Biomechanical Rationale

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SPINE Volume 25, Number 13, pp 1607–1616

©2000, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Biomechanical Rationale for the Pathology of

Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Craniovertebral Junction

Christian M. Puttlitz, PhD,* Vijay K. Goel, PhD,* Charles R. Clark, MD,*

Vincent C. Traynelis, MD,† Jeffrey L. Scifert,* and Nicole M. Grosland, PhD*

Study Design. A finite-element model of the craniover- transverse ligament compromise beyond 75%. Decreases
tebral junction was developed and used to determine through the lateral C0 –C1 and C1–C2 articulations were
whether a biomechanical mechanism, in addition to in- compensated by their capsular ligaments. Anterior and
flammatory synovitis, is involved in the progression of posterior atlantodental interval values indicate that the
rheumatoid arthritis in this region of the spine. transverse ligament stiffness decreases beyond 75% had
Objectives. To determine specific structure involve- the greatest effect on atlantoaxial subluxation during the
ment during the progression of rheumatoid arthritis and early stages of the disease (no alar and capsular ligament
to evaluate these structures in terms of their effect on damage). Subsequent involvement of the alar and capsu-
clinically observed erosive changes associated with the lar ligaments produced advanced atlantoaxial subluxa-
disease by assessing changes in loading patterns and tion, for which surgical intervention may be warranted.
degree of anterior atlantoaxial subluxation. Conclusions. To the best of the authors’ knowledge,
Summary of Background Data. Rheumatoid arthritis this is the first report of a validated, three-dimensional
involvement of the occipito-atlantoaxial (C0 –C1–C2) com- model of the C0 –C1–C2 complex with application to rheu-
plex is commonly seen. However, the biomechanical con- matoid arthritis. The data indicate that there may be a
tribution to the development and progression of the dis- mechanical component (in addition to enzymatic degra-
ease is neither well understood nor quantified. Although dation) associated with the osseous resorption observed
previous cadaver studies have elucidated information on during rheumatoid arthritis. Specifically, erosion of the
kinematic motion and fusion techniques, the modeling of odontoid base may involve Wolff’s law of unloading con-
progressive disease states is not easily accomplished us- siderations. Changes through the lateral aspects of the
ing these methods. The finite-element method is well atlas suggest that this same mechanism may be partially
suited for studying progressive disease states caused by responsible for the erosive changes seen during progres-
the gradual changes in material properties that can be sive rheumatoid arthritis. Anterior and posterior atlanto-
modeled. dental interval values indicate that complete destruction
Methods. A ligamentous, nonlinear, sliding-contact, of the transverse ligament coupled with alar and/or cap-
three-dimensional finite-element model of the C0 –C1–C2 sular ligament compromise is requisite if advanced levels
complex was generated from 0.5 mm thick serial com- of atlantoaxial subluxation are present. [Key words: bio-
puted tomography scans. Validation of the model was mechanics, rheumatoid arthritis, upper cervical spine]
accomplished by comparing baseline kinematic predic- Spine 2000;25:1607–1616
tions with experimental data. Transverse, alar, and cap-
sular ligament stiffness were reduced sequentially by
50%, 75%, and 100% (removal) of their intact values. All Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, inflammatory
models were subjected to flexion moments replicating disorder of a largely unknown etiology characterized by
the clinical diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis using full
flexion lateral plane radiographs. Stress profiles at the
articular joint involvement. Prevalence data on RA in-
transverse ligament-odontoid process junction were volvement among the United States general population is
monitored. Changes in loading profiles through the estimated to be 0.3% to 1.5%,41 with women more pre-
C0 –C1 and C1–C2 lateral articulations and their associ- disposed to RA affliction than men. Of those affected by
ated capsular ligaments were calculated. Anterior and RA, involvement of the cervical spine ranges from 17%
posterior atlantodental interval values were calculated to
correlate ligamentous destruction with advancement of
to 86%,35 with the craniovertebral junction most often
atlantoaxial subluxation. affected. The most frequently reported abnormality is
Results. Model predictions (at 0.3 Nm) fell within one anterior atlantoaxial subluxation (AAS). The literature is
standard deviation of experimental means, and range of replete with RA cohort studies reporting the prevalence
motion data agreed with published in vitro and in vivo of RA-induced lesions involving the upper cervical
values. The model predicted that stresses at the posterior
base of the odontoid process were greatly reduced with
spine.1,3,6,7,10,19,22,23,25,27,28,33,34,37 Clark et al6 re-
ported that AAS was present in 20 (49%) of 41 patients
with RA. Similar results were found by Babic-Naglic et
al1 and Morizono et al,25 with AAS apparent in 44% and
From the Iowa Spine Research Center, *Departments of Biomedical 49%, respectively, of patients with RA.
Engineering and Orthopaedic Surgery, and †Division of Neurosurgery, These studies are typical of the data reporting RA
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.
Supported in part by Surgical Dynamics, Inc., and the Iowa Spine involvement. From these data sets, various rationales
Foundation Research Fund. with respect to certain musculoskeletal structures have
Acknowledgment date: December 16, 1998. been developed in support of the radiographic findings.
Acceptance date: October 8, 1999.
Device status category: 1. Regarding upper cervical involvement, most believe that
Conflict of interest category: 16. inflammatory destruction via synovitis of the atlantal

