” she said
hurriedly as she pointed out the thugs at our back.

I peeked at the gang of guys that were chasing after us. You have got to be kidding me! I noticed their
will to slash our throats.

I took the hold of the girl’s hand that was still grabbing me. There was no place to hide since we were
at the shore and we were definitely exposed. The only way to escape was to out-run them.

“Get ready, we are going faster then later… you’ll have a lot of explaining to do,” I told the girl as I
searched for a good place to hide in this goddamn place.

Really. The sea was no place for an action filled chase. But who would expect there were these kinds
of scenes in this generation. We ran faster and faster. But a meter away from us, the road curved. We
both slowed down our pace as we turned and we sprinted again.

Unexpectedly, this was fun. My whole body was awake with excitement. I knew I shouldn’t be feeling
this since this was no joke. There were scary looking guys chasing after us and they were still chasing.
Really, they were persistent.
But I could care less; I felt every cell in my body was alive. They were singing and dancing for the
thrill. I couldn’t remember when the last time I felt this way was. My life, even though it was
embarrassing to admit, had been mundane.

This was exciting. I tried to look at the guys chasing us. Oh no! They were getting nearer. I tried to
look for good hiding place in front of us.

“Hey, we better go for another sprint. They are catching up to us,” the girl said.

I tried to nod. Even though I didn’t admit it, she was great. She could catch up with me. I have never
seen a girl with such physical capability. Not once did she slow me down. But just who was she? Being
chase and all… Well, I would save that for later. Right now, I needed a good hiding place.

Just then, we reached the village. I led the girl to a narrow pathway and we ended right into the maze-
like streets. I tried to decipher our way out of the streets while evading our enemies. I could still here
our pursuers though.

I turned right and then left. I turned for another left and then right and another right again. I saw that
we somehow lost them. But this was no time to be complacent.

We passed two end points and turned to the corner. I noticed that we ended up another end point.
Now, I could hear the footsteps of our enemies not far from our location.

I needed to think fast. Just then, I saw this emergency exit staircase. It was attached into a three-
storey abandoned building. I quickly let the girl go up first.

I followed her closely from behind. When we reached the top, I quickly got in from one of the broken
windows. I offered my hand to the girl who was still standing outside. I helped her to get in the room.

I motioned her to get down as I looked for signs if the bad guys had followed us. I hid discreetly as I
saw them kept looking below us. I finally got down. I let out a long silent sigh. If we were a second late
than we were, they probably had caught us. Luckily, that was not the case.

I motioned the girl to keep quiet as I led her to move to a safer place while on our hands and knees;
that was away from the windows.

“Are they gone?” the girl asked quietly.

“Think so. But we must keep low since they are not far away.”

I tried to gauge her. She was just a normal girl. Well, she was kind of beautiful with an awesome body
yet however you looked at it, she was still ordinary. I couldn’t figure out why she was in such deep
shit. You could never really judge a book by its cover.

“Hey, I think they are gone. Now, I will get my answers,” I faced her by then.

“What do you want to know?”

“Well, why are they chasing you? You better tell me the truth or else, I will…”

“You will what? Sold me to them? Remember, you are in this as well,” she mocked me.

This was getting into my nerves. I slowly approached her, close enough so that she could feel my
“I’m not that stupid, you know. I also have my needs and you could easily fulfill them,” I warned her as
I looked fiercely into her eyes.

She looked back at me with the same intensity for a second. Then she smirked as she closed the gap
between us. She locked her lips with mine. I was taken by surprise that I broke that breathtaking kiss.

She smirked again. “What? Done already? Here, let me help you,” she said as she grabbed my hand and
placed it on her breast. She was a good kisser and she was really appetizing, I admitted but I was no

“Oh, you think you could escape from me? Then you’re dead wrong. I could do the interrogation while
eating you little lad,” I hissed at her as I pushed her down.

