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Global Computer Operations


Common CA-7 Commands / General Information

Displaying Job History
Note: CA-7 retains the run logs for the previous 4 days, plus the current day.
(example: 07085)
Note: if DATE not specified, default is current date.
Note: this command displays the Run Log information between
18:00 and 19:00 on day 196.
Note: this will display the date/time of the last run of the job.
Displaying CA-7 Queues
To see the last run status of a Job
Note: displays the Request queue in CA-7. These jobs have been scheduled on CA-7
either by Schedule Scan, being Demanded into the queue, or from being triggered from
another event such as a job completion.
Note: displays the Ready queue in CA-7. These jobs have had all of their CA-7
dependencies and/or requirements satisfied either automatically or manually. Jobs
stay in this queue until system resources such as initiators or tape drives are available.
Note: displays the Active queue in CA-7. These jobs are executing on the system.
Note: displays the JES number of the job. CA-7 job number and the JES number are
not the same.

Global Computer Operations


Displaying Job Requirements and Dependencies

FSTRUC,JOB= jobname,SCHID=nnn

Where nnn is the Jobs Schedule ID.

Note: displays all scheduling information, including schedules, prose, and requirements.
Note: displays all jobs that trigger this job and all jobs triggered by the job.
Note: displays schedule information only.
Note: displays all requirements that must be satisfied before the job will run.
Note: displays all jobs dependent on the completion of this job.
Note: displays all jobs dependent on the completion of this job.
Note: Display the Posted dataset Status
Note: displays the job that triggered this job.
Forecasting Current or Future Schedules

Note: displays the downstream jobs triggered by the job.
Note: displays the downstream jobs triggered by the job on a specific
date and for a specified number of hours.
Note: displays the upstream (jobs that run before) jobs that this job was triggered from.

Global Computer Operations


Note: forecasts the job from the specified date and for the specified span.
Misc. Command and Information
HELP - launches CA-7s help panels.
GRAPHJ - launches CA-7s Automated Performance Analysis reports menu. Enter D
and hit enter for a description of the various reports.
CA-11 notes.

Using a RESTART card in the JCL will bypass all CA-11 processing!

Common Terms and Definitions

When a job enters into the CA-7 queue it can complete normally, execute and fail, or wait
in the queue until all requirements are satisfied. For jobs that execute and fail the
operator can take these actions FORCE COMPLETE - A failed job is marked within CA-7 as a normal completion.
Jobs waiting for the successful completion of this job will now run - if all other
requirements of the job are satisfied.
CANCEL - A failed job is removed from the CA-7 queue. Jobs waiting for the successful
completion of this job will not run unless the requirement for the failed job is manually
satisfied and if all other requirements of the job are satisfied.
TRIGGER - Used to describe relationships between jobs in the same schedule. For
example, job1 can trigger job2. Job2 is then described as having been triggered by Job1.
DEMAND - An operator will demand a job into CA-7 when it needs to be brought into
the queue. Once in the queue, it can be ran immediately, or requirements such as job
completions or submit time can be manually added. Key information needed for a
demand request is schedule id (schid) and if the job will run with triggers or without
triggers. Demand with no triggers will result in a stand alone run. Demand with triggers
will result in all downstream jobs (based on schid) to run.
HOLD - A job can be placed on hold before or after it enters the CA-7 queue. The job
will remain in hold, meaning it will not run, until the hold is removed.
SCHID - A schedule or jobstream can have many different variations. Each variation is
called a schid or schedule id. For example, Job1 may trigger Job 2 on schid 1, but on
schid 3 Job 1 may trigger Job 3.
RESTART - The term restart is interpreted as restarting the job in the step in which it has

Global Computer Operations


RE-RUN - The term re-run is interpreted as re-running the job from the top, or first step
of the job. RESUBMIT and re-run having the same meaning.

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