Tour Guide Curriculum

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Quality improvement for the cross-border tourism in the Danube Delta

(Romania, Ukraine and Moldova)

Tour guide training curriculum and guidelines

Naturefriends International

Landscape of the Year European Network

for competitive and sustainable tourism
SI2.ACGRACE 034110500

1. The reason and background of the elaboration of this curriculum

Tour guiding is a wide-spread and common form of interpretation at many tourist attractions
and sites, and it is certain that numerous curricula have been written, the purpose of this
curriculum is to provide a flexible and widely adaptable framework for tour guide training
primarily at natural, but also at other heritage sites. It is more of a recommendation and pool
of ideas, but how much of it is used and filling the framework with precise content stay at the
authority of the particular organization that wishes to engage in such a training. Beyond the
actual curriculum it was also considered important to ignite thinking about the potentials of
tour guiding, as only consciously used training and ultimately tours will become effective
tools in site and visitor management.
The document focuses on the interpretation of natural areas, whereas it might be useful at
cultural sites, as well, since some basic principles apply to both settings.
As tour guiding is envisaged here a sustainable tourism form that can enhance local/regional
(business, conservation, management, social, etc.) opportunities, the curriculum is intended
mostly for local/regional organizations and initiatives.
The curriculum was elaborated and financed within the SI2.ACGRACE 034110500 project,
entitled Landscape of the Year - European Network for competitive and sustainable tourism
and within the GIZ / DCC financed project Quality improvement for the cross border
tourism in the Danube Delta (Romania, Moldova and Ukraine).

Landscape of the Year European Network

for competitive and sustainable tourism
SI2.ACGRACE 034110500

2. Tour guiding and what is behind

2.1. The concept of tour guiding
A real definition of tour guiding is provided in the Glossary of Terms, but here more of a
contextual and functional meaning of the term is given.
One approach is that it is a form of interpretation as other interpretive tools are also available
to present a site or attraction to the public. A publication, an exhibition or a film, to quote but
a few other options, are also adequate tools to interpret the very same thing. All of these and
other tools share the same goal to reveal the relevance of the site, draw attention to the assets
there and to underline such details and inter-linkages that would stay hidden for most visitors.
In other words it is a means of communication with the public. However, it has to be stressed
that interpretation is much more than providing information. Mostly because it is indeed a
communication process, where participants (interpreter and visitor) mutually affect each
other. Have you ever had the experience that a very knowledgeable expert presented facts and
data, but without sufficient interpretation and/or the overwhelming use of technical terms
made the whole thing incomprehensible and boring? If something of this kind happens during
a guided tour it will result in disappointment on both the guides and the audiences side.
Losing the audiences attention means that the message communicated does not reach its
target group, while the visitor does not get the sort of service they paid for, i.e. the experience
will be hardly more than the aesthetics of the site (however, it can be already a great thing).
Another approach argues that a guided tour is a management tool, by which visitors
understanding of and attitude to the site can be enhanced. It suggests that it is an educational
activity in order to influence visitors attitude and behaviour, as Beaumont (1998) states to
enhance conservation ethic. The cycle of this process is depicted in figure 1.

Landscape of the Year European Network

for competitive and sustainable tourism
SI2.ACGRACE 034110500

Figure 1: The cause and effect cycle of interpretation

It is indeed an educational and learning process, however under special circumstances. Ham
(1992) rightfully distinguishes free-time and free-choice learning, and learning in a school
setting. The basic difference is the mind-set of our visitors. One can experience this on a
holiday or excursion how much less focused and attentive we are.
But to use tour guiding as a management tool, contrary to the audience, it requires a high level
of consciousness on the managing organizations side both during the planning and execution
phases, not to mention monitoring. While enhancing the above mentioned conservation ethic
should be a fundamental aim, other objectives might also be set, such as informing the public
about the managing organization itself and its activities, to orient visitor flow not to violate
carrying capacity, or lets not be hypocrites, even to generate revenues. As it has been
indicated the primary aim of this document is to aid the interpretation of natural (protected)
areas. And as such it has to be emphasized that achieving management goals in nature
conservation legal tools (e.g. legislation and ranger service) and physical barriers (e.g. fences
and gates) are also important and necessary beyond doubt, but interpretation results in a winwin situationn, thus it enhances the image of the particular area and organization.