She looked shocked and afraid. This was too much for me. I couldn’t help it any further, I started to
laugh. I could see the change on her face.

“Hey, get off me you old stinky ogre!” She shrieked as she kicked me on my stomach and pushed me

“Hey, that hurts. You started it and who’s an ogre? What are you, a kid?” I complained as I rubbed my

“Suits you right. Don’t try that again or you will not get any answers,” she glared at me as she squatted
on the floor.

“Ooohhh… I’m so afraid.”

“Oh yeah? You wanna t—,” she started to raise her voice as I quickly covered her mouth.

She tried to struggle for a while yet she suddenly froze as she heard the footsteps below. Then I let go
of her.

“You sure you heard a voice from here?”

“Yeah, positive.”

“Then, you two, look from here and then the two of you look there. Allan, come with me, let us take
that road. Damn that bitch. Look for her!”

I quickly motioned her to get out from the room while on hands and knees again. When we got on the
first floor of the building, I noticed that the place was a huge old restaurant. There were still tables
and chairs in the place.

I peeked outside and saw that the coast was clear. The store was also facing another street, no
wonder. I quickly grabbed the girl’s hand and we left that abandoned building.

VI. Jaden

“Okay. I’m coming downstairs.”

I carried my keys and jacket as I locked my door and went to the elevator. I pressed it open and pushed
the ground floor button. I directly went to the counter as the elevator opened.

“Clark, what is it?”

“Mr. Warner, there is a call for you. It is from New Orleans.”

“Thanks. I’ll take it from here.”

“Mr. Warner? You really don’t want to re-connect the phone in your room? It is quite inconvenient for
you to take your calls here.”

“It is okay Clark. I don’t want any telephone disturbances during my rest. Anyways, thanks again,” I
ended our conversation as I placed the receiver over my ear.

“Hello? Who is this?”

“Jaden! It’s me.”

It took a couple of minutes before I answered. I couldn’t believe who I was hearing. Her voice held a
certain sense of nostalgia. I missed her.

“Hello? Jaden? Are you still there?”

“Y-yeah. I’m sorry about that. W-why did you call?” I couldn’t even breathe as I listened.

“Nothing. I just missed you. You never called me for three weeks! Is that how you treat your best

“Hhhmmm…” I already knew this but it still broke my heart.

“Hey, y-you know, you see, I really d-don’t know what to say. I have read your letter. I-I’m so sor-I’m
sorry, I shouldn’t be saying that. W-when are you coming back?”

“Oh, I see. I still don’t know. I think I will be staying longer. But I’m okay. Don’t worry about it. Look,
I’ll have to go now. I’ll be busy for a couple of days so, don’t try to call…”


“Al,… I’m sorry about this. I missed you as well. I promised to call you first if I sort this out. Okay? So
no feeling down.”

“Okay. Look, I’m sorry again. I shouldn’t be troubling you. I better let you go now. I know it’s hard. I
just want to let you know that whatever-- you decide on, I’ll accept it.” God! She sounded so dejected.
I really couldn’t take it if she was like that.

“Okay. I’ll call first okay? Bye Alli.” That was the end. I hoped there were no more calls. It took all my
strength just to sound okay. I was still not ready. I had to get out.

I rushed outside. I briskly walked to wherever my feet took me. I never stopped until I ran out of
breath. I then noticed that I was right in front of a bicycle-for-rent sign. I followed the arrow that
pointed to where the shop was.

I suddenly had the urge to ride a bicycle. I chose the blue one since it reminded me of the sea. I
wanted calmness and that was it gave me as I rode it.

I speedily glided the way up to town. It was been a while since I went shopping. I confidently rode
swiftly since this part of the town was almost abandoned. I saw a group of thugs in front that made me
suddenly stop.
“Hey, have you seen a girl about this tall passing here?” the big guy asked he touched his chest.

“Umm…nopes? I just got here myself and I haven’t met anyone on the way,” I tried to answer
straightly as I could.

