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Khi Solar One

Khi Solar One is a 50 MW utility-scale concentrating
solar power (CSP) plant being built by Abengoa
near the town of Upington in the Northern Cape
Tower is 205 meters tall and uses more than 4,000
latest generation heliostats (ASUP 140), and covers
300 hectares.

Khi Solar One uses super-heated steam, dry cooling

technology, and a two-hour steam storage system.
Technological advances incorporated in the design
of this plant will increase efficiency and availability,
as well as, reduce water consumption when
compared to previous tower plants.
This project is a partnership between Industrial
Development Corporation (29 %), Black Economic
Empowerment Program via the Khi Community
Trust (20%) and Abengoa (51 %). The construction
of this plant is creating a local supply chain that
brings economic development to the region.
Khi Solar One will benefit the entire country by:

Making over 4 Billion ZAR direct and indirect


3 Billion ZAR tax payable in 20 year period.

Creating a supply chain with 2.6 Billion ZAR

in component and services, 45% local

Local jobs : 80 % South Africans, 50 % local


Creating over 36 full-time, high-paying jobs

for plant operation.

Providing clean, sustainable power for

approximately 65,000 homes in South Africa.

Increasing South Africas electricity

generation reliability by energy source

200 meter concrete tower
Solar boilers
Composite mirrors
Mirror heliostats
Perimeter fencing
Evaporation ponds
Thermal storage high pressure
Substation/transmission line
IT controls
Feedwater vessels
Pump motors
Water treatment equipment
Hydraulic drives

Khi Solar One

Project details
Plant size: 50 MW output.
Abengoa has a signed an agreement with
ESKOM to purchase all electricity produced.
Solar field covers 300 hectares with approximately
4.000 latest generation heliostats (ASUP 140).
Heliostats reflect sunlight onto the receiver. This
tecnology prevents 183,000 tons of CO2
Electricity is generated with conventional steam
Saturated steam storage will provide up to 2 hours
of dispatchable energy to be used after sunset or
if cloudy.
Approximately 1/3 of water consumption
because of natural draft dry cooling versus
other wet cooling system.
Operation is scheduled to begin in 2014.

Who is Abengoa?
applies innovative technology solutions for
sustainability in the energy and environment sectors,
generating electricity from renewable resources,
converting biomass into biofuels and producing
drinking water from sea water.
Abengoas solar business develops and applies
proprietary CSP and PV solar energy technologies to
foster sustainable development and energy
Abengoa continuously improves product
manufacturing and installation through rigorous
research and development and is one of the worlds
pioneers in the construction of commercial CSP and
PV solar plants through technological advances and
financial investments.
Abengoa has a total of 23 CSP and PV plants around
the world, counting with the first two CSP towers in
commercial operation and the largest parabolic
trough plant. Abengoa has a total installed capacity
of 1,223 MW, 430 MW under construction in South
Africa and the United States and 210 MW in
preconstruction in South Africa and Israel.

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