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Eng 13 Product Innovation: Audience Analysis


Date: May 3, 2016

Cruz, Mary Kyla D.

Roca, Ron
Villanueva, Joe Kenneth Vin C.
Audience Analysis
Use the following questions to analyze who your end-user might be.

Who is the target end-user? Be as specific as you can with identifying your target
market. There is no such thing as a general audience. Why THIS end-user?
Commuters because of the hot weather the people who suffer the most are
the commuters.


What are some of the characteristics (beliefs, attitudes, contexts, backgrounds) about
your groups audience? How might these characteristics affect the product innovation idea
(what will they think about the idea)? Be careful not to rely on stereotypes.
Simple as a student who commutes the main problem that arises is always
that the pollution and heat are always present while commuting and they
are the main problem while commuting.


What does your end-user already know about the proposed innovation idea?
Its a fan that can filter the air that that is polluted.


What does my audience need to know about the innovation in order for the group to
make a point (background of the issues with the existing product / service, definitions,
changes with the existing product / service)? Why are these things important to know?
It produces cleaner air because when you use a fan it uses the air around it
so if the air is dirty the air that it will be using is dirty as well


What do I want my audience to know? Why should he/she/they know this? What does
the group hope for the audience to do with this innovation (how will it benefit them / what
are the advantages)? Remember your goal is to get users to act in some way (either through
a changed mind, purchase the product / use the service)
It is beneficial to them that they use our product because it produces
cleaner air compared to other fans in the market


What kind(s) of appeals might work best to persuade my audience to

act/change/think? How does my evidence (support) work to build those appeals? An appeal
is a style of support that relies on either logic (facts and reasoning), emotions, or on the
strength of the product innovation idea. Does my audience need facts, illustrations,
definitions and/or measurable support in order to be persuaded? Or will my audience be
moved to act more from examples that cause him/her to feel emotion? Describe how your
knowledge of this audience impacts what you will include in the final project. How concise do
you need to be? What evidence do you need to include that will convince this audience to
approve your project?

Eng 13 Product Innovation: Audience Analysis

Appeals that might work to persuade our target are fear, but not literally to
scare the audience but to show the disadvantage if the proposed product is
not used. Another appeal that might work is the rationality of the product.
Our product not only aids to the consumers needs but it also helps to
lessen the pollution in the environment.
Most of the audience might picture quickly the proposed product because a
fan is a very common appliance and explaining the part that it will be
filtering pollution will be easier.

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