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In what was later revealed to be a hoax, it first reported by Newswatch33.

com that
a 53 year-old Caucasian man, Bobby-Jo Garrison committed suicide in Charlotte,
North Carolina because he had an issue with the main character of the new Star
Wars episode VII being black. His wife was said to have found him unresponsive with
a suicide note saying Make America White Again. After some investigation, it was
determine d that no one had killed them self and that Newswatch33 was a fake
news website.
Nevertheless the new Stars Wars release did cause a real backlash as a new
hashtag, #BoycottStarWarsVII has gone viral with hundreds of people are calling for
the boycott of Star Wars VII calling the movie ant-white and racist because black
British actor John Boyega plays Stormtrooper Finn. Racist tweets there are warning
that the new movie promotes white genocide and was made to demoralize and
destroy whites.
The issue was widespread enough for the new The Daily Show host Trevor Noah to
address it on his show. One social media comment made an excellent point. If Star
Wars VII promotes white genocide and demoralizes and destroys whites now
because it has a black hero, what was it doing to black people during its first 6
episodes? And what has the whole popular culture done to us for decades? This is
the same issue that Imam W. Deen Mohammed addressed for many years through
his encouragement of CRAID (Committee for the Removal of All Images that Attempt
to Portray the Divine) committees throughout the country, through which he
questioned the racial images of divinity prominent in religion. He asked the
question, What would happen if people would sit in churches throughout the world
for centuries with the image of an African American man as savior of the world
before them? What would this do to the mind of the worlds children? What would
happen to the worlds children put under a figure of a particular race presented,
pitiable, and in pain the Savior of all men?
We now can get a glimpse of what would happen. When the Black man is shown in
the true nobility that G-d created him in it shatters their reality. Those with that
racist mind set either kill themselves or go to a new level of crazy as were seeing in
this country now. The election of President Obama and his success in leading the
country through crisis after crisis, has destroyed their mental construct of
superiority. We know from popular culture that the Matrix is an artificial construct
that only exists because people believe in it and that believe sustains it. Some have
built their whole lives, put all of their energy into a concept of white superiority and
that has done damage to their minds just like living under inferiority has done to
Dr. Caroline Myss wrote: Experiences that carry emotional energy in our energy
systems include: past and present relationships, both personal and professional;
profound or traumatic experiences and memories; and belief patterns and attitudes,
including all spiritual and superstitious beliefs. The emotions from these
experiences become encoded in our biological systems and contribute to the
formation of our cell tissue, which then generates a quality of energy that reflects
those emotions. Yes, I Am Your Brother: Understanding the Indigenous African
American Muslim.

We can direct the flow of our life force into any direction we choose but when it's
not toward devotion to G-d it's flawed, time limited, and destined to fail. Some
direct there energy toward money, and when they lose that, they have no further
life so they jump out of window. Some direct theirs toward a certain level of success
or a certain status and when they lose that they have nothing to live for. So the
person who has none of these and has spent their whole life believing in their
inherent superiority has nothing to live for when that is shattered.
It's really irrelevant whether the suicide story is true or not. It's so believable, so
plausible that it's expected because we see the same shattered reaction in many
whites, as they buy their guns and prepare for what they see is a complete loss of
They didnt complain about Darth Vader, because he was black in black and thus fit
the stereotypeblack, evil, demon--a Satan like figure dressed in black. But now
they are forced to see blacks in heroic savior-type roles and its killing them. I hate
that so many of my blogs have to address the race issue but it's just that time.
We're living in the Day of Judgment and it's a battle of good vs evil, and whether we
like it or not we're all soldiers on one side or the other.
So, this is my battle. I'm not saying that it should be everybody's battle but I know
its mine. And I see racism and white supremacy in its death throes. Sure it seems
like there's a resurgence but that's because the Day of Judgment is a Day of
Manifestation of all Defects. Many people didn't even realize there was a disease
but we can see it now. It's come to surface of the skin of America and the poison is
escaping in hideous pus filled boils. These are your racists.
If they want to boycott Star Wars great. There's enough rational people out here,
fans and supporters, that will make the movie successful. In fact the demand to buy
ticket for Star Wars: The Force Awakens crashed several websites. But they are
opening a Pandora's box that they can't put the lid back on. Let this play out on the
economic battlefield and they'll again see who has the power. We then should
boycott "Empire" because of its demeaning images and Christmas because of its
patent falsehood and blatant exploitation. If we do that we will eventually gain
cultural and economic freedom and power and if they are not killing themselves
now, theyll have plenty to kill themselves over if we keep rising. Theyre just not
going to win in this world.

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