1608 Spine • Volume 25 • Number 13 • 2000

transverse ligament leads to anteroposterior instability

of the atlantoaxial joint.7,23,27 The manifestation of this
instability is anterior subluxation of the atlas on the axis.
Erosion of the odontoid process frequently coincides
with the development of AAS. Protrusion of the odon-
toid process posteriorly into the spinal canal can result in
clinical symptoms or signs such as suboccipital pain and
myelopathy. Further progression of the disease involves
loss of alar and capsular ligament integrity (in addition
to further destruction of the transverse ligament) and
advanced osseous erosion of the odontoid process. Fi-
nally, loss of atlanto-occipital and atlantoaxial articula-
tion integrity via joint surface destruction and atlantal
lateral mass erosion and osteolysis27 leads to cranial set-
tling or basilar invagination of the odontoid process.
Occipitalization of the atlas has been shown to result in
irreversible paralysis and death.10
Radiographic diagnostic criteria have been developed
as descriptors of existence and advancement of AAS.
Two of the most commonly used criterion, anterior and
posterior atlantodental intervals (AADI and PADI, re-
spectively), measure the distances between the atlas and
the odontoid process,2,3,27 as shown in Figure 1. The
determination of AADI and PADI involves constructing
a line that connects the centroids of the anterior and
posterior rings of the atlas on a lateral plain radiograph
at maximal flexion. The AADI is the distance along this
line that measures the difference between the posterior
surface of the anterior aspect of the atlantal ring and the
anterior surface of the odontoid process. The PADI, the
quantity complementary to AADI, is measured as the
distance between the posterior surface of the odontoid
process and the anterior surface of the posterior ring of
the atlas. Most studies define the existence of AAS when
the AADI is greater than 3 mm or when the PADI is less
than or equal to 14 mm.
Although most of the radiographic findings have doc- Figure 1. Diagnosis of atlantoaxial subluxation via determination
umented the typical sequelae of osseous and soft tissue of the anterior and posterior atlantodental intervals (AADI and
PADI, respectively). A, The diagnosis is performed using lateral
abnormalities, there is a lack of biomechanical evidence, plane radiographs during full flexion. B, Model displacement plot
if any, supporting the occurrence of this sequence. That indicates the degree of flexion at 1.5-Nm flexion moment (darker
is, no studies have been published, known to the current elements indicate initial position before flexion load onset) and
authors, correlating the biomechanical degradation of shows how AADI and PADI were determined for this study.
specific spinal elements during the various stages of RA
to progression of the disease, and showing how the as-
and atlantoaxial (C1–C2) lateral articulation load trans-
sociated loading changes can lead to further progression.
missions. Also, the implications of erosive ligament dam-
This partly because it is not possible to use traditional in
age was evaluated with respect to clinical diagnosis and
vitro methods, such as cadaver specimens, to mimic the
intervention. The degree of AAS with ligament compro-
progressive nature of RA.
mise was determined by monitoring the radiographic di-
In light of this, the current study sought to evolve a
agnostic criteria, AADI and PADI, providing a biome-
biomechanical rationale for the clinically perceived le-
chanical basis for clinical intervention.
sions of RA using the finite-element (FE) method. The
authors hypothesized that the changes in loading that Methods
accompany the loss of mechanical integrity of specific Model Generation. A three-dimensional, nonlinear, FE
musculoskeletal structures favors progression of the dis- model of the occipito-atlantoaxial (C0 –C1–C2) complex was
ease. Specifically, the investigation sought to determine, generated from human cadaver data. The specimen, that of a
for the first time, the effect of transverse, alar, and cap- 54-year-old woman with no prior spinal ailments, included the
sular ligament destruction on the transverse ligament– intact cranium and entire cervical spine. Radiographs and dual-
odontoid process and on the occipito-atlantal (C0 –C1) energy radiograph absorptiometry were used to confirm the
Pathology of Rheumatoid Arthritis • Puttlitz et al 1609