Landscape of the Year European Network

for competitive and sustainable tourism
SI2.ACGRACE 034110500

2.2 The attraction

Be it a forest, a meadow, a river, a cave or any other natural site they all have a story to tell.
While our visitors might come only for regeneration or relaxation, once they engage in a
guided tour they are certainly open to hear that story. This way the type of guided tour we
promote here is much more than using the site as a resource, but it definitely should have the
mission to safeguard the sustainable use of the asset(s) and communication of the underlying
meanings and the full-scale sense of the place. Also the central attraction can be an
ambassador to further natural and cultural assets in its environment. Guided tours are also
tools to present the full context. Approaching an attraction with the bigger picture in mind
should also include the consideration of carrying capacity of the attraction and its
environment. In this respect it is not only ecological carrying capacity we should not
compromise, but also physical, social, economical to name only the most important aspects.

2.3. The visitor

The previous section gave an insight in the tour guide (managing organization) and visitor
relationship, emphasizing its mutual nature. It is time to have a more thorough look into the
issues concerning visitors. The basic rule of any interpretive activity is Know your
VISITOR. This way the above figure applies in a reverse situation, i.e. how interpreters
behaviour can change (towards visitors) as a result of learning about the audience and the
attitude change it should cause. To put it more pragmatic, if we know who participate in our
guided tour, we can adapt our programme to their needs, requirements, knowledge level,
abilities, motivations, agendas, etc, while we can achieve our objectives. As admitting visitors
at heritage sites is still often considered merely as a tourism issue, data collection and surveys
on visitors are often restricted to the service/business side of it (e.g. demographics, socioeconomic characteristics, numbers and satisfaction). While these are very important features,
not looking into the learning-knowledge-attitude-behaviour cycle or even specific links within
it gives a quite lop-sided result. In fact, it is not easy at all, but only this way can we reveal
deeper connections and efficiency of our activities.

Landscape of the Year European Network

for competitive and sustainable tourism
SI2.ACGRACE 034110500

2.4. The tour guide

As tour guiding is a live or personal form of interpretation (just like a lecture or a
presentation), the presence of an interpreter, i.e. TOUR GUIDE is indispensible. All in
capital letters, as he/she is another key figure: the front line representative of our organization,
the embodiment of credibility, authenticity and knowledge, but also the one looking after,
serving and directing our visitors. If all these qualities and roles of a guide were
acknowledged, probably it would be a much more respected position. The advantage of this
interpretive form is that real conversation/communication/interaction can develop, thus many
experts consider this one of the most effective interpretation forms.
The next section tries to help to achieve the full potentials of tour guiding.

Landscape of the Year European Network

for competitive and sustainable tourism
SI2.ACGRACE 034110500

3. The curriculum of tour guide training

3.1. Preparation phase

As potential guides are recruited with some purpose, several aspects have to be clear at the
outset, so the organizers, the trainers and the candidates are clear all about the objectives, the
conditions, the course and the expected outcomes of the training.

3.1.1. Key issues to clarify before you start organizing your course:
The need for training.
- Why is the training necessary? What market needs it would serve? Is it a demand within the
organization or maybe the would-be trainees approached your organization?
It is possible that your own organization has a specific need to interpret some assets under its
management, and for that purpose it has to employ or contract guides in some form. As the
candidates have different levels of knowledge and skills they have to be trained to achieve a
minimum standard to interpret the given asset(s).
Very similar demands motivate those organizations, e.g. eco-tourism agencies or umbrella
NGOs employing tour guides (within or out of the target region), which actually do not
manage the asset(s) themselves, but take visitors there.
A somewhat different approach is if tour guiding is a sort of auxiliary service for example in a
family-run pension or small hotel, where the owner wants to broaden his/her tourism offer.
And there is a possibility of a mix of the above types.
But be straightforward with participants on what you can offer when the training is over.
Who are the trainees?

