ONE Year: Found in A Lost Generation: Equations and Graphs

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ONE Year: Found in a lost Generation

Story of a boy who lives with the struggle of being a misfit because he refuses to give in
to the modern way of life.
I jut really wat to dowloa

Speaking about being a "Sucker for Love" I would like your advice I know
you cant "Read the stars" but I don't know "If am in Love" I know you like
ohh in Love? Too scared to ask her does it have to be "One look"? I've
had "No bonnie" for too long "No Love" "I need Love" but I cant make her
find the "Open air" even when I make her "Go up"!! Am glad am letting all
this out cause you wouldn't want this to "Overload" you "Know better"..
Whats her name? well we can call her "Holly Baby" or maybe "Lonny" don't
mind me not mentioning her name she
equations and graphs


A swimming pool has a length of 50 m. Explain the difference between the displacement
of a swimmer and the distance she has swum after completing three lengths.
A stone is thrown upwards at the edge of a cliff with an initial velocity of 25 m/s.
a Find its displacement after 7.0 s.
b If the stone take 8.0 s to drop to the ground next to the cliff, how high is the cliff?
A small rocket is launched upwards with speed of 35 m/s.
a Calculate its speed and height after a time of 5.0 s
Find the time taken to reach its maximum height
A toy robotic car is programed to set off from rest with an acceleration of 0.5 m/s2 for 4 s
and then to travel at a constant speed for a further 7.0 s and then to come to rest in
another 6.0 s.
a Sketch the velocity time graph for this motion
b Using the graph drawn, find the total displacement of the car
Questions on Vectors

A model aeroplane flies northwards with velocity 15 m/s while a 9 m/s wind is blowing
eastwards. Find the velocity of the plane over the ground



A guy rope pulls on a tent peg with a force of 30 N at an angle of 35o to the horizontal.
Calculate the horizontal and vertical components of the force
A boat pointing due north across a river travels through the water at 10 m/s. The river is
flowing at 6 m/s due east.
a Use a scale drawing to find the resultant velocity of the boat
b Check you answer by calculating the resultant of the velocity
A ball is kicked with a velocity of 8 m/s at an angle of 38o to the ground. Calculate the
vertical and horizontal components of the its velocity
A school treasure hunt uses the following set of directions: A, 80 mat 45o; B, 40 m at
150o; C, 50 m at 180o; D, 60 m at 270o
a Team 1 follows the directions correctly, draw a vector diagram to find the final
b Team 2 gets the directions mixed up and follows them in the order C-B-D-A. What
effect will this have on their final position compared to team 1

NHey Frank, Hit the "Lights" hope you still aint "Scared of Beautiful" big fan
I wanted to check on you cause I "Miss you so". I heard "she wont say
hello". Did you finally get to say the "Hardest thing"? You gave her the keys
to "The City" but did you give her the keys to the "Acura Integurl"? Last
time i checked you still "Got the keys". Guess you were right you do have
"Greedy Love" anything to get that "Private show" "Love on my Piano" type
of shit dont mind all my questions am just trying to put all the "Broken
pieces" "Together" i dont care if i use "Bricks and steel" ama try "non-stop"
so you better "Follow". Ohh i also wanted to ask about your new Album did
you "Focus" hope you did a good "J.O.B" ever since you talked about it i
feel like its a "Day Away" i wish i could get a "Time Machine" so when i
"Wake up", it will come "Quickly" maybe "Tonight", Listen to it and "When
am done" I can wait for the "Surprise Ending" and if I don't like it we can
"Rewind that" and give up and "Truce" maybe I wasn't "Ready" cause shit
is "Real" sometimes aint always "So comfortable" and "So fresh" especially
if you are a "Sucka for love" 9 times out of ten you'll be left "Standing still".
Never got a reply cheat the system

Hey Frank, Hit the "Lights" hope you still aint "Scared of Beautiful" big fan I
wanted to check on you cause I "Miss you so". I heard "she wont say

hello". Did you finally get to say the "Hardest thing"? You gave her the keys
to "The City" but did you give her the keys to the "Acura Integurl"? Last
time i checked you still "Got the keys". Guess you were right you do have
"Greedy Love" anything to get that "Private show" "Love on my Piano" type
of shit dont mind all my questions am just trying to put all the "Broken
pieces" "Together" i dont care if i use "Bricks and steel" ama try "non-stop"
so you better "Follow". Ohh i also wanted to ask about your new Album did
you "Focus" hope you did a good "J.O.B" ever since you talked about it i
feel like its a "Day Away" i wish i could get a "Time Machine" so when i
"Wake up", it will come "Quickly" maybe "Tonight", Listen to it and "When
am done" I can wait for the "Surprise Ending" and if I don't like it we can
"Rewind that" and give up and "Truce" maybe I wasn't "Ready" cause shit
is "Real" sometimes aint always "So comfortable" and "So fresh" especially
if you are a "Sucka for love" 9 times out of ten you'll be left "Standing still".

