Newtons Laws of Motion

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Newtons laws of Motion ( A/L Combined Mathematics )


The triangle ABC is a vertical cross- section through the centre of gravity of a uniform smooth wedge of
mass M. The lines AC and BC are lines of greatest slope of the respective forces, and the lines BA and AC
make equal angles

(0< < 4 )

with BC. The wedge is placed with the face containing BC on a fixed

smooth plane of inclination to the horizontal, with AB horizontal as shown in the figure. Two particles
P and Q of masses m1 and m2 respectively, placed on AB and AC respectively are connected by a light
inextensible string which passes over a smooth pulley at the vertex A. The system is released from rest
with the string taut.
Write down the equations of motion, for the particle P along BA,
for the particle Q along AC and for the whole system along BC in
order to determine the acceleration of each particle relative to
the wedge and the acceleration of the wedge.
Show that if m1 = m2, the acceleration of each particle relative to
the wedge is zero, and the magnitude of the acceleration of the
wedge is g sin . (A.L.-2013)

One end of a light inextensible string is attached to a ceiling which is at a height of 3m from a horizontal
floor. The string passes under a smooth light movable pulley P to which a particle of mass m is fixed and
then over a smooth light pulley fixed to the ceiling. A particle Q of mass M (>m) is attached to the other
end of the string. When the movable pulley P and the particle Q are at heights

2 m and 1m

respectively from the floor and the portions of the string not in contact with the pulleys are vertical, the
system is released from rest. Find the acceleration of the particle Q and the tension of the string.
Show that the particle Q will reach the floor after time

to a height


4 M +m

4 M +m
( 2 Mm ) g seconds and the pulley P will rise

metres from the floor. (A.L.-2012)

A small smooth pulley is fixed at the vertex A of the triangular vertical cross-section ABC of a smooth
wedge of mass 2m through its centre of mass. The face through BC is placed on a fixed smooth horizontal
table. It is given that AB and AC are lines of greatest slope of the relevant faces and A B C = A C B
= . Two smooth particles P and Q of masses m and m (>1) respectively are
attached to the ends of a light inextensible string. The string passes over the pulley
and the particles P and Q are placed on AB and AC respectively, with the string taut
as shown in the figure.
The system is released from rest. Obtain the equations of motion for the particles P
and Q along BA and AC respectively, and for the system horizontally.
Show that the magnitude of the
acceleration of each of the particles P
and Q relative to the wedge is.

( 1 )( + 3 ) g sin
( +1 ) [ ( +3 ) ( +1 ) cos2 ] .


When the particle Q reaches c, the

string suddenly broken. Assuming that
P has not reached the pulley, write
acceleration of the particle P relative to
the wedge just after the string is
A light inextensible string of length l attached to a point O on a vertical wall passes over a smooth pulley
fixed at the vertex A of the triangular vertical cross-section ABC of a smooth wedge of mass M through its
centre of mass, with the face through BC placed on a fixed smooth horizontal floor. A particle P of mass
m is attached to the other end of the string and the string is kept taut in a vertical plane as shown in the
diagram, with OA being horizontal.
If F is the magnitude of the acceleration of the wedge relative to the floor and f is the magnitude of the
acceleration of the particle P relative to the wedge, show that f = F. If AC is inclined to the horizontal at
an angle , write down the equations of motion for the particle P along AC, and for the system
horizontally. Hence or otherwise, show that the wedge moves towards wall with an acceleration
mg sin
M +2 m ( 1cos ) .

The system is initially at rest with B at a

horizontal distance d from the vertical wall. If PC
is greater than d, show that B will strike the wall
after a time


2 d { M+ 2m ( 1cos ) }
mg sin


2 dmg sin
M +2 m ( 1cos ) . Show also that, the

speed of the particle P relative to the floor, just



(A.L. 2010)

dmg sin ( 1cos )

M +2 m ( 1cos ) .

