John Piasetzki

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John R.

145 Lytton Blvd.
Toronto, Ontario
Canada, M4R 1L6

Phone: +1 (416) 825-9172


B.Sc. Computer Engineering, Queens University, 2011
Introduction to Computer Programming for Engineers 4.0
Object Oriented Programming for Engineers 3.9
Introduction to Software Engineering 3.7
Programming Language Processors 3.7
Ontario College Certificate Chef Training, George Brown College, 2006

Academic Involvement
Teaching Assistant Programming Language Processors, Queens University, Januaray 2010 - May 2010
Teaching Assistant Introduction to Algorithms and Computing, Royal Military College
September 2009 - December 2009
Chair IEEE Student Branch, Queens University, November 2009 - May 2010
Executive ECE Club, Queens University, September 2009 - May 2010

Technical Skills
Languages PHP, Java, Python, C, Pascal, S/SL, HTML/XHTML, Javascript (AJAX, jQuery)
Software Eclipse, vi, Bash, mySQL, Lotus Suite, Joomla, Wordpress, JUnit
Systems Linux (Arch, Debian, Fedora, Redhat, SUSE), UNIX (openBSD, FreeBSD, SunOS), z/OS, Windows
Other CSS, REST, Shell Scripting, Microformats, LATEX

Speechbobble Software Developer, June 2011 - Present
Front End Developer for a Enterprise Social Media J2EE project
Worked with JSP, jQuery, and TomCat
parentInterview Co-Founder, September 2003 - Present
Created an online parent interview scheduling system with PHP and mySQL
Handled all aspects from developement, sales, to hiring our first employee
Avante Security Software Developer, July 2010 - June 2011
Wrote Java Server to communicate with embedded Smart grid devices
Created connector to allow system to receive commands from Utility control systems
John Piasetzki Software Consultant, September 2003 - Present

John R. Piasetzki

Developed XHTML compliant websites for small and mid-sized businesses

Integrated existing systems with new CMS components
Alma Mater Society Web Developer, May 2009 - April 2010
Rebuilt website from scratch and implemented backup and restoration policy
Wrote transition guide to assist with training of next Web Developer
Assisted System Administrator with creating a LAMP web server
IBM Software Developer Intern, May 2008 - August 2008
Performed installation verification testing for WebSphere Integration Developer
Wrote scripts to display bug reports and open features data using Lotus Domino and SQL queries
Created documentation on how to create simple Lotus Domino scripts
Investigated streamlining testing processes to make better use of JUnit tests

Volunteer Work
Web Developer Many Are One, Feburary 2011 - Present
Board of Directors Queens Campus Bookstore, April 2008 - May 2010
Executive Queens Fuel Cell Team, September 2009 - May 2010
IT Officer Queens Engineering Society, April 2008 - March 2009

dyndns shell script to update dyndns
iSpeedDial HTML5 mobile app for iphone to add a speed dial icon to the home page

Project Euler 764/2228 Canada
Google Code Jam 2011 Qualification Round 1399/11846, Round 1C 1011/4196
Google Code Jam 2010 Qualification Round 4203/10192, Round 1C 2142/3006
Google Code Jam 2009 Qualification Round 5907/8289
IBM Master the Mainframe Winner of Part 1 (2007, 2008, 2009)
phpGolf Ranked 102

Last updated: July 22, 2011

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