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Volume 4, Issue 3. $5.


Fall 2010

Fall Newsletter.
I N T E R E S T :

W h a t

a r e

This information has

not been evaluated
by the United States
Food and Drug
These products or
general comments
are not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure
or prevent disease
or any diagnosed
medical condition.
Check with your
health care professional before taking
any supplement.

Lets start this newsletter

out with a simple quiz on
Growth Modified Organisms.
If you can answer all of the
questions correctly, then you
are working on your health and
the health of your families. If
you miss any of these questions, then maybe it is time
you look a little deeper and
see exactly what is going on in
the food supply chain.

Any supplement
mentioned in this
newsletter is available through this
office as an in stock
item or via special

1.) There are 4 primary GMO

foods grown in this country.
What are they?

I S S U E :

High Fructose Corn Syrup

House Plants and Clean


Mercury in Fish

w e

r e a l l y

4.) You can detect GM foods in

the grocery store by the PLU
number. A 5 digit sticker beginning with what number

Farm Market Produce Stand. Do you

know where your closest one is?

3.)Genetically Modified (GM)

foods can be dangerous to
pregnant women and children?

6.) Do GM crops harm wildlife?

The average American Male

is 190 lbs. and the female is
164 lbs. and they each consume 1,996 pounds of food
per year! Of that number, 29
pounds is French Fries, 23
pounds is Pizza, 53 gallons of
soda, 24 pounds of Artificial
Sweetener, 86 pounds of fats

8.) Most of the papayas grown

in Hawaii are of GM origin?

Well, how well do you think you


means it is GM?

t h e

processed foods found in grocery stores contain GM ingredients?

9.) If rbGH is used in a dairy

operation, the milk is not Genetically Modified?

2.) Are USDA Certified Organic

Products permitted to contain
any GMOs?

W h a t

e a t i n g ?

5.) 85% of all corn grown in

the United States is GM corn?

7.) An estimated 75% of the

1.) Soy, Corn, Cottonseed,

Canola/Rape. 2.) No. 3.) Yes.
4.) The 5 digit number begins
with the number 8. 5.) True.
6.) Yes. 7.) Yes. 8.) True. 9.)
rbGH is considered to be a
form of genetic manipulation
or modification of the product.
Do you really know the source
of your food? The ingredients
used in food production?

A v e r a g e A m e r i c a n
C o n s u m i n g !
and oils, 110 pounds of Red
Meat, 74 pounds of Poultry,
16 pounds of Fish and Shellfish, 33 pounds of Eggs, 32
Pounds of Cheeses, 600
pounds of Dairy Products other
than cheeses, 415 pounds of
Vegetables, 134 pounds of
Wheat Flour, 181 pounds of

i s

Beverage Milks, 56 pounds of

Corn and 42 pounds of Corn
Syrup. Think about these
numbers? Now, do you really
have any question as to why
the average American is sick?
Dis-eased? Has health issues? And how much are YOU
like the average American?

P a g e

F a l l

E x p o s i n g
When the Corn Refiners
Association started a massive media blitz 2 years ago,
promoting High Fructose
Corn Syrup it made a few
people question, why? Could
it be that after 30+ years of
fooling the people on the
dangers of HFC, that the
average person was waking
up? It would appear that
major manufacturers are
finally waking up to the publics demand to stop using

prescriptions of
anti-depressants in
America in 1
greatest danger is
the anesthetization
of the American
mind. Marianne

All health starts with the soil.

Healthy soil, healthy crops.

H i g h

F r u c t o s e

High Fructose Corn Syrup in

their products as they have
started in some situations to
switch to more natural sweeteners. Some of the sweeteners that manufacturers are
using are evaporated cane
juice and other natural sugars. Even Hunts Ketchup is
now stating on their label to
contain NO High Fructose
Corn Syrup. Hopefully, this is
a step to eliminating HFC
from the mass market, facto-

H o u s e

C o r n

N e w s l e t t er .

