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What Can We Do to Create a Better World?
As pollution goes down, humanity and economies thrive. Public health
improves, as does national security. Weather patterns normalize, debt
and unemployment shrink. It’s time to free ourselves from dirty energy
dependency. Here are some initiatives that we can embrace, as
individuals, communities and nations…
*Become environmentally active.
*Refuse single-use plastic. Say, “No straws please”.
*Divest of fossil fuels. (Rolling Stone Magazine, The Logic of Divestment)
*Buy local, organic, reusable and sustainable products.
*Boycott products made with palm oil or palmitate (deforestation)
*Buy electric and/or hybrid cars and phase out gas-only car production.
* Support mass transit projects instead of car-dependent communities.
*Lessen meat consumption, purchase range free/grass fed meat and dairy, or
better yet, practice a plant-based diet.
*Support low-energy organic farming practices (sequestering all the carbon
pollution we’ve launched into our air, on just 11% of currently unused farmland
(“The Soil Will Save Us” by Kristin Ohlson).
*Install solar, hydroelectric, wind, wave, and geothermal power.
*Help create Community Choice Energy districts in your town (Choice and
competition vs. dirty energy monopolies.)
*Retrofit buildings for energy efficiency.
*Create Community Action Plans in every city and state.
*Enact carbon rebates. Work to place a fee on carbon and give the proceeds to
citizens. There’s worldwide economic, scientific, and social justice support for this. PutAPriceOnIt
*Allow the U.S. military to switch to renewable energy NOW. The Department of
Defense has the desire and the capability.
*Halt fracking for oil and natural gas.
*Stop oil and gas exploration. (There’s already more than enough in known
reserves to support the transition to a carbon free economy.)
*Ban new carbon-based power plants.
*Phase out fossil fuel subsidies. (Fossil fuels receive massive subsidies)
*Ban future drilling and coal mining projects/permits.
*Shut down all tar sands operations. (Extremely dirty oil, deforestation,
*Support campaign finance reform.
Solutions are plentiful (Clean energy provides 5 to 14 times more jobs than fossil
fuel jobs); but we need public and political will to solve the problems. Let’s create
public will by speaking up to your friends, neighbors, and others. Let’s create
political will by contacting our leaders via calls, emails, postcards, tweets, and
visits, using social media, and citizen actions.

The magnitude of climate disruption (global warming/climate change), and the

rate at which it is intensifying, is much greater than most people realize.

These deleterious effects have been readily and increasingly observable for
decades, right in front of our eyes, yet often we have shunned awareness even
though practical solutions exit. Our business-as-usual, toxic environmental
policies and practices of unlimited extraction from nature, continue to degrade
our air, water, soil, food, oceans, forests, health, weather patterns, infrastructure,
biodiversity and our national security. We can do better.

There is a great deal that we as individuals, communities and nations, can and must
do to encourage a rapid shift towards clean energy and to foster positive change. It
is essential that each of us become proactive citizens to create a safer, more just,
sustainable and joyfully livable world for all.

Visit for links, articles, and upcoming podcasts.

Eve Simmons, a.k.a.
Follow @Eve_Simmons on twitter
Many Thanks!

To inquire about booking Eve to speak to your group, call or text 760-613-3023.

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