Building Brands in Turbulent Times

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Building Brands in Turbulent Times

Listening in.

What Excites Me?

What Concerns Me?

What I want to understand more


Ideas for my business..

XPotential 2010

The Crisis Global Economic Downturn

We are facing unprecedented times

Most economies are in recession or with

significantly reduced growth

Unemployment rate in the UK at 7.8% in

March 2010, highest in 12 years

US government implemented a $700bn

bailout package to help businesses

UK government implemented a 500bn

bailout package to help the banks

Export-led economic recover will take until

2011 (Growth <1% predicted in 2010)
(Ernst & Young)

Asian Markets are forced to revise their

economic models from export to domestic

XPotential 2010

The Consumer in the Economic Crisis:

Most people have lost value

(homes, jobs, savings)

Dramatically reducing spending

Huge uncertainty and less

confident of the future

Trading down in many categories

(food, personal care, fashion)

Stopping spending in others

(housing, cars, white goods)

Putting put more of their salary

into savings or repaying debt

XPotential 2010

The Consumer in the Economic Crisis:

Has higher affinity to Brands they

trust and have bought over a period
of time

Is not open to risk in new

innovations (products or services)

Is not open to make expensive

commitments for the long term

Is open to low risk promotions or

added value offers but mainly with
Brands they trust

XPotential 2010

The Retailers in the Economic Crisis:

Prioritising cash and working capital

De-stocking to free up cash and reduce risk

Asking for longer credit terms and more flexible


Asking for added value and lower prices from


Running more promotions and offers (av. +9.6%

since last year)

Average saving offered to shoppers

Branded products 29.0% - 35.4%

Own label 23.3% - 30.4%

Source: Compiled for The Grocer 10 April 2010 issue by Assosia.

Note: Typical saving are calculated on a per-item basis c

XPotential 2010

The Company in the Economic Crisis:

Seeing a dramatic reduction on Top Line Sales

Consequent impact on the bottom line


Unrelenting and consistent pressure to

drastically reduce costs and minimise risk:

Typically brand/media communication,

innovation and training will suffer first

More dramatic cost cutting will then follow

Many suppliers are under risk

XPotential 2010


The Global Economic Crisis threatens all companies. No matter what

country, no matter what sector they operate in.

Brands are a Companys most important asset

In turbulent times, customers and consumers will prioritise their

business with Brands that they trust to deliver value

Companies that focus on building brands will have the best

opportunity to emerge as winners

XPotential 2010

What can Brands do to weather the storm?

XPotential 2010


9 Key Success Factors

XPotential 2010


Key Success Factors

1. The importance of a Clear Vision and Strategy

XPotential 2010


1. The importance of a Clear Vision and Strategy

review and align to the year ahead

Crises will come and go

Successful companies will always have a

clear long term Vision and Strategy (3-5

Their Vision and Strategy will always be

built around Building Brand Value not just
the financial measures of Sales and Profit

Successful companies live their Vision,

Strategy and Brands through their people,
process and products to deliver performance

XPotential 2010


Importance of a clear Vision and Strategy

Example: Reckitt Benckiser
Global company with 17 Powerbrands (62% total
business), all either top or number 2 in their
Constant Innovation to provide better products for
Maverick innovations are given a chance to trial (e.g.
AirWick FreshMatic most successful launch in RB
An RB product formulation is revised every 8 hours
Products launched in the past 3 years account for
35% to 40% net revenue

Net revenue has more than doubled in the past 10

RB Sells 15 million consumer units a day across
180 countries
Global citizen attitude of managers is essential in
open-minded and competitive globalization
Sources: Harvard Business Review, April 2010
The Grocer February 6th 2010

XPotential 2010


1. The importance of a Clear Vision and Strategy

review and align to the year ahead

Review the Vision and Strategy with the team. Understand the latest
trends / data on the economic forecast and align the activities and
measures for the coming year

Do not lose sight of the long term review activities and objectives of
your long term strategy to take into account the crisis but ensure that
you are still building towards your Vision

XPotential 2010


1. The importance of a Clear Vision and Strategy

review and align to the year ahead

Communicate: Make sure that your teams are fully aware of the
Vision and Strategy, any changes and understand the
consequences within the crisis