“Shit. Just F#@#~~@ shit. Where the hell is that bitch hiding?!” the grumpy looking guy boomed.

“We better go back now. The boss will be here any moment. Remember, he should not know about

The thugs all agreed to what that small guy said. They slowly walked toward the way I came from. I
suddenly let a long sigh out. I really didn’t like those kinds of guys. I would rather not think about

I quickly went back to my own reverie as I sped down the narrow road. As I rode towards the city, I
thought I had a glimpse of a pair of shadows. I stepped on the brakes immediately.

I looked around for a whole minute. I saw no movements at all.

“Must be my imagination,” I whispered to myself as I started to paddle the bike. I smiled at myself for
freaking out.

VII. Lizie

I’m in deep shit! I’m in deep shit! God! Just let me out of this and I promise not to be too arrogant
and not to try to gamble again. I will not smoke and I will not break my promises to grandmamma.
Though I can’t swear not to flirt, I will surely keep the promises I just made. Oh, Lord! So please help

Help me and…I couldn’t breathe. I realized I hadn’t been breathing since we left the abandoned
building. I quickly took a mouthful of air before I fainted in the middle of our run.

“Hey, I think we have lost them already. Can we rest for a second?” I whispered to the guy.

“Not here. Let’s go that way,” he said as he motioned to our left.

There was no choice. I followed him. We ran stealthily towards the old complex that looked like
abandoned for almost 15 years. We also passed old shops. I really wondered why this part of the town
was abandoned.

As we reached a narrow street, I heard a faint sound of a bicycle running. I grabbed the boy’s arm and
led him to the side to hide. As the bicycle got nearer, I pulled the boy to crouch behind the empty
barrels beside me. I could almost hear the loud thump-thump of my heart. I crossed my fingers until I
was confident enough that the coast was clear.

“Hey, I think the bike’s far away now. It’s time to move on,” he said as he pulled me up.

We ran again. I could feel that my legs were about to give up on me when we finally found a small
shelter. It was a small hut. It was old but that shabby. It was kind of perfect for a hide-out since it was
located far away from everything.

We both sensed that we could be relaxed in this place. It was somewhat surrounded by a protective
shield. It was kind of hard to explain but it gave off that kind of feeling.
“Phew. That was one hell of a situation you got yourself into sister,” he said in his own Afro-way of
mockery. But it sounded more like Pheeeewww…Thaaat waz one heeell of a seeetuaaation you got
yourzelf into sistah! He mocked yet relief was shown all over his face.

I tried to play with him.

“Oh weeell braaa-the, there waz nooo-tthing I could do if all guyz arrre crrrazzeee about my beauty,”
I imitated in my poor way of Afro-speaking. Really. It was a total disgrace yet when we were both
laughing, it didn’t matter at all.

“But really, it is a long story.”

“Well, we have all the time. Shoot.”

It was sunset when I finished telling him all that happened before I ran into him.

“You’re one real sick chick,” he exclaimed. That was quite not the reaction I was hoping for but I was

“You’ve got that right! Who would have thought they will chase me like that just because they lost to

“Well, gangsters are known to have unreasonable humongous egos. Plus, I think the money they bet on
was not theirs. Maybe it was their boss’ and they would really pay for using it.”

“Don’t know but… maaaan that really freaked me out. Oh, right! I’m sorry for just grabbing you like

“Halleluyah! Thank you Lord for making this thick-skinned girl realized!”

By this I punched him on his arm. Then I stick my tongue out. Serves you right!

He just laughed. “Really. You should make it up to me big time,” he said as he guffawed again.

It was totally dark when we finally decided to go out. It was much safer this way as we both agreed.
We were walking back to the beach slowly and cautiously.

“Thank you for everything,” I said.

“Uh-oh… You can’t just thank me as in thank me.”

“I know. I won’t run from an agreement. See you in three days time here at five o’ clock sharp.”

