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Product: OpenText Content Server

Version: 10.5.0
Task/Topic: Features and Functionality
Audience: Administrators
Platform: All
Document ID: 500165
Updated: December 10, 2014

Best Practices

Cluster Management Patch Deployment


Cluster Management Patch Deployment System .................................................... 3
Scope of this Document ......................................................................................... 3
What is it? .................................................................................................. 3
Why did we build this feature? .................................................................. 3
How is it used? .......................................................................................... 4
Patch Deployment System Configuration ................................................................ 5
Cluster Management .............................................................................................. 5
Cluster Audit History ............................................................................................... 6
Managing the Deployment Agents ......................................................................... 6
To Manage Deployment Agents: ...................................................................... 6
Manage Cluster Settings ........................................................................................ 7
To Manage the Deployment Settings: .............................................................. 8
Managing Patches ................................................................................................ 11
View Available Patches: ................................................................................. 11
To View Staged Patches: ............................................................................... 15
To Install Patches: .......................................................................................... 15
OUTAGE WINDOW BEGINS......................................................................... 16
To View Installed Patches: ............................................................................. 17
OUTAGE WINDOW ENDS ............................................................................ 20
Update Analyzer Report - Removable Hotfixes .................................................... 21
Patch Deployment Package Recovery .................................................................... 25
How to Roll Back a Deployment Package ..................................................... 25
Package Recovery Location.................................................................... 25
Package Recovery Manifest File ............................................................. 26
OUTAGE WINDOW BEGINS......................................................................... 29
Shut down the Environment ........................................................................... 29
Roll back the Package ................................................................................... 31
Bring the Environment Back Online ............................................................... 34
SEA Servlet If Applicable ............................................................................ 36
OUTAGE WINDOW ENDS ............................................................................ 38
Post Package Recovery Check ............................................................................ 39
Appendix A Cluster Management Supported Modules ...................................... 44
Appendix B Hosting the Manifest File Locally .................................................... 45
To Host the Manifest File Locally ................................................................... 45
Appendix C - Patches Listed as Removable .......................................................... 46
OUTAGE WINDOW BEGINS......................................................................... 46
OUTAGE WINDOW ENDS ............................................................................ 50
About OpenText ........................................................................................................ 51

Cluster Management Patch Deployment

Scope of this Document
This document will walk through a series of examples on how to acquire and deploy
patches using the new Cluster Management Patch Deployment System on an
OpenText Content Server 10.5 Update 2014-09 cluster. For simplicity, the
deployment will consist of four servers one primary and secondary admin server,
one front end server and one dedicated agents and notification server. The primary
admin server will also serve as the Master system for the Cluster Management Patch
Deployment System.
NOTE: For customers deployed on OpenText Content Server 10.5 Service
Pack 1 or later, please review:
Best Practices - Cluster Management Patch Deployment System
Configuration for CS 10.5 SP1

What is it?
The initial release of Content Server 10.5 included a new cluster management tool
which will allow for easy patch discovery and deployment. Patch dependencies will
now be enforced along with the removal of superseded patches. All patches will be
deployed on a master instance. Once installed the Administrator can validate the
patches before pushing the changes to all other instances in the cluster.

Why did we build this feature?

It is currently difficult and time consuming to discover patches required for a Content
Server deployment. The new patch deployment system will offer a single point of
access, from inside the Content Server 10.5 Administration pages, to discover,
download and deploy patches. Content Server Administrators can now be confident
that their Content Server deployment is at the correct patch level.
Managing and maintaining a single Content Server deployment is challenging; doing
that across a cluster can be extremely difficult. With the new patch deployment
system Administrators can deploy patches on a single "Master" instance. Once
deployed the patches can be tested to ensure satisfaction before deploying them
across the entire Content Server cluster. Patch deployment across the cluster is now
performed by deployment agents removing many of the manual steps and resulting in
a faster, less error-prone patch deployment experience.

How is it used?
Using Content Server 10.5 Administrators can now perform an analysis of the
Master Content Server instance to discover which patches have been installed and
which ones are missing.

Figure 1

Figure 2

NOTE: Cluster Management pages do not work with compatibility

view turned on in IE. This happens for both IE9 and 10. You need
to turn compatibility mode off for the site for it to work or use an
alternative browser.