No matter if it is your or others initiative, the candidates will be familiar or rather

unfamiliar with the lexical and technical knowledge on a very different level and their
specific skills have to be enhanced. Also, the trainees motivation might be very
different: some seek employment, others some sort of adventure, and yet others more
professional services or simply fulfilment in personal interests.

Landscape of the Year European Network

for competitive and sustainable tourism
SI2.ACGRACE 034110500

As all personal services, tour guiding too is a form of employment. Local people might
find an alternative or second or even the only job opportunity in tour guiding. Other
advantages of local tour guides are that they have a sense of ownership of, emotional
link to the place, thus they offer a special insight and authenticity. Either way,
involving locals in tour guiding supports sustainable tourism in a region. Of course,
outsiders can become excellent guides, but including local colour in guiding
programmes is always a treat.

You should set your minimum set of criteria how you accept applicants to the course
(e.g. minimum age, minimum educational attainment, etc.)

Consider minimum and maximum number of participants, as too few people might
result in that the course is financially not viable, or if you want to select the best
candidates you might end up with not having real options. On the other hand, you
have to safeguard that there is enough attention paid to each participant, so there
should be an upper limit, as well. An ideal group size is approximately between 10
and 15 to attain nice group dynamics, with the upmost limit of 20.

A mixed composition of participants brings in all sorts of personalities, qualities,

knowledge, competence, etc. It is true in this situation, too Varietas delectat, or in
English Variety is the spice of life.

Who are the trainers?

Of course the content of the training, eventually the necessary knowledge and skills and their
depth will determine what types of trainers are to be involved. But it also has to do with
resource management. Does the staff of your organization have the necessary knowledge and
skills to provide all the training, or do you have to invite specialists? A national park most
probably have excellent botanists and zoologists, but not necessarily someone who can teach
communication skills. Or if the training organization is a municipality or a professional
agency it certainly has to hire external specialist. While you select your pool of experts,
remember to use local skills whenever possible; it contributes to local economy, it enhances
local community development and networking, and again it can be more authentic (however,
interestingly people sometimes give more credit to a stranger). Of course, in order to sustain
high standards you might have to involve guest trainers from outside the region.
Landscape of the Year European Network
for competitive and sustainable tourism
SI2.ACGRACE 034110500

Here we also have to mention teaching skills, as trainers with good communication skills are
not only more enjoyable to listen to and easier to learn from, but also set good examples as
How is the training arranged?
There are subsets of this question to be investigated

How many hours the course will be and what is the length and frequency of the
training sessions? You have to consider the trainees capacities and schedule, as well as
how they can reach the course venue (e.g. public transportation time-table).

Off-season is the reasonable time of any training, partly those ones already involved in
tourism are less busy, and the trainees can readily use their new knowledge and skills
in the coming season. On the other hand some spectacles, such as flowers, birds
cannot be seen for real during the course, so it is worth allocating some occasions in
the vegetation period.

In fact, if there are follow-up training sessions, it is worth scattering them throughout
the year in order to gain an insight in different aspects of nature.

Does the training include staying overnight? If so, what is the venue? Anyhow, if a
training session exceeds 3-4 hours you have to think of some sort of catering, or warn
participants to bring some refreshments.


Indeed, venue of the training itself is a crucial thing, as it comfortably has to hold the
whole group, has to have minimum comfort facilities and sufficient equipment.

The venue can change throughout the course. It can even be an opportunity for
participants to familiarize with different sites and with different settlements.

A very important training venue for nature guides is nature itself, so field trips
should definitely be part of the curriculum.

Landscape of the Year European Network

for competitive and sustainable tourism
SI2.ACGRACE 034110500

As the target audience of this document is more from the public and the not for profit
sectors, the below considerations refer to any financial arrangement that supports
sustainable tourism development criteria in the given area.

