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Explain how to use ultrasonic waves to determine the location of iceberg.


Explain how to use ultrasonic waves to determine the location of

submarine [5]

Explain how to use ultrasonic waves to determine the depth of the seabed

Explain how to use ultrasonic waves to aid the blind people [5]

Explain how to use ultrasonic waves to do the cleaning process by a goldsmith [5]

Explain how to use ultrasonic waves to do the cleaning process by a

dentist [5]

Explain how to use ultrasonic waves to do the disintegration of kidney

stones [5]

Explain how to use ultrasonic waves to do the scanning process in the

medical field. [5]

Explain how a piece of metal may be tested for cracks or other flaws using
ultrasound. [5]

Explain how to use ultrasonic waves to determine the location of aircraft

Application of ultrasound

Explain how to use ultrasonic waves to do the scanning process in the medical field. [5]
1. An ultrasound gel is placed on the transducer and the skin to allow for smooth movement of
the transducer over the skin and to eliminate air between the skin and the transducer for the
best sound conduction.
2. Some of the sound waves get reflected back to the probe when The sound waves travel into
your body and hit a boundary between tissues (e.g. between fluid and soft tissue, soft tissue
and bone)., while some travel on further until they reach another boundary and get reflected.
3. The reflected waves are picked up by the probe and relayed to the machine.
4. The machine calculates the distance from the probe to the tissue or organ (boundaries) using
the speed of sound in tissue and the time of the each echo's return (usually on the order of
millionths of a second).
5. The machine displays the distances and intensities of the echoes on the screen, forming a
two dimensional image
Explain how to use ultrasonic waves to do the disintegration of kidney stones [5]
1. The patient is positioned in a water bath. (In some procedures the patient lies on a soft
2. The procedure uses ultrasound to generate shock waves that travel through the skin and
body tissues until they hit the dense stones. (The doctor pinpoints the stone during treatment
by using x-rays or ultrasound.)
3. High frequency ultrasound waves focused at a kidney stone cause it to vibrate.
4. The shock waves crush the stones into tiny sand-like pieces that usually pass easily through
the urinary tract.
5. Patients are required to drink plenty of water so that the tiny kidney stones able to bring out
through urine.
6. The shattered stone fragments may cause discomfort as they pass through the urinary tract.
7. If so, the doctor may insert a small tube called a stent through the bladder into the ureter to
help the fragments pass.
Explain how to use ultrasonic waves to determine the location of iceberg. [5]
Explain how to use ultrasonic waves to determine the location of submarine [5]
Explain how to use ultrasonic waves to determine the depth of the seabed [5]
Explain how to use ultrasonic waves to determine the location of aircraft [5]
1. In the sonar system, the broadcasting equipment emits ultrasonic pulses.
2. The pulses are reflected back from the base of the sea or object in the sea and create an

3. The echo is traced by a hydrophone.

4. The time interval t between transmitting the pulses and receiving them again is recorded by
electronic equipment.
5. If the ultrasonic velocity is v, then depth of the sea d is given by d = vt

Explain how to use ultrasonic waves to do the cleaning process by a goldsmith [5]
Explain how to use ultrasonic waves to do the cleaning process by a dentist [5]

Objects are placed in an ultrasound bath.

The water used for the cleaning purpose is vibrated by ultrasound. ( cavitation)
Ultrasound is passed through water and creates bubbles that remove the dirt.
The energy is transferred and stored inside the bubbles.
The vibrations able to shake off dirt attached to these objects.

Explain how a piece of metal may be tested for cracks or other flaws using ultrasound
1. In the sonar system, the broadcasting equipment emits ultrasonic pulses.
2. The pulses are reflected back from crack and create an echo.
3. The echo is traced by a hydrophone.
4. The time interval t between transmitting the pulses and receiving them again is recorded by
electronic equipment.
5. If the ultrasonic velocity is v, then level of cracking is determined by finding depth, d is
given by d = vt

Explain how to use ultrasonic waves to aid the blind people [5]
1. An ultrasonic wave is integrated in the blind cane or smart glasses.
2. An ultrasound cane enhances that space around the user by sending out ultrasound waves
that are able to read the surroundings.
3. When the cane detects an upcoming obstruction in the blind users path, they are alerted
with a vibration.
4. The vibration depends on the time of reflection which will create different pattern and force
of vibration.
5. The pattern and force of the vibration allows the blind individual know how far the object is
from them.

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