Patch Deployment System Configuration

Cluster Management
To locate the new Cluster Management tools, login to the admin page and go to the
Server Configuration section, and from here click on Cluster Management.

Figure 3

Cluster Management has the following components:

Cluster Audit History

Manage Cluster Agents

Manage Cluster

Manage Cluster Settings

Manage Master System

Update Analysis

Figure 4

Cluster Audit History

The Cluster Audit History displays the events that happen on a cluster. The Audit
History page displays all events on the available hosts, including:

Event Type is the type of event that occurred.

Date is the date and time of the event.

Result is the outcome of the event. It can be recorded as OK or Error.

Source is the network address of the cluster.

Details list information on the event.

Managing the Deployment Agents

The Deployment Agents displays the host(s) for Content Server. The Cluster Agents
page displays all information about the available hosts, including:

Host, displays the host name.

Port, the port for the host.

Agent Status, lists if the host is active, idle, or offline.

Last Updated lists the most recent time of change made to a Content Server

Status, lists of the host is online/offline. If it is online, detailed information about

the host can be viewed.

To Manage Deployment Agents:

1. Click the Manage Cluster Agents link.

Figure 5

2. On the Cluster Agents page, all the servers in the cluster should be listed. In our
example below, area51 represents the Agents and Notification server, atlantis is
the secondary admin server, discovery2 is the primary admin server and
HAL9000 represents a front end server. The Status should read online for all
hosts. If a Host is offline, the Host cannot be accessed.

Figure 6

3. Clicking on the + adjacent to each host will reveal additional details if required.

Figure 7

Click Admin Home.

Manage Cluster Settings

The Manage Cluster Settings are used by Cluster Management to set the patch
information. The Manage Cluster Settings page set the following information:

Update URL, the URL used for updating the system manifest.

Host, the system used as the template for the other systems in the cluster.

Patch Staging Folder, the location for new patches to be staged for the
database. The staging folder for the patches will be provided automatically. This
location can be changed at your discretion.

To Manage the Deployment Settings:
4. Under the Server Configuration section of the Content Server Administration
page, click on Cluster Management, then click the Manage Cluster Settings

Figure 8

5. The URL for the manifest is available via the online help. From the top of the
page click on the ? and select For this Page.

Figure 48

6. A list of the latest URLs for the Manifest will be displayed in the Help window.

Figure 48

7. Since the operating system for this deployment is Windows, we will copy and
paste the URL into the Update URL box.

Figure 48

NOTE: If Content Server cannot access the manifest file over the
Internet, you can host a copy of it locally on the web server that
you use with Content Server. For more information see:
Appendix B Hosting the Manifest File Locally.

8. Click Check URL to validate the manifest URL.

Figure 10

9. You will also need to specify the master system. Click Browse.

Figure 11

10. Select the host system to be used as the template for the other systems in the

Figure 12

11. The staging folder for the patches has been provided automatically. This location
can be changed at your discretion. Click Save Settings.

Figure 13

12. Click Yes to confirm.

Figure 14


Managing Patches
Cluster Management lists available and staged patches, setting them up for
installation to Content Server. When accessing Managing Patches, the Master
System Analysis will run, but it can be skipped if the system has been recently
validated. Managing Patches has three separate tabs:

Available Patches - lists the available patches on the OpenText Knowledge

Center for download.

Staged Patches - lists patches can be deployed.

Installed Patches - lists the installed patches.

View Available Patches:

13. Under the Server Configuration section of the Content Server Administration
page, click on Cluster Management, then click the Manage Master System link.

Figure 15

14. Click Continue.

Figure 16


15. The system will now be analyzed.

Figure 17

16. View the report, click Continue when complete.

Figure 18


17. A page will load listing the available patches for download.

Figure 19

18. Click on the Details link on each patch to view information on what the patch
addresses. Click Close when complete.

Figure 20


19. Click on the Download link for pat105000004.

Figure 21

20. Click on Save as and save the patch to your download folder.

Figure 22

Repeat steps 17 and 18 to download all the remaining patches.