Finances is a crucial issue and depends on various factors, e.g. who organizes the
course and for whom, if the course can be implemented with in-house or invited
trainers, etc. As tour guiding is very likely to generate income for the would-be guides
on the long run, taking a training course is a kind of investment, so some tuition fee
can be charged. Also, what is free of charge is usually less valued. On the other hand,
if such a course is organized for local unemployed people with the intention to employ
the most talented few, a free course might be a good educational opportunity to make
your organization more accepted and even transparent within local communities. Also,
the more criteria you set and the more restrictive they are, the fewer applicants you are
likely to receive.

There are more sophisticated methods to compensate or pay back partially or fully the
tuition fee provided the trained guide does use the newly acquired skills, and there is
an organized form of monitoring this activity. This way the financial arrangement can
become a motivation factor, as well.

Transparency of the course:

For the best possible results keep communicating and encourage applicants, participants and
trainers to share their ideas, concerns, so no hidden agenda undermines the outcome. Thus,
besides good planning you have to be adaptive to the particular group and individual needs.
Anyhow, it is inevitable that there are changes during the course of training, e.g. a trainer
unexpectedly gets sick, or the venue has maintenance problems, etc. so flexibility is the
organizers virtue.
Be honest with what you offer and what you expect before, during and after the course.
At some points trainers should be aware of what the others will be talking about in some
details, the elaboration of module descriptors will help to reduce overlaps between modules.
Still one or more staff meetings before, during and after the course will help to achieve the
best coherence of the training.

Landscape of the Year European Network

for competitive and sustainable tourism
SI2.ACGRACE 034110500

It is already a statement on the organizers part, and has a lot to do with transparency. It
includes that you should already state a series of issues in the call for application:

the criteria and form to apply,

the type of certificate you will provide and how it can be used in the future

at least the bullet-points of the course content,

the timeframe of the course (total hours, dates, start and end time of the training

the name of the trainers and their subjects,

if there is an exam and its main features (oral/written/practical; dates; the marking
scheme etc.) or the closure of the training,

the presence/absence policy,

what materials will be provided,

what equipment should participants bring with them,

in case of overflow of applications, the criteria for selecting actual participant (which
might be as easy as first come, first served, but can include more utilitarian

contact person(s) and contact(s) it is better to have only one responsible focal point
to contact both for the trainees and the trainers

You should make the call for application and the application form publicly and easily
available whatever it means in your region. Besides your own channels, you can seek
local/regional organizations interfaces, too.
Allow enough time both for spreading the word that such a course is coming up, so your
target group can learn and think about it well before the application deadline. Also, allow
enough time before the training start to process applications until you come up with the final
Thank everyone for their application and confirm both positive and negative decisions. In the
latter case, if you are in the position to do so, you should give a hint when and under what
circumstances you can accept applications if a further course follows.

Landscape of the Year European Network

for competitive and sustainable tourism
SI2.ACGRACE 034110500

3.2. The content of training

Once the group and the trainers are together and all conditions are given, you can launch the
actual training. First impression is very important and you will be put to test if you fulfil what
you have promised. Remember, there is a big difference between making mistakes and react
adaptively to unexpected circumstances, and losing face for not keeping your promises.
3.2.1. Introduction:

Introduction of participants and trainers (for the latter ones it is better in person, but if
it is not quite feasible, at least through a ppt presentation); it is not only for courtesys
sake, but also you will spend a considerable time together, so everyone should have an
overall idea who are there, what are their motivations, experiences, etc. If you apply
some playful version, it can also reduce formality and tension. Of course, you want to
keep a relaxed discipline, but as your audience here are adult learners, probably you
will not have too many problems with that.

Introduction of the course and its contents. It is worth repeating what has already been
said in the call for application in some more details, with additional and relevant
information. What you consider important, you can repeatedly tell participants
throughout the course, while you should always make relevant announcements about
upcoming issues.

