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Volume 6, Issue 3.

Fall 2012 $5.00

Magnesium & Vitamin D.

Fall Newsletter


In several recent studies,

the profound benefits of
Vitamin D have been
shown to support bone
health as well as influence
thousands of genes inside
the body. Researchers
have also discover this
nutrients effect in helping
to prevent disorders including cancers as I have reported in previous newsletters. Never the less, even if
one obtains abundant
amounts of Vitamin D,
their still exists a risk that
this co-enzyme will not be
utilized and absorbed effectively without the addition
of Magnesium.
Magnesium is the key to
conversion, metabolism
and the functions of Vitamin D in the body. Researchers have demonstrated that the enzymes that

metabolize Vitamin D are

triggered by Magnesium.
Magnesium also contributes to the relationship of
Vitamin D and calcium.
Vitamin D works to inhibit
the buildup of excessive
calcium from blood and
soft tissues, later sending it
back to the bones for optimal skeletal health. Persons
loose a great deal of Magnesium due to the consumption of processed
foods containing high
quantities of sugars, alcohol and soda. Magnesium
is required for the metabolism of these foods.

well as intake of anti-ulcer

drugs, old age, diabetes
and kidney related issues.
One of the most optimal
ways to raise the magnesium levels in the body are
through the consumption of
high Brix green leafy vegetables such as spinach and
swiss chard. Other dietary
sources of Magnesium can
be found in beans, nuts and
seeds such as pumpkin/
and avocados. Please note
that conventional raised
foods may not be the best
source for increasing your
levels dietary.

Other causes of Magnesium deficiency include:

consumption of pharmaceutical drugs, physical and
mental stress, disorders
such as leaky gut and irritable bowel syndrome as

Pennsylvania Natural Health Freedom Coalition Update.

The Pennsylvania Legislature will convent the end of
September and we are under the impression that the
Safe Harbor/Health Freedom proposed legislation
will be introduced by a
member of the House.
Once this proposed legislation becomes a bill, the
PANHFC will need all the

help and assistance that the

citizens of the Commonwealth can offer to help
protect their rights to
choose any practitioner of
their choosing whether
licensed or not.
A membership application
was enclosed in the Summer newsletter. If you
have not joined PANHFC

Inside this issue:

yet, please consider helping

out in this fight for the
rights to protect your access to natural and traditional health care in the
Please visit for more
information on this organization and the ongoing
legislative actions.

Special points of interest:

Blackstrap Molasses

CDC report/menstruation/chemicals

Parkinsons Disease & Pesticides.

Chemicals and Heart Disease


Junk Food

This information has not been evaluated by the

United States Food and Drug Administration. These
products and or general comments are not intended
to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease, or any
medically diagnosed condition. Please check with
your health care provider before taking any supplements.

Most of the supplements mentioned in this newsletter

are available through this office as an in-stock item
or via a special order. Please inquire as to availability.

Blackstrap Molasses.
The use of blackstrap molasses for health
as well as culinary applications has been
around for years. One of the books I
have in my office dates to the mid 1700s
on the use of blackstrap molasses for
numerous applications. One reason for
blackstraps notoriety is that it is a very
high source or usable iron for the body.
One average tablespoon contains 4.5
grams of iron. This is good for women
who are or may be pregnant or are menstruating as well as people who may be
dealing with an anemic condition. Blackstrap molasses is low in calories and
completely fat free as well as being a rich
source of calcium, copper, manganese
and potassium.
Regular molasses is the first or second
boiling of cane sugar syrup while blackstrap is the third boiling of the syrup. Iron
levels appear to increase by as much as
5% on the third boiling as well as molecularly locking in additional minerals and
nutrients. Three grades of molasses exist:
sulphured, un-sulphured and blackstrap.
The use of sulphur comes into play with
unripe or green sugar cane plants. Sun
ripened sugar cane is processed without
The third boiling of the sugar cane is
necessary to extract sugar from the sugar
cane or beet and produces the thick dark
substance known as blackstrap molasses
which is the most nutrient dense of all the
Using approximately two teaspoons of
blackstrap molasses a day will give you
nearly 12 percent of the daily need of

calcium, as well as some magnesium,

which also helps with the absorption of
calcium and Vitamin D as discussed on
the front page.

since blackstrap molasses is a form of

sugar it is a natural alternative for feeding the beneficial nature of the soil microbes. Since the soil may be lacking in
the sugars that are needed to not only
feed but help increase the microbial activity of the soil, the addition of blackstrap
molasses to a nitrogen fertilizer may actually increase the carbon source for microbes to work with and utilize the nitrogen richness of a fertilizer.