To View Staged Patches:
21. Click the Staged Patches tab and click Refresh. The four patches we
downloaded will now be listed for installation.

Figure 23

To Install Patches:
It is recommended that the deployment and verification of patch packages be
performed during an outage. Ensure that all Content Server services for each nonmaster instance in the cluster are shut down before deploying the patch package.
Only restart the services once the master instance has been validated.
Ultimately the only OTCS services running are:
Content Server

Admin Server

Cluster Agent

Primary Admin
Server (also
Master System)
Secondary Admin
Agents and
Front End Server 1
Front End Server 2
Front End Server 3
Front End Server 4


22. Select the check box for the patches to install. Once the patches are selected,
click the Deploy button.

Figure 24

23. Click Confirm

Figure 25

24. Click Continue. The patches will be deployed and the Content Server Service
restarted in the background.

Figure 26


25. Click OK.

Figure 27

26. Click OK.

Figure 28

To View Installed Patches:

27. Under the Server Configuration section of the Content Server Administration
page, click on Cluster Management, then click the Manage Master System link.

Figure 29


28. Click Yes to continue.

Figure 30

29. Click on the Installed Patched tab to view the patches recently installed.

Figure 31

NOTE: Occasionally there may be a patch listed in the Installed

Patches page highlighted in yellow with the word (Remove) in the
Description field. To properly remove the file, see
Appendix C Patches Listed as Removable


Deploying Patches to Content Servers in the

30. Under the Server Configuration section of the Content Server Administration
page, click on Cluster Management, and then click on Manage Cluster.

Figure 32

31. The Cluster Management system will analyze the other servers in the cluster by
matching them to the Master System.

Figure 33

32. When the analysis is complete, any patch discrepancies between the master
system and the servers in cluster will be listed under Patches to Deploy. Review
the list and then click Start Deployment.

Figure 34

33. Click Continue.

Figure 35


34. The Deployment Status column will display in real time the stage at which the
deployment process is at. From stopping the services, to patch deployment, and
finally starting the services back up when complete.

Figure 36

Below is an illustration of the Cluster Management Patch Deployment in action.

Figure 37

35. Once complete, a message box will pop up as confirmation. Click OK to


Figure 38

Click Admin Home to exit the menu. Start the Content Server services. Verify your
systems functionality.



Update Analyzer Report - Removable Hotfixes

With the release of Update 2014-03, a new Update Analyzer tool has been built into
the Cluster Management Patch Deployment system. The tool will analyze your
deployment and create a report with a list of the redundant hotfixes which will need to
be removed prior to applying an Update. To run this report, login to the admin page
and do the following:
1. Under the Server Configuration section of the Content Server Administration
page, click on Cluster Management, and then click on Update Analysis.

Figure 39

2. From the Destination Update dropdown, select Update 2014-06.

Figure 40

3. Click on Host to select all the servers in the cluster.

Figure 41


4. Click on Start Analysis located on the right side of the page.

Figure 42

5. Click Yes.

Figure 43

6. The tool will now perform the analysis of the cluster.

Figure 44

7. Once the report completes, click OK.

Figure 45


8. The Analysis Status is listed as complete for all servers in the cluster. Click on the
+ symbol adjacent to each host to view the individual reports.

Figure 46

9. The Analysis Status is listed as complete for all servers in the cluster. Click on the
+ symbol adjacent to each host to view the individual reports. Click on View
Report for each server and make note of the list of removable hotfixes.

Figure 47


10. The Analysis Status is listed as complete for all servers in the cluster. Click on the
+ symbol adjacent to each host to view the individual reports. Click on View
Report for each server and make note of the list of removable hotfixes.