Table 1. Craniovertebral Junction Finite-Element Model

Characteristics, With Element Types and Number of
Elements Indicated
Structure Element Type Elements

Occiput C3D8 and C3D6 5186
Atlas C3D8 and C3D6 2303
Axis C3D8 and C3D6 2971
Transverse C3D8 60
Superior/inferior cruciform T3D2 6
Alar T3D2 22
Apical T3D2 4
Accessory T3D2 6
Nuchal T3D2 25
Tectoral membrane/ligament T3D2 29
Anterior longitudinal T3D2 22
Posterior C0–C1 capsular T3D2 11
Anterior C0–C1 capsular T3D2 13
Posterior C1–C2 capsular T3D2 12
Anterior C1–C2 capsular T3D2 20
Lateral occipito-atlantal C3D8* 1098
Lateral atlantoaxial C3D8* 1456
Atlantodental C3D8* 291
Transverse ligament–odontoid C3D8* 210
* Surface elements were internally generated from the existing mesh, thus
they represent opposing faces of brick elements.
C3D8 ⫽ linear, isotropic eight-noded element (“brick”); C3D6 ⫽ linear, isotro-
pic six-noded element (“wedge”); T3D2 ⫽ linear two-noded element (no com-
pression transmission, (“cable”).
Both right and left lateral aspects of the occipito-atlantal (C0 –C1) and atlanto-
axial (C1–C2) articulations are modeled separately.

single elastic modulus based on the work of Fielding et al,13

wherein they described the ligament as “a very firm, inelastic
band of tissue.” Other modeled ligaments included the cruci-
Figure 2. Finite-element model mesh of the occiput (C0), atlas (C1) form ligament, alar ligament, apical ligament, accessory liga-
and axis (C2) shown from anterior (A) and lateral (B) viewpoints.
ment, nuchal ligament, tectoral ligament/membrane, anterior
The lateral view also depicts some of the ligaments.
longitudinal ligament, occipito-atlantal capsular ligaments,
and atlantoaxial capsular ligaments. The C0 –C1 and C1–C2
integrity and bony geometry of the cervical spine and occiput. anterior and posterior capsular ligaments were modeled as sep-
The occiput and upper cervical spine were scanned (settings: arate entities. The cruciform ligament was modeled as having
120 kV, 200 mA, 1 second exposure time; slice thickness: 0.5 mm) two segments: the transverse ligament and the superior/inferior
using computed tomography (Toshiba Xpress/SX, Tustin, CA). fascicles. Attachment sites and orientations for each ligament
In all, 188 transverse plane scans were produced. Each plane were determined from direct anatomic dissection and spine
was digitized for nodal output, and elemental connectivities biomechanics/anatomy texts.5,39 Material and geometric prop-
were assigned to the nodes. Stacking of the serial planes pro- erties for the transverse and alar ligaments were determined
duced a three-dimensional model of the C0 –C1–C2 complex from published data.9,26 All other ligaments were assigned
(Figure 2). The cortical and cancellous regions of each bone nominal material and cross-sectional area properties from an
were delineated during model generation such that different earlier FE model of the lower cervical spine.15 The geometric
material properties could be assigned for each region. Bone ele- and material property data are given in Table 2.
ments were mainly eight-noded “brick” elements with some six- Joint articulations were modeled using the ABAQUS Ver-
noded “wedge” elements used for transition areas (Table 1). sion 5.7 (Hibbitt, Karlsson, & Sorenson, Inc., Pawtucket, RI)
The upper cervical spine ligaments (except the transverse deformable sliding formulation. Six sliding articulations were
ligament) were modeled using three-dimensional “hypoelastic” incorporated into the model: right and left occipito-atlantal
cable elements (no compression transmission). The transverse joints, right and left atlantoaxial joints, dento-atlantal joint
ligament was modeled using eight-noded brick elements such (between the anterior aspect of the odontoid process and the
that modeling of the odontoid process–transverse ligament ar- posterior aspect of the anterior ring of the atlas), and the trans-
ticulation could be reproduced and represented, as dictated by verse ligament– odontoid process articulation (between the
the FE code. This modeling technique was capable of being transverse ligament and the base of the posterior aspect of the
implemented with no axial compression force transmission in odontoid process). The model consisted of 12,661 elements
the longitudinal direction of the ligament. and 19,185 nodes, with further details provided in Table 1. All
In addition, the transverse ligament was modeled using a model solutions were obtained using ABAQUS.
1610 Spine • Volume 25 • Number 13 • 2000

