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Yesterday I participated in my first Wiccan passing

ceremony. It was for my beloved eldest sister—the first born

of eight children and the first to die. She was also High
Priestess of our coven.
Born into a Scottish Catholic family, she had been a Wiccan
and witch for the past fourteen years.
She and I were the best of friends with a lot in common: born
under the same astrological sign, loved to laugh and loyal to
our Scottish heritage. We also shared spiritual beliefs that,
after her vision, led to the manifestation of our coven.
When the funeral ceremony was being planned one of her
daughters (also a coven member) said it was only proper
that her mom have a Wiccan funeral.
It’s not the norm for Wiccans/pagans/witches to openly
celebrate such events as weddings, new child, or deaths in
our way with the blessings or acceptance of family, society
or other religions, We usually keep them private. But I
agreed because recently she had told me that she no longer
would hide her Wiccan witch path.
I undertook the task of preparing a ceremony while keeping
in mind that there’d also be a Rosary in respect for our
Catholic mother and relatives.
Our event would take place before the memorial celebration.
The entire large Scottish clan was invited. Her sisters,
children, grandchildren and very few friends attended. Each
person was smudged before entering the chapel. Her
coven, donned in capes, gowns, witch hats or flowed
wreaths and the few grandchildren participating gathered
around the casket while in the pews, guests sat. She laid
quietly (she was a quiet person in a crowd) in a forest-green
cape and gown with a beautiful mother-of-peal shelled
necklace. An altar was set in front of her. Upon it were such
things as lilies, chalice, salt, athame and various colored
candles - including three image candles: black for transition,
white, spirit transcending, red for rebirth. Frankincense and
myrrh incense wafted lightly throughout the chapel. The four
corners were called in and the circle was cast, the spell
made fast and only good could enter therein. Three
grandchildren drummed and another rang a bell before a
blessing of her commenced. Hallowed words were spoken
over her as she was cleansed with a special incense, ocean
water and oils. A granddaughter dropped rose petals around
the coffin. A sacred guided meditation was delivered
followed by several Oms that vibrated throughout the room.
The group chanted, “We All Come From the Goddess” three
times. The circle was closed. All held hands singing Merry
meet, merry part and merry meet. It was truly magical, fitting
for a most respected and well-loved High Priestess. Dear
Sister Witch, rest peacefully in Slumberland. So Mote it Be.

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