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Design of Confined Masonry Buildings Using the Strut-and-Tie Method by Svetlana Brzev and Juan Jos Prez Gaviln

Consider a four-storey confined masonry wall with openings shown in Figure 1. The wall is subjected to gravity and
seismic loading, as shown in the figure. Properties of masonry and concrete relevant for the design are summarized
Design the wall for combined effects of gravity and seismic loading using the Strut-and-Tie Method.

Figure 1. A confined masonry wall with openings
Masonry: multiperforated extruded clay blocks 12 cm thickness24 cm length20 cm height
! = 3 kg/cm2 masonry shear strength (diagonal tension)
! = 80 kg/cm2 masonry compression strength

!! = 200 kg/cm2 concrete compression strength

Seismic Design of Confined Masonry Buildings Using the Strut-and-Tie Method by Svetlana Brzev and Juan Jos Prez Gaviln

1. Develop strut-and-tie models for different loading conditions.
This is one of the most challenging steps in the design process. A few relevant considerations related to the
development of a strut-and-tie model are summarized below:
1. It is required to create one model for gravity loading, plus two models for seismic loading (one model for each
loading direction) - unless the structure is symmetrical.
2. RC tie-columns and tie-beams are modelled as either strut or tie elements, while masonry wall panels are always
modelled as struts.
3. It is likely that some tie-columns and tie-beams will remain unloaded (have zero forces) for a particular loading
4. An inclination of a strut member depends on the loading direction - note X-shaped diagonal struts shown in
Figure 2.
5. The nodes are usually created at intersections of longitudinal axes for tie-columns and tie-beams.
6. Strut action in confined masonry panels with openings may be considered when panel height/length ratio is less
than 1.5.

Figure 2. Strut-and-Tie Model: possible locations of struts and ties

Seismic Design of Confined Masonry Buildings Using the Strut-and-Tie Method by Svetlana Brzev and Juan Jos Prez Gaviln

2. Gravity loading
a) Find tributary load for all nodes.
Node B:

! = 1300


= 2275 kg

Nodes C, L, and N: ! = ! = ! = 1540

Nodes D and M: ! = ! = 1300


Nodes E, J, and P: ! = ! = ! = 700


= 2695 kg

= 2275 kg


= 1225 kg

Nodes G, H, and I: ! = ! = ! = 1300 + 1540


= 4970 kg

Figure 3. STM for gravity loading
b) Find the total gravity loading.

= 3 1300 + 1540 3.5 + 700 + 700 3.5 = 34,720kg

= 34720kg
c) Find the axial loads in tie-columns at various nodes.
Start from the top level and proceed downwards, e.g. tie-column line ABCDE:
: 1225 kg

Seismic Design of Confined Masonry Buildings Using the Strut-and-Tie Method by Svetlana Brzev and Juan Jos Prez Gaviln

: 1225 + 2695 = 3500 kg
: 3500 + 2275 = 6195 kg
: 6195 + 2275 = 8470 kg
A similar calculation needs to be performed for column lines FGHIJ and KLMNP.
d) Perform the final check for gravity loads.
Internal axial forces in tie-columns at the base (AB, FG, and KL) must be equal to the support reactions at nodes A, F, and

3. Seismic loading (E -->)
a) Proposed model

Figure 4. Proposed STM for seismic loading (E -->)

Strut angles 1 and 2:


! =


! =



= 0.759 ! = 37.2 ! = 0.605 ! = 0.796

= 0.934 ! = 43.1 ! = 0.683 ! = 0.731

b) Find the strut (S) and tie (T) forces.

Seismic Design of Confined Masonry Buildings Using the Strut-and-Tie Method by Svetlana Brzev and Juan Jos Prez Gaviln

Node E
S EJ = 5170 kg

Node J
S JN =

= 6495 kg
cos1 0.796

TIJ = S JN sin 1 = 6495 0.605 = 3929 kg

Node N

TIN = S JN cos1 = 6495 0.796 = 5170 kg
S MN = S JN sin 1 = 6495 0.605 = 3929 kg

Node I

TDI = TIN = 5170kg
THI = TIJ = 3929 kg

Node D

H = S


cos1 4710 5170 = 0

SDH = 12412kg
TCD = SDH sin 1 = 12412 0.605 = 7509 kg

Seismic Design of Confined Masonry Buildings Using the Strut-and-Tie Method by Svetlana Brzev and Juan Jos Prez Gaviln

