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Question 1 b) Distinguish between wave guides with transmission line?

Transmission line

Wave guide

Two or more conductors separated by

some insulating medium (two-wire,
coaxial, micro strip, etc.)
Normal operating mode is the TEM or
quasi-TEM mode (can support TE and
TM modes but these modes are
typically undesirable).
No cutoff frequency for the TEM
mode. Transmission lines can transmit
signals from DC up to high frequency.
Significant signal attenuation at high
frequencies due to conductor and
dielectric losses.
Small cross-section transmission lines
(like coaxial cables) can only transmit
low power levels due to the relatively
high fields concentrated at specific
locations within the device
Large cross-section transmission lines
can transmit high power levels.

Metal waveguides are typically one

enclosed conductor filled with an insulating
Operating modes are TE or TM modes
(cannot support a TEM mode).

Must operate the waveguide at a frequency

above the respective TE or TM mode cutoff
frequency for that mode to propagate.
Lower signal attenuation at high
frequencies than transmission lines.
Metal waveguides can transmit high power
levels. The fields of the propagating wave
are spread more uniformly over a larger
cross-sectional area than the small crosssection transmission line.
Large cross-section (low frequency)
waveguides are impractical due to large
size and high cost.

Question 2 b) Distinguish between TE mode and TM mode

Answer: consider a rectangular waveguide then

Question 3 b) Explain concept of circulator and its construction with the help
of magic tee and gyrator.

Write about working of the circulator (clockwise and anti-clockwise) with the
help of S matrix

Question 5 a) write short note on concept as well as different types of


The term impedance was first used by Oliver Heaviside in the nineteenth century to
describe the complex ratio V/I in AC circuits consisting of resistors, inductors, and
capacitors; the impedance concept quickly became indispensable in the analysis of
AC circuits. It was then applied to transmission lines, in terms of lumped-element
equivalent circuits and the distributed series impedance and shunt admittance of the
line. In the 1930s, S. A. Schelkunoff recognized that the impedance concept could be
extended to electromagnetic fields in a systematic way, and noted that impedance
should be regarded as characteristic of the type of field, as well as of the medium. In
addition, in relation to the analogy between transmission lines and plane wave
propagation, impedance may even be dependent on direction. The concept of
impedance, then, forms an important link between field theory and transmission
line or circuit theory.

Question 5 b) Compare circulator and isolator?






Circulator is a microwave
device, in which nth port
input is transmitted at (nth
+1) port
Circulator can have three or
more ports

Isolator is a microwave device , in which

signal will flow from one port to another
but not vice versa

Symbol for circulator is

Symbol for isolator is

Isolator have only two ports, if other

ports are presents then they are match





S matrix for circulator is



S matrix for isolator is

Question 6 a) Discuss the need of network and circuit concepts for microwave
Circuits operating at low frequencies, for which the circuit dimensions
are small relative to the wavelength, can be treated as an
interconnection of lumped passive or active components with unique
voltages and currents defined at any point in the circuit.
In this situation the circuit dimensions are small enough such that there
is negligible phase delay from one point in the circuit to another.
In addition, the fields can be considered as TEM fields supported by two
or more conductors.
This leads to a quasi-static type of solution to Maxwells equations and
to the well-known Kirchhoff voltage and current laws and impedance
concepts of circuit theory.
In general, these techniques cannot be directly applied to microwave
The main reason for doing this is that it is usually much easier to apply
the simple and intuitive ideas of circuit analysis to a microwave problem
than it is to solve Maxwells equations for the same problem.
In a way, field analysis gives us much more information about
the particular problem under consideration than we really want or
That is, because the solution to Maxwells equations for a given problem
is complete, it gives the electric and magnetic fields at all points in
However, usually we are only interested in the voltage or current at a set
of terminals, the power flow through a device, or some other type of
terminal quantity, as opposed to a minute description of the fields at
all points in space.
Another reason for using circuit or network analysis is that it is then
very easy to modify the original problem, or combine several elements
together and find the response, without having to reanalyze in detail the
behavior of each element in combination with its neighbors. A field

analysis using Maxwells equations for such problems would be

hopelessly difficult.
In network parameter theory like ABCD, Z and Y matrices etc., open
circuit and closed circuit needed.
Open and closed circuit theory are not applicable to microwave or high
frequency applications, so S matrix is preferred network parameter
theory for high or microwave applications which deals with match
termination only.

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