Individuals need to Know and Understand before they will Believe

and Act

XPotential 2010


Key Success Factors

2. Put the Brand at the heart of the organisation

XPotential 2010


2. Put the Brand at the heart of the organisation

The Brand is the most important asset of your


Your Brand is the sum of your emotional

relationship with your customers or consumers

Brands that are invested in in a constant way will

deliver value to the company over many years

XPotential 2010


2. Put the Brand at the heart of the organisation

Every individual in the company has the power to

add value to the brand or to take value away

It is critical for everyone in the organisation to

understand their role in building brands

XPotential 2010


Ensure the Brand is at the Heart of the Organization

Example: Tesco Lotus
The mission of Tesco is to earn a lifetime
of loyalty from its customers
Challenge is to align the individuals in
the company to understand and believe
in the Tesco Lotus Brand
Clarified the Brand and what it means
for Thailand and began to cascade it
through all of the 36,000 employees
Includes People, Processes, Design,
Advertising, Products

XPotential 2010


2. Put the Brand at the heart of the organisation

The crisis is the most important time

to ensure that everyone understands
the Brand

Ensure that you can explain your

Brand clearly to everyone in the

Help them to understand the brand and to

understand how they and their department
contribute to the value of the Brand

Align the departmental objectives with

strategic objectives for the Brands

XPotential 2010


Key Success Factors

3. Focus on your Core offerings but continue to

invest in innovation

XPotential 2010


3. Focus on your Core offerings but continue to invest

in innovation

Every successful company has a core set of

products or services that will deliver 80% of the
value to the company

In time of growth the major investment is

focussed on growth drivers while core products
will attract less investment

XPotential 2010


3. Focus on your Core offerings but continue to invest

in innovation

In times of crisis investments will be

reduced so the core becomes more
important in sustaining the critical mass of
the company

XPotential 2010


3. Focus on your Core offerings but continue to invest

in innovation
Example: Pizza Express
During the economic slowdown, less
people are dining out. To keep attracting
their loyal customers families, young
urbanites who enjoy going out and having
a good time, Pizza Express launched a
series of promotions.
The most successful is the Classic
Favourite Menu 10 favourite mains + a
drink for 10.

XPotential 2010


Focus on the core offering and invest in innovation

Example: Hyundai Assurance Program

Hyundai has been selling more cars when everyone is selling less.
In January of 2009, while nearly every other car manufacturer reported
double-digit sales declines, Hyundai sales were up 14.3% compared to
the same period last year. How did they do it?*
Hyundai Assurance program, allows consumers to return their new
Hyundai without hurting their credit if they lose their jobs.

* Source: Automotive News,, Hyundai says Assurance program is effective, Feb 2009
XPotential 2010


3. Focus on your Core offerings but continue to invest

in innovation

In these times of crisis review your

portfolio strategy.

Continuing high levels of investment in

new products may not be a good short
term decision

Look for opportunities for incremental

innovation on your core ranges

Look for ways of keeping new news but at

little or no incremental cost to the
customer or consumer

Look for ways of increasing the confidence

level of consumers

XPotential 2010


Key Success Factors

4. Focus on your loyal and high potential


XPotential 2010


4. Focus on your loyal and high potential customers

No company will ever have enough resources to meet the

needs of every customer or consumer

Every Brand has its loyal consumers / customers. These

are also called the heavy users

Always ensure that your loyal customers will appreciate

and benefit from your activities

High potential customers are your loyal customers of the

future. Successful companies identify them and
understand their needs

XPotential 2010


Focus on loyal and high potential customers

Example: Essential Waitrose
In March 2009, Waitrose launched Essential
Waitrose -- its first value range to counter
perceptions that it was more expensive than its
rivals on everyday items with the pledge:
'Quality you'd expect at prices you wouldn't'.
Due to the economic downturn, Waitrose was
losing a lot of its core customers to other
supermarkets. Essential Waitrose is part of the
work Waitrose is doing to on improve
customers' value perception.
In the week to June 12, sales of the re-priced and repackaged lines were
up between 20 and 60 per cent. The range has also lifted the grocers
overall sales, with sales increasing 10 per cent year on year each week in
the last month.*
* Source: Retail Week,Waitrose value range lifts sales , 22 June 2009
XPotential 2010


4. Focus on your loyal and high potential customers

Ensure that you have a clear segmentation of your

customers (that you know the core and loyal users,
the high potentials and the low priority)

Ensure that the attention of your sales force,

commercial teams, marketing teams are focussed
mainly on those loyal and high potential customers

Ensure that your teams understand their needs

(from the perspectives of your customers) and build
these into their plans

Use this understanding as a way of adding value to

your customer or consumer


XPotential 2010


Key Success Factors

5. Ensure that your business processes and

teams are efficient and effective

XPotential 2010


5. Ensure that your business processes and teams are

efficient and effective

The Brand of your business is your most

important asset

Your people are the most important way that

you will invest in the brands

For many organisations efficiency is a major

issue people resources are being wasted

XPotential 2010


5. Ensure that your business processes and teams are

efficient and effective

Great organisations ensure that they are able

to focus their resources efficiently and
effectively through:
9 fewer priority business processes that drive
the organisation
9 clear and simply described steps /
frameworks for action
9 training and coaching staff in making
process part of their everyday work