Always make sure that your message got through to everyone. Allocate some time
during the introduction (and at the end of each milestone section) when participants
can ask questions and clarify things.

3.2.2. Core subjects

At this point we have really reached the core subjects. The guidelines here are that besides
scientific precision, the lectures still have to be comprehensible to all. Different competence
levels can be established, but it has to be clear what is the minimum level of knowledge to
finish the course (probably by passing the exams), and what constitutes advanced level.
Besides telling this and to avoid the counter productivity of overwhelming information, you
can motivate your students for individual self-education, if you recommend further readings
and where they are available. This can also be a pattern for the after-course period.

Landscape of the Year European Network

for competitive and sustainable tourism
SI2.ACGRACE 034110500

While too much repetition and overlap between different fields are undesirable, making crossreferences throughout helps reinforcing information and gives new perspectives to the very
same issue.
a, Theoretical background of tour guiding

The definition and history of tour guiding

The importance and functions of guiding today

Categories of guided tours based on mode (i.e. non-motorized ways, such as hiking,
cycling, boating, caving, cross-country skiing or snow-shoeing, horse riding),
difficulty (i.e. physical fitness, technical equipment, terrain), length (adjusted to the
difficulty level), duration, aim and their description

b, The policy of tour guiding, institutional and legal framework


Organizations active and initiatives in tour guiding in the region with a national
(possibly international) outlook

The legal environment of tour guiding - nature conservation, cultural, tourism:

o international strategies and conventions, laws;
o national legislation
o national standards and guidelines related to tour guiding

Regional/local strategies and management plans

c, The natural history of the target area:


Geographical situation, borderlines

Climatic features and their effects

Geology, hydrology and soil characteristics

Botanical assets

Zoological assets


Nature conservation problems, potential dangers and their possible remedies

Nature conservation organizations

d, The cultural and human aspects:

Even though these approaches might seem less relevant in nature guiding, in fact, to present a
region or landscape requires a holistic approach and it also supports the understanding of the
sense of the place.

Landscape of the Year European Network

for competitive and sustainable tourism
SI2.ACGRACE 034110500

History of the region (in a broader context), archaeology

Land use and human-nature interaction (although this can easily be discussed under
the natural history heading, as virtually no land untouched by man has remained in
Europe, what more, anthropogenic landscapes and habitats can be of high ecological
value, this feature is listed here)

Anthropology and ethnography

The tangible heritage (e.g. architecture, traditional utensils and objects, etc.)

The intangible heritage (e.g. traditions, music, dance, literature, etc.)

Cultural organizations

e, Tourism issues:

System of tourism (international and national context) with local/regional focus

Services, programmes and products

Assets, attractions and sites

Tourism stakeholders and their roles (businesses, GOs and NGOs)

The infrastructure of tourism

The infrastructure of guided tours (trails, signs, picnic areas, equipment shops, hire
and repair shops, etc.)

Site specific information available to visitors and media forms

f, Visitor studies
Here the presentation of theoretical knowledge and some level of practice should be

Target groups and their segmentation the visitor profile; individual visitors into
visitor groups

Abilities and fitness with respect to the tour

Cognitive characteristics and the learning process

Psychological characteristics

Visitors needs, motivations and wants

Mapping and monitoring visitor experience and satisfaction

Problem solving and conflict resolution

Landscape of the Year European Network

for competitive and sustainable tourism
SI2.ACGRACE 034110500

g, Interpretation
Here the presentation of theoretical knowledge and practice should be combined.

Planning routes and guided tours

Theme and message development and delivery

Organizing the group (from meeting a group and conducting the tour to finishing the
programme) and group dynamics

Communication skills (verbal and non-verbal)

Using realia and other demonstrative techniques

Communicating competence and authenticity; sustaining leadership

h, Technical issues
This is a section that can be very different contentwise depending on the mode of the tour, and
the curriculum does not aspire to provide as specific guidelines. As this point requires
specialist knowledge and input, and to some extent e.g. horse-back riding competence is a
precursor to participate in horse back tour guide training this section is to be adapted to the
particular needs. Still some general content requirements can be stated. Here the presentation
of theoretical knowledge and practice should be combined.