Table 2. Material and Geometric Properties Used to Represent Various Components in the Model
Material Young’s Modulus (MPa) Poisson’s Ratio Cross-Sectional Area (mm2)

Cortical bone 10,000 0.3 —
Cancellous bone 450 0.3 —
Transverse (%) 20.0 0.3 18†
Superior/inferior cruciform (%) 6.0 (⬍17), 10.0 (⬎17) 0.3 5
Alar (%) 5.0 (⬍17), 8.5 (⬎17) 0.3 22†
Apical (%) 6.0 (⬍17), 10.0 (⬎17) 0.3 5
Accessory (%) 6.0 (⬍17), 10.0 (⬎17) 0.3 5
Nuchal (%) 12.0 (⬍17), 20.0 (⬎17) 0.3 5
Tectoral membrane/ligament (%) 6.3 0.3 5
Anterior longitudinal (%) 12.0 (⬍17), 20.0 (⬎17) 0.3 6†
Posterior C0–C1 capsular (%) 6.0 (⬍17), 10.0 (⬎17) 0.3 5
Anterior C0–C1 capsular (%) 6.0 (⬍17), 10.0 (⬎17) 0.3 5
Posterior C1–C2 capsular (%) 6.0 (⬍17), 10.0 (⬎17) 0.3 5
Anterior C1–C2 capsular (%) 0.2 (⬍17), 1.25 (⬎17) 0.3 5
* All ligaments, except the transverse and tectoral membrane ligaments, were modeled as hypoelastic and have different stiffnesses during ligament strain
excursion. Transverse ligament representation using volume brick elements was necessary because of the inclusive modeling of the transverse ligament–
odontoid process articulation.
† When available, geometric data were derived from published studies9,15 and given nominal area properties from an earlier model of the lower cervical spine15
for all other ligaments.

Experimental Design. The model was validated by compar- consistent for all models. The model was constrained at all
ing its kinematic predictions with cadaver data obtained at the nodes located on the inferior surface of the axis. Pure flexion
Iowa Spine Biomechanics Laboratory.14 The model was kine- moments of 1.5 Nm were applied to the occiput for all ligament
matically constrained for all nodes lying on the inferior surface stiffness reduction models and the intact model (baseline data).
of the axis, thus replicating the in vitro study. Occipital mo- The rationale for choosing this load magnitude and for present-
ments of 0.3 Nm, the same location and load magnitude used in ing only the flexion results are discussed in a latter section of
the cadaveric investigation, were applied to the model. Finally, this article.
the range of motion data predicted by the model were com-
pared to published data. Results
In an attempt to determine the role of transverse ligament
destruction in odontoid process erosion, the material proper-
The model was validated by comparing its kinematic
ties of the transverse ligament were varied. Specifically, the predictions with cadaver data14 at 0.3 Nm of pure mo-
stiffness of the transverse ligament was reduced sequentially by ment loading. Table 3 shows the model predictions and
50%, 75%, and 100% (complete removal). Kinematic data, associated cadaver data. All model motion prediction
including coupled motions, were reported to determine the ef- data, including coupled motions resulting from loading
fect of decreases in transverse ligament stiffness on motion in the sagittal (flexion– extension) and frontal planes (lat-
characteristics. eral bending), fell within one standard deviation of the
The stress profile at the transverse ligament– odontoid pro- cadaver data. The range of motion predicted by the FE
cess articulation was monitored to evaluate the change in the model, obtained by applying 1.5 Nm moments on the
local osseous tissue mechanical environment of the axis. In occiput, was comparable with in vivo and in vitro pub-
addition, changes in occipito-atlantal and atlantoaxial articu-
lished data11,12,20,21,29,31,32,38 (Table 4). Specifically, the
lation force transmission were computed. The associated
change in C0 –C1 and C1–C2 capsular ligament forces was
model predicted the combined flexion– extension range
determined from model output. of motion at C0 –C1 and C1–C2 to be 45.5° and 31°,
The role of specific ligament involvement during the devel- respectively. Previous investigations11,32 have reported
opment and advancement of AAS was evaluated by calculating combined occipito-atlantal (C0 –C1) sagittal plane mo-
the AADI and PADI after reductions in transverse, alar, and tions of 50°. Furthermore, Penning31 reported total flex-
capsular ligament stiffnesses. The AADI and PADI values were ion– extension at the atlantoaxial level (C1–C2) to be
determined by computing vector distances from nodal displace- 30°. The model predicted frontal plane C0 –C1 and
ment output, with nodal selection mandating that the inclusive C1–C2 range of motions to be 6.3° and 12.3°, respec-
points fall along the vector connecting the centroids of the tively. Panjabi et al29 reported lateral bending at the
anterior and posterior arches of the atlas. Each specific liga- C0 –C1 level to be 5.5°, and Penning31 reported a C1–C2
ment stiffness was reduced sequentially by 50%, 75%, and
lateral bending value of 10°. Therefore, the model rea-
100% (complete removal) while the other two remaining liga-
ments were held at their baseline (0% reduction) stiffness. Also,
sonably represents, within anatomic variation, “nor-
combinations of two or three ligament stiffnesses were reduced mal” motion in flexion, extension, and lateral bending.
to predict changes in AADI and PADI. Finally, attempts were The kinematic model predictions indicate that flexion
made to correlate the model predictions of AADI and PADI at 1.5 Nm loading did not appreciably increase at either
with values observed clinically during advanced AAS. level during the initial stages of transverse ligament de-
The applied boundary conditions and loadings were struction (Figure 3). However, the atlantoaxial flexion
Pathology of Rheumatoid Arthritis • Puttlitz et al 1611

