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TOPIC: Which is the better method of evaluation for

Individual assignment or group project?

The management decision problem is to find out Reasons for group projects not being
a better method of evaluation and how much individual assignment be effective. Main
focus is to find out a more effective way for evaluating students.
The research will be carried out by finding answers to some questions that may help
in finding out the basic reasons that why students are not satisfied with the present
technique of group project and will individual assignment will increase their
satisfaction level.
The research design to be used will be mixed technique, quantitative technique with
the help of survey and qualitative with the help of in-depth interview. Sample size will
have minimum of students and professors from the college. The questionnaire pattern
will include multiple choice question, Likert scale and reverse coding.
The client for our research will be Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow and the
respondents will be the students and the faculty members.
After the research is conducted the result is excepted to give the reasons for group
projects not being correct measure of evaluation and the examination department and
faculty will come up with better evaluation technique.

Jaipuria Institute of Management has been evaluating students on a regular basis since
many years apart from written examination on the basis of individual assignments and
group projects as a part of the academic curriculum. But recently it has been observed
clashes between the students regarding the group projects. Students started
complaining that the work is not equally done by everyone but the marks are equally
distributed. So this management decision problem came about to find which is the
better method of evaluating the students performance.

Reasons for group projects not being a better method of evaluation and how
much individual assignment be effective.


Analyzing the current method of evaluation method group projects.

Has the group project evaluation technique achieved its desired goal?
Analyzing the satisfaction level of students about group project evaluation

Analyzing the benefit of individual assignment.
Analyzing the drawback of individual assignment.
Analyzing the goals being achieved by individual assignment.
Comparing both the technique on their merit and demerits and coping up with and
effective evaluation technique.


Is the group project the correct method of evaluation?

Has group project evaluation technique achieved its desired goal?

Are the students satisfied with the evaluation technique of group project?

What are the benefits of individual assignment?

What are the drawbacks of individual assignment?

Which s the better and effective method for evaluation?


Group project is correct method for evaluation.

Group project has achieved its desired goal.

Students are satisfied by the evaluation technique of group project.

Individual assignment is high on benefits and has no drawbacks.

All the desired goals are achieved by individual assignment.

Individual assignment is the better and effective method of two.

RESEARCH DESIGN (Descriptive and Exploratory) : Survey and in-depth interview.


Descriptive research is used to describe characteristics of a population or phenomenon being

studied. It does not answer questions about how/when/why the characteristics occurred.
Rather it addresses the "what" question (what are the characteristics of the population or
situation being studied?).

The characteristics used to describe the situation or population is usually some kind of
categorical scheme also known as descriptive categories. Descriptive research generally
precedes exploratory research.

Hence, descriptive research cannot describe what caused a situation. Thus, descriptive
research cannot be used to as the basis of a causal relationship, where one variable affects
another. In other words, descriptive research can be said to have a low requirement for
internal validity.

The description is used for frequencies, averages and other statistical calculations. Often the
best approach, prior to writing descriptive research, is to conduct a survey investigation.
Qualitative research often has the aim of description and researchers may follow-up with
examinations of why the observations exist and what the implications of the findings are.

In-depth interview
The in-depth interview is a qualitative method of analysis, which proceeds as a confidential
and secure conversation between an interviewer and a respondent. By means of a thorough
composed interview guide, which is approved by the client, the interviewer ensures that the
conversation encompasses the topics that are crucial to ask for the sake of the purpose and the
issue of the survey.
The method of the in-depth interview is appropriate if we need to gain an insight into
individual evaluations of specific material. This method is the right one to choose if the
primary objective with the survey, for example is to evaluate a new packaging, an
advertisement or a storyboard. Namely the method can produce very precise and specific

answers as well as an exhaustive and varied knowledge about individual determined

experiences, opinions and motives, which the group interview and the quantitative methods
cannot encompass.
The method of the in-depth interview is also appropriate if the subject and issues are in the
nature of something controversial, sensitive or tabooed. One of the advantages of the in-depth
interview is that there is time for the respondent, in peace, to further develop and give reasons
for his or hers individual point of views - without being influenced by the opinions of other
Apart from that the method typical involves different techniques which encompass
spontaneous, emotional and perhaps unconscious circumstances within the respondent.

o The method used for this descriptive research will be questionnaire method
where the respondents (professors and students of Jaipuria Institute
Management Lucknow ) will fill in their responses.
o The questionnaire will have a sample size of minimum 50 students and 20
o The questionnaire will mostly have multiple choice questions for easier
and better output.
o The questionnaire pattern would also include Likert Scale and Reverse



The clients for this research is Jaipuria Institute Management, Lucknow and the research
will prove to be beneficial for the examination department and the faculties of the college.
This research will help them make changes in the evaluation technique with respect to
benefits, drawbacks and goal achieved by individual assignment and group projects
The respondents for the research will be the students and the professors of Jaipuria
Institute of Management, Lucknow. They will be surveyed with the help of questionnaire
surveyed and in-depth interview to know their views and outlook towards evaluation
o With this research result we expect that the management and faculty will able
to come up with a better and more effective evaluation technique.
2. Research Methodology Concepts and Cases by Deepak Chawla and Neena Sondhi.

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