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Induced polarization - Sounding

Method Type:
Electrical Methods
Assigned Problems:
Quantity/ Thickness
Hazardous Waste
Aquifer pollution
Contaminant plumes
Hazardous Waste
Gravel, clay, limestone, salt exploration
Natural Resources
Quality / Thickness of aquifer/aquitard
Quality and thickness (Natural resources)
Natural Resources
'+' = Technique applicable; '0' = Application possible/limited use.

The purpose of induced polarization surveys is to determine the vertical subsurface chargeability
Induced polarization sounding (VES); 1-D chargeability profile; chargeability distribution; inversion;
sounding curves; 1-D chargeability-depth functions
- Target must be characterized by a chargeabilty contrast.
- Urban areas may cause high noise levels (e.g. stray currents).
- Measurements during rain should be avoided.
- A thin high-/low resistivity top layer may obscure deeper targets.
- In some areas electrode coupling may be poor (e.g., asphalt, gravel, dry sand).
- Prohibited use: pronounced 2 - or 3 D dimensional subsurface geometry.
- Subsurface must be approximately horizontally layered (maximum dip of layers: 10).
Typical values of resolution are (Depth range / Target thickness): 0 - 10 m / 1 m to several m; 10 50 m / tens of m; > 50 m / several tens of m
Maximum of about 6 layers can be resolved reasonably.
Expected Results:
- Measured parameter: chargeability [mV/V] (and usually also the apparent resistivity [Ωm]).
- Data analysis: inversion algorithms are employed to produce 1-D models from the measured
sounding curves. Pitfalls: Non-uniqueness problem: many underground models may predict
observed data equally well.
- Interpretation: chargeability-depth functions are associated with geological units.
Additional geological or geophysical surface data may be required for reliable interpretation. A
priori information (layer thickness and / or resistivity values) are helpful to constrain the models.

Combination with other Methods:

- Required additional information: rough estimates of target depths; Resistivity distribution should
be approximately known.
- Related add-on information: electromagnetic data; electrical data; knowledge of layer
thicknesses (e.g., borehole logs, seismic methods) and/or resistivity values (e.g., electrical
- Independent additional information: georadar data; seismics data

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Operation Expense:
- Crew size: 1 key person, 1-2 assistants
- Acquisition speed: 3 - 7 soundings per day
- Processing: requires 1 - 2 days per acquisition day
- Equipment rental costs: intermediate
Parameters to specify:
- Array type: Either the Schlumberger or, less effectively, the Wenner array is used for sounding,
since most commonly available interpretation methods and interpretation aids are based on
these arrays.
- Array size: Total length of array: 3 to 10 times the depth of investigation; typically more then six
times the depth of investigation.
- Array orientation: Should be parallel to the strike of geological structures.
- Array orientation: should be parallel to predominant direction of groundwater flow.
- Electrode type, if possible use non-polarizing electrodes.
- Electrode position: should be logarithmically spaced. Six points per decade is the minimum
recommended number. Usually 8 points are used..
QC Documents:
- Documentation of accuracy of transmitted currents and voltages.
- Measurements of natural potentials and transition resistances between electrodes and ground.
- Measurements of reproducibility (measurements of reciprocal or redundant configurations).
- Optional: Map of buried cables, roads, crossed sounding (to assure the 1-D structure, otherwise
profiling or tomography is recommended).
- 1-D chargeabilty-depth functions
- Sounding curves
- Interpretation

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