XPotential 2010


Ensure your business processes and teams are

efficient and effective
Example: Unilever
As one of the largest FMCG companies in the
world, business process efficiencies are needed to
maintain their place amongst global leaders
In 2008, 1.1 b savings from supply chain and
operational efficiencies 1
Improved transportation network and
carriers to save money and improve
Rationalization of manufacturing base to
meet target of streamlining 50-60 sites by
Brought logistic and supply chain operation
in Europe together in one regional structure
based in Switzerland.
Embarking on similar move to centralize
supply chain in Asia by moving regional hub
to Singapore
* Source: Unilever annual repor 2008

XPotential 2010


5. Ensure that your business processes and teams are

efficient and effective

Review your Business processes and

prioritise those that deliver the most
value to your Brands

Review the priority processes in

teams to ensure that all the key steps
are clear

Develop training of the teams that

ensures that they know and
understand the process and believe
and act in the best way

Ensure that you have clear measures

(KPIs) designed to measure efficiency
and effectiveness

XPotential 2010


Key Success Factors

6. Maximise your communication investment

XPotential 2010


6. Maximise your communication investment

Communication in many organisations is one of the most
expensive investments of brand building
With the huge fragmentation of media channels
communicating with customers and consumers has
never been more difficult
Communication is also one of the most difficult
investments to measure in terms of a ROI
Communication can take many forms from the
traditional media (radio, TV, Press) through to new
media (sms, internet) through to in-store
communication (Point of Sale, Promotions).

XPotential 2010


6. Maximise your communication investment

Successful organisations have a clear focus of communication on their
target audience, a Single Minded Message and a deep understanding of
the touch points with their consumer / customer
Great communication ensures that the consistent message is received
through a variety of different and relevant media

XPotential 2010


6. Maximise your communication investment

Understand the target audience and the
relevant touch points
Review media channels relevant to your
touch points and each ones role in
delivering the message
Prioritise budget spending in media
channels where your message will be
Address at least 2 objectives: creating
awareness and driving purchase
Create a communication strategy that
ensures that you align the media channels
to deliver a synergistic impact on the

XPotential 2010


Key Success Factors

7. Manage your costs and cash in the best

interests of your Brands

XPotential 2010


7. Manage your costs and cash in the best interests of

your Brands

The Day to Day management of costs and

cash is a core skill which is well controlled
by all organisations

Successful Brand focussed organisations

will continually be challenging themselves
to review and reduce costs across their
entire value chain

The economic crisis is forcing companies

to dramatically reduce costs

Successful organisations will reduce cost

effectively but without harming their

XPotential 2010


7. Manage your costs and cash in the best interests of

your Brands review your entire cost structure

Review your entire cost structure in a

transparent way (include all relevant
stakeholders / department heads)
Understand all the main cost drivers of your
Brands and Business

Ensure that the real / medium long term

implications on the Brand for reductions or
eradication is clear

Set your self a stretching target for reduction

of costs and ensure that you continue to
deliver cost reduction as part of the long
term plan

Communicate the importance of cost

reduction across the entire organisation

XPotential 2010


Manage your costs and cash in the best interest of

your brand
Example: Sainsburys
Sainsburys like-for-like sales were up 5.5% in
2009. Accomplished by cost-cutting, pricecutting and Jamie Olivers appeal1
>75% total cost inflation offset by cost
efficiency programs.2
Significant savings made on improved
distribution network
Cost savings made without touching the
customer experience and without major
changes to communication budget for the

"The fund-raising will

provide us with the financial
flexibility to take advantage
of current opportunities to
grow our business further
and faster."

Improved trade cash flow management,

supported by the growth of Sainsburys supply
chain financing platform has achieved a
working capital improvement of 167 million on
last year in cash generated from operations
Justin King, Sainsburys Chief Executive

Source:, 17 June 2009, Has Justin King rescued Sainsburys by design or is he just lucky?
Source: Sainsburys annual report 2009
Source:, press release 17 June, 2009
XPotential 2010


Key Success Factors

8. Focus on market share and profit

XPotential 2010


8. Focus on market share, working capital and profit

The Crisis is putting pressure on organisations

especially their growth

Successful organisations use a portfolio of

measures of Brand Value including the traditional
measures of financial accounting