Node C

SCH = 3220 kg
TBC = TCD = 7509 kg

Node H

H = S

S HL =


cos1 3220 12412 cos1 = 0

= 16457 kg

V = S


sin 1 + SDH sin 1 THI + TGH = 0

TGH = 6376 kg
Node M

SLM = SMN = 3929 kg

Node L

TGL = SHL cos1 = 16457 0.796 = 13100 kg
TKL = SHL sin1 + SLM = 16457 0.605 + 3929 = 13885kg

Seismic Design of Confined Masonry Buildings Using the Strut-and-Tie Method by Svetlana Brzev and Juan Jos Prez Gaviln

Node G

TBG = TGL = 13100 kg
TFG = TGH = 6376 kg
Node B

H = S


cos2 TBG 1723 = 0

SBF = 20278kg
TAB = SBF sin2 + 7509 = 21359 kg

Figure 5 shows the strut-and-tie model for seismic loading (E -->) and summarizes the internal forces.

Figure 5. Internal strut and tie forces in the wall due to seismic loading (E -->)

Seismic Design of Confined Masonry Buildings Using the Strut-and-Tie Method by Svetlana Brzev and Juan Jos Prez Gaviln

c) Find the support reactions.
i) Node F - vertical and horizontal support reactions
Vertical reaction at node F:
VF = 20278 sin2 6376 = 7474 kg
Horizontal reaction at node F:
H F = 20278 cos2 = 14823kg
Note that HF is equal to the sum of horizontal forces up the wall height, that is,

H = 5170 + 4710 + 3220 + 1723 = 14823kg

ii) Node A - vertical reaction:
VA = TAB = 21359kg
iii) Node K - vertical reaction:
VK = SKL = 13885kg
d) Calculate the overturning moment at the base of the wall.
Overturning moment at the base (node F) due to seismic forces applied at nodes B, C, D, and E:

M o = 5170 1100 + 4710(1100 260 ) + 3220(1100 2 260 ) + 723(1100 3 260 ) = 11.742 106
Reacting moment around node F due to vertical reactions at nodes A and K:

M o = 21359 342 .5 + 13885 342 .5 = 12.071 106

These moments should be the same. In this case, the difference is within 3% (acceptable).

Important Checks:

1) Horizontal reaction at the base of the wall must be equal to the sum of applied seismic forces.
2) Overturning moment at the base of the wall due to applied seismic forces must be equal to the
reacting moment generated by the support reactions.

Seismic Design of Confined Masonry Buildings Using the Strut-and-Tie Method by Svetlana Brzev and Juan Jos Prez Gaviln

4. Seismic loading ( E <-- )
a) Proposed model

Figure 6. Proposed STM for seismic loading (E <--)
Strut angles 1 and 2:

! =


! =



= 0.759 ! = 37.2 ! = 0.605 ! = 0.796

= 0.934 ! = 43.1 ! = 0.683 ! = 0.731

b) Find the strut (S) and tie (T) forces.

Node P

= 6495 kg

S IP =

TNP = S IP sin 1 = 6495 0.605 = 3929 kg

Seismic Design of Confined Masonry Buildings Using the Strut-and-Tie Method by Svetlana Brzev and Juan Jos Prez Gaviln

Node N

TMN = TNP = 3929 kg

S IN = 4710 kg

Node I

H = S


V = T


(6495 0.796 + 4710)

= 12412kg

cos1 4710 SIP cos1 = 0

SCI sin 1 + SIP sin 1 = 0

TIH = (12412 6495) 0.605 = 3580kg

Node C

SBC = 12412 sin 1 = 7509 kg

TCH = 12412 cos1 = 9880 kg

Node H

THM = 9880kg

THG = 3580 kg


Seismic Design of Confined Masonry Buildings Using the Strut-and-Tie Method by Svetlana Brzev and Juan Jos Prez Gaviln

Node M

cos1 3220 9880 = 0

H = S



= 16457 kg

V = T


3929 SGM sin 1 = 0

TLM = 3929 + 16457 0.605 = 13885kg

S AB = 7509kg

Node B

Node L

SGL = 1723 kg

TKL = 13885kg

Node G

V = T


H = S

S AG =

(16457 0.796 + 1723)

= 20277 kg


cos2 1723 16457 cos1 = 0

S AG sin 2 3580 + 16457 sin 1 = 0

TGF = 7473 kg

Figure 7 shows the strut-and-tie model for seismic loading (E <--) and summarizes the internal forces.

