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Integrating Energy Modeling with BIM in the Design Process

Its safe to say that these days architects are most likely using a BIM tool for architectural
design. But when it comes to collaborating with the engineer or energy modeler with BIM,
the models are typically never done to accommodate their needs and a large amount of
time gets wasted due to rework. There are ways to adapt a model to use them for energy
modeling, but most of the time its easier to rebuild the geometry, which seems redundant
given that we're duplicating existing work. The solution isnt to find better ways at fixing
these models, but to build these models up correctly from the beginning with energy
modeling in mind. For that we're going to need a volumetric modeling process,
which outlines the progression of model elements through a level of detail that
is required to suit energy modeling and then allow the model to progress seamlessly into
detailed architectural modeling. This way the energy modeler can get involved early and
provide quick feedback using an effective design process.
This ebook will walk you through the proven workflow that seamlessly integrates Building
Information Models in the energy modeling process which facilitates collaboration and
synergy within the design team. The workflow manages the building models information in
a way that continuously adds value by refining the building using an iterative energy
simulation process with a LEED compliant energy modeling tool. This saves you
time by avoiding the rework that would otherwise be necessary from transitioning to this

Level of Detail
The key to make this work is to define specific Levels of Detail (LOD) for each model
elements. There are five levels of detail from 100 through to 500 (conceptual to as-built).
The LOD is used to define a modeling tasks for model element and assign it to a model
element author (MEA) to reach an outcome during a certain phase or milestone. As the
design develops, various elements of the model will progress from one LOD to
the next at different rates. You can use a BIM Execution Plan to organize the
definitions based on your project goals and phase outcomes.

Project Goals

Passive Cooling
Passive Solar Heating
Energy Efficiency

Level of Detail

100 Volumetric and approximate area

200 Approximate geometry
300 Precise geometry
400 Fabrication
500 As-built

Architectural Design
The architectural design industry is one that has the biggest adoption of BIM tools, but so
far most of the architects are using BIM to serve their own requirements. Some design
teams will use BIM to collaborate, but this has typically been around the coordination of
the various disciplines for clash detection. This process requires a high amount of detail
(LOD 300) in order to facilitate effective coordination. Clash detection is a great BIM goal
to strive for during the detailed design stage, but it has been leading designers to start
modeling elements at a LOD 300 for coordination.
Starting your architectural design at this LOD 300 can be cumbersome to
manage at an early stage, but more importantly it skips over the opportunity of
integrating the model into an energy modeling application. What ends up
happening here is the architect passes off this LOD 300 model to the energy modeler, who
then needs to rebuild or adapt an identical model in order to perform an energy
simulation. I can teach you how to build models quickly and effectively in order to
seamlessly integrate with energy modeling, but the biggest opportunity to save time and
speed up energy performance feedback is to build up the model from an LOD of 0 to 150,
and then migrate to 300 once the integration link is created.

Intercepting the design process at the schematic design phase to create an

energy model integration link.

Integrate, Simulate and Iterate

The benefits of using energy modeling at an early stage is to inform the design and make
improvements towards an objectively more energy efficient building. A BIM-integrated
energy modeling workflow allows you to make those modifications in Revit and
then effectively add the new elements to the energy model and compare the
differences. This process enables you drive down the building load and optimize energy
The energy linked model can be quickly edited by the architect since it is designed to be
simple and volumetric, which means there isn't any excessive clutter when you're
performing design options. Otherwise the detailed architectural model can be linked in the
integration model and the changes can be tracked and updates using the specific modeling
techniques outlined in the BIM Energy Modeling Online Course.

The iterative feedback loop allows you to build and analyze a model, then re-integrate
the model updates to compare results; and then further optimize the energy model by
leveraging the best of both environments (modeling and simulation).

The 5 Modeling Techniques

Building a Revit model to seamlessly integrate with energy modeling can be tricky if you
aren't aware of the importing guidelines for gbXML files. That's why I created the 5
fundamental modeling techniques that can be used to create perfect energy models using
BIM every time.

#1 Centerline
When youre not sure where to place your model
element, use the centerline of the wall. But more
specifically the gbXML export process is looking
for the analytical line, which an invisible barrier
created at the centerlines of your walls (except
for floors/roofs). If youre working with an
architectural design model, first you either adapt
this model or reference it for this new energy
modeling specific model, then youll need to
place the elements in relationship to the actual
architectural elements. It is best to position the
analytical wall on the interior finish edge of the
insulation, which would include all the
area/volume for the interior conditioned spaces.