Figure 48

The list should match for each server. In the event they do not, then one or more of
the servers was mismatched in patches. This will help align them all.
You can also consult the OpenText Content Server 10.5 Release Notes for the
complete list of redundant hotfixes. From the list generated in our example report, the
following redundant hotfixes are listed: pat105000060, pat105000065,
pat105000067, pat105000072, pat105000075, pat105000076, pat105000079,
pat105000080, pat105000088,pat105000091, pat105000098, and
The following patch is also deprecated but some files associated with these patches
are categorized as DIFFERENT, and should be backed up since any modifications
will be potentially lost -pat105000097.
NOTE: For details on how to handle redundant patch removal and the
application of new patches while applying an update, review the relevant
documentation for the specific Content Server Update:
Best Practices Applying Update 2014-03 to OpenText Content Server 10.5
Best Practices Applying Update 2014-06 to OpenText Content Server 10.5
Best Practices Applying Update 2014-09 to OpenText Content Server 10.5
Best Practices Applying Service Pack 1 to OpenText Content Server 10.5


Patch Deployment Package Recovery

How to Roll Back a Deployment Package
For this scenario, we will roll back the most recently installed patch deployment
package. To locate what the contents of this package are, we will visit the Master
System, which in this case is the Primary Admin Server.
Figure 39 illustrates the OTCS 10.5 web farm environment we will use as an example
to demonstrate this procedure.

Figure 49
Production OTCS
10.5 Architecture

Package Recovery Location

<OTHOME>/clustermanagement/recovery folder. The screen capture below is from
the master system. The latest package folder is patchdeployment-2014-03-18-1610-25. The same folders and contents will also be replicated on every Content Server
in a cluster provided the Cluster Management Patch deployment tool was used to
apply them.

Figure 50


Inside each folder is the recovery manifest for each package as well as the actual
archive containing the recovery files.
NOTE: If you are rolling back more than one deployment package
please manually recover each of the deployment packages in
reverse chronological order.
When performing a manual recovery, in reverse chronological
order, it is important that no deployment package is skipped. This
ensures the integrity of the Content Server deployment.

We will open the latest package folder patchdeployment-2014-03-18-16-10-25.

Figure 51

Package Recovery Manifest File

The first item to examine is the recovery_manifest.xml file.
The patch deployment system in Content Server has created deployment packages
to support manual recovery in a deployment recovery scenario. Each patch
deployment package contains a recovery manifest. The manifest describes the
actions required to manually recover, restoring your Content Server instance to its
pre-deployment state. Opening the recovery_manifest.xml for patchdeployment2014-03-18-16-10-25 displays the following information:

Figure 52


The table below breaks down the contents of the file:
<recoveryFilesArchive/> An archive which must be extracted over the affected
Content Server instance's OTHOME directory.


A file which must be deleted when performing the

manual recovery.


Description of how the patch deployment package

impacts Content Server. Depending on the impact of
the patch deployment package some additional
manual steps may be required to perform a manual

Examine the <impacts> section first. The type of impact for the Database Schema,
the Content in the File Store, and the Search Index are all listed as false.
If the patch deployment package impacts the content in the file store, search index or
database schema it will be identified in the <impacts> section of the recovery
manifest as true.
NOTE: If there is no recovery_files archive present in the backup
folder, no files were affected by the hotfix deployment and there is
no need to restore the <Content_Server_home> folder to a prior

Performing a manual recovery in this scenario will require the Administrator to

rollback those components as well. It is recommended that any manual recovery
involving such a change is closely managed and verified to ensure the integrity of the
Content Server deployment.
Next, examine the <removeFiles> section. Highlight and make a list of the patch
files which will need to be manually removed once the package is rolled back.

Figure 53


In our example, the following patch files will need to be removed from every server in
the cluster manually:
Retain this list for reference.
Next open the file to examine the contentspecifically the folder
content. If there is a support folder in the list, then the SEA servers (if there are any
in your cluster) will also need to go through a roll-back.

Figure 54

The file contains the archive which must be extracted over the
affected Content Server instance's OTHOME directory. However, the Content Server
services will need to be stopped in order to complete the manual recovery. Once the
recovery is complete the services will have to be started manually.
The next section will walk through the entire process for rolling back a patch
deployment package using our example 10.5 environment.


Shut down the Environment
11. Stop the Load Balancer for Tier One.

Figure 55

12. Shut down the Tier One SEA servers.

Figure 56


13. Stop the Load Balancer for Tier Two.

Figure 57

14. Shut down the individual Content Server services on each of the Tier Two Front
End Content Server servers.

Figure 58


15. Stop the Content Server service and disable it on the dedicated Agents and
Notifications Content Server. Then finally, shutdown the Content Server Services
on the Admin servers.