S y r u p .

ry food chain. The problems

with HFC are reportedly
traced as a causative or contributing factor in diabetes,
obesity, cardiac events, joint
and inflammatory issues,
immunity issues, etc.
If you have not started to
read the labels of processed
and or pre-packaged foods
that you may be still consuming, and if you have not eliminated HFC from your diet,
now may be the time to start!

Where High Fructose Corn

Syrup Starts!

P l a n t s t h a t c a n
P u r i f y t h e A i r .

As we move inside from

the summer, and start to
close the windows and run
the furnace. We are no longer
exchanging the air as we have
in the warmer months. Therefore, more toxins, are inside
our homes. Instead of using
expensive air cleaners, some
common house plants can act
as air purifiers and actually
remove toxins from the air. A
recent NASA report concluded
that house plants can purify
and rejuvenate air within our
houses and workplaces, safeguard us all from any side
effects connected with prevalent toxins such as formaldehyde, ammonia and also benzene. And all of this costs a
few pennies for water. With
this in mind, the following
house plants that provide the
greatest level of air purification are;
1.) Areca Palm Tree.
Tree This
plant has the best air purifica-

h e l p

tion abilities according to the

rating from the NASA researchers and the 8th highest
removal rate for Formaldehyde according to research
done by Dr. Wolverton in a
1985 report. This plant has
also been referred to as the
most effective air humidifier
by MetaEfficient.com.

4.) Boston Fern. This plant

was rated as the most effective for removing Formaldehyde and removed significantly more per hour than any
other plant. Studies have
also found that this plant can
help eliminate heavy metals
such as mercury and arsenic
from soils.

2.) Lady Palm. This plant

received almost the same
rating by NASA as the Areca
Palm Tree. This plant has a
better resistance to drought
and insects. The only difference between the Areca Palm
and the Lady Palm is that the
Lady Palm is not as effective
at the removal of Formaldehyde.

5.) Rubber Plant. This plant

commonly referred to as a
Ficus robusta provides moisture to the air, eliminates bio
effluents, takes volatile organic compounds out of the air as
well as helps suppress air
based microorganisms.

3.) Bamboo Palm. This plant

was rated 3rd in the NASA
report at removing Formaldehyde from the air, as well as
keeping room air clean.

6.) Janet Craig

According to the NASA report,
this plant can remove Formaldehyde at the rate of 1,328
micrograms per hour. This
plant can also remove Xylene
at a rate of 154 micrograms
per hour. This plant is especially helpful in newly car-

V o l u m e

4 ,

I s s u e

3 .

$ 5 .0 0

-peted newly furnished homes and

offices where the formaldehyde levels
are extremely high.

Home canned juices for your health in the winter


7.) English Ivy. If you live in or work in

a place with stagnant air, then this
plant may be the solution. WebMD
has an article on English Ivy claiming
that sixty percent of air based mold
within a space was removed with in six
hours just by adding an English Ivy
plant. This may be an easy way to
decrease allergic reactions in people
with known air based mold issues.
8.) Date Palm Tree. In comparison to
the previously listed types of Palm,
this plant is not a direct comparison.
However, this palm has a distinct reputation to cheer up an area as is noted in a lot of offices as well as helping
to decrease or remove volatile organic
compounds from the surroundings.
This plant is the second highest rated
for removing Formaldehyde , when
used in combination with other plants.
9.) Ficus Alii. This plant is also known
as Ficus Macleilandii and is not as
strong of a pollutant remover as its
cousin the rubber plant, however, it
does remain an excellent addition to
any home or office for addressing air
purification issues.
10.) Peace Lilly. This plant is found in
a lot of shopping malls and busy offices due to its hardy nature. It is a
perfect air cleaner for those who do
not have a green thumb.