Table 3. Validation of Model Kinematic Predictions With Cadaver Data for 0.3-Nm Occipital Moment Loading
C0–C1 C1–C2

Applied Moment Cadaver Model Cadaver Model

Rotation Direction Data (°) Prediction Data (°) Prediction

Flexion* 6.5 ⫾ 2.5 5.4 4.9 ⫾ 2.0 3.2
Lateral bending 1.2 ⫾ 0.3 1.0 0.4 ⫾ 1.0 0.3
Axial rotation 0.1 ⫾ 1.3 0.3 0.6 ⫾ 1.5 0.6
Extension* 16.5 ⫾ 7.6 12.4 5.2 ⫾ 2.9 7.9
Lateral bending 1.4 ⫾ 1.3 1.6 0.6 ⫾ 1.6 0.5
Axial rotation 1.9 ⫾ 2.5 0.5 0.3 ⫾ 3.0 1.2
Lateral bending
Extension 1.2 ⫾ 1.2 1.4 0.4 ⫾ 1.0 0
Lateral bending* 3.4 ⫾ 2.8 1.3 4.2 ⫾ 2.8 3.6
Axial rotation 1.0 ⫾ 1.8 0.3 2.3 ⫾ 2.9 2.6
* Main and coupled motions for sagittal and frontal planes are given.
Values are mean ⫾ SD.

rotation increased from 10.6° to 13.7° (29%) when the C0 –C1 and C1–C2, experienced greatly reduced contact
transverse ligament stiffness was reduced from 75% to force transmission after transverse ligament removal
100% (complete removal). (Figure 4). Inconsequential increases (less than 2%)
The average contact stress, in the absence of any lig- in occipital condyle-atlantal superior facet force trans-
ament degradation, at the odontoid process–transverse mission were predicted, with up to 75% reduction in
ligament junction was predicted to be 1281 kPa. Flexion transverse ligament stiffness, whereas right and left
models (1.5-Nm loading) indicate that loss of transverse C0 –C1 lateral facet joints constantly decreased during
ligament stiffness resulted in decreased contact stresses in this time.
the axis at this site, with 50% and 75% reductions re- Flexion (1.5-Nm moment) models predicted that
sulting in decreased mean contact stresses of 880 kPa and changes in articular loading are compensated by contri-
780 kPa, respectively. This was a manifestation of de- butions of the associated capsular ligaments. In a fully
creased force transmission through the contact patch. intact transverse ligament, the anterior and posterior oc-
The initial force resulting from contact was predicted to cipito-atlantal capsular ligaments transmitted 2.6 N and
be 25.2 N, with the 50% and 75% ligament stiffness 49.5 N, respectively, with the atlantoaxial capsular liga-
models predicting that the force transmission would de- ments demonstrating tensions of 0.8 N (anterior) and
crease to 21.3 N and 18 N, respectively. 33.9 N (posterior). Complete transverse ligament disrup-
Occipito-atlantal (C0 –C1) contact forces were pre- tion resulted in atlantoaxial load transfer increases of
dicted by the FE model to be 52.6 N (right) and 26.7 N approximately 50% through the posterior capsular liga-
(left) for the intact transverse ligament case at 1.5 Nm of ments (Figure 5). Occipito-atlantal capsular ligaments
flexion. The same forces for the atlantoaxial (C1–C2) experienced insignificant (less than 1%) increases in their
lateral articulation were reported to be 35.2 N (right) load-bearing role, with up to 75% transverse ligament
and 44.3 N (left) for the fully intact case. Both levels, stiffness reduction.