Figure 59

Roll back the Package

16. Return to the package folder in this example patchdeployment-2014-03-1816-10-25.

Figure 60

17. Right-click on the archive and select Extract All

Figure 61


18. Select the <OTHOME> folder as the target. In this example, it is c:\opentext.

Figure 62

19. Select Do this for all current items and click Yes.

Figure 63

20. Select the checkbox Do this for the next ## conflicts and click Copy and

Figure 64


21. Next, open the <OTHOME>\patch folderin this example c:\opentext\patch
and reference the list of patch files that need to be removed which were obtained
from the <removeFiles> section of the recovery_manifest.xml file.
22. Select pat105000072.txt,pat105000075.txt,pat105000079.txt,
pat105000080.txt,pat105000081.txtand pat105000082.txt.

Figure 65

23. Delete the selected files.

24. Return to the location of the package recovery files in under the
<OTHOME>/clustermanagement/recovery folder. The package folder we
recovered is patchdeployment-2014-03-18-16-10-25. Select the folder and
delete it as a final clean up.

Figure 66


Repeat steps 6-14 for all the Content Servers in the environment, with the exception
of the SEA Servers. In the illustration below, the Admin server (yellow) has had the
package rolled back. The servers shaded in red still need the old Hotfixes removed.

Figure 67

Once all servers are complete, the environment is ready to be brought back online.

Bring the Environment Back Online

25. Start up the Agents and Notifications Content Server Service. Figure 58 below
illustrates the current state of the system.
Load Balancer
(SSL Accelerator Card)

SEA Servers

(Access Tier)

Load Balancer

Front End Servers

(Application Tier)

Figure 68
Agents and
Notifications Server

Full-Text Indexing and

Search Servers

(Data Tier)





26. Start up the individual Content Server service on each Front End server one at a
time and confirm connectivity to the database, EFS and admin servers.

Load Balancer
(SSL Accelerator Card)

SEA Servers

(Access Tier)

Load Balancer

Front End Servers

(Application Tier)

Figure 69
Agents and
Notifications Server

Full-Text Indexing and

Search Servers

(Data Tier)




27. Start up the Tier Two Load Balancer and ensure the four Front End Content
Servers are in the load balancer pool and all is functioning normally.

Figure 70

Next the SEA Servers may need to be updated.


SEA Servlet If Applicable
When a new module or monthly patch is applied to the internal Content Server, the
Support folder must be updated on the SEA Servlet. This ensures consistency
between the two environments. In a rollback situation, if the support folder is part of
the recovery package, then the support folder from the SEA server must be replaced
from one of the front end servers. Select the support folder and copy and replace the
existing support folder on the SEA server.
If there was no support folder in the archive, then skip to step 18.

Figure 71

Figure 72


There is now one SEA Server fully patched (shaded in yellow in figure 63. Repeat for
any additional SEA Servers (marked in green for example in figure 63. Once
complete, the system is fully rolled back.

Figure 73

28. Start up the individual SEA Server services on each SEA server one at a time
and confirm connectivity to the database, EFS and admin servers, via the SEA
Load Balancer
(SSL Accelerator Card)

SEA Servers

(Access Tier)

Load Balancer

Front End Servers

(Application Tier)

Figure 74
Agents and
Notifications Server

Full-Text Indexing and

Search Servers

(Data Tier)





Start up the Tier One Load Balancer and ensure the three SEA Servers are in the
load balancer pool and all is functioning normally.

Load Balancer
(SSL Accelerator Card)

SEA Servers

(Access Tier)

Load Balancer

Front End Servers

(Application Tier)

Figure 75
Agents and
Notifications Server

Full-Text Indexing and

Search Servers

(Data Tier)






Post Package Recovery Check

29. Log in to the Master System and go to the Admin page. Go to the Search
Administration section and click Open the System Object Volume.

Figure 76

30. Check to ensure all the Admin servers are operational and no display errors.
When complete, click Admin Home.

Figure 77

31. Go to the Server Configuration section, and from here click Cluster

Figure 78


32. Click Manage Cluster Agents

Figure 79

33. Check that all agents in the cluster are online. Click Admin Home when

Figure 80

34. Click Cluster Management, Manage Master System. The Master System will
need to have its status updated.

Figure 81


35. Click Continue.

Figure 82

36. The system will now be analyzed for recent changes.

Figure 83

37. The Analysis Report will load when complete. Note the patches that were rolled
back no longer appear. Click Continue.

