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Roll No
Invigilators Signature:.

CS/B.TECH (EEE-N)/SEM-6/EEE-602/2015-16
Time Allotted: 3 Hours
Marks: 70


The figures in the margin indicate full marks

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Group A
(Multiple Choice Type Question)

1. Choose the correct alternatives for any TEN of the following:

[10 1 = 10]

i) The impulse function is a derivative of ________ function:

a) Parabolic
b) Step
c) Ramp
d) Linear
ii) Error Constants of a system are measure of:
a) Relative stability
b) Transient state response
c) Steady state response
d) Steady state as well as transient state response
iii) A close loop control system is distinguished from open loop control system by which parameter:
a) Servomechanism
b) Feedback
c) Output pattern
d) Input pattern
iv) The capacitance, in force-current analogy, is analogous to
a) Momentum
b) Velocity
c) Displacement
d) Mass
v) The steady state error of a stable type 0 unity feedback system, for a unit step function is
a) 0
b) 1 / (1+Kp)
c) Infinity
d) 1/ Kp

vi) Type and order of transfer function

G(s) = K / {s ( s + 2 )}

a) 1, 2
b) 2, 1
c) 0, 2
d) 1, 1

vii) Time response for a second order system depends on value of . If > 1 then the system
is called as
a) Undamped system
b) Under damped system
c) Over damped system
d) Critically damped system

viii) The transient response, with feedback system

a) Rise slowly
b) Rise quickly
c) Decays slowly
d) Decays quickly
ix) If the unit step response of a system is a unit impulse function, then the transfer function
of such a system will be--a) 1
b) 1/s
c) s
d) 1/s2

x) Time taken for the response to raise from zero to 100 % for very first time is called
a) Rise time
b) Settling time
c) Delay time
d) Peak time
xi) From which of the following transfer function can be obtained?

a) Signal flow graph

b) Analogous table
c) Output-input ratio
d) Standard block system
xii) In an open loop control system

a) Output is independent of control input

b) Output is dependent of control input
c) Only system parameters have effect on the control output
d) None of the above

Group B
(Short Answer Type Question)
Answer any THREE of the following: [3 5= 15]

2. Draw the electrical analogous circuit (use f-v) analogy and derive their transfer functions.

3. Show that with unit step input, the value of c (t) = 63.2 % of steady steady state value, when t = T.

4. The open loop transfer function of unity feedback system is given by

G (s) = --------------------------(1 + 0.1s) (s + 10)
Determine the static error coefficients Kp, Kv and Ka.
5. Write down the properties of STM.
6. Find the transfer function of the system shown in figure below.

Group C
(Long Answer Type Question)
Answer any THREE of the following.

[315= 45]

7. a) The forward path transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by

G(s) = ----------------------s+5
s (
s +4
Sketch the root locus as K varies from zero to infinity.
b) Draw the block diagram and Signal flow graph and find out the transfer function of the circuit
shown in figure using Masons gain formulae.

8. a) Determine the value of K and H of the closed loop system so that the maximum overshoot in
unit step response is 25% and the peak time is 2 sec. Assume J = 1 kg-m2.

b) The open loop transfer function of unity feedback system is given by

------------------------. Find the restriction of K so that closed loop system is absolutely stable.
c) Sketch the Nyquist plot and determine the stability of a unity feedback control system.
G(s) = ----------------------------(1+sT1) (1+ sT2)

9. a) A system is described by the following equations

1 1
1 0 1
x (t )
x ( t )
0 2
0 1 1
1 2
y (t)
x (t)
1 0
1 1
Find the transfer function of the system.




b) Consider the following system

[ ] [

0.5 0

][ ] +[ ]



y (t)


0 1

[ ]

Test for controllability and observability.

10. Draw the Bode plot for the transfer function
G(s) =

s ( 1+0.25 s ) (1+0.1 s )

From the graph determine

a) Gain crossover frequency
b) Phase crossover frequency
c) G.M. and P.M.
d) Stability of the system.
11. Write short note (any three)
[3 5= 15]
a) Dalembert Principle
b) Lead-lag compensation
c) Ploar plot
d) Potentiometer
e) Transfer function of a moving coil voltmeter.


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