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11g Administracin I
Duracin: 20 horas
En este curso, los alumnos realizarn las tareas administrativas clave en Oracle Database
11g, como la creacin y control de bases de datos, administracin de usuarios, la
aplicacin de las medidas de seguridad, supervisar el rendimiento y la realizacin de
backup y recuperacin.
Al completar con xito este curso los alumnos sern capaces de:

Implementar una base de datos Oracle 11g.

Crear una base de datos Oracle 11g

Administrar una base de datos

Administrar tablespaces y datafiles

Describir el propsito de los Redo Log Files

Realizar tareas de backup y recuperacin


Conocimientos bsicos de red y dispositivos de red

Conocimientos bsicos de Windows y de entornos de dominio

Conocimientos fundamentales de base de datos

Experiencia previa con Oracle y versiones anteriores es un plus.

Contenido del Curso

Lesson 1: Installing Oracle Database 11g
Install Oracle Database 11g

Lesson 2: Exploring the Oracle Database 11g
ArchitectureUnderstand Database Architecture
Identify Database Object Types
Recognize the Oracle Instance
Understand the User Connection Process
Identify Resources for the DBA

Lesson 3: Creating a DatabaseCreate,
Configure, and Delete a Database Using the DBCA
Use Client and Administration Tools

Lesson 4: Configuring Oracle Net Services
Examine Oracle Net Services
Perform Basic Oracle Net Server-Side Configuration
Perform Basic Oracle Net Client-Side Configuration
Configure Oracle Shared Server
Configure Connect-Time Failover

Lesson 5: Using SQL and PL/SQL
Write Simple SQL SELECT Statements
Filter and Sort Data
Work with SQL Functions
Work with Multiple Tables
Modify Data
Control Database Transactions
Explore PL/SQL

Lesson 6: Managing the Database Instance
Obtain Instance Information
Manage the Database Instance
Organize Database Objects
Describe Database Objects and Their Storage

Lesson 7: Managing Tablespaces and Datafiles

Manage Tablespaces
Find Tablespace and Datafile Information
Resize and Drop Tablespaces
Configure Oracle Managed Files

Lesson 8: Managing Tables and Indexes
Create Tables
Gather and Analyze Table Information
Create Indexes
Implement Integrity Constraints
Maintain Integrity Constraints

Lesson 9: Creating Views and Sequences
Create Views
Create Sequences

Lesson 10: Managing Users and Security
Manage Users
Manage Privileges and Roles
Manage Passwords and Resource Limits
Audit Database Usage

Lesson 11: Monitoring Performance
Manage Locks
Gather and Use Tuning and Troubleshooting Information

Lesson 12: Loading and Unloading Data
Manage Data Using the Data Pump
Move Tablespaces
Load Data Using SQL*Loader
Create and Access External Tables

Lesson 13: Managing Undo DataConfigure
Undo Segments and Tablespaces
Understand Automatic Undo Retention

Lesson 14: Administering and Performing Backups

Create Redo Log Groups and Members
Plan and Configure the Online Redo Log Group
Manage and Maintain Control Files
Back Up the Database
Examine Recovery Manager Concepts

Lesson 15: Administering and Performing Recovery
OperationsManage Recovery
Employ User-Managed and RMAN Recovery
Tune Database Recovery

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