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Electrolysis can be defined as the passage of an electric current through an ionic substance resulting in
chemical reactions at the electrodes and/or separation of materials.


Hydrolysis is a chemical process in which a certain molecule is split into two parts by the addition of a
molecule of water. One fragment of the parent molecule gains a hydrogen ion (H +) from the additional
water molecule. The other group collects the remaining hydroxyl group (OH −).

What is HHO gas? A definition for HHO gas.

• The chemical name of HHO gas is ox hydrogen. HHO gas is thought to increase the car efficiency
in which it is formed by the process of water electrolysis. It does not mean that the car will run
purely on HHO gas but rather it is the hybrid of HHO gas and petroleum based fuel which will
provide sufficient energy for running the car. HHO gas is known to increase the efficiency of car
by 30 to 60 percent.

• Chemically HHO gas is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, in the atomic ratio of two is to one. As
you can see this is in the same proportion as that of water. Combustion is a process by which a
substance burns to produce heat energy and it is brought about when a substance is heated to
its auto ignition temperature. This temperature is defined to be the minimum temperature at
which the substance will ignite spontaneously in a normal atmosphere without the help of an
external source such as a spark or flame. For HHO gas, the auto ignition temperature is 1065 F
and the minimum energy required for its ignition with an external source is 20 Micro joules.
Once ignited, HHO gas converts into water vapors and releases energy, which automatically
sustains the reaction.

About HHO Electrolytes

• With so many differing opinions out there, we decided to find out on our own which chemicals
make the best electrolyte solutions. I write this with the assumption that you have already done
some basic research concerning electrolysis, and you have a basic knowledge what I am talking

• Electrolysis can be defined as the passage of an electric current through an ionic substance
resulting in chemical reactions at the electrodes and/or separation of materials.
• As you may already know, pure water (H2O) is not a conductor of electricity. At least not within
the scope of this process. There just aren't enough dissolved ions to allow electrons to flow
freely through the solution. In order for us to initiate the electrolytic process, we must make the
water conductive, and we do this by introducing ions into the solution. In order to do that, we
add a chemical to the water to introduce dissolved ions.

• Once we have enough dissolved ions, and the water has become conductive, we can apply
electrical current and begin electrolysis, right? If it were that simple, I wouldn't have taken the
time to write all this information down. I would just say dump whatever chemical you want into
the water and add the electricity. But it just isn't that simple. Keep in mind, that our goal is to
split the water molecule into it's separate components, Hydrogen and Oxygen. This is the fuel
we wish to generate. Nothing more.

• You see, by adding ions to the water, and applying electrical current we can cause the dissolved
ions to participate in various chemical reactions. Those chemical reactions are directly related to
the conditions of the cell (voltage, amperage, electrolyte, plate material and temperature).
These factors can sometimes allow the formation of entirely different compounds within the
cell. Compounds that we don't want. For example, if we dissolve salt (NaCl) into the water and
apply electricity to the cell, sure, we'll get hydrogen. Unfortunately, we also get aqueous Sodium
hypochlorite (NaOCl), which is BLEACH. Not to mention the Chlorine gas that escapes with the
Hydrogen, WHICH IS POISONOUS! Remember the Nazi gas chambers? No, No, No, we want to
be careful to introduce ions that do not participate in the process, but only allow the water to be

• If your electrolyte contains certain chemicals that can be reduced at the cathode or oxidized at
the anode, this means chemical change. That being said, voltage and amperage directly
determine what forms in your cell (if anything). In order to avoid this, we must choose an
appropriate electrolyte.

• Keep in mind that in order to maintain the health of your cell, you must also limit the amperage
you apply to it. Higher current (amperage) means that you are passing more electrons through
the cell at any given time. Too much current can cause the conditions of the cell to change by
altering the equilibrium of chemicals by simple mass action. This can cause even the electrolytes
listed below to react, which we wish to avoid. Also, the more power you apply, the more likely
your cell will generate excess heat. This means wasted energy.

• Here are a few appropriate electrolytes for you to consider. Some may not be appropriate for
you, depending on your experience level. We have color coded them based on their level of

Best HHO Electrolytes

Electrolyte Chemical Composition Applica

Magnesium Sulfate MgSO4 Low/High

Epsom Salts Low Amp
Get this at your local grocery. This is actually Low Temp
edible, and is used by many as a foot/bath soak, or

Potassium Hydroxide (best) KOH Low/High

Caustic Soda High Amp
This is used primarily in the soap making business. High Temp

Sodium Hydroxide NaOH Low/High

High Amp
Caustic Soda Medium Tem
Get this at your local hardware store. It is used by
many as a drain clog remover, and sometimes
called Red Devil Lye.

Sodium Sulfate Na2SO4 Low Vo

Low Amp
Medium Tem

Dilute Sulfuric Acid H2SO4 Low Vo

Medium Am
Medium Tem
What should be the properties of electrode material

• It should produce more amount of gas at low currents.

• It should not react or dissolve in the solution

• However the production of gas is also depends upon the design of electrode and the distance
between them should be as minimum as possible.

List of possible electrodes

• Platinum

• Gold

• Stainless steel

• Silver

• Graphite

• Copper

Research work is going on composite materials as electrode

• A new type of material developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is now revealed
by chemist Daniel Nocera as a possible means to conduct water electrolysis processes at room
temperatures with the input of relatively low electric currents. The material could be used to
chemically store solar energy and efficiently use it later.

• The material consists of a combination of cobalt and phosphate that is deposited on an indium-
tin-oxide electrode. This unique mix appears to catalyze the water electrolysis process, although
the exact mechanism responsible for this effect is largely unknown.

• We have to have catalysts which are cheap, and we have to have systems which are very robust.
I see this as one big step in that direction," said biochemist James Barber of the Imperial College
London about the work done by Nocera. Barber added that with the new electrode the water
electrolysis process can produce the same amount of oxygen by using only 1 volt, rather than
1.6 volts in the case of more traditional methods.

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