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International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007) 117 124

A parametric investigation of hydrogen energy potential based on

H2S in Black Sea deep waters
Adnan Midilli a, , Murat Ay a , Ayfer Kale b , T. Nejat Veziroglu b
a Energy Division, Mechanical Engineering Department Nigde University, 51200 Nigde, Turkey
b Clean Energy Research Institute, Miami University, Miami, USA

Received 24 October 2005; received in revised form 10 March 2006; accepted 14 April 2006
Available online 7 July 2006

In this study, a parametric investigation is carried out to estimate the hydrogen energy potential depending on the quantities of H2 S in Black
Sea deep waters. The required data for H2 S in Black Sea deep waters are taken from the literature. For this investigation, the H2 S concentration
and water layer depth are taken into account, and 100% of conversion efciency is assumed. Consequently, it is estimated that total hydrogen
energy potential is approximately 270 million tons produced from 4.587 billion tons of H2 S in Black Sea deep waters. Using this amount of
hydrogen, it will be possible to produce 38.3 million TJ of thermal energy or 8.97 million GWh of electricity energy. Moreover, it is determined
that total hydrogen potential in Black Sea deep waters is almost equal to 808 million tons of gasoline or 766 million tons of NG (natural gas)
or 841 million tons of fuel oil or 851 million tons of natural petroleum. These values show that the hydrogen potential from hydrogen sulphur
in Black Sea deep water will play an important role to supply energy demands of the regional countries. Thus, it can be said that hydrogen
energy reserve in Black Sea is an important candidate for the future hydrogen energy systems.
2006 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Hydrogen; Hydrogen sulphur; Black Sea deep waters; Renewable energy

1. Introduction
Energy is a key factor in discussions of economic, social
and environmental dimensions of sustainable development [1].
An increase in the energy consumption of a country provides a
positive impact on its economic as well as social development,
and also, the supply and utilization of affordable and clean
fuel is particularly signicant for a clean world since energy
plays a vital role in industrial and technological developments
around the world [2]. Energy requirement of the world has been
increasing due to increasing world population, technological
development, and increased living standards. A different type
of energy is fossil-based energy, which includes generally coal,
petroleum and natural gas (NG), etc. As known, fossil energy
sources are not renewable.
In order to explain and nd out well the requirement of
hydrogen energy and technologies for clean energy supply and
Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 388 2252255; fax: +90 388 2250112.

E-mail addresses: (A. Midilli),

(M. Ay), (T.N. Veziroglu).

progress, the main negative effects of fossil fuels should be rst

introduced. Fossil fuels, which have been extensively utilized
in industrial and domestic applications for a long time, have
been causing the following trouble problems:
Energy decit, shortage of fossil fuels, and energy demand,
Fossil-based technological developments.
Environmental pollution, air pollution, water resource pollution, maritime pollution, food pollution, energy pollution,
vibration pollution, noise pollution, solid waste pollution,
ambient air quality, etc.
Acid rains, ozone layer depletion, global climate changes
(global warming), etc.
World population growth and transition, migration, etc.
Major environmental accidents, solid waste disposal, radiation and radioactivity, land use and siting impact, etc.
Aridity, poverty, health and disease, food and hunger, and
lower living standards, etc.
Local, regional and global conicts and wars.

0360-3199/$ - see front matter 2006 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