The cross-section of a smooth wedge of mass 2m,through its centre of mass, is a triangle ABC right^
angled at C. A small smooth pulley is fixed at the vertex A, the angle B A C being 600. A light
inextensible string passes over the pulley and has particles P and Q, of masses 3m and m respectively
attached to its ends. The wedge is placed on a smooth horizontal table with the face BC in contact with
the table. The particle Q is held at rest vertically below A, in contact with the vertical face AC and the
particle P lying on the inclined face AB. If Q is now set free, show that the acceleration of the wedge is

23 g, and find the tension in the string. (A.L.- 2009).


A smooth wedge of mass M rests on a smooth horizontal table. A particle of mass m is placed on a face of
the wedge, of inclination to the horizontal and is projected with velocity V up a line of greatest slope of
the face. Show that the magnitude of the acceleration of the wedge and the magnitude of the acceleration
of the particle relative to the wedge are in a constant ratio. Show further that the particle returns to its







2 V ( M + msin 2 )
( M +m ) g sin .


A light inextensible string passes over a light smooth pulley fixed to the ceiling of a lift and carries
particles of masses m and Km (K>1) at its ends. The lift is made to move vertically upwards with
constant acceleration F, and at the same time, the particles released from rest. Find the acceleration of
2 Km
( g+ F ) .
each particle relative to the lift, and show that the tension in the string is K +1
Find the value of F in order that the heavier particle is stationary.


Two smooth pulleys A and B of masses M 1 and M2 respectively

are fixed to a ceiling with two vertical light rods. A light inelastic
string passes round A, B and a movable smooth pulley C of mass
M3, with particles of masses m1 and m2 attached to the ends of the
string, as shown in the figure. The portions of the string not in
contact with the pulleys are vertical.
4 m1 m2 M 3 g
Show that the tension in the string is 4 m 1 m2 + M 3 ( m1 +m 2 ) ,
and find the force exerted by the system on the ceiling.
(A.L.- 2005)

(A.L. 2007)



The triangle ABC in the given diagram represents a vertical crosssection of a uniform smooth wedge of mass M through its centre of
gravity. AB is a line of greatest slope of its surface while A B C = ,

A C B = 2

and BC = a. The wedge is placed on a smooth

horizontal floor such that the face containing BC is lying on it. A

particle of mass m is at A on AB and released from rest. Show that,
until the particle leaves the wedge the acceleration of the wedge is
M +m sin2

and find the acceleration of the particle relative to

the wedge.
Now, let =

and M =

2 , show that the speed of the

wedge when the particle leaves wedge is


2 ag
21 . (A.L.-2014)

A smooth wedge of mass M has central cross-section ABC triangle with A C B =

2 , C

= .The wedge rests, with AB in contact with a smooth horizontal table. Two particles P, Q of same mass
are placed on CA and CB respectively, so as to slide freely. Find the acceleration of the wedge. Now the
particles are attached to the ends of a light inextensible string passing over a smooth light pulley fixed at
C. Show that the acceleration of the wedge is

mgCos 2
2 M +3 mmSin 2

. (A.L.-1986)

A light smooth pulley is suspended from a ceiling by means of a light

inextensible string passing over this pulley, carries a particle of mass 4m
and a smooth pulley of mass m at its end. Another light inextensible string
passing over the second pulley carries mass m and 2m.Initially the system
is released from rest as shown in the figure. Show that the heavier particle
descends with acceleration 23 , and find the acceleration of the
particles. Also, find the pull on the ceiling. (A.L.-1988)


A particle of mass m is in contact with a smooth sloping face of a wedge which is itself standing on a
smooth horizontal table. The mass of the wedge is M and the sloping face of the wedge is inclined at an
angle to the horizontal. If the system is released from rest, show that the acceleration of the wedge is
M +m sin2 . If the wedge moves through a distance d during the time the particle moves a distance s

along the face of the wedge, show that

wedge and the table is




d = s cos. Show also that the reaction between the

. (A.L.-1989)

A smooth wedge with angle is placed on a smooth table. A particle is at the foot of the inclined face.
The wedge is made to travel with uniform acceleration F. If F> g tan, prove that the particle ascends
up the along the face. The wedge moves in this manner over a time T and there after moves with steady

velocity. If T =


M ( M +m ) g
M +m sin2

[ ]