Market Share is a key measure for a financial

crisis where markets are falling

Brands that focus on Market Share growth in a

financial crisis will be in a much stronger position
to benefit

Profit and Working Capital measures are essential

to ensure that the fundamentals of the business
are healthy

XPotential 2010


Focus on market share and profit

Example: Virgin Atlantic
Virgin Atlantic reported doubling of profit in
year ended Feb 2009 compared to British
Airways which reported a record 401m pretax loss
Virgin Atlantic trades in the same markets as
British Airways but has less exposure to the
financial services sector and is stronger in
long haul leisure1
Premium air travel is a vital revenue source
for airlines
Virgin Atlantic prides itself on listening to
its customers to provide fun, class and

We have increasing
share in the more
profitable premium
Steve Ridgway: Virgin Atlantic chief

Source:, 26 May 2009 Virgin Atlantic boss warns no airlines will make money this year

NewYorkTimes 5 Feb 2010 British Airways posts surprise quarterly profit

http://finance yahoo com Virg

XPotential 2010


8. Focus on market share, working capital and profit

Review your key measures especially growth

and make realistic adjustments to the

Focus your teams on building market share

Look for opportunities in your key customers

to collaborate and build share

Align the finance team / supply chain and

commercial teams to come up with activities
for working capital improvement to reduce

Make the measures the main topic of every

management team agenda

XPotential 2010


Key Success Factors

9. Manage the short term but prepare for the

longer term

XPotential 2010


9. Manage the short term but prepare for the longer


Every company will go through periods of

growth and periods of decline

Successful companies manage short term

decline to ensure that they emerge stronger
at the end

Successful companies use the opportunity

of the economic crisis to review their plans
and business structure

Successful companies will understand the

long term impact of the crisis on their
consumers, customers and markets

XPotential 2010


9. Manage the short term but prepare for the longer


Use trend analysis to develop scenarios of the long term

impact / changes to the markets you operate in

Ensure that as a management team you understand the

long term implications for your business, brands and
consumers and customers

Review the foundations of your Vision and Strategy to

ensure that they are still strong and will be sustainable for
the long term

If not then adapt or develop a new Vision and Strategy

XPotential 2010



The Global Economic Crisis threatens all

companies. No matter what country no
matter what sector they operate in

Brands are a Companys most important

asset and in these turbulent times
customers will want to do business only
with Brands that they trust

Those companies that focus on their

brands will have the best opportunity to
come out of this crisis as winners with
even stronger and more trusted brands

XPotential 2010


Key Success Factors


The importance of a Clear Vision and Strategy


Put the Brand (s) at the heart of the organisation


Focus on your Core offerings but continue to invest in innovation


Focus on your loyal and high potential customers


Ensure that your business processes and teams are efficient and


Maximise your communication investment


Manage your costs and cash in the best interests of you Brands


Focus on market share and profit


Manage the short term but prepare for the longer term

XPotential 2010


Manage the short term and prepare

for the longer term
Example: Honda UK (Swindon Plant)
Due to the economic slowdown, the
Honda Swindon Plant shut down for 4
Voluntary redundancy was taken by 1300
workers, the remaining 3400 workers
agreed to 3% pay cut for 10 months.
The Honda Jazz Hondas best selling
small car, previously only built in Japan
and China will be built at the Swindon
later this year.
To manage the short term, Honda shut
down temporarily while maintaining their
skilled and loyal workforce. To prepare
for the long term, Honda used the shut
down period to update, streamline and
modernise the production line in
preparation for production of the Jazz.
XPotential 2010


Our Credentials
XPotential is a brand focused strategy consultancy that
helps to align individuals, functions and organisations
throughout the world to create and deliver Brand Value.
We work with some of the worlds biggest brands to deliver
outstanding results. We orientate individuals and teams in the
organisations to focus their responsibilities to deliver value to
their most important asset - their brand. We are proud to have
worked with over 30 companies in over 50 countries and
touched tens of thousands of individuals, delivering some of
their most impressive business results.
We do this through working closely with the leadership of
organisations to develop Brand Centric Vision and Strategy
through a deep understand of the challenges and opportunities
for the Brands and the Company, the Brand Vision and the key
audience for change.
We then design and implement a programme of brand centric
change including communication, engagement, training and
follow up. We have worked both cross functionally and also
through specific areas including sales, supply chain,
innovation, marketing, R&D, finance and HR.

XPotential 2010


We align individuals, functions and organisations,

throughout the world, to create and deliver brand equity
XPotential (Brasil)
Av. Divino Salvador, 716
So Paulo- SP
CEP 04078-012

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4/5 Market Square

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Thailand, 10120

Tel: (55) 11 5051 9194

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Tel: +44 1628 485847

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XPotential 2009


Building Brands in Turbulent Times

XPotential 2010


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