Table 4. Range of Motion Comparison of the Finite-Element (FE) Predictions With Previously Reported In Vitro and In
Vivo Occipito-Atlantal and Atlantoaxial Range of Motion Measurements for Combined Flexion–Extension and One-Side
Lateral Bending
Study C0–C1 C1–C2

Combined Combined
Flexion–Extension Lateral Bending Flexion–Extension Lateral Bending
Reference Type (degree) (degree) (degree) (degree)

Fick11 In vivo 50 34–40 0 0

Poirier and Charpy32 In vivo 50 14–40 11 —
Penning31 In vivo 30 10 30 10
Werne38 In vitro 13 8 10 0
Panjabi et al.29* In vitro 24.5 5.5 23.4 6.7

FE Model (1998) 45.5 6.3 31 12.3

* Range of motions reported by Panjabi et al. were obtained by 1.5-Nm occipital loading.
The model predictions fall within the reported ranges of motion at C0 –C1 and closely approximate the C1–C2 motions reported by Penning.31
1612 Spine • Volume 25 • Number 13 • 2000

Figure 4. The effect of transverse ligament compromise (0% ⫽

intact, 100% ⫽ complete removal) on percentage of change in
occipito-atlantal (C0 –C1) and atlantoaxial (C1–C2) lateral articula-
tion contact force corresponding to 1.5-Nm flexion loading.

decreasing to 15.28 mm at full flexion. As an isolated

entity, the model predicted that the transverse ligament
had the greatest effect on AADI (Figure 6) in the fully
flexed posture. Without transverse ligament disruption,
both alar and capsular ligament compromise did not
contribute significantly to the development of AAS. Sub-
stantial AAS, increases in AADI greater than 1.5 mm
(AADI greater than 4.4 mm) or decreases in PADI of 1.5
mm or more (PADI less than or equal to 13.8mm), was
not obtained until the transverse ligament stiffness was
reduced by 75%.
Finally, combinations of alar and capsular ligament
disruptions were modeled with transverse ligament re-
moval in an attempt to describe the interactive effect of
Figure 3. Rotation angle as a function of transverse ligament
compromise (0% ⫽ intact, 100% ⫽ complete removal) at C0 –C1
(A) and C1–C2 (B). Flexion is the main motion (1.5-Nm flexion
moment applied). Lateral bending and axial rotation are coupled

The center of contact force for the C0 –C1 and C1–C2

lateral articulation position was predicted by the model
at full flexion (1.5 Nm). All contact centroids shifted
medially after complete transverse ligament disruption,
with right and left atlantoaxial contact forces moving 1.4
mm and 1.9 mm, respectively. Three of the lateral artic-
ulations evidenced anterior movement, with the left
C1–C2 joint contact moving posteriorly (1.9 mm).
The AADI and PADI values were calculated for all
flexion models (1.5 Nm loading), and the data was com-
pared to the intact case. The baseline model (fully intact
transverse, alar, and capsular ligaments) exhibited atlan-
Figure 5. Effect of transverse ligament compromise (0% ⫽ intact,
todental contact (AADI ⫽ 0 mm) and a PADI of 18.20 100% ⫽ complete removal) on percentage of change in occipito-
mm in neutral (unloaded) posture. In flexion loading, atlantal and atlantoaxial posterior capsular ligament force trans-
the AADI increased to 2.92 mm, with this parameter mission corresponding to 1.5-Nm flexion loading.
Pathology of Rheumatoid Arthritis • Puttlitz et al 1613

