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Call for Papers

Movement, Exchange, and Belonging in the Hispanic World

Washington University in St. Louis
Spanish Graduate Student Organization
February 26-27, 2016

The Spanish Graduate Student Organization of the Department of Romance Languages and
Literatures of Washington University in St Louis is organizing the 3rd Graduate Student
Conference, Movement, Exchange, and Belonging in the Hispanic World to be held on February
26-27, 2016. The conference will emphasize, but is not limited to, the following topics:

Diaspora and Nomadism

Gender, Race, and etnicity
Exile and migration
Cultural mobility
Visual, Film and Media Studies
Coloniality and Post-coloniality

We will also consider papers that explore other themes related to the topic.
Keynote speaker: Vctor Goldgel-Carballo, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Individual presentations should be no longer than 20 minutes, (8 pages double spaced) and the
abstract must be max 250 words. Panel proposals that include three presenters and a chair or
commentator to moderate the panel are highly encouraged; these proposals must include a
general abstract for the panel along with the name of the chair or commentator. Additionally, all
proposals should include a brief academic biography of each presenter.
Submissions are due by January 15th, 2016 and should be sent to: (Please indicate in the subject Panel or Abstract, field
of study and language).
We invite all submissions from interdisciplinary perspectives written in Spanish or English. For
questions, please direct them to the email listed above, and we will respond promptly.
Registration fee: $35 (to be paid at the conference)

Call for Papers

Movimiento, intercambio y pertenencia en el mundo hispnico

Washington University in St. Louis
Spanish Graduate Student Organization
26 y 27 de febrero, 2016

Dispora y nomadismo
Gnero, raza y etnicidad
Exilio y migracin
Movilidad cultural
Colonialismo y postcolonialismo

Tambin tendremos en cuenta trabajos que exploren otros temas afines.

Keynote speaker: Vctor Goldgel-Carballo, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Las presentaciones individuales no deben extenderse ms de 20 minutos (8 pginas, doble
espacio) y el resumen debe ser de un mximo de 250 palabras. Propuestas de paneles que
incluyan tres presentadores y un comentador o moderador del panel son altamente
recomendadas, estas propuestas deben incluir un resumen general del panel junto con el
nombre del moderador o comentador. Adicionalmente, todas las propuestas deben ser
acompaadas por una breve ficha curricular.
Los resmenes para ponencias deben ser enviados a la direccin de correo electrnico, indicando en el asunto: Abstract o Propuesta
panel, campo de estudio e idioma. La fecha lmite de recepcin en ambos casos ser el 15 de
enero de 2016.
Aceptamos propuestas desde perspectivas interdisciplinarias escritas en espaol o ingls. Si
hay alguna pregunta, por favor dirjase al correo indicado arriba y le responderemos a la
brevedad posible.
Costo de inscripcin: $35 (a pagar en la conferencia)

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