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May 6, 2016

GC New Horizons Community



One morning as we hustled around the house getting ready for school, my son asked,
Mom, why cant we wear hats in school?
As I grabbed our lunches and bags I answered, Oh...I think its sort of a sign of disrespect.
But after working for six years as an elementary substitute teacher, I know the reason
we dont wear hats in school. We remove our hats to salute the superhero at the front of
the room called Teacher.

Upcoming Events
May 9-13 , 2016

Monday 9:
8 Math Exam
First Newspaper Cartoon In
the USA in 1754.
Tuesday 10:
8 Examen Lengua Espaola
Clean Up Your Room Day
Wednesday 11:
8 Examen Estudios Sociales
National School Nurse Day
Twilight Zone Day
Thursday 12:
8 Examen Ciencias Naturales
International Nurses Day
Kite Day
Da Escolar de las Matemticas
Friday 13:
8 Examen Salud
Tulip Day

My sons first grade superhero teacher and her twin take the polar plunge on behalf of Team Teach to raise funds for Special
Olympics (Photo credit: J. Richey).
For many of us, an occasional glance into a classroom might
cause us to believe the only thing happening inside those cinder
block walls is a sterile approach to cognitive development.
However, the most impressive feats of these superheroes arent
apparent to the casual observer.
A closer look reveals the delicate insight teachers apply as they assess the strengths
and challenges of 20-some little humans. Beyond that, a teacher evaluates the needs of
the class collectively. It changes every year and often throughout the year as students
learn and grow.
In their more tender feats of heroism, teachers diagnose severe cases of math-itis and
determine when I dont feel good really means I dont want to do this. They often
settle recess disputes and mend friendships with all the finesse of a hotel concierge.
It is hard to know whether those skills were honed in the trenches of grad school, student teaching, or classroom experience. Perhaps they come naturally to some. What is
certain is that they are essential skills, but they often go unseen by everyone except the
For the perfectionistic student who is extremely sensitive, a teacher explains that feedback does not mean failure. Together they practice giving and receiving constructive
This is the unseen work of a teacher.
For the passive student who cannot articulate his needs, a teacher encourages him to
find his voice. Then the teacher equips him with a simple script to give words to his
This is the unseen work of a teacher.
For the new student, the teacher accounts for what has previously been taken for granted. An international student may sing a rousing rendition of God Save the Queen or
O Canada but may need help learning the lyrics and meaning of The Star Spangled

This is the unseen work of a teacher.

And for each of these heroic efforts there is no standardized test and no bonus based
on scoring. The unseen work cant be measured or plotted on a graph.
As a result, the reward for such unseen work is only occasional. Most often the rewards come directly from the students. It might be a hug, the evidence of effort, a
note of thanks scrawled in crayon, or perhaps many years later, a diploma.
This year during Teacher Appreciation Week, lets take the opportunity to thank
teachers for the work that is seen, scored, and paid for.
But let us not forget to salute these real life superheroes for the work that is rarely
noticed, measured, or rewarded.
A good education is comprised of both.
Teachers, thank you for doing the important work of teaching, even when it goes unnoticed.
Our hats are off to you!

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