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Final Conclusions working group 4:

Referendum on Climate Change
April 30, 2010 in 04. Referendum, Working Groups

Need for a Global Referendum, plebiscite or popular consultation

Negotiations on Climate Change developed in Copenhagen showed that the representatives of

developed countries seek to attribute the decision-making and the imposition of the same to all
peoples, governments and countries on the planet without consultation of decisions that affect
Mother Earth and the future of humanity, forgetting that the planet and its destination are not the
exclusive property of a group of governments or international institutions.On the assumption that
the human being is the brother who has the power to watch over other beings that are part of
Mother Earth, its ability to affect compliance with the relationship we have with Mother Earth
and its possibility to generate opportunities for discussion that enable the implementation of
activities and actions to preserve that relationship, it must have the possibility to demonstrate by
direct feedback, by making decisions and establishing lines of action for each government to
generate rights to restore harmony with our Mother Earth.

It has been determined the existence of a consensus to pursue a world referendum, plebiscite or
referendum, taking into account the realities of each country or region in favor of Mother Earth

Questions designed for the World Referendum, Plebiscite or Popular Consultation

In order to carry out the World Referendum, plebiscite or popular consultation, which will
restore the relationship between Mother Earth and its inhabitants, the WPCCC suggests the
following questions, knowing that the same should be put into consideration of the inhabitants of
the planet through National Committees:

1. Do you agree to change the capitalist model of overproduction and overconsumption and to
restore harmony with nature, recognizing and respecting the rights of Mother Earth?

2. Do you agree that the countries and transnational corporations reabsorb and reduce its
production of greenhouse gases in proportion to their historical responsibilities for emissions and
to slow down global warming?

3. Do you agree to transfer all that is spent in wars and allocate it a higher budget in defense of
Mother Earth?

4. Do you agree that our countries become territories of peace free of occupation of troops and
foreign military bases?

5. Do you agree with the establishment of a Climate and Environmenta Justice Tribunal to judge
those who destroy Mother Earth?
When to develop the Global Referendum, Plebiscite or Popular Consultation

The referendum, plebiscite or referendum:

• To be announced on April 22nd, 2010, the day of Mother Earth, the possibility of global vote
after the International Committee and National Committees ensures success in this development
must be left open.

Mechanisms to develop the referendum, plebiscite or referendum

It supports the creation of an International Committee, respecting the establishment and

empowerment of the National Committees, to address the referendum.

The method of voting can be developed through:

The creation on an International Committee is supported in order to carry out the Referendum,
whilst respecting the conformation and autonomy of the National Committees.

The way of voting can be developed as following:

• The referendum will be officially developed in countries where it has the support of national
governments and in countries where this is not possible it will be conducted by social
organizations, student unions, social networks and other civil society organisms, in the form of a
plebiscite or referendum.

• The voting forms will be defined by the National Committees according to the uses and


• Those present are committed to promote the creation of national committees with greater
involvement of organizations of each country to potentiate the actions of the Referendum,
plebiscite or Popular Consultation through pedagogical processes for policy discussions and
actions defined by this popular Conference.

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