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1. You can have a baby even though you are struggling with infertility or you are a gay
2. There are competent professionals, agencies such as Worldwide Surrogacy, and
lawyers who can assist you to make this dream a reality;
3. Medical technology is so advanced that the statistics for success in achieving a
pregnancy are high;
4. Surrogate mothers are wonderful women who are well-screened with hearts of gold;
5. The right professional team will offset the fear and nervousness you will have in
going through surrogacy to have your children.
1. Surrogacy is complicated so you must carefully choose your professional team who
will guide you through the surrogacy journey;
2. The cost of surrogacy is high so if you need help with financing, you must look for
options such asAmerican Health Care Lending or GPAP;
3. You will a bit out of control since someone else is carrying your baby and therefore,
you must come to the surrogacy journey with an ability to trust your professional
team and your surrogate;
4. It is difficult to explain surrogacy to family and friends; you must develop confidence
and believe in your dream to have a family;
5. Laws vary from state to state in the U.S. so you must have a lawyer who
understands this and is well networked with lawyers throughout the country, perhaps
a lawyer who is a member of theAmerican Academy of Assisted Reproduction
Technology Attorneys.

The Ethics of Surrogacy:

The 'Con' Voice Against Surrogacy

Against Surrogacy: Argument No. 1:

Surrogacy is Like Prostitution!
A typical objection to surrogacy (particularly that of commercial surrogacy) is comparing the
physical aspects of surrogacy to a form of prostitution:
In both cases one can view the women as selling physical, intimate, bodily services. Selling
their bodies and their function for money!

Against Surrogacy: Argument No. 2:

Surrogacy is a Form of Alienated Labor!
This objection borrows its logic from Hegel's philosophy of alienated labor.
So what's the problem with alienated labor? Many people work and are not emotionally
attached to the 'product' of their work or the work process for that matter.
Well, the difference with surrogacy (or prostitution for that matter) is that we're talking
about physical reproductive labor.
Reproduction is something that many people believe belong in the private sphere and should
be surrounded with respect and emotional attachment.
According to people against surrogacy, women's reproductive capacities should not be used
as physical labor and the status of a child, should not be relegated to that of a commodity.
(If you want to read more about the ethics of surrogacy and the discussion of alienation,
you might like this surrogacy article)

Against Surrogacy: Argument No. 3:

Surrogacy Turn Babies into Commodities!
During a pregnancy a woman is supposed to bond with her unborn baby. Con speakers
claim that surrogacy prevents the mother from forming a natural bond to her baby and
therefore forces her to emotionally detach herself from her pregnancy.
Normally the child is the end goal in a pregnancy. For the surrogate mother the child
becomes the means (as distinct from the goal), for something else, namely money.

When the child becomes a means, the child is commoditized, speakers against surrogacy

Against Surrogacy: Argument No. 4:

There Are so Many Children in Need of a Home - Adoption
Is Better for the World!
Everybody knows that the world is 'overpopulated' and that there are many orphans whose
parents have died from decease or because of war. There are also many children who are
living in children's homes because their parents couldn't afford to keep them.
The argument here is that people have a moral duty to care for the already existing children
in need of a loving caring family rather than proceed to make new babies into an already
too crowded world.

Against Surrogacy: Argument No. 5:

Surrogacy is for the Wealthy Only!
This objection is one of class.
Needless to say that surrogacy can be a very expensive affair and it is therefore not an
option for those of few financial means. However, contrary to myth, many commissioning
couples are not rich in the traditional sense but middle class / upper middle class.
The surrogate mothers are typically, but not always, in the lower income range and
therefore a typical argument is, "The rich are exploiting the poor!"

Against Surrogacy: Argument No. 6:

Exploiting Third World Women as Baby Machines!
Contrary to many Westerns countries, commercial surrogacy is legal in India and many
Indian women have chosen to become surrogate mothers for Western couples.
The typical reason for couples choosing Indian surrogate mothers over Western surrogate
mothers is that they are cheaper.

This was a relatively long list of arguments against surrogacy. Let's now turn our attention
to the pro arguments in the discussion of the ethics of surrogacy.

The Ethics of Surrogacy:

The 'Pro' Voice for Surrogacy

Pro Surrogacy: Argument No. 1:

Fulfilling the Deep Seated Wish for a Family
Today up to 10% of American women have difficulties getting pregnant. For couples who
dream of having their own children, infertility is frustrating and stressful.
Having children and fulfilling the wish for a family with the help of a surrogate mother is
therefore a possibility of living out that dream.

Pro Surrogacy: Argument No. 2:

Adoption Is not That Easy!
Contrary to sensible logic (there are many children in need of a home - so adoption should
be easy), being allowed to adopt a child is difficult and takes a long time.
The whole paperwork process along with psychological evaluations and waiting list etc. may
take many years.

Pro Surrogacy: Argument No. 3:

Surrogate Mothers Are Conscious of Their Choice!
Under normal circumstances surrogate mothers are very conscious of their decision to carry
someone else's child. They are well informed and well paid.
Most of these women have a positive experience and feel satisfied in what they perceive as
an altruistic gesture (even though they are getting paid).

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