The use of blackstrap molasses, due to its

nutrient composition of calcium, magnesium and B6 has been linked to improving sleep. It also has a high glucose count
and that has been tied to higher tryptophan levels, and tryptophan is the natural
chemical that helps to make a person
tired. A high glucose, rather than sucrose
count may also help boost serotonin levels in the brain leading to better sleep.
When it comes to the soil and plants,
blackstrap molasses has played a dramatic role for generations. If the health of
the garden is suffering and the plants are
being devoured by pests, or if you want
to grow better plants, then adding molasses to the fertilizer may just be what the
soil scientist ordered. In reality, blackstrap molasses in this application is not so
much a fertilizer, but, a food for the soil
and plants as it acts as a food for the beneficial soil microbes and microorganism
as well as a food for the plant leaves.
The reasoning for this is that microorganisms need to feed on a form of sugar, and

In addition, blackstrap molasses has been

used on the skin to help with stress and
wrinkle lines, as well as smooth the skin.
People have used it as a poultice to cover
burns, wounds and cuts as it will seal the
skin injury area. Another reported use is
in the reversal of grey hair. This has been
attributed to the elevated copper levels in
blackstrap molasses and the theory is that
the copper helps stimulate melanin production and this in turn helps to repigment the hair.
Once again, a very economical natural
product that man has used for hundreds
of years that is safe, effective and not
going to break the bank.

"Everybody needs beauty as well as

bread, places to play in and pray in,
where nature may heal and give
strength to body and soul alike."
John Muir.

CDC reports girls exposed to household chemicals menstruate earlier.

In a previous newsletter, I covered the
topic of endocrine disrupters, excitotoxins and related and their interaction on
hormones. Now, the Centre for Disease
Controll in Atlanta is catching up to not
only what I put to paper previously, but,
what we in the health spectrum have been
stating for years. On 31 August it was
reported that a report by Danielle Buttkr,
a reproductive physiologist for the CDC
stated that girls exposed to high levels
of a common household chemical had

Page 2

their first period seven months earlier

issues and problems that may be occurthan girls with lower exposure. Since
ring in our society. The household chemithe age of first menarche has
cal in question in this report is:
fallen over the past century
dichlorobenzene. This chemical
and since a large percentage
is found in a large percentage of
of evidence is pointing to the
common household products
hormone mimicking effects
and may add to the already
of common consumer prodstressed and overloaded toxins
ucts that mimic estrogen
and sensitivities of the human
hormones at the time of pubody.
berty, the CDC apparently is What poisons are in your
starting to wake up to the


Parkinsons Disease Linked to Pesticide Exposure.

A recent review of research at Catholic
University of Louvain, Belgium has confirmed what the natural health community has been stating for years and that is
that Parkinsons disease is linked to occupational exposure to pesticides. The report stated that individuals who have
or are handling pesticides have an
average of over two and a half times
the risk of contracting Parkinsons

ing Group that are used by man are in

pesticides. This data has also been cited
by the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. One of the most
widely used of this group of neurotoxins
is Organochlorine hydrocarbons. This

Today it is reported that over five

billion pounds of pesticides are applied to the crops, household and
other areas we share with insects.
Most if not all of these pesticides
have been documented to be neurotoxic as they damage the nerves and
Agricultural/crop spraying over large commercial field.
nerve transmission. Nine of the
twelve most dangerous chemicals as
reported by the Environmental Work-

compound will cause changes to the central nervous system by altering potassium, sodium and calcium ion channels. In
todays marketplace many of the organochlorines have been replaced by organophosphates, however as I have previously
written, these chemicals alter neurons
by blocking cholinesterase enzymes.
These pesticides not only creates
issues for adults, but children under
the age of nine have more issues with
the neuron disruption. The issues also
translates in the home to the pesticide
residue that is still on conventional
raised foods as well as home sprayed
pesticide control applications and in
our ingesting these chemicals. Today
73% to 90% of conventional fruits
and vegetables contain pesticide residue with at least 5% of the residue
above FDA tolerance limits. Therefore, what are you really consuming?