2 g h Sec
F ( F Cos g Sin )


. Show that the particle just ascends to a vertical height h along

the face. (A.L.-1990)

State the principle of conservation of linear momentum and the principle of conservation of mechanical
energy. A particle of mass m slides down an inclined face of a smooth wedge of mass M and inclination
, which is itself free to move on a smooth horizontal table, the system being initially at rest. Use the
above conservation laws to show that the speed v of the particle relative to the wedge, is given by
v 2=2

( M + m) gx sin
M +m sin2

. where x is the distance moved by the particle relative to wedge. Hence or

otherwise, find the acceleration of the particle relative to the wedge, and show that the distance travelled
by the wedge, starting from its initial position of rest, is

The above figure depicts an arrangement of small pulleys with a

light inextensible string ABCDE connecting a body A of mass m
on a fixed smooth horizontal table and a particle E of mass

m' .

The pulleys B and D are fixed smooth pulleys over which the
string passes and C is a movable smooth pulley of mass M
supported by two portions of the string. The portion AB of the
string is horizontal while the portions BC, CD and DE are
vertical. If the lengths of the portions AB and DE at time t are x
and y respectively, write down the equations of the motion for
masses m,

m' and M and deduce that the tension T in the string

is given by T

4 1 1
+ +
M m m'

will remain stationary if

= 3g. Hence show that the pulley C

2 1 1
= +
M m m' . (A.L.-1991)


.(A.L.- 1999)


A smooth wedge of inclination is placed on a smooth horizontal

table. An inextensible light string of length 2l, to the extremities of
which masses m, m

(m> m )are attached and passes round a

small peg P which projects from the inclined upper face of the
wedge, the particles being in contact with the face of the wedge.
Initially the particles are placed close to each other at a distance l
from the peg, each portion of the string being taut and lying on a
line of greatest slope of the inclined face. Prove that the
acceleration of the wedge before the lighter particle m reaches

( mm' ) g Sin Cos

the peg P is. M ( m+m' ) + 4 m m' + ( mm' ) 2 sin2

, where M is

the mass of the wedge. (It is to be assumed that the distance of the
peg P from the bottom edge of the wedge is greater than 2l).
Deduce that when the lighter particle reaches the peg the wedge
l ( mm' ) Cos
M + m+m

has moved a distance


. (A.L.-1992)

A smooth wedge of mass M, height h and inclination

( 2 )

is free to move on a large smooth

horizontal floor of a lift, in a direction perpendicular to its edge. The lift ascends with constant
acceleration a. A particle of kM (kl) is projected directly up the face of the wedge with velocity V
starting from the lower edge. Assuming that the motion of the particle takes place along a line of greatest
slope of the inclined face of the wedge, show that the reaction R between the particle and the wedge at
any time is given by, R =

projection, if
lift at any time?


kM ( g+ a ) Cos
. Prove that the particle will not return to the point of
1+ k sin 2

2 ( 1+ k ) ( g +a ) h

1+ k sin


. What is the reaction between the wedge and the floor of the

( A.L.- 1995)

A smooth wedge of mass 4m and inclination (< 2 )is placed on a smooth horizontal table An
inextensible light string of length 2l, to the ends of which two smooth particles A and B of masses 2m and
m respectively are attached, passes round a small smooth peg P which project from the inclined upper
face of the wedge, the particles bring in contact with the face of the wedge. Initially the particles are
placed close to each other at a distance l from the peg, each portions of the string being taut and lying
on a line of greatest slope of the inclined face and peg is at a height h (> 2lSin) from the table. Show
g sin 2
that the acceleration F of the wedge before B reaches the peg P is given by F = 4 1cos 2 . Hence

show that the maximum value of F is

4 105 . Find the time taken by B to reach the peg if F takes the

maximum value. (A.L. 1998)


W.M.J.P.Wanigasekera (B.Sc./PG Dip/M.Sc.)

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