A. Midilli et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007) 117 124

These problems are the trouble effects for the world and the
livings, and particularly an alarm for the future of the world.
Therefore, in order to partially decline or completely remove
the problems, a new energy source that is clean and abundantly
found all over the world should be considered for practical
applications. Then, what is the main duty of the energy researchers, scientists and experts? The main duty is to investigate
the effective sustainable clean energy sources and technologies
for a clean world. As a consequence, investigations of alternative clean energy sources and technologies will become important, particularly for future world stability. The most important
property of alternative energy sources is their environmental
compatibility. Why not hydrogen? In line with this characteristic, hydrogen likely will become one of the most attractive
energy carriers in the near future. As known, hydrogen is an
excellent energy carrier and can be produced from any source
by using solar, hydro, biomass, wind, geothermal, and boron
compounds, etc. Moreover, another important source for hydrogen is hydrogen sulphur that is abundantly found in Black
Sea deep waters. The Black Sea is an elliptical basin with an
area of 423, 000 km2 . The average depth is 1263 m suggesting
a total volume of 534, 000 km3 [3]. The Black Sea is unique because 90% of sea water is anaerobic. This anaerobic sea water
contains hydrogen sulphur, produced by sulphur reducing bacteria. The interface between anaerobic and aerobic water lies
at depths of about 140 m along the axis of the Black Sea and
about 250 m along the sides. The content of hydrogen sulphur
increases steadily with depth to a concentration of 8 ml/l sea
water at 1000 m, below which increases slightly to 8.5 ml/l sea
water at 2000 m. Above the bottom, hydrogen sulphur reaches
13.5 ml/l sea water [3]. Therefore, Black Sea hydrogen sulphur
may serve as a future energy system.
Although many studies are carried out on hydrogen sulphur
potential of Black Sea [411], there is limited work on hydrogen
potential of Black Sea deep waters. For example, Petrov [3]
studied on the Black Sea and hydrogen energy. Midilli et al.
[12,13], Baykara et al. [14] and Ture [15] performed some
theoretical studies on hydrogen energy potential of Black Sea
deep waters.
Unlike the above studies, this paper reports an attempt to
parametrically investigate hydrogen energy potential of Black
Sea deep waters based on hydrogen sulphur and to discuss
the importance of hydrogen energy potential for the regional
countries. If hydrogen is produced from Black Sea deep waters,
then the energy requirements of the countries in the Black Sea
coast could be compensated, and hydrogen export to European
countries would be possible.
2. Hydrogen energy potential of Black Sea
It is generally known that the Black Sea is the largest anoxic
basin in the world, and the total sulde pool of the contemporary Black Sea is about 4600 Tg, the main part being located between 500 and 2000 m. The spatial distribution of
the oxicanoxic transition in the sea is characterized by the
presence of two dome-shaped structures located in the eastern
and western central parts of the basin between 90 and 100 m.

O2 and H2S quantities (cm3/liter sea water)



Minimum oxygen quantity

Maximum oxygen quantity
H2S quantity

Initial depth of H2S formation








Water depth in Black Sea (m)

Fig. 1. Variation of oxygen and hydrogen sulphur quantities with depth of
Black Sea [16].

Hydrogen sulde production in the Black Sea water column is

the main source of sulde, and anoxic sediments contribute to
only a minor extent to the water column H2 S pool [7].
Fig. 1 presents the variation of oxygen and hydrogen sulphur
quantities with depth in Black Sea depending on the data from
literature [16]. As shown in Fig. 1, while oxygen quantity in the
surface water of Black Sea is 56 cm3 /l sea water, it reaches a
maximum value (8.64 cm3 /l sea water) in 2030 m of depth.
However, the oxygen quantity in 125150 m of depth is approximately zero. After 125150 m of depth, Black Sea water contains hydrogen sulphur, and hydrogen sulphur quantity reaches
a maximum value (5.796 cm3 /l sea water at 2000 m) towards
bottom of Black Sea because of anorganic bacterial decomposition. This explanation shows that the Black Sea water containing hydrogen sulphur would be used as an energy source
for hydrogen production in the future.
Thus, distribution of the hydrogen sulphur in Black Sea [17]
can be illustrated as shown in Fig. 2.
As shown in Fig. 2, it can be possible to reach hydrogen sulphur in the middle areas of Black Sea after 100 m of depth. In
the coastal parts of Black Sea, the layer of hydrogen sulphur
can be reached in 125150 m of depth. These values show that
hydrogen production from H2 S can be conducted by facilitating
the appropriate hydrogen production platforms in both middle
and coastal parts of Black Sea. Particularly, performing hydrogen production from H2 S in the middle parts of Black Sea will
decrease the costs of hydrogen production and H2 S extraction
from Black Sea deep water due to easily accessible H2 S.
Hydrogen sulphur concentrations should be known to determine the hydrogen potential depending on the depth and hydrogen sulphur potential in Black Sea deep waters. From the
literature review, it is noticed that some data that include the
amounts of hydrogen sulphur are presented depending on the
Black Sea water depth. For example, Neretin et al. [9] determined the hydrogen sulphur concentrations in the water column between 100 and 2000 m of Black Sea water depths by
using simulation technique. In addition, Dimitrov et al. [18]