Seismic Design of Confined Masonry Buildings Using the Strut-and-Tie Method by Svetlana Brzev and Juan Jos Prez Gaviln

Figure 7. Internal strut and tie forces in the wall due to seismic loading (E <--)
c) Find the support reactions.
i) Node A - vertical and horizontal support reactions:

Vertical reaction at node A:

VA = 20277 sin2 + 7509 = 21358 kg

Horizontal reaction at node A:

H A = 20277 cos2 = 14823kg

Note that HA is equal to the sum of horizontal forces up the wall height.
ii) Node F - vertical reaction:
VF = TFG = 7473 kg
iii) Node K - vertical reaction:
VK = TKL = 13885kg

d) Calculate the overturning moment at the base of the wall.
Overturning moment at the base (node F) due to seismic forces at nodes B, C, D, and E:

Seismic Design of Confined Masonry Buildings Using the Strut-and-Tie Method by Svetlana Brzev and Juan Jos Prez Gaviln

M o = 5170 1100 + 4710(1100 260 ) + 3220(1100 2 260 ) + 723(1100 3 260 ) = 11.742 10 6

Moment around node F due to vertical reactions at nodes A and K:

M o = 21358 342 .5 + 13885 342 .5 = 12.07 106

These moments should be the same. In this case, the difference is within 3% (acceptable).
5. Seismic design of confined masonry wall panel ABFG.
In this case, wall panel at the ground floor level (ABFG) is considered to be critical, therefore the design calculations are
going to be performed for that panel, which is referred as M1.
a) Design parameters
! = 3kg/cm2 masonry shear strength (diagonal tension)
! = 80 kg/cm2 masonry compression strength
! = 600 ! = 48000 kg/cm2 elastic modulus - masonry
= 12 cm wall thickness

!! = 200 kg/cm2 concrete compression strength
! = 14000 !! = 197990 kg/cm2 elastic modulus - concrete

Modular ratio: =


= 4.12

b) Calculate axial forces in tie-columns and the wall due to gravity loading.
Distribution of gravity loading is proportional to the transformed cross-sectional area. Axial load calculation for tie-
column AB is explained next.
First, the total transformed area of tie-column and the tributary wall area (corresponding to one-half of the wall length)
is equal to (note that the calculation has been omitted):
Atotal = 2692 cm2

The corresponding axial force due to gravity load is equal to

P = 8470 kg (see Figure 3b)
This load is to be resisted by the tie-column AB and the wall M1 in proportion to their transformed areas (expressed in
terms of the distribution factor Df) - as shown in the following table and Figure 8.
Tie-column AB = ATC
Masonry wall M1


P (kg)


Seismic Design of Confined Masonry Buildings Using the Strut-and-Tie Method by Svetlana Brzev and Juan Jos Prez Gaviln

Figure 8. Axial load distribution according to the tributary area

For example, the value of distribution factor for tie-column AB was obtained as follows:
Df = ATC/Atotal = 0.28
Based on the above calculation, axial load in tie-column AB due to gravity loading is 6,134 kg.

A similar calculation needs to be performed for tie-column FG. The total transformed area and the axial load are
summarized below:
Atotal = 4582 cm2 and P = 17360 kg (see Figure 3b)
In this case, the axial load is distributed to masonry wall M1, tie-column FG, and the remaining load is distributed to
confined masonry panel FGKL (left tie tie-column framing the opening and the masonry wall panel adjacent to tie-
column FG - referred to as M2). The calculations are summarized in the following table.
Tie-column FG
Tie-column at
Masonry wall M1
Masonry wall M2


P (kg)



Based on the above calculations, the resulting axial forces are:
Tie-column AB: PAB = 2336 kg
Tie-column FG: PFG = 3750 kg

Seismic Design of Confined Masonry Buildings Using the Strut-and-Tie Method by Svetlana Brzev and Juan Jos Prez Gaviln

