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Ingleby Mill Primary

May 2016.

Welcome to the May newsletter! I was hoping to

be able to say that we are all enjoying the Spring
weather but that wouldnt be true! Normally at
this time of year we are reminding parents and
carers about the need for sunscreen and hats but
the snow, sleet and hail have put paid to that
advice. Hopefully we will see the sunshine in the
coming weeks.
School Improvement Plan & Financial Updates
An overview of our new plan for the financial year
2016/2017 is now available for viewing on our
website. As well as planning for changes to the
leadership team with the arrival of a new head
teacher, we also have to focus on improving pupils
progress in the core subjects. Up to date financial
information about how school is spending its Pupil
Premium and Sports Funding can also be found there.

inadvertently published an actual spelling paper

for children in Y2 as part of their sample
materials pack. As a result of this, the spelling
and grammar test is no longer statutory for
this year but schools are still free to use the
materials to help them make their judgements.
KS1 tests are used only to verify teacher
assessments they are marked by teachers in
school and are used as additional evidence to
inform teachers judgements about how a child
is performing against age related expectations.
In KS2, the tests are sent away for marking
and schools will be informed about the results
in July.
The children have worked hard in the run up to
the end of year/end of key stage tests. For
children in Y6, these important assessments
take place from 9th to 12th May; for children
from Y2, they will take place throughout May.
Children in Y1 and some in Y2 will be assessed
using the national phonics screening materials
during the week of 13th 17th June. The
children have demonstrated excellent
attitudes towards their learning throughout
the year and have given their absolute best: we
are proud of them. Thank you for your

New Starters September 2016:

There is a meeting for parents of children starting Nursery
this September on 15th June at 6.00pm in the hall. For
parents of children starting Reception, a meeting will be held
in the hall on 22nd June at 6.00pm. You will find out about
the Foundation Stage curriculum and have an opportunity to
meet the staff. There will also be an opportunity for you to
order school uniforms from Elizabeths Embroidery should
you so wish.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Sporting Success
Nathan Magnone in Y6 again represented
Stockton Schools in the Tees Valley Gala in
recent weeks. The Stockton Team was made up
of the strongest swimmers from the schools which
took part in the town wide gala. They swam
against teams from across the Tees Valley and
performed very well in all of the competition. A
super achievement: well done Nathan.
National Testing
You may have seen in the media, lots of
information about the confusion around this
years new national tests for children in years
2 and 6. The Standards and Testing Agency

Professional Development Days 2016/2017

Thursday 1st September 2016
Friday 2nd September 2016
Friday 21st October 2016
Friday 10th February 2017
Monday 5th June 2017
These are days when school will be closed to
School will close for the Spring half term on
Friday 27th May 2016 and will reopen to children on
Tuesday 7tH June 2016. Monday 6th June is a
Professional Development Day for staff.

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