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1. Aswathappa

Human Resources of Management book

Himalayan Publishing House, Bangalore.

2. Subba Rao-

Personnel and Human Resource Management book

Himalayan Publishing house, Bangalore.

3. Nirmal Singh

Human Relations and organisational Behaviour book

1994 Deep &Deep Publications New Delhi

4. Heinz Welhrich

Management book, Tata McGraw2006Hill Publishing, New Delhi

5. Harold Koontz

Essentials of Management book, McGrawHill Publishing, New York

6. Soul Journal Business

Employee Motivation Journal, Nonoil



University, Korea

I am Pramod.K.R studying in second year M.B.A at Sri Siddhartha Institute of
Management studies conducting A study on employee motivation factors and its
impact on employee performance with special reference P.J Margo at Tumkur.
The questionnaire is used for present study to know the opinion of the employee on
each statement.
1. Gender
a) Female

b) Male

2. Age
a) 18 to 25 years

b) 26 to 35 years

c) 36 to 45 years

d) Above 46 years [

3. Educational qualification
a) SSLC/ P U C

b) ITI/ Diploma

c) Graduate

d) Post Graduation

a) Staff

b) Operator [


a) Staff

b) Production [

6. Present total salary

a) Rs 3000 to 5000

b) Rs 5001 to 10000

c) Rs 10001 to 15000

d) Rs 15001 & above

7. Duration of service in the organisation

a) Six months to 1 year

b) 1-2 years

c) 2-3 years

d) 3 -4 years

8. Which is your most important motivation factor for your work?

a) Salary

b) Job security

c) Working condition

d) Interest in work &challenging work [

9. Are you motivated by your salary?

a) Yes [

b) No [

If Yes, What are the reasons?

a) Its solves my family problems

b) It improves your social status

c) It helps to achieve your success

10. Are you motivated by job security?

a) Yes [

b) No

If yes, what are the reasons?

a) It is security for your life & family[

b) It improves your performance

c) It creates job satisfaction

11. Are you motivated by working conditions?

a) Yes [

If yes, what are the reasons?

b) No [

a) It improves your work performance

b) It contributes to your job satisfaction

c) It improves your efficiency

d) It helps to take care of livelihood

b) No [

12. Do you get motivated by financial rewards?

a) Yes [

13. Incentives based on:

a) Training Team work

b) Individual work

c) Achievement

d) Company profit

e) Others

14. Is a motivation factor necessary for you?

a) Yes

b) No [

If yes, what are the reasons?

a) Its improves your performance

b) It creates job satisfaction

c) It improves company productivity [

d) It improves social status

15. If you do not have any motivation factors what are its effects?
a) Decrease in your performance

b) It creates job satisfaction

c) Low productivity [

d) Lack of interest in the work

16. Do external motivating factors influence you?

a) Yes [

b) No

If yes, what are the factors?

a) Training and development

b) Reward systems

c) Award systems

d) Professional growth

17. Is your company providing you any motivation factors?

a) Yes [

b) No [

If yes, which are the factors?

a) Salary

b) Good working conditions[

c) Financial rewards

d) Job security

18. Do good working conditions improve your performance?

a) Yes

b) No [

19. Does Job security improve your performance?

a) Yes

b) No [

20. Is salary gives you high level of performance?

a) Yes

b) No

21. Do you agree motivational factors increases the employee performance?

a) Yes

b) No

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