A. Midilli et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007) 117 124


H2S concentration (mg H2S/liter sea water)

Fig. 2. Hydrogen sulphur distribution in Black Sea [17] .

Neretin et al. [9]
Dimitrov et al. [18]


Table 1
H2 S potential in Black Sea water layers [9]

Layer (m)
H2 S (mol/l)




H2 S (mol/m2 )


a 150200 m.



b 15002000 m.

200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200
Water depth in Black Sea (m)

Fig. 3. Variation of H2 S concentration as a function of water depth in Black

Sea (based on literature data [9]).

computed the hydrogen sulphur concentrations in 1502000 m

of Black Sea water depths. These data in the literature play an
important role to estimate the hydrogen potential from H2 S in
Black Sea deep water. Using these data [9,18], the following
variations are obtained.
From Fig. 3, it can be found out that H2 S concentration increases with a rise of water depth in Black Sea. According
to the data from literature [9] which is an investigation for
the Black Sea Anoxic Zone, maximum H2 S concentration is

approximately 13.798 mg H2 S/l sea water in 2000 m depth in

Black Sea Anoxic Zone. However, according to the data from
literature [18] which is a regional investigation, H2 S concentration is approximately 9.6 mg H2 S/l sea water at the same depth.
This means that H2 S concentration in Black Sea deep waters
can be different from each other depending on the regions in
Black Sea, and is not homogenous in different water columns
of Black Sea. The useful data for the H2 S potential in the sea
water layers based on depth, which were estimated by Neretin
et al. [9], can also be used to determine the hydrogen potential
in different layers of Black Sea water. The following table and
gure present the H2 S potential in the water layers based on
depth of Black Sea. According to Table 1, the maximum hydrogen sulphur potential per area is 159.1 mol/m2 between 1000
and 1500 m. At the same layer, the maximum hydrogen sulphur


A. Midilli et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007) 117 124


Total H2S potential = 4.587x10 tons

Maximum value
= 1.469x109 tons


H2S potential x109 (tons)



200-300 300-500 500-1000 1000-1500 1500-2000 2000-2200

Depth of water layer in Black Sea (m)

Fig. 4. Variation of H2 S potential as a function of depth of water layer in Black Sea [9].





H2S formation
in Black Sea
deep water



H2S taken
from Black
Sea deep water



Local and

Heat and



Fuel cell
assisted energy

Fig. 5. Effects of hydrogen sulphur and its relationship with hydrogen.

potential is 1469 million tons according to Fig. 4. These values show that it would be possible to produce hydrogen from
H2 S in the water layers starting from 100 to 2000 m by using
appropriate production technique and technologies.
Considering the above explanations, the relationship between
H2 S and hydrogen can be illustrated as in Fig. 5.
3. Results and discussion
In this paper, a study is conducted to investigate hydrogen
energy potential of Black Sea deep water based on H2 S and

importance for the region. For this purpose, the following steps
are carried out: (i) Hydrogen energy potentials which are synthesized from H2 S quantities in different depths of Black Sea
were determined assuming 100% conversion efciency of H2 S
decomposition reaction. (ii) Hydrogen energy potentials from
H2 S quantities in different layers of Black Sea water were estimated. (iii) Importance of hydrogen potential is discussed for
the regional countries. Taking into consideration these steps,
Figs. 6 and 7 and Table 2 are analyzed and discussed in detail.
Figs. 6(a)(c) present the variations of hydrogen potential as
a function of depth and H2 S potential in Black Sea depending

