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- warm up WELL (helps GPP)

- adds volume
- helps conditioning
ME Max Effort Method

1-2-3 RM
Anything above 90% OR 100% of THAT DAY
Internal and external coordination
o So you can correctly apply maximal force to the bar in a max attempt
Different possibilities
o Angles (incline, decline, etc)
o Pauses (1-2-3-4-5 second)
o Bands
o Chains
o Boards (1-2-3-4-5 boards)
o Boxes (12, 14, 16 are normal)
o Bars (safety, high bar, low bar, buffalo bar, cambered bar, swiss bar,
o Tempos
o Grip/foot width (wide, narrow)
o Selection process comes from your ability to rotate and know what
your weaknesses are.
ME Upper Weakness = arms
o 70% of the selection should be Triceps dominant
ME Lower Weakness = posterior chain
o 70% of the selection should be PC dominant (hamstrings, glutes, lower

DE Dynamic Effort Method

Development of Acceleration (Power)

o 30-50% 1RM straight weight (0.7m/s)
o Best bet on the lighter side vs heavier side
Creates increases in internal and external coordination
o More coordinated under high velocity
Lower Never more than 2 reps (4-6 seconds)
Upper Never more than 3 reps (4-6 seconds)
30% (explosiveness) 35% (speed strength) 40% (strength speed) unload
(10x10 or 15x15low CNS, high muscle damageworking up in weight)

RE Repetition Method (Accessories)

5-85% of 1RM

Submaximal loads with varied duration/tempos and positions

o Used for accessory work mostly
o Used to bring up lagging muscle groups (w/ isolation)
For example, a set til failure would be a leg curl or GHD or 45deg back
extension NOT deadlift or Squat. Not main lift, isolation of muscle group.
Lower - Hamstrings, Glutes, Low back, abs
Upper Triceps, rear delts, scapular muscles, lats
No more than 4-6 Accessory exercises
Go from the biggest weakness to less important movements
50-70 minutes of work time (not including warm ups) for all work
Conjugating Accessory Work
o Tempo (3-3, 5-5, pauses in various spots, etc.)
o Sets
o Reps
o Positions
o Single leg
o Failure
o Time (45sec to 1 min, etc.)


Potentiation of weak or hard to activate muscle groups

Lower Build into warmups (low intensity, moderate volume)
o Hamstrings
o Low Back
o Glutes
o Abs
o Triceps
o Lats
o Rear Delts
o Scapular muscles
o Pick 3 exercises
o Do a circuit
o 3-4 sets of 25 reps

Mini Workouts

No more than a slight pump

Based on weakness
15-20 minutes
Less is more!
o No more than 3 exercises
o Heart Rate stays below 120-130bpm

Accessory Movement Possibilities


o Good Mornings (normal, SSB, dead stop, banded)
o RDLs (deficit, normal, touch n go, snatch grip, single leg)
o Sumo stiff legs
o Leg Curls (banded, hanging banded)
o KB Swings (normal, band around waist and kb)
o Good Mornings (normal, SSB, dead stop, banded)
o Monster Walks
o 45-deg Back Raise
o Kneeling Squats
o Reverse Hyper
Low Back
o RDLs (deficit, normal, touch n go, snatch grip)
o Good Mornings (normal, SSB, dead stop, banded, rounded, seated)
o 45-deg Back Raise
o Reverse Hyper
o Crunches
o Planks
o Standing Abs (bands)
o Russian Twists
o Band torsion pressout
o Hanging Leg Raises
o Static Holds
Upper Back
o Pull Ups
o Pull aparts
o Face Pulls
o Rows (BB, DB, Yates, Meadows, Kroc, Pendlay, reverse hyper rows)
o Shrugs (sumo, normal, power)
Rear Delts
o Pull aparts
o Rear raises
o Rear delt flyes (bands)
o Face Pulls (bands, sled)
o Pull Ups
o Rows (BB, DB, Yates, Meadows, Kroc, Pendlay, vertical banded,
horizontal banded, standing single arm, straight arm, inverted rows,
reverse hyper rows, sled rows, one arm sled rows)
o Pushdowns (band, bar)
o Tricep Extension (overhead band, overhead sled)


JM Press (normal bar, SSB, banded, chains)
Bench (close grip, pin press, slingshot)

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