“Why do I have to wait that long?” he asked.

I laughed. He was really impatient as I had noticed earlier. “You’ll find out when the time comes. See
you then. Ta-ta!” I dashed off before he could utter another word of complaint.

See you again my hero!

VIII. Jedi

One minute passed five. Hmmpph! She’s late.

“Mister. Do you want to buy a rose?” a small girl asked. Hmmm…a rose. Maybe not. It is not like it’s a

“Nopes. I’m sorry.”

The girl walked away and approached a couple who happily bought three roses. Then, she approached
another couple. That’s good at least I won’t feel guilty.

I tried to look around. It was starting to get crowded. I saw food stands getting busy. The kids were
enjoying running around looking at different stalls while others were playing. I also saw couples being
all sweet and cozy almost at every corner of the place.

I looked at my watch for the sixteenth time. It read 5:28. God! If she is going to stood me up? I’m
really going to hunt her down.

The crowd was getting thicker. There were people everywhere I look. Just then, in a small gap
between bodies of unknown strangers, I saw a glimpse of her.

I didn’t know what happened next or why. I just remembered chasing the little girl and buying one pink
rose from her. I remembered running into the crowd, slipping through every space that allowed
movement and bumping into someone.

Then…this. I was practically being dragged by the same person again. I wasn’t even sure if we were
running toward somewhere or running away from someone. She finally stopped after we were behind
the big rock near the sea.

“Okay… Now, that we’re here, spit it out,” I demanded from her. But before she could answer, I
already burst into laughter. She was obviously panting from all that running. She was desperately
pumping oxygen into her lungs. “Geez, just how long have you been running?” I was still laughing so

“Hey, laugh all you want but you’ll kiss my ass if you have known I just saved you from spending your
last day here on earth.”

“What was that all about? Will you please say it in layman’s terms?”

“The guys, gangster or whatsoever…I saw them just outside the festival area. Good thing they haven’t
spotted your stupid ass back then. This may be your lucky day.”

“Or maybe this really isn’t our lucky day,” she said as she pointed at my back while the gangsters were
slowly surrounding us.

“Uh-oh.” Her eyes got big as Oreo cookies. I almost laughed my lungs out.

“Hey, what are you laughing there? This is deadly serious. They are really going to put an end to our
little lives. Quick, do something,” she hissed back at me furiously.

I could see her eyes darting from one place to another looking for an escape route. Damn! She is so
cute! I started to laugh again.

She didn’t reprimand me anymore. Instead, she grabbed my hand and started darting through the
space between the thugs. I couldn’t take it anymore. It was time to let the cat out of the bag. I quickly
pulled her to stop.
“Just what are you doing?” she said as she gritted her teeth. I put my arm around her shoulder and
faced the goons.

“Hello there! How are you?” I smiled. I could see her shocked face. Ah, another priceless piece.

“Oh, we didn’t know that—that l-lady is your companion sir. We are truly sorry for disturbing you and
your companion,” the head of the group said.

“This lady here is my girl. Whoever messes up with her, messes up with me. Do you understand?!” I
howled at them.

“Y-yes sir!” they chorused. “W-we are very sorry. We will leave now as you can continue your date.”

“How considerate of you. Thank you. Come by again next time.” I smile and waved at them which I
knew had an opposite effect on it. I almost exposed my disguise when I saw big men shivered to my
kind words.

“Did you see that? Such cowards,” I smirked. No response. I peered at her. I noticed her ears were
reddish and she won’t face me.

“Hey, you know it’s rude to turn your back to the person talking.”

“Whatever, like you’re someone to talk me about manners. And who’s your girl?!?” She still wouldn’t
look at me.

“I just said that so they would leave you alone. Now, they won’t ever bother you,” I grinned. She
looked unconvinced.

“Say, just how did you do that?” she finally faced me. I noticed that her cheeks were slightly pinkish.
Now this was a progress. I smiled inwardly.