Masonry wall M1: PM1 = 6134+7387= 13522 kg
A similar calculation needs to be performed to determine axial forces in tie-columns AB and FG and wall M1 due to
seismic loading, based on internal forces shown in Figure 5.
c) Find gravity and seismic loads for masonry wall M1.
Axial loads due to gravity loading (per above calculations): PM1 = 13522 kg (compression)
Axial loads due to seismic loading (calculations omitted): PE = 13844 kg (compression)
Total axial load: Pu = 13522+13844 = 27366 kg
Note that load factor for gravity loading is 1.0.
Shear force due to seismic loading: V= 14823 kg
Required shear strength: Vu = 1.1V = 16300 kg

d) Calculate shear strength for masonry wall M1.
Masonry shear strength is calculated according to NTCM 5.7 as follows:

Note that
AT= 4320 cm2 and FR = 0.7
!" = 10283 < !
shear reinforcement must be provided. Note that the masonry shear resistance is less than the maximum permitted
value, that is,
!" = 10283 < 13608
! 1.5! ! =13608kg
Shear strength for steel reinforcement is calculated according to NTCM 5.9 as follows:


Seismic Design of Confined Masonry Buildings Using the Strut-and-Tie Method by Svetlana Brzev and Juan Jos Prez Gaviln

phfyh = 3.4 kg/cm2 This is equal to (phfyh)min OK
= 0.6 and Ash*fyh < 6 OK
!" = 6169kg
The total shear strength (masonry+reinforcement) is
!" + !" = 10283 + 6169 = 16452 > ! OK

Finally, we need to determine the required amount of reinforcement. Let us use

fyh = 6000 kg/cm2

ph = 5.7 x10-4


we can find Ash. Let us assume that
s = 60 cm

It follows that the required reinforcement area is

Ash = 0.41 cm2
Let us use 3/16" bars (cross-sectional area 0.18 cm2). A minimum of two bars are required. The total area is 0.36 cm2;
this is slightly less than the required area of 0.41 cm2 but considered to be OK.
Conclusion: use 2 bars 3/16" @ 60 cm (fyh = 6000 kg/cm2)
e) Design tie-column AB.
i) Find the axial load.
Gravity (see the calculations in Step 5b): PG = 2336 kg (compression)
Earthquake (calculation omitted): PE = -21359 kg (tension)
Total axial load: PAB=PG+PE= 2336-21359 = -19023 kg (tension)
ii) Design the tie-column for tension.
Since the tie-column is subjected to tension, let us find the amount of vertical steel reinforcement required to resist the
tensile load.

Seismic Design of Confined Masonry Buildings Using the Strut-and-Tie Method by Svetlana Brzev and Juan Jos Prez Gaviln

Assume the following properties:
Steel: fy = 4200 kg/cm2
Reinforcement: #4 bars (0.5 in diameter)
The required reinforcement area is equal to
! =


= 4.5 cm2

Use 4 - #4 bars (area 5.07 cm2). Cross sectional dimensions are: 15 cm length x 12 cm thickness (adequate for this
amount of reinforcement).
f) Design tie-column FG.
i) Find the axial load.
Gravity (see the calculations in Step 5b): PG = 17360 kg (compression)
Earthquake (calculation omitted): PE = 6376 kg
Total axial load: PAB=PG+PE= 17360+6376= 23736 kg (compression)
ii) Design the tie-column for compression.
Assume the 20 cm x 12 cm tie-column reinforced with 4-#3 bars, therefore cross-sectional area is
A= 20x12= 240 cm2
Steel reinforcement area (4-#3 bars): As = 2.85 cm2
Steel yield strength: fy = 4200 kg/cm2
Axial compression resistance for the tie-column can be determined from the following equation
! = 0.6( !! + ! ! )

! = 30222 > 23723 OK

Conclusion: use tie-column dimensions 20 cm length x 12 cm thickness and 4-#3 bars


Seismic Design of Confined Masonry Buildings Using the Strut-and-Tie Method by Svetlana Brzev and Juan Jos Prez Gaviln

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Seismic Design of Confined Masonry Buildings Using the Strut-and-Tie Method by Svetlana Brzev and Juan Jos Prez Gaviln

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