A. Midilli et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007) 117 124

Based on H2S data from Neretin et al.[9]
Based on H2S data from Dimitrov et al.[18]




Hydrogen potential (g H2 /liter sea water)

Hydrogen potential (g H2/liter sea water)









Water depth in Black Sea (m)


Based on the H2S data from Neretin et al. [9]

Depth range=100-2000 m
assuming 100% conversion efficiency,
H2S => H2 + 1/2S2

0E-01 2E-03 4E-03 6E-03 8E-03 1E-02 1E-02 1E-02 2E-02
H2S potential in Black Sea (g H2 /liter sea water)


Hydrogen potential (g H2 /liter sea water)

Based on theH2S data from Dimitrov et al. [18]
Depth range=150-2000 m


assuming 100% conversion efficiency,
H2S => H2 + 1/2S2








H2S potential in Black Sea (g H2S/liter sea water)

Fig. 6. (a)Variation of hydrogen potential as a function of water depth in Black Sea. (b) Variation of hydrogen potential as a function of H2 S potential in
Black Sea depending on the H2 S data from literature [9]. (c) Variation of hydrogen potential as a function of H2 S potential in Black Sea depending on the
H2 S data from literature [18].

on the data from literature [9,18], respectively. In Fig. 6(b),

the potential of H2 S in 1002000 m of depth in Black Sea
is used to estimate the hydrogen potential while, 1502000 m
of depth in Black Sea is considered in Fig. 6(c). As shown
in Figs. 6(a) and (b), assuming 100% conversion efciency
of H2 S decomposition reaction, the amounts of hydrogen gas
which is synthesized from H2 S are determined depending on
the H2 S in certain depths in Black Sea. According to Figs.
6(a) and (b), it can be said that the hydrogen potential based
on H2 S quantities in 100 m of depth in Black Sea is almost
zero. However, it is theoretically possible to produce 0.00266
102 g H2 from 0.045 102 g H2 S/l sea water in 150 m of
depth while 0.082 102 g H2 from 1.38 102 g H2 S/l sea
water in 2000 m of depth, assuming 100% conversion efciency
of H2 S decomposition reaction. According to Figs. 6(a) and (c),
assuming 100% conversion efciency of H2 S decomposition
reaction, it is possible to say that 0.00112 102 g H2 would
be produced from 0.019 102 g H2 S/l sea water in 150 m of
depth while 0.0568 102 g H2 from 0.96 102 g H2 S/l sea

water in 2000 m of depth. Accordingly, these values show that

hydrogen production can be conducted using hydrogen sulphur
potential in different depths of Black Sea.
Fig. 7 illustrates variations of hydrogen potential in Black
Sea deep water as a function of water layer of Black Sea.
As shown in Fig. 7, the maximum potential of hydrogen is
estimated as 86.41 million tons from 1469 million tons of H2 S
at the layer of 10001500 m. However, minimum hydrogen
potential is found as 1.294 million tons from 0.022 million tons
of H2 S at the layer of 100200 m. In addition, total hydrogen
potential can be calculated as 270 million tons considering all
water layers of Black Sea as shown in Fig. 7. Consequently,
it can be said that Black Sea has a big hydrogen potential to
compensate the energy expenses of all regional countries as
well as many European countries.
Table 2 presents the comparison of hydrogen potential with
other fuels in practical application, and theoretical electricity
generation quantity from the hydrogen potential at different
layers of Black Sea deep water. In order to generally estimate


A. Midilli et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007) 117 124


Hydrogen potemtial (x106 tons)


Maximum potential
= 86.411 million tons

Total Hydrogen potential

in Black Sea water= 270 million tons
assuming 100% conversion efficiency,
H2S => H2 + 1/2S2


200-300 300-500 500-1000 1000-1500 1500-2000 2000-2200

Depth of water layer in Black Sea (m)

Fig. 7. Variation of hydrogen potential in Black Sea deep water as a function of water layer of Black Sea [9].