Figure 84


38. The patches that were removed (pat105000072-82) will now appear in the
Staged Patches tab. Click Admin Home.

Figure 85

39. Click Cluster Management, Manage Cluster. The cluster will need to have its
status updated.

Figure 86

The analysis will run.

Figure 87


40. When the analysis is complete with the message illustrated below, click OK.

Figure 88

The Patch Package Roll Back is complete.


Appendix A Cluster Management Supported

All core modules shipped with Content Server are supported.
Cluster Management Supported Modules for Update 2014-09
Activator for SAP

Extensions for Enterprise Library Search


GUI Enhancements


Object Import CAD Edition

Content Server Advanced State Management

Open Text Attribute Extensions

Content Server Automatic Document Numbering

OpenText Content Server UI Widgets Module

Content Server Automatic Document Numbering Extension

OpenText Content Service

Content Server CAD Manager

OpenText Document Properties Synchronization

Content Server Community

OpenText Electronic Signatures

Content Server Controlled Revision Tracking

OpenText Enterprise Connect

Content Server Controlled Revision Tracking Extension

OpenText Remote Cache Module

Content Server Object Importer

OpenText Tempo Box

Content Server Pulse

OpenText Transmittals

Content Server Web Edit

OpenText XML Workflow Extensions

Content Server Wiki

Physical Objects


Records Management

Email Management Services

Security Clearance

Email Services

Template Workspaces

Extensions for Enterprise Library



Appendix B Hosting the Manifest File Locally

If Content Server cannot access the manifest file over the Internet, you can host a
copy of it locally on the web server that you use with Content Server. The following
instructions show how to use your Content Server support folder (the img virtual
folder, by default) to host a local copy of the Cluster Management manifest file.
NOTE: OpenText updates the Cluster Management manifest file
daily. If you host the manifest file locally, be sure to update it
before you perform any Cluster Management functions that use
the manifest file.

To Host the Manifest File Locally

To host the manifest file locally:
1. Download a copy of the manifest file that is appropriate for your operating
a. Open the address of the manifest file in your browser address bar.
b. Use your browser to save a local copy of the manifest file.
2. Save the manifest file to your <Content_Server_home>\support\ folder.
3. In the Update URL box, enter
Example: Enter
If the Manifest URL Validated dialog box appears, you have successfully hosted
your manifest file locally.


Appendix C - Patches Listed as Removable

Occasionally there may be a patch listed in the Installed Patches page highlighted in
yellow with the word (Remove) in the Description field. To properly remove the file,
ensure that all Content Server services for each non-master instance in the cluster
are shut down before deploying the patch package. Only restart the services once
the master instance has been validated.
Ultimately the only OTCS services running are:
Content Server

Admin Server

Cluster Agent

Primary Admin
Server (also
Master System)
Secondary Admin
Agents and
Front End Server 1
Front End Server 2
Front End Server 3
Front End Server 4


1. Click on the Staged Patches tab.

Figure 89


2. Click on Deploy.

Figure 90

3. The patch which was highlighted will now be listed under Patches to remove.
Click Confirm.

Figure 91

4. Click OK.

Figure 92

The redundant patch will now be removed from the Master system.

Figure 93


5. Click OK to complete the procedure.

Figure 94

6. Next, click on Manage Cluster Agents to ensure Cluster Management can

connect to all the other servers in the deployment.

Figure 95

7. The Status of all the servers should read online. Click on the Cluster
Management link to return to the Cluster Management menu.

Figure 96


8. Click on Manage Cluster.

Figure 97

All servers in the deployment will be analyzed.

Figure 98

9. When complete, the redundant patch will be listed under Patches to Remove.
Click Start Deployment.

Figure 99

10. Click OK.

Figure 100


The redundant patch will now be removed from all Content Servers in the

Figure 101

11. Click OK to complete.

Figure 102

12. Click Admin Home to exit the menu. Start the Content Server services. Verify
your systems functionality.



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