“That’s a S-E-C-R-E-T!”

“Braggard! Come on, out with it.” She poked me with her elbow.

I laughed. “Tell you what, I’ll tell later on. But I think now’s your turn. How will you express your
gratitude to me?”

She laughed with her mezzo soprano voice. That caught me off guard. She was damn cute. I would
certainly be sent to hell if I deny the fact that I’m interested with her.

“Okay, then follow me,” she said as she walked in front of me toward the crowd.

IX. Lizie

Ah, the sun was beautifully setting in front of the vast crimson sky. I was with Jed the whole event of
the festival. We played a lot of games, took some pictures and ate a variety of food. It was fun and
exciting and funny and… well words were not enough to describe this day.

I didn’t have this kind of feeling in so long that I forgot what it was like to just thoroughly enjoy an
event. And I just had the person to thank for all of it. He was just coming back with a pair of Coco-

“Did you wait long?”

“Nopes. But I found it exhilarating for you to go all that trouble just for those salads.”

“Well, these babes are just worth it. Once you taste it, you’ll just have no other dessert that this.
Believe me, it’s addicting,” he said with a wink.

“Oooh… I just can’t wait.” I reached for my share and dug in immediately.

“Hmmm… It really is heavenly,” I told him with a smile. I saw he paused for a split second before he
smiled back and continued eating his salad.

I watched him as he ate his salad while he was looking at the view in front of us. Now that I thought of
it, he was really good looking. No wonder there were many girls who were salivating after him during
our walk.

But I still couldn’t believe that a man this innocent looking (though really not that innocent) could be a
nephew of a gang lord. He just told me earlier why the thugs chasing us became so tame in front of
him all of a sudden.

“Hey, I know I’m good looking and all but you don’t have to stare at me like that.”

“Like duh? I was just wondering if what you said earlier was true.”

‘What? About the thugs? Well yeah. It was shocking for me at first but I got over it. Really Zee, you
could exchange a billion dollars just to witness the look of their faces yesterday when my uncle
introduced me,” he said while he laughed. “It was priceless!”

“Yeah, I could imagine.” With that, I laughed with him.


It was fifteen minutes more of waiting ‘til seven.

Jed and I were strolling around, utilizing the remaining minutes in anticipation for the grand fireworks
display at the end of the festival and the start of the Night Party.

We were in the middle of the crowd looking for the best place to watch the fireworks. I was looking
forward to the show. This was one of my most awaited events in the place though I tried not to show it
to Jed.

Jed finally pulled me a little away from the crowd up to the elevated area near the road.

“Is it fine here? I think we can see well if we stand here.”

“Um- you are right. We could really see here. Nice choice.” I smiled.

I peeked at Jed’s watch again since I forgot mine. It was 5 minutes till seven.

Just a little bit more. I tried to scan the crowd as I wait. I saw a familiar figure emerging from the
crowd. He was calling out to a person. I couldn’t quite hear him.

A lady approached him and touched his face. I felt a quick sharp pang in my chest. He whispered
something to the lady. My throat was beginning to tighten.

“Hey, are you okay? You don’t look too good,” Jed asked.
“I’m okay, I just felt a little dizzy.” I saw them separating.

“Are you sure? Here, have a seat. I’ll get something to drink. Just wait here okay?” He immediately left
before I could say a word.

What was happening to me? I already decided. I had nothing to do with him anymore. Not anymore.

I told myself repeatedly while my eyes unconsciously following him.

He looked pale. Was it just my imagination? I saw him stagger for a split second. Could I be wrong? He
was leaning on a table while getting his bearing back. No, definitely I couldn’t be wrong. He was not
feeling well.

I took a few short steps toward him. He was loosing his balance. It couldn’t be. “Jaden.” I quickened
my steps. Oh no!

“Jaden!” I called out. “Jad-” I was now racing to reach him. It was too late. He had collapsed.


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