Table 2
Comparison of hydrogen potential with other fuels in practical application, and theoretical electricity generation quantity from the hydrogen potential at
different layers of Black Sea deep water
Depth (m)









MH2 (tons)
EH2 (TJ)
MGasoline (tons)
MNG (tons)
MCharcoal (tons)
MFuel oil (tons)
MLPG (tons)
MBiodiesel (tons)
MMethanol (tons)
MHazelnut (tons)
Msludge (tons)
Mpetroleum (tons)
EEEa (GWh)

1.3e + 6
0.18e + 6
3.87e + 6
3.67e + 6
6.12e + 6
4.04e + 6
3.75e + 6
4.96e + 6
8.23e + 6
10.6e + 6
10.7e + 6
4.08e + 6
0.04e + 6

4e + 6
0.57e + 6
12e + 6
11.4e + 6
18.9e + 6
12.5e + 6
11.6e + 6
15.3e + 6
25.5e + 6
32.7e + 6
33.1e + 6
12.6e + 6
0.133e + 6

16.65e + 6
2.36e + 6
49.8e + 6
47.2e + 6
78.7e + 6
51.9e + 6
48.3e + 6
63.8e + 6
106e + 6
136e + 6
138e + 6
52.5e + 6
0.554e + 6

77.35e + 6
11e + 6
232e + 6
220e + 6
366e + 6
241e + 6
224e + 6
297e + 6
492e + 6
632e + 6
640e + 6
244e + 6
2.57e + 6

86.41e + 6
12.3e + 6
259e + 6
245e + 6
409e + 6
269e + 6
251e + 6
331e + 6
550e + 6
706e + 6
715e + 6
273e + 6
2.87e + 6

71.76e + 6
10.2e + 6
215e + 6
204e + 6
339e + 6
224e + 6
208e + 6
275e + 6
457e + 6
587e + 6
594e + 6
226e + 6
2.39e + 6

12.35e + 6
1.75e + 6
37e + 6
35.1e + 6
58.4e + 6
38.5e + 6
35.8e + 6
47.4e + 6
78.6e + 6
101e + 6
102e + 6
39e + 6
0.411e + 6

270e + 6
38.3e + 6
808e + 6
766e + 6
1280e + 6
841e + 6
783e + 6
1030e + 6
1720e + 6
2210e + 6
2230e + 6
851e + 6
8.97e + 6

a Electrical

energy equivalence, remember that 1 kg H2 = 33.26 kWh = 119.6 kJ.

the amount of hydrogen potential depending on the water depth,

the data [9] presented in Table 1 are taken into consideration. As
shown in Table 2, total hydrogen potential is estimated as 270
million tons based on the total hydrogen sulphur potential. From
this amount of hydrogen 38.3 million TJ of thermal energy
or 8.97 million GWh of electricity energy can be theoretically
produced. Actually, it can be said that 38.3 million TJ of thermal
energy from hydrogen is almost equal to 808 million tons of
gasoline, 766 million tons of NG, 841 million tons of fuel
oil, 851 million tons of natural petroleum. Consequently, these
values show that the hydrogen potential from hydrogen sulphur
in Black Sea deep water will play an important role to supply
energy demands of the regional countries. Thus, it is suggested

that all countries in Black Sea should encourage and invest to

produce hydrogen energy from Black Sea deep waters.
Taking into consideration total hydrogen energy quantity
which is synthesized from hydrogen sulphur potential in Black
Sea deep waters, hydrogen energy plays very important role
in compensating the energy demand of the regional countries.
For example, assuming 100% conversion efciency of hydrogen sulphur decomposition reaction, totally 270 million tons
of hydrogen is obtained from 4587 million tons of H2 S, and
also, let us assume that almost 10 million family live in Black
Sea coast, and the annual electricity energy demand of a family is almost 3600 kWh. Thus, the annual electricity energy demand of almost 10 million families on Black Sea coast can