Household Chemicals and Heart Disease.

In a recently released study by Dr. Anoop
Shankar from West Virginia University
School of Public Health it was reported
that people with higher blood levels of
the common synthetic chemical perfluorooctanoic acid or PFOA were more likely to have diagnosed heart disease and or
strokes. The data for this report was
based on the years 1999 through 2003
and involved 1,216 individuals. The re-

searchers found that the

The superior doctor prevents sickness; considered to be inert.
people with elevated
This chemical is commonThe mediocre doctor attends to
levels of PFOA were
ly found in everyday obtwice as likely to have
impeding sickness; The inferior doctor jects from ski jackets and
cardiac and related health
food containers to carpets.
treats actual sickness.
issues, including higher
By doing a chemical and
~ Chinese proverb.
cholesterol levels, elevatrelated detox it may be
ed blood pressure,
possible to remove these
strokes and insulin resistance. Unlike
contaminates from the body and thereby
other chemicals PFOA was originally
decreasing ones risk for cardiac issues.

Quercetin and Allergies?

Quercetin is a bioflavonoid and a part of
real Vitamin C. Bioflavonoids are antioxidants and are known for providing and
protecting the body from environmental
stressors. Quercetin has been documented to inhibit allergy and inflammatory
responses in the body. In most instances
the allergic response is triggered by contact with a known allergen that is absorbed into the blood system and then the
body releases histamine as a triggering

defense mechanism. The reason Quercetin is effective is that it promotes cell wall
stability of the histamine components. It
has been documented that Quercetin
helps with asthma an inflammation related to the lungs. Since the lungs require
more minerals than any other organ in the
body, the deficiency or metabolic function deficiency of co-enzymes as well as
minerals may be stimulated or boosted by
adding additional nutrients such as Vita-

min C and the Quercetin particulate of

Vitamin C.
Good sources of
Vitamin C are
stinging nettle,
rose hips, certain
citrus fruit and
Acerola cherries.

Caption describing picture or

Page 3

D WA Y N E H A U S , N . D .
Mail Address:
P.O. Box 621,
Abington, PA. 19001-0621.
Office Locations:
Collaborative Care of Abington.
1369 Old York Road,
Abington, PA. 19001
The D-Stress Station.
111 Boal Avenue,
Boalsburg, PA. 16827
Stephen Banko, D.C., FASA.
8362 Six Forks Road,
Suite 204.
Raleigh, NC. 27615.
Contact information.

Healthy Junk Food?

A walk into any store and one is bombarded with packaged foods adverting to
be health, natural and related. But, the
question has to come to mind, what is
really in the packages? A lot of what has
been considered junk food for years has
been repackaged and relabeled with
deceptive semantics and no real
changes. Junk is really still junk.
Some of the new labels have included buzz words like no-trans
fats, added vitamins and minerals.
Just because some box of sugar
filled, artificial color infused cereal
states it is a good source of fiber,
dont be fooled. Most of the packaged material has been so stripped
of any real food qualities that a
multitude of artificial components
must be added back to make it resemble any type of food product.
Remember, the synthetic form of
these added nutrients can not be
adsorbed, absorbed, utilized, assimilated and functional to the body.

One of the other items that one has to

look out for is an ingredient like autolyzed yeast extract. In all honesty this is
just a fancy name for monosodium glutamate or MSG. Yep, no different than the
argument that corn sugar is a fancy name

for High Fructose Corn Syrup. The item

is the same, the name has been changed
to fool the unsuspecting consumer. By
reading labels, by understanding what is
really in the products on the shelf is a
simple way to stay one step ahead of the
foolish semantic game. The other
way to avoid this deceptive form of
marketing is to just avoid the prepackaged game of bate and switch.
By purchasing and consuming real
foods that one does not need a Ph.
D in chemistry to figure out what it
really is. A simple way to get real
foods that the body can actually
utilize is finding a local farmer, a
local CSA, or a trusted high Brix
food source will eliminate the health
junk food label concerns, provide
you and your bank account with
added savings now and in the future.

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