11.) Aloe Vera. This is the same plant

that a lot of people have in their
home. The Aloe Vera succulent has a
reputation for removing Formaldehyde
at lower concentrations than a lot of
other plants such as Philodendrons.
This plant can serve as a dual purpose
plant as the healing properties of Aloe
are well documented.
12.) Spider Plants. In his 1985 study,
Dr. Wolverton used the Spider Plant to
remove Carbon Monoxide and Nitrogen Dioxide levels to a near zero reading in approximately 24 hours. Once
again, a large percentage of people
have Spider Plants around and do not
realize just how much work that the
plant is actually doing for them.
13.) Chrysanthemum. Most people
consider Chrysanthemum's to be that
fall plant that every one has around
their home. However, this plant has
many varieties and the indoor varieties have been shown to be very effective at removing volatile organic compounds such as benzenes, a known
carcinogen. Since tobacco products
have been shown to contain benzene,
this plant is a required fixture in any
place where tobacco smoke is present. And as a reminder, the leaves
are mildly poisonous when ingested
and can cause dermatitis issues with
skin exposure.
14.) Heart Leaf Philodendron. The
NASA report showed that this plant
was extremely effective at removing
Formaldehyde from the surrounding
air, especially in high and very high
15.) Snake Plant or Mother of Law
Tongue. This plant like the Peace Lilly
is extremely hardy and a fast grower.
The Snake Plant is excellent for eliminating the majority of toxins in the
modern home or office and are very
content growing in areas where other
types of plants may not thrive and or
will perish. This plant will even thrive
in darker areas.

P a g e

If one has a combination of several of

these house plants throughout their
home or office, the ability of the air to
be cleaned, purified as well as having
Formaldehyde, Benzene, Volatile Organic Compounds and related decreased is greatly enhanced. By decreasing a persons exposure to these
harmful compounds and chemicals
the ability of the immune system
should stay strong and a person
should be able to avoid the multitude
of health concerns and problems associated with the chemical out gassing
in todays homes and offices. If you
feel you have a VOC overload, please
consult with me about VOC testing.

Taking 100%
responsibility for
your life is not
easy, however it is
necessary to
achieve success.
Jack Canfield.

Dried fruits
and vegetables are a
great source
of nutrition
over the
coming fall
and winter




H A U S ,

N . D .

Mail Address:
P.O. Box 491,
State College, PA. 16804-0491
Offices located at:
The D-Stress Station.
111 Boal Avenue,
Boalsburg, PA. 16827.
K&S State Street Retreat, LLC.
62 West State Street, Suite 3.
Doylestown, PA. 18901.
Stephen Banko, DC, FASA.
8362 Six Forks Road, Suite 204.
Raleigh, NC. 27615.

M e r c u r y
In a new report released by the
United States Geological Survey every
single fish tested from 291 fresh water
streams in the United States was
found to be contaminated with Mercury. To follow up this report, Interior
Secretary Ken Salazar stated; This
study shows just how widespread mercury pollution has become in our air,
watersheds and many of our fish in
freshwater streams. This USGS
study was the first to focus on mercury
contamination in streams rather than
lakes, reservoirs, watersheds and
oceans. The highest reported mercury
levels were found in fish obtained from
the costal blackwater streams of the
US Southeast. It is hypothesized that

i n

f i s h

a t

the combination of pine forests and

wooded wetlands found in these regions transformed mercury very effectively into the more toxic form methylmercury. The other areas with the
highest concentrations of mercury
were in areas of mining.
The number one cause of mercury
toxicity and or poisoning in the United
States is from the consumption of fish,
shellfish and seafood. With all of the
known issues surrounding mercury
toxicity and poisoning, is it safe to
even consider consuming any fish?
Just a reminder that mercury levels are
accumulative and are reported to
have massive effects on the nervous
system, especially in fetal develop-

1 0 0 %
ment and children.
Mercury toxicity can be tested for
and addressed in my offices. Please
contact me to discuss this matter in
more detail.

How much mercury is in this fish?

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