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1. Why are polynomial type of interpolation functions preferred over

trigonometric functions? (May 2014)
2. What do you mean by constitutive law?( Dec-2007)
3. What are the difference between boundary value problem and initial value
problem?( June 2005)
4. Differentitate global and local co-ordinates? (May 2014)
5. What are the types of problems treated as one dimensional problems? (May
6. What is meant by node or joint? (May 2014)
7. State the principle of minimum potential energy?( Nov-2007)
8. What is Rayleigh-Ritz method?( May 2014)
9. Define shape function? (May 2014)
10.List out the stiffness Matrix properties? (May 2012)

1)The differential equation of a physical phenomenon is given by

d2y /dx2 -500x2 =0, 0 x 1
Trail Function y = a1 (x-x4)
Boundary conditions are: y(0) = 0 ,y(1) = 0. Calculate the value of the
parameter a1 by the following methods; i) point collocation ii) subdomain
collocation iii) least squares iv) Galerkin method
2) A simply supported beam subjected to uniformly distributed load over
span. Determine the moment and deflection at midspan by using
Rayleigh-Ritz method and compare with exact solutions (Nov-2008)
3) The three bar assemblage is shown in fig. A force of 2500N is applied in the
x direction at node 2. The length of each element is 750mm. Take E=4x10 5
N/mm2 and A=600mm2 for elements 1 and 2. Take E=2x105 N/mm2 and
A=1200mm2 for element 3. Calculate the following:
Global stiffness matrix
(ii) Displacements of nodes 2 and 3.
(iii) Reactions at nodes 1 and 4.

4) The differential equation of a physical phenomenon is given by

d2y /dx2 -10x2 =0, 0 x 1
Trail Function y = a1 x (x-1)
Boundary conditions are: y(0) = 0 ,y(1) = 0. Calculate the value of the
parameter a1 by the following methods; i) point collocation ii) subdomain
collocation iii) least squares iv) Galerkin method
5) List and briefly describe the general steps of the finite element method
6) A thin steel plate of uniform thickness 25mm is subjected to a point load of
420N at mid depth as shown in fig. The plate is also subjected to self-weight. If
Youngs modulus, E=2x105 N/mm2 and unit weight density, =0.8x10-4 N/mm3,
calculate the following:

Displacement at each nodal point

Stresses in each element.
Find the nodal displacement and elemental stresses for the bar
shown in figure.
(May 2011)

7) Derive the shape function for one dimensional linear element using direct
method. (May2013)
8) A two noded truss element is shown in figure. The nodal displacements are u1=
5mm and u2 = 8mm. Calculate the displacement at x= l/4 ,l/3 and l/2.

9) Find the nodal displacement and elemental stresses for the bar shown in figure.
(May 2011)

10) For a tapered plate of uniform thickness t=10mm as shown in fig. Find the
displacements at the nodes by forming into two element model. The bar has mass
density =7800kg/m3, Youngs modulus, E=2x105MN/m2. In addition to selfweight, the plate is subjected to a point load P=10kN at its centre. Also determine
the reaction force at the support.

11) Consider a bar as shown in figure. Cross-sectional area of the bar is
700mm2 and young modulus is 2X105 N/mm2. If u1=0.5mm and u2=0.625mm,
calculate the following (i) Displacement at point P ii) strain iii) stress
iv)Element stiffness matrix v)strain energy

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