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Essay (Opinion Based)

Public school vs Private School

Malaysia consists of various schools which are vernacular, smart, boarding,
public, and also private schools. However, a lot of controversy has been raised
over public schooling versus private schooling. Much debate has been made
about the advantages and disadvantages of public and private schools. However,
the choice lies with the parents of school age children. Many aspects must be
reviewed before a choice can be made. These aspects include attention gained
by students, parental involvement, academic issues, costing, and balanced
program as well as many others.
Students who are in private schools are prone to get more attention specifically
individual attention by the teachers. This is because private school classrooms
are small and only hold up 10 to 15 students whereas public school classrooms
simply can hold up to 40 students. Hence, with low ratios of students, teachers
are able to give attention which students deserve. Not only that, discipline is not
a problem; codes of conduct are enforced in private schools. If students
misbehave or break the rules, there will be consequences. While, in public
schools, there will be a lot of disciplinary issues and rules implied by the school is
fully enforced.
The next one will be parental involvement. Private schools require parents to
involve more than public schools What kind of involvement one may ask? Well,
that depends on the parents and the amount of time which they can devote
helping out. It also depends on parents talents and experience. The concept of
three-way partnership is an important part of how the private schools work.
Public school and private school also varies in terms of academic issues. Most
private schools do not have to teach for a test. As a result, they can afford to
focus on teaching your child how to think, as opposed to teaching what the
students have to think. Thats an important concept to understand. In many
public schools poor test scores can mena less money for the school, negatively
publicity and even the chance that a teacher could be reviewed unfavorably.
Private schools dont have those pressures public accountability. They must meet
or usually exceed state curriculum and graduation minimum requirements. But
they are accountable only to their clientele. If the school does not achieve the
desired results, parents whill find a school that does.
Moreover, private schools costs more than the public school.
Ideally parents want their children to have a baalanced program in school. A
balanced program can be defined s equal parts of academics, sports,
extracurricular activities. Most private schools try to achieve that kind of
balanced program.

Malaysia Truly Asia

Malaysia Truly Asia is a slogan for the Tourism of Malaysia which is a national
tourist organization. The Tourism Development Corporation of Malaysia (TDC)
was established on 10th August 1972 as an agency under the former Ministry of
Trade and Industry by an Act of Parliament. The mission of Malaysia Truly Asia is
to market Malaysia as a destination of excellence and to make the tourism
industry a major contributor to the socio-economic development of the nation.
The main objectives of Malaysia Truly Asia are to promote Malaysia as an
outstanding tourist destination, showcase Malaysias unique wonders, attractions
and cultures. Not only that, the tourism of Malaysia is to enhance Malaysias
share market for meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions (MICE).
Increase Malaysias tourism revenue by increasing tourist numbers to Malaysia
and extend their length of stay. Moreover, it helps to develop domestic tourism
and promote new investments in the country as well as provide increased
employment opportunities. Hence, this will positively contribute to the countrys
economic development and quality of life. Malaysia has various cultures, places
to visit, foods to taste, and hospitality and friendliness of the Malaysians.
Malaysia is very well known for its various cultures. Thanks to the colonization by
British and the foundation of the independence, Malaysia became a strong and
unique country. One is able to experience three type of traditions from three
different races which are Malays, Chinese, and Indians in one place. This is why
Malaysia is known as the multiracial country. Malaysians live under one concept
which is the One Malaysia concept. They live and practise each other cultures
without changing their culture.
Next one would be the hospitality and friendliness of Malaysians. Even though
Malaysians stand within different cultures, beliefs, and traditions, they respect
each other regardless of race and skin colour. They are also known for their
hospitality as the Malaysian education cultivates people to be generous and help
anyone who is in need of assistance without any hesitation. Most Malaysians can
speak fluent English, so, one does not have to be scared of being lost in the
bustling street or city.
Moreover, Malaysia is also known as the Food Paradise, where one can taste
diversity of delectable food at reasonable prices. Mamak shops are very famous
and located nearly anywhere at Malaysia. Mamak shops are simply combinations
of Indian and Malay food. Since, Malaysia is a multicultural country, one would
see people using their hands to eat instead of chopsticks or spoons. A Malaysian
would simply eat Nasi Lemak for his breakfast even though it is a Malay food as
Nasi Lemak became Malaysias national dish. There many other different foods to
try; for an example, Char Kuey Teow, Curry Mee, Asam Laksa, Ice Kacang and
Hokkien Mee.
Malaysia has various places to visit. One of it is the Petronas Twin Tower, which is
the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. The Petronas Twin Towers consist of two 88
floor towers. They are also the tallest twin towers in the world. On 41st and 42nd
floors, there is a sky bridge between the two towers. The sky bridge is open to all
visitors, but are limited up to 1000 visitors per day. There are a lot of places to
visit. From modern life style like the Petronas Twin Towers, until traditional places
like China Town and Jalan Petaling. The second will be Malacca. Malacca is one of

