Master of Marketing Course Description

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Faculty of Economic and Administrative Science

Marketing Dept.
Master program of Marketing

Course Description
1. Consumer Behavior


Explains and explores the nature and concepts of human behavior in

general and customer and consumption behavior in particular, and how this
behavior is effected by the surrounding environment, and the relation between
the behavior and the buying decision, buying process, and product positioning.
In addition, course discusses the effect of society, family and reference groups
on the individual decision, and the role of social and cultural determinants in
the consumer behavior.
2. Marketing Communication )7027707(
Provides an advanced overview of marketing communication processes,
and discusses the modern communication theory, and explains the steps of
sending a message, and the role of Promotional Mix in delivering the right
message, the course also covers marketing campaigns management methods
and techniques, as well as measuring the impact of the campaign, and handling
the feedback.
3. Service Marketing


Aims at identifying the nature and concepts of services classifications, the

marketing characteristic, and the services management process, how to prepare
the service, how to prepare the proper Marketing Mix, and how to improve and
measure the consumer perception. In addition, the course covers the differences
between goods and services marketing.
4. Marketing Management (7047322)
Aims at identifying the main functions and methods of the marketing
management, how to apply the strategic dimension in the management process.
The course focuses on timing and resources management in the marketing
activities, in addition to the nature of the relation between the marketing
management and the organization general management.


Marketing Strategies


provides an advance understanding of the various marketing strategies for

better competition in the market place, discusses how a business can maintain a
competitive advantage, how to analyze and develop strategic options for each
strategic business unit (SBU), and optimal methods of strategic marketing, in
addition, how to organize a marketing strategy and control it, measurer it, and
correct it.
6. International Marketing


Overviews nature, scope and importance of international marketing, as

well as its structure, policies, and procedures, discusses how to enter
international markets directly and indirectly, and how to deal with problems of
international marketing competition, in addition the course covers the trading
blocks and the role of the WTO in this field.
7. Marketing Research )7027222(
Focuses on the types, purposes and methods of scientific research
methodology in marketing, and how to subjectively plan and prepare a
marketing research, in addition to the role of marketing information system in
marketing decisions.
8. E-marketing


Discusses the effect of the electronic environment in general and the

internet in particular on the traditional marketing activities, and identify the
importance of electronic communications in the marketing field, how to use
Internet as a part of the marketing activity, and explores the future of the kind
of marketing.

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