changes in the material properties of specific structures can

be evaluated without disrupting other spinal elements. This
is not always possible with physical testing methods. With
respect to the current study, isolated transverse ligament
disruption was difficult to produce in a cadaver model be-
cause it is encased posteriorly by the posterior atlantoaxial
membrane. Disruption of the transverse ligament necessi-
tates partial or complete resection of this membrane. Addi-
tionally, serial sectioning of the transverse (or alar and/or
capsular) ligament is not as representative of the progres-
sive nature of disease states such as RA, in which the entire
ligament may experience material property changes.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this article
represents the first description of an FE technique ap-
plied to upper cervical spine RA involvement. Validation
Figure 6. Anterior atlantodental interval (AADI) calculated for the of the model was accomplished by comparison of model
intact model and models with stiffness reductions of the trans- kinematic predictions with cadaver data at 0.3-Nm pure
verse, alar, and capsular ligaments at the fully flexed posture moment loading. In addition, the model range of motion
(1.5-Nm moment load). The stiffness of each ligament was altered for flexion, extension, and lateral bending was obtained
while the other two ligaments were held at the baseline value
(completely intact). by the application of 1.5-Nm loading. The ranges of
motion predicted by the model fell within the physiologic
range of motion determined by earlier published studies
ligament compromise, which may lead to advanced AAS. (Table 5) using both in vivo and in vitro meth-
Alar ligament compromise with intact capsular liga- ods.11,12,20,21,29,31,32,37 These findings also are in agree-
ments markedly increased the level of AAS (Table 5). ment with the work of Panjabi et al,29 in which they
Subsequent capsular ligament stiffness loss (50%) with determined that 1.5-Nm occipital moments produced
complete alar ligament removal led to an additional de- physiologic range of motion.
crease in PADI of 0.92 mm. Simultaneous resection of Furthermore, the clinical diagnosis and progression of
the transverse, alar, and capsular ligaments resulted in a rheumatoid involvement of the upper cervical spine fre-
highly unstable situation, wherein force equilibrium was quently is obtained by measuring diagnostic criteria on
not attainable by the model. lateral plane radiographs during full flexion. Therefore,
Discussion in order to impose full physiologic flexion on the model,
1.5-Nm occipital pure flexion moment loading was used
Cadaver experimentation of the craniovertebral junction for the evaluation of RA development and progression.
has provided valuable knowledge about its kinematic In reality, this moment value may change from person to
behavior characteristics.11,12,17,20,21,29,31,32,37 However, person because of such factors as age, sex, and muscle
because of the inherent nature in this type of testing, conditions. However, the important point to keep in
cadaver investigation is somewhat limited in its ability to mind is that model AADI and PADI values were calcu-
model progressive disease states accurately. Application lated when the model was at full flexion, thus mimicking
of the FE method for modeling the occipito-atlantoaxial the clinical evaluation of RA.
region allows for investigation of specific structure involve- As with any analytical investigation, the model is not
ment during normal and diseased conditions. Furthermore, without its limitations. The FE model was constructed
using geometric data from a single cadaver, and thus may
Table 5. Combinations of Ligament Stiffness Reductions not represent the range of anatomic variation with re-
With the Resultant Degree of AAS (AADI and PADI spect to bony dimensions. However, this limitation does
Values) at Full Flexion (1.5-Nm Moment) not seem to apply to the determination of AAS. In neutral
posture, the model PADI value was calculated to be 18.2
Reduction in Ligament Stiffness (%) Criteria (mm)
mm, with no AADI. In the study by Boden et al,3 the
Transverse Alar Capsular AADI PADI combined AADI and PADI values averaged 19.3 mm in
patients with isolated AAS (n ⫽ 9). These agreements
0 0 0 2.92 15.28
100 0 50 5.77 12.43
demonstrate that the model mimics the anteroposterior
100 0 75 6.21 11.99 dimension of space available for the spinal cord. Further-
100 50 0 7.42 10.79 more, possible deviations of AADI and PADI from spec-
100 75 0 7.51 10.71
100 100 50 8.43 9.83
imen to specimen and between specimen and radio-
graphic findings may exist, resulting in changes in AADI
AAS ⫽ anterior atlantoaxial subluxation, AADI ⫽ anterior atlantodental inter-
val, PADI ⫽ posterior atlantodental interval. and PADI model absolute values. However, the relative
Zero (0) ligament stiffness values represent completely intact ligament stiff- change in AADI and PADI with transverse ligament stiff-
ness; 100 corresponds to total ligament destruction (via removal).
ness loss will remain the same, and the observation that
1614 Spine • Volume 25 • Number 13 • 2000

