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list the 3 gs

draw a caravel

draw a compass

European ExplorationCauses and Effects


Desire for wealth and power. (Gold and Glory)

European explorers hoped to find riches in distant countries and to discover a

sea route to Asia.

Search for spices (nutmeg, ginger, cloves, cinnamon, pepper, etc.) and luxury
goods (silk, gold, silver, jewels, ivory, porcelains, tea, etc.) from Africa and the

Religious aims (God)

Europeans hoped to spread Christianity to people throughout the world and to

drive Muslims out of other lands.

Renaissance spirit
Europeans adventurers wanted to test the limits of human ability and to

explore the unknown. Discover far away places and settle in the new lands.

Improvements in technology

draw an

Europeans began to build stronger, faster sailing ships (caravel, a ship with
two sails one each for running with the wind and for sailing into the wind.

The hull design was improved and could ride out ocean storms.
They could also put canons on the decks of these ships).

They developed better navigational instruments (astrolabe, could tell north

and south of the equator by the position of the stars
magnetic compass, told direction accurately)

did Prince
Henry go
exploring? yes
or no

where was da
Gama the 1st

circle the
country that
got the better
end of the
circle the name
of the treaty

more accurate maps with the discovery of how to find the longitude.

Immediate Effects

Sailors learned more about geography (longitude, latitude, new places, etc.) and
improved navigation.

The Portuguese built plantations and trading posts in West Africa and many
made Africa their home.

Prince Henry of Portugal organized a school for navigation at Sagres, Portugal

and taught navigators how to develop and apply the new sailing innovations.

The Portuguese discovered a sea route to India.

Bartholomew Diaz traveled to the Cape of Good Hope at the tip of Africa. (1488)

Columbus was the first European to reach the Americas. (1492)

Vasco da Gama discovered the route to India and back 27,000 miles (1497-1499)

The Line of Demarcation was established to prevent disputes over newly

discovered lands in the Americas.

The imaginary line was drawn north to south, through the Atlantic Ocean.

Spain was given possession of lands west of that line, while Portugal could claim
lands to the east of the line. (1493)

Treaty of Tordesillas moved the line of Demarcation west. Portugal received

Brazil as a colony. (1494)

Fernando Magellans crew sailed around the world (1519-1522)

He died in the Philippines and his crew finished the trip around the world.

Hernando Cortez landed on the shores of Mexico with his conquistadors

He claimed the land for Spain.

Corts and 600 men reached the Aztec capital of Tenochtitln

By 1521, they had conquered the Aztec empire and captured Montezuma.

Conquest was aided by superior weapons and Native American allies.

European diseases wipe out large numbers of Aztecs

Francisco Pizarro, marched a small force into South America.

He conquered Atahualpa and the Inca Empire.(1532)

write Magellan
and list where
he was the first
to travel
write Aztecs
and the
write incas and
the conqueror

circle what
caused the
need to bring in

Long Term Effects

European nations competed to establish colonies in the Americas

They expanded their wealth and power. (Gold and Glory)

Europe established sea trade with India.


The slave trade expanded.

Epidemics killed most of the native population in the Americas and created a
need for workers.

Slaves provided a quick and available solution to the need for workers.

In 1540, about 10,000 slaves per year were brought to the Americans.

In the 1700s there were about 70,000 slaves per year.

Triangular Trade Route

A network of trading between Europe, Africa, and the Americas made the
Triangular Trade Route.

The Europeans traded goods to traders on the west coast of Africa in exchange
for captured Africans.

These Africans were then transported across the Atlantic to the West Indies and
merchants brought goods produced back to Europe.

Columbia Exchange

The Columbian Exchange, the global transfer of plants, animals, disease, and
food brought together the Eastern and Western hemispheres and touched, in some
way, nearly all the people of the world. (page 572)

Rise of Capitalism

Rise of capitalism resulted from the growth of town and city life and the
expansion of trade.

list the 3
countries that
made up the
triangular trade

Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership and use of
capital (goods and services).

Rise of Mercantilism

Rise of Mercantilism resulted from economic growth and expanding royal power.



Rulers encouraged exports (sell products to other countries) and discouraged
imports (buy products from other countries).

The trade with colonies was expected to supply the home country with great
wealth and new products.


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