Hey Frank, Hit the "Lights" hope you still aint "Scared of Beautiful" big fan I
wanted to check on you cause I "Miss you so". I heard "she wont say
hello". Did you finally get to say the "Hardest thing"? You gave her the keys
to "The City" but did you give her the keys to the "Acura Integurl"? Last
time i checked you still "Got the keys". Guess you were right you do have
"Greedy Love" anything to get that "Private show" "Love on my Piano" type
of shit dont mind all my questions am just trying to put all the "Broken
pieces" "Together" i dont care if i use "Bricks and steel" ama try "non-stop"
so you better "Follow". Ohh i also wanted to ask about your new Album did
you "Focus" hope you did a good "J.O.B" ever since you talked about it i
feel like its a "Day Away" i wish i could get a "Time Machine" so when i
"Wake up", it will come "Quickly" maybe "Tonight", Listen to it and "When
am done" I can wait for the "Surprise Ending" and if I don't like it we can
"Rewind that" and give up and "Truce" maybe I wasn't "Ready" cause shit
is "Real" sometimes aint always "So comfortable" and "So fresh" especially
if you are a "Sucka for love" 9 times out of ten you'll be left "Standing still".

Chapter 1
Who is he?
He is a traditional handsome guy, like the one you would see in an 80s or 90s movie
yes exactly what you are thinking, Tall Dark and of course Handsome. He is always one
of the brightest students in his class wherever he goes but never top. Great life vision
and very interested in what is happening in the world around him, whether its the war in
Syria to black people being killed by the Police in America and no its not 1956. He is the
type of guy who wouldnt think of cheating on his girlfriend he respects girls well at
least he doesnt show them that he doesnt respect them. He is the perfect example of
every girls Mr. Right and yes its true he is single but no girl wants to date him no scratch
that none of the right girls want to date him. Many would come up with the conclusion of
maybe is because he is boring, but no dont be silly he is able to talk to everyone
whether he is talking to a priest, a converted prostitute, a convicted criminal or well am
sorry but what many people would call a slut. He has proven to work and associate with
people of all society classes and he also loves to offer any kind of help to whoever
needs it whether its helping his poor friends with money or his rich friends with life
choices. A trait he gets from people he looks up to, especially his father and his some
what of a best friend Ben. He is also a major footballer fan a Liverpool die hard
Barcelona admirer with a soft spot for Dortmund. Despite all this he has his flaws he is a

confirmed Catholic who has trouble going to church and has a poor relationship with
God he avoids talking about him and rarely talks to him. He is also very critical of most
people who oppose him, and angers many people because he is very lazy and ends up
being successful. He tends to brag sometimes which leaves people below him with no
kind words for him.

Lets get going

Its July no really its August am just saying that cause he has a crazy obsession for
Frank Ocean. He is about to go back to school doing his A-levels at the local University
going into the Final term before the first of two Exams the As part of it, hoping to do
Aerospace engineering at the end of it all with a dream of going to space, strange
considering he has motion sickness but that wont stop him. He would have easily gone
to China, you know, take the easy way out but he decided to do it the hard way because
he discovered his Love interest doesnt want to go to China because most of the people
from her school end up going there. He finds her very strange because she doesnt like
to tell him anything almost like she is hiding something from her past and because she
doesnt hang out with anyone always wants to be home like she is avoiding the people
who know what she did. She doesnt like him the way he likes her despite him making it
very clear that he wants something serious. She is kind of the female version of him
doesnt want to be another statistic to another guy sadly she doesnt know the type of
guy he is, well this is mostly due to the fact that she doesnt want to know him. That
doesnt stop him from texting her everyday sometimes she doesnt reply sometimes she
does so many fish in the sea but he want that fish something that his close friend John
hates he never really liked her especially that she showed a bad attitude at first. Anyway
back to Gabriella oh right thats her name short and cute she avoids people and only
updates her status on social media on special days like a close friends birthday. He
would die for her but she isnt willing to see that. It is hard to see that mainly because

most of her friends and herself have been affected by what they call fuckboys. He
decided to try and end up at the same university as Gabriella because John even if he
doesnt support him trying to get her suggested it was the only way he would stand a
chance. Thats probably the main reason he is doing A-levels sadly he just found out
she changed her mind and decided to go to Malaysia. That news left him heartbroken
but he didnt change his mind and decided to go to that University anyway maybe she
would be attracted to his success but thats only a dream he is good at dreaming maybe
thats why he continued to talk to her even if she has made it quite clear she isnt
interested. He decides to text her before bed four days before school opens its a
Him: Hey Gabriella
Gabriella: Hey you how you doing sorry I didnt reply yesterday I was busy
Him: Thats Okay you cant reply to everyone can you? Am doing great just preparing for
school I open on Monday
Gabriella: Good am sorry I cant talk right now I have to do something Ill text you when
am free
Him: Okay Ill wait
He reaches for his laptop and plays some Boyz ii men he says it keeps him calm
knowing she wont text when shes done but that doesnt shake him and so he grabs his
physics text book its his favorite subject he was the best at it during high school and
isnt far off the top now, he studies it with even more passion because he is convinced
its his only hope of ending up with the girl of his dreams. He receives a text from
Natalie before

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