major changes occur with transverse ligament stiffness lar regions stemming from stress relief of the associated
loss greater than 75% will still hold. underlying bone. Increased loading of the capsular liga-
Published material and geometric property data were ments compensates for decreased articular joint trans-
used in modeling the transverse and alar ligaments. all mission, perhaps leading to increased joint laxity via lig-
other property data were extracted from a previous ament stretching. The data show that pronounced
model of the lower cervical spine.15 From kinematic flexion motion and anteroposterior translation, quanti-
model predictions (Table 3), it seems that error intro- tated by higher AADI and lower PADI values, occurs at
duced by these approximations was minimal. Finally, the the atlantoaxial level after total transverse ligament dis-
FE model does not include any muscle contributions. ruption. This may expedite the erosion of the lateral joint
Loading by pure flexion moments on the occiput resulted surfaces by allowing excessive motion, especially if sub-
in physiologic range of motion. Therefore, the effect of stantial or complete cartilage erosion is present.
muscle contributions has been reproduced as a whole A mechanical basis for atlantolateral joint erosion is
and, more importantly, should not change the trends supported further by the center of contact force data.
predicted by the model. Furthermore, because all models Progression of the occipito-atlantal and atlantoaxial
were evaluated in flexion, specific muscles producing this contact vectors medially unloads both the right and left
motion should contribute equally and are not likely to be lateral aspects of these articulations. Therefore, it seems
affected by ligament compromise. that all of the model predictions with respect to loading
The anterior atlantodental interval traditionally has changes favor lateral mass resorption of the atlas.
been used as an indicator of AAS. The inclusion of PADI Clinically, the evaluation of AAS in patients with RA
in this investigation was based on several factors. Boden has been accomplished by measuring AADI and PADI on
et al3 were able to demonstrate that preoperative PADI lateral plane radiographs. Using this parameter, the au-
values are a reliable predictor of the development and thors were able to confirm the observation that the trans-
severity of paralysis. They also showed that PADI was a verse ligament is the main stabilizer of anteroposterior
better predictor than AADI of whether postoperative translation stability. Furthermore, the alar and capsular
neurologic recovery was expected. This seems reason- ligaments function as secondary stabilizers to sagittal
able because PADI has been shown to be correlated plane translation. These findings agree in principle with
closely with the space available for the spinal cord.30 the cadaver investigation of Fielding et al,13 in which the
Finally, because PADI values are by nature larger than transverse (primary) and alar (secondary) ligaments were
AADI values, the degree of error introduction from phys- implicated as the main resistors to anteroposterior trans-
ical measurement will be (from lateral plane radio- lation.
graphs) reduced if the PADI parameter is used. The current authors extended these findings by dem-
The observation of erosive damage at the transverse onstrating that the capsular ligament also should be con-
ligament– odontoid process is a commonly observed phe- sidered a secondary stabilizer to anteroposterior transla-
nomena in patients with RA. The model predicts that tion. Also, the level of AAS does not proceed to
stress reduction in the axis at the transverse ligament– pronounced levels (AADI greater than 6 mm, PADI less
odontoid process junction is produced with transverse than 12 mm) until the alar and/or capsular ligament stiff-
ligament compromise. In light of this, the authors believe nesses are reduced by 75%. With complete transverse
that the phenomena observed in the clinical milieu, spe- ligament disruption, the model predicts that isolated alar
cifically erosion of the odontoid process, may not be compromise will produce PADI values between 10 and
entirely the result of enzymatic degradation, but that a 11 mm. Boden et al3 showed that surgical intervention in
coincident mechanical mechanism is contributing to the patients with this degree of AAS (PADI ⬎ 11 mm) was
observed bone loss. That is, the loss of bone at the pos- effective, with excellent potential for some degree of
terior base of the odontoid process may be caused par- postoperative neurologic recovery. Complete transverse
tially by resorption in accordance with Wolff’s law con- and alar ligament resection with capsular ligament in-
siderations. It has been shown clinically that unloading volvement (50% stiffness reduction) will result in PADI
of bone leads to osteopenia and resorption.4,8,24,36,40 values less than 10 mm. Overall, the findings suggest that
This mechanism has been demonstrated specifically in AAS cannot progress to pronounced levels without com-
the lumbar spine using mathematical modeling.16,18 plete disruption of the transverse ligament and signifi-
Another commonly observed phenomenon in patients cant compromise of the alar, capsular ligaments, or both.
with RA is loss of atlantolateral mass osseous tissue.
Involvement of the C0 –C1 and C1–C2 lateral articula-
tions leads to erosive changes in the atlas, resulting in To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study repre-
cranial settling and basilar invagination. The model has sents the first generation of a validated, fully three-
shown that loss of the transverse ligament leads to an dimensional FE model for investigation of RA develop-
associated decrease in the force transmitted through the ment and progression. The motivation for this
occipito-atlantal and atlantoaxial facet joints. As with investigation was a lack of information concerning the
the aforementioned erosion of the odontoid process, biomechanical role, if any, in the progression of RA.
these loading changes favor resorption in the periarticu- With the loss of transverse ligament stiffness, FE model
Pathology of Rheumatoid Arthritis • Puttlitz et al 1615

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