Necessary equipment and their use (for guide and visitors)

Health and safety (potential dangers and avoiding them, first aid, rescue basics,
emergency contacts, avoiding accidental and deliberate human damage, etc.)

3.2.3. Practicals and field trips

It is absolutely essential to include on site visits. To do so during the training gives a very
precious insight for trainees, as they can take both the visitors and the guides perspectives at
the same time. Although these issues are discussed under a separate heading, as already
indicated above it is actually best if theory and practice are mixed.
Field trips will include a lot of organizational matters, but you can already involve your
candidates in them, like contacting the management of the site to be visited, or in-fact in a
regional course it is even possible that your participants become hosts in such a situation, if
they run or employed at a certain site/asset.

Landscape of the Year European Network

for competitive and sustainable tourism
SI2.ACGRACE 034110500

3.2.4. Before the exam and closing the taught part

Excitement is all around, as some sort of exam should definitely close the training. Latest at
this point trainees should be provided with all training materials. A summary of the course,
and reflecting on its objectives can clarify a lot of things, but definitely participants have to
have an opportunity to ask their questions, too.
Allow enough time, proportionate to the learning material for participants to prepare for the

Exam and after

Trainees should be fully aware of the course of the exam(s). A basic rule while you
encourage participants to broaden their knowledge beyond the course material, it is not very
ethical to ask different things during the exam to what the course materials included, however,
the application of and abstract thinking about the material make an exam a pragmatic
So for transparency, participants have to be informed about the following:

Who the members of the exam board are.

Type of written exam; list of oral exam questions; method of practical exam.

Time constraints.

Marking scheme and minimum pass requirements.

Exam discipline and consequences.

How to appeal.

Re-sit possibilities and requirements (after how much time, if fee applies, etc.), limits
of occasions.

Evaluation sheets from trainees and trainers it is a good way to receive mutual feedbacks, so
successful features can be carried on with, while less successful ones can be improved.
Anonimity might encourage more honest answers, if it is in a questionnaire format, however
oral feedbacks can spark some good discussions, as well. You might as well mix the two.
Issuing certificates should take place within a reasonable time after the exams and
evaluations. It can be in a form and/or part of a community event, but mailing them should be
your last resort.

Landscape of the Year European Network

for competitive and sustainable tourism
SI2.ACGRACE 034110500

Monitoring and follow-up course(s)

For best result in using human resources and gained knowledge is warmly recommended not
to let your certified trainers (and even drop-out applicants) hand even if they are not
employed by your or other organization, or they do not engage in tour guiding immediately.
With time you will have a pool of names, and in case you are approached to recommend
someone, you have it at hand. Of course you should encourage your trainees, too, to stay in
touch with you.
You might develop different levels and different directions of tour guide training, and you
might require to renew certification every 2-3 years as there are always novelties to keep pace
with. System approach safeguards transparency and that the same students will keep coming
back for renewal trainings, or training for different levels or special skills.

Landscape of the Year European Network

for competitive and sustainable tourism
SI2.ACGRACE 034110500

Glossary of terms:
Below some useful terms linked to tour guiding are defined and explained. Here are the links
that have been consulted. Some definitions have been fully borrowed and some further refined
for the purposes of this very project.

A person or group of persons for whom messages and/or services are designed or delivered.
Synonymous terms might include: visitors, learners, customers, users, recreationists,
stakeholders, guests, buyers, consumers, clients, patrons.
The recognition of an individual who maintains a standard of professional practice.
Sometimes used to recognize a program, product or service that maintains or meets an
established standard.
A process by which information is exchanged through a common system of symbols, signs,
language, or behavior.
ResourceAn ethic of planned management of a natural resource or a particular ecosystem
based on balancing resource production, use, allocation, and preservation to ensure the
sustainability of the resource.
ObjectMaintenance and preservation of works of art, artifacts or objects, their protection
from future damage, deterioration, or neglect, and the repair or renovation of works that have
deteriorated or been damaged.
Prescribed standards that enable people to perform successfully by achieving specific
outcomes and completing tasks effectively. A competency may consist of knowledge, skill,
ability, attitudes, values, and/or personal characteristics.