#2 Simplicity
If elements export their analytical surface according to their centerlines, then creating
consistent element thicknesses throughout the model is key to ensure quality.
Id recommend using a
round and even number on
the small side, for example:
100mm or 2. This makes it
easy to offset to and from
the centerline, and allows
you to work within the
architectural design frame.

Shaft walls are drawn

flush all the way up.
Align the edge of
floor/roof with the
centerline of walls.

#3 Precision
The precision in which you place model elements is very important, sometimes being off
by a few millimeters can cause an error in the integration. What I mean by off is when
youre laying out walls and you dont snap them in place, they simply look in the right spot.
Applications such as IES VE
having healing algorithms that
mitigate these small issues, but
other tools may not. Although
you can still make this work, this
just means that some tools are
more forgiving than others with
the level of precision for your
BIM project.

Connect curtain walls

to their mid-points, as
well as walls and
space separation lines.

#4 Completeness
The model elements are being recognized
within the integration process (reading the
gbXML file) by their space adjacencies. This
means the software only knows that the wall
is an exterior wall because the wall surface
is exposed by the outdoor and not another
space. In order for this process to properly
identify all the elements and convert them
to their designation, spaces/rooms need to
be completely enclosed within every
volumetric area in the model.

Place plenum spaces on intermediary

levels, such as level 1.9.

#5 Hierarchy
W Lastly if you want to remember how to execute each one of these fundamental modeling
techniques, youll need to follow a structure. I start off by laying out the wall elements from
the most rigid and complex to the most simple and flexible. Ill start off with the exterior
walls, then curtain walls, then core/shaft walls and interior walls. The process of building a
model can still be organic, but
when you intersect these walls
together or need to modify
certain areas, you can always
come back to the hierarchy of
importance. Following this
structure will give you the
confidence that youre building
up the model right the first time,
instead of always second
guessing yourself on how youve
placed a certain element
below/above you will just know
youve placed it right by
following a system that works.

Geometry Integration
Once the building geometry is successfully integrated, the thermal templates, building
constructions and HVAC systems are assigned in order to start running an energy
simulation. When merging new model elements, these steps are repeated using the same
templates to generate comparative energy analysis results.

Importing a new/modified
gbXML file flattens out the
existing model (typical with
all applications).
Once the gbXML file is
imported, export it from
IESVE to a Geometry file and
then merge geometries.
TRACE can merge data from
different gbXML files.
Space schedules can be
exported from Revit and used
to assign thermal templates.

Energy Simulation
The goal of using BIM for energy modeling is to run the energy simulation and use those
results to drive the building load down. A managed BIM integration process allows you to
incorporate design updates and maintain an accurate and up-to-date energy model for
quick feedback.

Getting Started with Existing Models

There are 2 ways you can approach an existing model. The first is by adapting the model
using the modeling techniques discussed above, but I would only recommend this for
advanced users or simple/small projects. If youre new
to the BIM-integration process or have a large/complex
project, it can be faster and easier to start building up a
new model, using the existing one as a reference.

Export the model to CAD (from Revit),

Build up each model element.

Import each plan/elevation into a new


The reason from importing X-refs in Revit is for

simplicity and clarity. The imported CAD files are small
and wont bog down your model and they are easy to
hide/remove layers. It also makes it easy to place the
wall in relationship to where the actual architectural
wall is.

BIM-Integrated Energy Modeling Workflow, Online Course

If you want to avoid all your integration errors and receive best practices for each model
element, you can sign up to our on-demand online course at (follow the
link for a coupon code) and learn how to implement and master the BIM for Energy
Modeling workflow.

This course will help you in the following area:

Save time from the production of

energy models by avoiding rework,
Deliver quick feedback during an
integrated design process and engage
the engineering team earlier,
Receive LEED credit performance
feedback earlier,
Perform design iterations by
managing design updates,
Interoperate from Revit to IESVE,
TRACE 700, OpenStudio, and other
tools accepting gbXML integration.

This course will help you plan your energy

analysis feedback to your team during each
phase, while reporting on the performance
of your project goals. Youll be able to
capture the positive gains of these building
features and prepare accurate building
loads in order to right size the systems
through the design development phases.

Course details

33 learning modules

Certificate of completion for 8

Continuing Education hours

5 hours of step-by-step video tutorials

with paced downloadable exercises

Lifetime access
30-day money back guarantee

About the Instructor

Jean Carrire, CET, LEED Green Associate
Jean is the President and Building Performance Technologist for Trailloop
with extensive experience using building information modeling with
building simulation applications. He has taught BIM and energy modeling
at post-secondary institutions in Ottawa and Toronto, and has spoken at
conferences throughout North America. His background is in architectural
technology, Passive House science, and project management, with a focus
on energy optimization within a BIM virtual environment.


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