the historical places in Malaysia from the British colonization. One would have
many chances to see the remaining British buildings and statues, for an
example, the A Famosa fotress remains by the Portuguese. It is among the
oldest surviving European architectural remains in south east Asia. Malacca is so
historical and keeps a lot of memory not just for Malaysia but also its
neighborhood. Pulau Langkawi is an island which is well-known for the natural
beauty of its beaches. Besides, it is a place where foreigners like to sunbathe and
enjoy a barbecue at night. Not only that, Pulau Langkawi is a duty free island.
Genting Highland is another must visit place in Malaysia. It is a hill resort within
the Titiwangsa mountains. There are a lot of outdoor and indoor theme parks in
Genting Highland which children will enjoy the most. Roller coasters, a ghost
house, and bumper cars shouldnt be missed at Genting highland.
One could certainly picture Malaysia in their mind already. So, if one would want
to have a vacation anywhere, Malaysia would certainly be the place and not only
that, they can also choose Malaysias low cost airline, which is AirAsia and enjoy
the wonders of Malaysia.

National Integration in Malaysia

The Khmer Rouge and the Ku Klux Klan or better known as the KKK are the few of
the many groups or clans that enjoy torturing, abusing or even annihilating
people who are not of their own kind. Even sometimes these days, racial issues
and conflicts often occur in our own country which we call our home. What is
worse is that these problems do not only happen within adults but even among
the students. The numbers of group fights that involve racism between pupils are
gradually increasing in school day by day. It seems like people do not seem to
care anymore for each others well-being. What happened to the message that
was delivered by the late Michael Jackson, fondly known as the King of Pop in the
song Black or White or the song that was sung by the Black Eyed Peas in
Where is the Love?. These are the songs that tried and failed to convey a
message to the people who are carrying out these immoral and beastly acts.
Fortunately, there are still ways to integrate the spirit of unity in our nation.
National unity can be integrated through the practice of equal rights. When this
act is carried out, the majority and minority races will receive equal treatment in
any form of help that is being given out. National unity in Malaysia is definitely
important as a country cannot progress without the co-operation of the people in
the country. On the other hand, the government should impose heavier
punishments on those people who are executing their unruly acts which are
connected to hate and racism. Punishments like putting the wrongdoer into a
prison cell with people of the race he dislikes or jail him for trying to disrupt the
peace in the country. It is essential for this action to be carried out because once
these punishments are being executed; people who are attempting to carry out
their future plans will think twice before they do it.
Another way to integrate national unity in our country is by having a politically
stable country. The political groups in our country recently are being very
competitive to form the government instead of having the peoples welfare at
heart. Political parties in our land should be more concerned about the citizens
trials and tribulations that they are facing every day. By doing that, not only the
political party will contribute hugely to the integration of national unity, but it will
also gain the trust of the citizens to elect the particular party to represent them
as a nation. The particular party should also put their heart and soul into this as
national unity is the backbone to our countrys stability and integrity.
Last but not least, national unity can be achieved when parents and guardians
play their parts as role models and not turn a blind eye towards this epidemic
that is plaguing most countries. Fathers, mothers and even people who greatly
influence children should never criticize people of other races in front of their
children. According to a study made by child experts, children usually follow the
characteristics and attitude of their parents or guardians. This is the main reason
why parents and guardians should always be an example to their children so that
when their children grow up, they will no longer have the mentality that their
ethnicity is always above the other races when it comes to studies, sports or
personal abilities.
Malaysia today stands out in the world as an example of how different ethnic
communities can live in peace and harmony and work together for the progress
and well-being of the nations. However, Malaysia faces a lot of struggles and

challenges daily to form an integrated country. The first one would be, Malaysia
being a country of diverse races, cultures and religions itself. Some people may
not have trust for one another and their inter-racial understanding is very low.
Not only that, Malaysians have different political ideologies and contrasting views
and opinions. Things may get ugly as one would not have respect towards
opposing ideologies. However, we were able to conduct our general elections
peacefully and without bloodshed. Racial and other forms of polarization are the
biggest hindrance to national unity and it should be the responsibility of all
Malaysians to reject racial polarization in whatever form that is detrimental to
national unity.
National Unity is very vital and is the key to Malaysias success. Whether
Malaysia will become a fully developed nation by the year 2020 will depend on a
number of important factors, the most important being national unity. Unity
should therefore be the basis of all programs and activities for nation building.
Malaysians should be more conscious of their role and contribution towards
national unity which is paramount to the nations growth and
development. National development would not be meaningful without
understanding, harmony, goodwill and trust among the multiracial people.
Malaysians must respect each other irrespective of social status, cultural
background, religion and race. Racial diversity might be one of the unique
features of Malaysia but without strong understanding and citizenship
responsibility, the desire to create a Bangsa Malaysia may never be realized.
It is not a doubt that national unity is very important in our country. It is the one and
only thing that keeps all of us bound together, allowing us to live with one another
in peace and harmony. National unity is, of course, possible and achievable but it
can only be obtained step by step and not and overnight achievement. Therefore,
we should all work together as one to continue this effort that was started by our
late Prime Minister Tun Hussien bin Onn for united we stand and divided we fall.

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