Landscape of the Year European Network

for competitive and sustainable tourism
SI2.ACGRACE 034110500

Typically refers to a written plan outlining what students will be taught (a course of study).
Curriculum documents often also include detailed directions or suggestions for teaching the
content. Curriculum may refer to all the courses offered at a given school, or all the courses
offered at a school in a particular area of study.
(Adapted from Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development)
Environmental Education
A learning process that increases peoples knowledge and awareness about the environment
and associated challenges, develops the necessary skills and expertise to address the
challenges, and fosters attitudes, motivations, and commitments to make informed decisions
and take responsible action. (UNESCO, Tbilisi Declaration, 1978)
Education is the process of developing an individuals knowledge, values and skills and
encompasses both teaching and learning.
A mission-based communication process that forges emotional and intellectual connections
between the interests of the audience and meanings inherent in the resource. (National
Association for Interpretation)
A person who employs a mission-based communication process that forges emotional and
intellectual connections between the interests of the audience and meanings inherent in the
Technique that assists audiences through communication media in making both emotional and
intellectual connections with heritage resources.
Interpretive Program
Activities, presentations, publications, audio-visual media, signs, and exhibits that convey key
heritage resource messages to audiences. (Adapted from US Fish & Wildlife Service)
Interpretive Services
Any personal or non-personal media delivered to audiences.
Interpretive Theme
A succinct, central message about a topic of interest that a communicator wants to get across
to an audience.

Landscape of the Year European Network

for competitive and sustainable tourism
SI2.ACGRACE 034110500

Managing organization
An organization that is legally responsible for the operation and handling of a given site.
Natural Resources
Physical properties, materials, and on-going ecological processes that include but are not
limited to air and water atmospheric resources, marine and freshwater systems; geologic
features and processes; biological entities and systems; natural sound; day and night sky
features and relationships; seasonal and celestial fluctuations; and natural interactive
Personal Interpretation
One person or persons proving interpretation to another person or persons.
Public/ general public
The community at large, without reference to the geographical limits.
Tour guide
A tour guide is a person who is knowledgeable about a resource and is skilled in teaching
others about that resource, and often accompanies visitors from place to place in the area of
the resource. A person normally possesses an area-specific qualification usually issued and/or
recognised by the appropriate authority.
Tour guiding
An interpretive programme when an insightful explanation of the attraction and/or site is
provided by the tour guide. It can last any time less or more than a day. Depending on the
mode of tour it can also include some technical guidance, as well.
Someone travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than
one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes
Tourist attraction
It is a place, object or phenomenon of interest that tourists visit, typically for its inherent or
exhibited cultural value, historical significance, natural or built beauty, or amusement
The systemic process of developing knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes for current or
future jobs through formal or informal learning experiences.

Landscape of the Year European Network

for competitive and sustainable tourism
SI2.ACGRACE 034110500

A visitor is a traveller taking a trip to a main destination outside his/her usual environment,
for less than a year, for any main purpose (business, leisure or other personal purpose) other
than to be employed by a resident entity in the country or place visited. A visitor (domestic,
inbound or outbound) is classified as a tourist (or overnight visitor), if his/her trip includes an
overnight stay, or as a same-day visitor (or excursionist) otherwise.
Visitor Studies
The interdisciplinary study of human experiences within informal education settings; the
systematic collection and analysis of information or data to inform decisions about
interpretive exhibits and programs; measuring or assessing the effects of museum exhibitions
and/or interpretive programs and media on learners.

Landscape of the Year European Network

for competitive and sustainable tourism
SI2.ACGRACE 034110500

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