A. Midilli et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007) 117 124

be estimated as 36 billion kWh. If the total hydrogen energy

potential from Black Sea deep waters is completely utilized
to compensate all energy demand of these families, this hydrogen potential can be consumed throughout approximately
250 years.
Similarly, let us consider the primary energy and oil consumption of the regional countries depending on the BP data in
2003 [19]. Total oil consumption of the regional countries except Russia and Georgia (we did not nd the required data) is
60.3 million tons, and their primary energy consumptions are
266.8 million tons oil equivalent. Moreover, considering total
amount of hydrogen (270 million tons) from Black Sea deep
water layers which is equal to 851 million tons of oil, the oil
demand in the next 15 years and the primary energy demand in
the next 4 years of the regional countries may be theoretically
compensated by utilizing only hydrogen energy from Black Sea
deep water layers.
On the other hand, let us remember that 0.021 kWh of energy
is theoretically required for 1 mol of H2 production from 1
mol of H2 S. The required energy for the production of total
hydrogen (270 million tons) from Black Sea deep water layers
is theoretically estimated as 2.74 million GWh. If the regional
countries supply this amount of energy from the renewable
energy sources such as hydraulic, nuclear, solar, biomass, wind,
etc., the net theoretical energy gain of the regional countries
will be 6.2 million GWh.
As an important reminder, it should be always remembered
that only hydrogen energy potential from Black Sea deep water
is considered for this estimation.
4. Conclusion
In this study, the hydrogen energy potential of Black Sea deep
waters including hydrogen sulphur is investigated by taking
into consideration the H2 S potential data from the literature.
From this investigation, the following important remarks may
be concluded.
It will be possible to produce hydrogen energy (almost 1.3
million tons = 0.184 million TJ) from hydrogen sulphur layer
in 100200 m depth of Black Sea coastal parts by using appropriate technologies and renewable energy sources such as
wind and/or hydraulic energy. However, the maximum potential of hydrogen can be estimated as 86.411 million tons
from 1469 million tons of H2 S at the layer of 10001500 m.
Total hydrogen potential can be calculated as 270 million
tons considering all water layers of Black Sea. If these renewable energy sources are used to extract and decompose
hydrogen sulphur from Black Sea deep waters, the cost
of hydrogen production from Black Sea deep waters can
be reduced. Consequently, it can be said that Black Sea
has a big hydrogen potential to compensate the energy expenses of all regional countries as well as many European
It will be possible to produce 38.3 million TJ of thermal energy or 8.97 million GWh of electricity energy by using 270
million tons of total hydrogen potential based on the total


hydrogen sulphur potential. This amount of hydrogen is almost equal to 808 million tons of gasoline, 766 million tons
of natural gas, 841 million tons of fuel oil, 851 million tons
of natural petroleum. Consequently, these values show that
the hydrogen potential from hydrogen sulphur in Black Sea
deep water will play an important role to supply energy demands of the regional countries. Thus, it is suggested that
all countries in Black Sea should encourage and invest producing hydrogen energy from Black Sea deep waters.
Accordingly, if hydrogen energy is produced from hydrogen
sulphur in Black Sea deep waters, then the energy demand of
regional countries can be partially compensated, and hydrogen
energy can be transported to the European countries. Therefore,
it is suggested that the regional countries such as Turkey, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia and Romania should encourage
and invest to activate this hydrogen energy reserve in the scope
of Energy collaboration in Black Sea. As a future work, the
environmental impacts and feasibility of hydrogen production
from the Black Sea deep waters should be investigated.
The authors would like to thank the UNIDO-ICHET in
Turkey for their scientic supports.
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